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Chapter 1179: Family Heirloom from Father to Son


Therefore, Cheng Yu nodded with a smile and said, "I understand this. I just want a spacious yard. It doesn't have to be bought, renting is fine. But if I rent, I need at least two years to start.

You should understand this


The man nodded and said, "What about the others? What are your requirements for the house?"

"That doesn't matter. Anyway, whether I rent or buy, I will definitely renovate or even rebuild."

"I'm afraid reconstruction will be difficult. This kind of procedure is difficult to approve. It can only be renovation." Cheng Yu still smiled slightly and said: "As long as the area of ​​​​the house is not increased, the reconstruction procedures should not be that difficult. I guarantee that it will be done according to the original

Just rebuild the foundation of the building. And rebuilding is definitely something that can only be done if you buy a house.

Let’s not discuss these for now.”

The man looked at Cheng Yu again and seemed to have a new understanding of Cheng Yu.

"It seems that not only those who are engaged in art, but also the family is not simple. You rich people just like this kind of petty bourgeoisie and minor things."

Cheng Yu didn't explain, he just waited for the man to give him an answer as to whether there was such a suitable house.

The man returned to the counter, checked on the computer, opened the drawer, and took out a very worn notebook. He almost flipped through it from beginning to end, but he still kept shaking his head. "Sir, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

Okay, there may not be the kind of houses you mentioned around here, but I definitely don't have them here. There are two houses of about 100 square meters, but they are also related to the yards of six owners, and each yard has three owners.

If you want to rent, you have to call three families together to negotiate. No matter how big it is, there is really no one. If you think this one hundred or ten square meters is okay, I will try to help you make an appointment, but you have to think


It’s finalized, I’m still worried about it.”

Cheng Yu was not disappointed. This kind of house was becoming increasingly rare in cities, especially in old towns.

"What's the general situation of those two sets?"

"One set is one hundred and three, and one set is just shy of one hundred and one."

"Are the two sets next to each other?"

The man shook his head and said with a smile: "If they are next to each other, I just thought of it for you. Wouldn't it cost more than 200 square meters to open a door in the middle? The two sets are quite far apart, three alleys apart."

Cheng Yu stood up regretfully and said, "Forget it, I'll look elsewhere first." The man sat back to his original position and said, "Okay, you look elsewhere first. To be honest, I'm here

I have been helping my dad here for more than ten years, and I have never bought a house that meets your requirements.

, whether it is buying or selling or renting. The largest one I have ever seen is only seventy or eighty square meters. You can either go to the south of the city and have a look. The area by the river is probably overhang..."

A voice outside the door interrupted the man and said, "What are you talking about? I think you are very nervous. You and I drive customers out every day. I think you will go drink the northwest wind in the next half of the month." Cheng Yu heard this.

Turning around, he saw an old man in his sixties wearing a coarse cardigan with gray temples walking in. He was also carrying a bird cage in his hand. In the bird cage was a myna. When he saw Cheng Yu,

Immediately attack

He flapped his wings and shouted: "Welcome, rent or buy a house?"

Cheng Yu smiled, walked up to Brother Myna, and teased him: "What do you have to say about buying a house?"

This was probably beyond the scope of what Brother Myna could understand. It flapped its wings and said, "Walk slowly and don't send me away..."

Cheng Yu couldn't help but burst out laughing. The old man couldn't help but raise the birdcage high and scolded Brother Myna: "I see that you and your brother are really close brothers. You have been lazy all day and don't want to do anything. It's so easy to get here."

The guests are still rushing out. You are even better. I just finished saying welcome.

Why are you here, just say you're leaving without seeing me off? If I don't do business here, who will support you two losers?"

Cheng Yu laughed and said, "Old man, your son really didn't chase me away. Oh, I said the older one, but he looked at it for me and there was no house suitable for me." The old man looked Cheng Yu up and down, as if

He has the same understanding as his son: "That's right. Young people like you must want high-end apartments, elevator rooms, etc. Our small shops are all old neighbors for decades.

It’s an old friend’s business. But, don’t you really think about living in an old alley or an old hutong? That’s so down-to-earth, aren’t many places now doing that kind of alley development?”

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "Old man, you are really mistaken. I really don't want the kind of elevator room. I just want to rent a house in an alley." At this time, the man at the counter spoke: "

Old man, if you don’t know anything, why don’t you just whine at me, a scumbag, as soon as you walk in? When did I kick people out? That’s your little son’s favorite thing to do. Welcome to the previous sentence

, the next sentence must be to walk slowly without seeing anyone off, and sometimes he curses like you and makes the guests unhappy. This gentleman wants a bigger yard. I said the biggest yard in our area is only 100 yuan.

He wants to double his money, so where can I find it for him? I can only suggest him to ask other people." When talking to his father, the man directly changed into the local dialect of Wudong.

Cheng Yu echoed helpfully: "Yes, old man, your young master has been introducing me to me for a long time, but there is really no suitable house."

