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Chapter 168 The company has opened

 The manager from outside knocked on the door to urge Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu wanted to see what items could be redeemed in the mall after the upgrade before going out, but he could only get up and leave the office.

Cheng Yu and Guan Lu, including shareholder Shen Zhiqiu during the video call, jointly announced the establishment of Great Future Company.

Considering that it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening in New York, USA, Shen Zhiqiu needed to end his mission as soon as possible, so Cheng Yu, who was supposed to be the company's first shareholder, spoke first, but instead gave up the position to Shen Zhiqiu. .

Of course, this also means expressing respect for Shen Zhiqiu, the sponsor.

Shen Zhiqiu was not too polite. He declined a little and said: "Hello, colleagues. Originally, Mr. Cheng should be the first to speak, but considering that you and I are in two different time periods, black and white, so I Let me tell you a few words first..."

In fact, there is nothing much to say, it is just some clichés to express his vision as a shareholder for the future of the company, and to encourage everyone that as long as they work hard enough, they will have the opportunity to become partners of the company.

Ten minutes later, Shen Zhiqiu ended his speech. He said: "Okay, I have said everything I need to say. I once again wish us all the best in our future cooperation. It's getting late. I'll talk to you tomorrow morning." I still have to send my children to school. I'm sorry, but I have to leave first. Mr. Cheng and Mr. Guan have prepared a dinner for everyone today. I hope everyone will eat well and drink well."

After saying hello to Cheng Yu and Guan Lu individually, Shen Zhiqiu ended the video call.

Next, is Cheng Yu’s speech.

Cheng Yu walked to the center of the left half of the company and said, "Mr. Shen has just briefly explained to you the future direction of our company's work, so I won't go into details. I am mainly responsible for introducing you to the company's latest work direction." A fundamental system.

Yes, we are different from many companies. We adopt a partner system. This system is similar to many law firms or accounting firms. As long as the performance meets certain requirements and the seniority in the company reaches a certain level, The current shareholders can vote and then absorb them to join the company's partners.

In other words, everyone here has the possibility to become a shareholder of the company. Once you become a partner of the company, your shares will account for at least 7.5%. Of course, this share is not given away for free. You may invest your own money to buy shares when you become a partner.

Some people may think that everyone doesn’t have that much money in their hands now. However, I believe that by the time you have the opportunity to become a partner, your personal assets will have already exceeded the requirements for equity participation. If you can’t even do this If so, then we can only say that this partner is simply not worthy of his name.

Of course, I also know that our company currently has a relatively small number of people, and several people are dispatched from another company to help. However, even those who are dispatched still have the possibility of becoming partners.

Of course, when the company is ready to give you a promotion and salary increase, I believe that this colleague will be willing to completely resign from the dispatching company and truly join the company. At this point, I can assure you that

, whether they are colleagues who have signed a formal entry agreement or colleagues who have signed a labor dispatch contract, they are all equal in the face of this opportunity."

These words naturally make the current employees of the company feel very excited.

Although becoming a partner is like other companies promising employees to receive options when they go public, they are both things that can only exist in the very distant future.

But when it comes to options, even among the company's senior management, I'm afraid there won't be many.

The minimum shareholding of partners directly promised by Cheng Yu is 7.5%. Although this may make the number of partners extremely limited, it is the fastest way for a person to completely change from a professional manager to a boss.


As an investment company, while investing in the company, every employee will be exposed to a large number of investment opportunities, which means that they only need to have a precise vision to naturally grow their wealth rapidly.

As Cheng Yu said, I have no money now, but when I really have the opportunity to become a partner, I will definitely have enough capital to join.

Of course, the premise is that this company is still worthy of them staying by then.

But no matter what, this is the biggest incentive system for these employees who have nothing to do.

Everyone applauded together, and most people were very sincere.

Next, Cheng Yu said some more words, and then the pipeline.

What Guan Lu said was rather rigid. It was not as inspiring as Cheng Yu, nor was it equivalent to saying nothing like Shen Zhiqiu.

What Guanlu said are the company's preliminary rules and regulations, and the most fundamental ones are the situation of the venture capital department.

Although the current venture capital department of Great Expectations is in principle composed of three people, Cheng Yu, the manager, and Tan Wulian, who did not receive any salary during the internship period, the clients that others found themselves - that is, investors, this part of the money, they

They all come with commissions.

Half of the handling fees withdrawn by the company will be attributed to the individual, and as soon as the funds are credited into the account, the commission will be paid immediately.

However, if the commission is not withdrawn, but is given to the company for investment, the company will not make any commission on the profits, and all the profits will be enjoyed by the employees personally.

This means that if an employee of the company has funds that he needs to entrust the company to invest, he will only need to pay half of the ordinary customer service fee.

Although Guan Lu's speech was not as inspiring as Cheng Yu's, partners are limited after all, and this benefit can actually fall on every employee of the company.

The four people dispatched from Du Changfeng's company naturally didn't need to ask any more questions, but the financial officer smiled and asked: "Manager, I'm just a part-time employee, can I also enjoy these benefits?"

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"Of course. Even if you are willing to resign from Gao Yiming's company and come to us as a full-time financial officer, we will welcome you with both hands..."

Before the financial officer could speak, Gao Yiming's voice came in resentfully from outside the door.

"Hey, I was kind-hearted and took the initiative to help Accountant Qu find a part-time job. But on the first day of opening, you all wanted to poach me. Are you really a man?"

Hearing this, everyone looked towards the door and saw Gao Yiming and Du Xiaoyu walking in from the door.

Du Xiaoyu also said: "Even Gao Yiming's part-time finance job is not immune. I think the employees of my father's company are basically being instigated, right?"

Everyone laughed together. Cheng Yu and Guan Lu looked at each other and announced with a smile: "Okay, the opening ceremony is over. You all can start working. Even if there is no work to be done on the first day, please pretend.

Also pretend to be very busy, otherwise, our two bosses will be sad."

Everyone laughed together and returned to their respective seats. Cheng Yu and Guan Lu then came over and welcomed Gao Yiming and Du Xiaoyu into the office.

After chatting for a few words, a voice with a distinct northwest accent came from outside.

"Oh, why is it so quiet in the company? Didn't there be a grand opening ceremony? Am I late or in the wrong place? Where are Mr. Cheng, Mr. Guan, and others?"

Cheng Yu and Guan Lu looked at each other helplessly, and said to Gao Yiming and Du Xiaoyu: "We will go and greet a rich man who insists on giving us money."

Soon, Cheng Yu and Guan Lu took Zhou Datong back to the office and introduced each other.

Zhou Datong narrowed his eyes and said, "Miss Du is...?"

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