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Chapter 183: The Complete Beginning and End

 Because no parts with obvious characteristics could be found, the police could only conduct DNA testing. It was originally just a preliminary method, but unexpectedly, this DNA testing surprised the police to find that the DNA of these fragments of corpses

, surprisingly consistent with Song who died in a car accident a few years ago.

This shows that either this is Song himself, or this is Song's immediate family member.

As more and more body parts were discovered, the police gradually confirmed that the body parts were those of Song himself.

How could a person who had already died once be dismembered and carried to the mountain again?

The police launched a more comprehensive investigation and detained Mr. Qian and his daughter for questioning.

Old Man Qian expressed his complete ignorance of this.

After Song married his daughter, he indeed took him to live in this house. It was at that stage that Mr. Qian and Uncle Wu got to know each other. The two often went hiking together and got along relatively well.<


However, after Song was issued a death notice, Old Man Qian's daughter met a local man. The two soon got into a heated relationship, and the man moved into this house.

But the relationship between that man and Old Man Qian was not very good. Old Man Qian always felt that the life their family had now was all given by Song. Even if the person died, there would still be something left for him.

After giving birth to a grandson, it is normal for your daughter to remarry, but at least you should not bring that man back to this villa.

Moreover, the man himself was a second-rate man, which made Old Man Qian look down on him even more.

The conflict between the two always existed. In the end, Mr. Qian’s daughter bought a small house and asked Mr. Qian to move out.

If the mutilated body parts were not discovered by the police and Old Man Qian and his daughter were not detained, Old Man Qian would not even know that Song was not dead.

Old Man Qian’s daughter denied it at first, but as more and more evidence became available, the police also found evidence from surveillance in the community that Song had returned home. Old Man Qian’s daughter finally broke down and confessed all the facts of the case.


It turns out that the person who died in a car accident a few years ago was not Song, but Song's younger brother, who was a certain year old.

Song went out to do business in his early years. After he became rich, his family demanded too much from him. This made Song unbearable and almost cut off contact with his family. Even after his mother died, he did not go back.

After immigrating to South Korea, he had no contact with his family for a time. At that time, there was only one younger brother left in the family. His younger brother could not contact him and there was nothing he could do. However, Song still sent a sum of money to his younger brother every once in a while.

, regarded as taking care of your loved ones.

But just a few years ago, when Song was discussing a business deal in Shandong, he happened to be bumped into by his own brother.

Song's brother got into Song's car and refused to get out. Then on the highway, the two had a fierce argument and got into a fight in the car, causing the car to hit a stone pier on the side of the road.


Song's brother died on the spot, but Song was only slightly injured. After climbing out of the vehicle, he did not dare to call the police. Instead, he moved his brother's body to the driver's seat and detonated the fuel tank.

Since it was just a traffic accident, the local police did not expect that there was a more complicated case here, and they just treated it as a car accident and burned the vehicle.

According to the information left on the vehicle, after recovery, the police believed that the deceased was Song, and sent the death notice to the local Wudong police.

At that time, they happened to meet the missing Song, and Wudong police issued a death notice to Song's wife.

Although Song was not the one who killed the man, Song was still in a constant state of fear, which led to him not even daring to go home or contact his wife for several years.

He smuggled himself to South Korea, where he obtained a false identity through a series of means, and then transferred all his property to that false identity - the name of the identity he was using at the time.

After handling all this, Song felt that everything would be fine in China, so he returned to Wudong using his false identity.

But when he showed up at home, his wife was shocked. He found traces of another man in the house, and of course he fought with his wife.

During the quarrel, Song accidentally pushed his wife down the stairs. At this moment, his wife's lover happened to come back. Seeing this scene, he and Song immediately got into a fight.

Song still had the upper hand, but his wife was on the verge of madness at this moment. She picked up a vase at home and hit Song heavily on the back of the head.

After Song fainted, his wife and her lover finally made the decision to kill him and dismembered him in the garage, dismembering him into more than 100 pieces and throwing them behind in garbage bags.


If someone who was doing morning exercises nearby hadn't accidentally discovered the body parts, this matter might have been concealed like this. After all, it is impossible for a dead person to attract anyone's attention.

Fortunately, the French Open was restored, and the case was eventually brought to light.

Old Man Qian's daughter and her lover were sentenced to death, and this house, after being sealed, eventually fell into the name of Old Man Qian and his grandson as a legacy.

His grandson is still underage, so Mr. Qian has complete rights to handle this house.

The family originally still had a lot of money, but in the past few years, Old Man Qian's daughter had to support a lover in her own life and was squandering money. There was not much left. Due to the murder case, it was also involved in a insurance fraud case, resulting in

A large amount of fines were imposed, and Old Man Qian was unable to obtain the assets in South Korea under that false identity.

Old Man Qian himself didn't care, but he didn't want his grandson to be like him, especially when his daughter sent his grandson abroad early in order to stay and fly with her lover, and just sent money there every year.

Now that the family has no money, old man Qian even sold his small house, rented a small apartment to live in, and sent the money to his grandson.

But after all, it was just a small house, with a total payment of less than two million. The grandson’s annual expenses alone cost hundreds of thousands, and this money would not last long.

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So Mr. Qian came up with the idea of ​​selling the house.

The decoration of the house had been decided a long time ago, but due to the murder case, the matter was delayed.

But most of the decoration money has been paid. Old man Qian wants to sell the house. He feels that the house is smoky and no one will buy it unless it is renovated. The most important thing is that the decoration company refuses to refund the money, so he can't get the money back anyway.

, so Old Man Qian spent his last savings and completed the decoration of the house.

It's just that the decoration company didn't like the carcass that had been dismembered in it and refused to do it. Old Qian could only do it by himself. Only then did Cheng Yu see that something was wrong with the garage.

Originally, old man Qian just wanted to lower the house price. As long as he could sell it, he would be worthy of his grandson.

But after meeting the young man from this agency, the young man took over everything and said that as long as old man Qian was willing to give him 500,000, he would find a way to sell the apartment at the market price.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Qian himself lowered the price again and again, which aroused the suspicion of Cheng Yu and Guanlu. Cheng Yu then used the paparazzi. Uncle Wu appeared at the right time, which brought the things behind the house to the surface. In the end,

The truth comes out.

This last part was added by Mr. Qian himself.

Uncle Wu spoke very quietly, but Old Man Qian still became more and more tired as he listened. This was a fact that he absolutely did not want to touch, and he did not want to face it again.

He didn't even want to go back to that house before, and it was for this reason. If it hadn't been for the agent's repeated persuasion, he would never have gone to that house.

"I can barely understand the old gentleman's mood, but you..." After hearing this, Cheng Yu pointed at the intermediary and shook his head slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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