After hearing this, the old man looked Cheng Yu up and down, hung the Myna cage by the door, frowned, and said in the local dialect: "Then do you want to buy or rent?" Cheng Yu simply changed to Wu Dong.

As the local saying goes: "If you find something suitable, buy it. If you can't find something particularly suitable, rent it first. But you must sign a long-term contract, at least two years. You are not allowed to break the contract except for demolition. If you break the contract, you will be compensated for two years."

Like rent."

The old man smiled and said, "He's a local. Tell me early. He doesn't seem to be a house bug who came here to take advantage after hearing the inside information."

"Old man, can you rely on me? If I have inside information, why do I need a big yard? One hundred square meters is not enough for me to make a fortune?" The man was at the counter, ruthlessly complaining about his old father. The old man

His son blushed, stared at his son, and cursed: "You want to talk too much? Why don't you go out and smoke cigarettes in the store again? How many times have I told you, if you want to smoke cigarettes, just go out and smoke."

It's a mess

"Which customer is still willing to come in?" "Isn't this the only one who has come in?" The man was unconvinced, but still contradicted the old man, walked out of the counter and ran to the street, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket and gave it to

He lit one himself and signaled to Cheng Yu

After a while, Cheng Yu waved his hand to express that he did not smoke.

The old man blew his beard angrily and stared, but Cheng Yu said with a smile: "Old man, I heard from your son that you opened this store and have been here for more than thirty years." The old man stopped staring.

Looking at his son, he answered Cheng Yu: "Next year will be the 40th year! I don't know how many years this store can last if it is handed over to this bastard. In the past forty years, our whole family has been supported by this store.


Cheng Yu smiled and said: "Then you are still 60 years away from being a century-old store."

The old man also laughed, pointed at Cheng Yu and said, "You still know how to talk, unlike my son who is worth two hundred and fifty."

"Then you should know more about the old houses here. Can you help me think about whether there are any larger ones?"

The old man nodded, tilted his head, raised his eyes, and asked: "Then you say you are big, how big is big?" "I know you must say that the square meter is not as big as a building. The house is shabby, but the price is still higher. After all,

That's the land area. I know all this, and I'm not bragging to you. If you build me a presidential palace, then I will definitely

I can’t afford it, but I can really afford it for three to five hundred square meters.”

The old man was happy and said with a smile: "Hey, you are quite rich. You seem to be really rich. Why do you want such a big house?" "I heard that demolition in this area is difficult, I guess.

I can at least survive for decades, so I want to build a yard and live there myself. I also want to open a studio related to art. I like this kind of down-to-earth place.

.Let me tell you this, there is a new community in the south of the city, near Diaoyu Lane, and there is an old building from the Qing Dynasty, a courtyard..."

Just mid-sentence, the old man interrupted Cheng Yu and said: "Wang Dan's former residence, most people now call it the Wang Family Courtyard. Cheng Guangnian, the richest man in Wudong, donated it and invested in building that community.

I know."

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "My surname is also Cheng."

The old man was stunned for a moment, then took a breath of air and said, "Young man, please don't coax me!" "Cheng Guangnian is my father." Cheng Yu didn't hide it, he just said it. He could see that this old man had hands.

There must be a big yard, and it is probably not an ordinary one. Now Cheng Yu is afraid that it is not big enough, so he does it

Just move Cheng Guangnian out.

As soon as these words came out, the old man was stunned. Even the man smoking at the door quickly threw away half the cigarette in his hand, ran back, and said in disbelief: "Are you the young master of the Cheng family?"

Cheng Yu nodded, but the old man still found it unbelievable and continued to ask: "I read in the newspaper that you set up an investment company, didn't you? Why are you engaged in art now?" "I'm not engaged in art, I'm starting a follower

I have some collections that need to be placed in an art-related studio. Moreover, since you know that Wang Dan’s former residence was donated by my father, you should also know that I lived in that yard when I was a child. Later, my grandfather sold the yard.

, and later my father bought it and donated it. Therefore, I have always liked this kind of yard in an alley, but I am also used to the spaciousness, so a hundred or so square meters

I really can’t live in it.”

The old man suddenly understood, nodded vigorously and said: "If you say that, I understand. Let me tell you, young man... Ouch, why should I call you young man?"

Cheng Yu said with a smile: "Of course, I'm just a young man in front of you, right?" "That's fine, that's fine, I'm telling you, it's you, I wouldn't be able to do it with anyone else."

Tell him about the yard and two acres of land. Isn’t it satisfying? But the owner’s price is a bit high, and he only sells it, not rents it. That yard has been there for seven or eight years. Don’t talk about selling it. I’m looking at the house.

You have to be alone. Think about it, that kind of old dilapidated house cannot be rebuilt. Even if there is a relationship and the procedures are completed for reconstruction, it can only be rebuilt according to the original house area and even the foundation. How can anyone buy his house?


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