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Chapter 177 From Complaining to Gratitude

 Mr. Zhang quickly found a staff member from the park and took Liu Dongqiang and Fu Ming to see the office.

After a while, the two came back with excitement on their faces.

Six hundred square meters, what does it mean? Ordinary buildings with three bedrooms and two living rooms are mostly between one hundred and twenty to one hundred and thirty, with three units and two suites in each unit, which is actually only about seven hundred square meters. It is slightly larger than a whole building.

A little smaller, it’s the size of this office.

Excluding the bathrooms and tea rooms, the remaining area is about 500 square meters. The entire office was formerly an IT company that had just started its business. In order to be close to the people, the founder did not create a hierarchy gap with his programmers, etc., so the entire office

There is no partition at all, it is completely integrated.

A large common room seems to be no less generous than Cheng Yu's.

After all, more than a thousand square meters of Cheng Yu's side is divided in the middle, and it also separates the offices of Cheng Yu and Guan Lu, tea rooms, toilets, conference rooms, etc. The office here now has the largest space.

On the contrary, it is not as big as over there.

Student entrepreneurs like Liu Dongqiang and Fu Ming, who had been crowded into ordinary houses before, now only work in an abandoned classroom lent to them by the school. Naturally, when they see such an office, they can only be amazed and full of heart.


Who would have thought that by signing a contract with Cheng Yu, he could get such a large set of offices?

They thanked each other again, and the excitement of the two was beyond words. When they finally calmed down, Liu Dongqiang realized a problem, that is, how to calculate the rent, property fees, water and electricity bills.

Although it was said before that the rent can be reduced or reduced after reaching a certain level of turnover, after all, they still didn't know the specific situation, so the two of them were still a little uneasy.

With anxiety, Liu Dongqiang asked: "We really like the office, but the cost..." He looked at Cheng Yu with some worry.

Cheng Yu didn't say anything, and Mr. Zhang took the initiative to introduce: "As for the rent, it will be reduced or reduced to varying degrees according to the policy. This will provide a phased assessment of your company's revenue in the next year, that is, the tax status it can achieve.

We can discuss the specific value, but it is basically divided into three levels. The highest level is, of course, free rent, and this policy can be enjoyed for up to two years. The mid-range is 30% of the rent. Our rents are all clearly marked, so you can

Don’t worry. At 30%, this office costs about 10,000 yuan a month. There is also a 70% rate, which is almost 20,000 yuan a month.”

Liu Dongqiang looked at Fu Ming, who was also quite uneasy. After all, if they could not meet the requirement of full exemption, even if it was 30%, they would have to pay hundreds of thousands of rent a year, which they simply cannot afford now.

Mr. Zhang saw the two people's difficulties and said with a smile: "That's right, this rent will not be collected when you move in. And there is only half a year left this year, so the taxes and the like will definitely not be reached. Ours

The rule is that for newly settled enterprises, if the remaining time in the natural year is less than half a year, the final tax and turnover assessment will be calculated based on three months.

As for your situation, the time is very close to July. I will give Mr. Cheng some face and you can move in first. I will give you the time on the contract to start signing on July 1st. In other words, in the next six months, you only need to

You can enjoy the rent reduction policy after completing three months of turnover and taxes. I estimate that you will basically not have to pay the rent for these six months.

Starting next year, it is actually not difficult to follow the policy. The park has fully considered the difficulties of you entrepreneurs. Moreover, even if the standard is not met in the end, the rent will not be calculated until all data such as taxes and so on are available at the end of the year.
Calculating it this way, basically within a year and a half, you don’t have to think about rent for the time being. I think the project that Mr. Cheng is interested in, after a year and a half, the company should have developed very smoothly, right?"

With this explanation, Liu Dongqiang and Fu Ming became excited again. They were still very confident in their project. After a year and a half, they even estimated their worth to be in the millions. The rent was just a matter of course.

Let’s talk.

"Mr. Zhang, our park also has some preferential tax policies. Do you want to consider them too? Strictly speaking, they have not graduated yet. They are just fresh graduates this year. I remember that there are some policies in this regard, right?" Cheng Yu helped

He asked this question. He asked this question not because he wanted to help Liu Dongqiang and Fu Ming to fight for something, but because of pure habit. He had become a habit of being stingy. Even if he was helping others, he would definitely do it with his mouth and save money.

Never waste any space.

"This is no problem, but you need a certificate from your school to prove that you are indeed a student starting a business. Have you registered a company? You will graduate at the end of this month. Although the contract with us was signed in July, this is a side issue.

, it won’t be difficult, and you should be able to enjoy various discounts in accordance with the policy for college students to start their own businesses. We have the most direct discount for college students to start their own businesses, that is, property costs are comprehensive, and water and electricity costs can also be enjoyed to a certain extent.


After thanking each other again, the two of them were eager to sign the contract with Mr. Zhang immediately.

Of course, this matter cannot be rushed. There are still many details that need to be implemented in the contract, and procedures are also required.

However, Mr. Zhang said before saying goodbye that the contract can be implemented slowly. Anyway, the final signing date is not until July 1st. Considering that it is not easy for college students to start a business, they can be allowed to settle in first.

Originally, Cheng Yu wanted to keep these two people together to participate in the evening activities, but now that they have received such good news, how can they still sit still?

"Mr. Cheng, we won't stay for dinner. There are still a bunch of classmates in the company waiting for us to bring money back. Moreover, now that we have such great news, we have to pack up quickly and prepare to move here.

Okay. Or we can say goodbye first. After we move here, we welcome Mr. Cheng to come to our company for guidance. We will also let others thank you together."

Cheng Yu could understand the mood of the two of them, nodded and said: "Okay, in that case, you can go and do your own business. Before you prepare to move here, go to see Mr. Zhang again, and don't be too polite.

You are not sensible. There is no need to give gifts, but no matter what, it is always necessary to treat others to a meal. Remember to ask Mr. Zhang to bring you the person in charge of this matter. The person who will deal with you in the future will definitely not be Zhang.

The total person."

"We understand this, thank you, Mr. Cheng, for reminding you."

The two said goodbye and left. Cheng Yu and Guan Lu sat in the office, looking at each other and smiling.

The two people signed this contract with Cheng Yu and the others before, but they were more forced to do so. The situation was stronger than the others. If they wanted to get investment, they had to accept extremely harsh terms.

From the bottom of their hearts, these two people must have complaints.

But it's different now. Cheng Yu helped them solve the problem of office space. Even if we don't talk about the confidence of those under their control in the company, the savings in rent, decoration, office desks, chairs, etc. are actually a sum of at least

Hundreds of thousands of expenses.

This is equivalent to invisibly increasing a large amount of investment for their company, but this investment is hidden. But once it enters the next round of financing, the impression it gives to investors will be completely different. These can all be used as hardware.

is taken into account in the valuation.

With such an office space, there is no problem if the overall valuation increases by two to three million.

Now the two of them are more grateful to Cheng Yu and Guan Lu.

This chapter has been completed!
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