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Chapter 255 Additional Task 1

After a pause, Levendi added: "As for the two start-up companies that Mr. Cheng led the investment, I asked the company's financial personnel to conduct a new round of valuation of those two companies. We found that although Mr. Cheng led the investment,

It has only been less than a month since these two investments were made, but the value of these two companies has already increased significantly. Even the valuation of the first software company by our financial department

, has more than doubled the original valuation made by Mr. Cheng. We have achieved such a huge return in such a short period of time, and we still trust Mr. Cheng’s vision.”

Cheng Yu slowly shook his head and said, "So, Ms. Levendi definitely wants to hand over the funds to me for investment? This makes me a little flattered!"

"No, no, no, Mr. Cheng, you deserve our trust."

Cheng Yu smiled slightly and did not continue to refuse, but asked: "So, may I ask, Ms. Levendi, how much money do you plan to spend?"

"The first phase will be 100 million U.S. dollars. The settlement cycle is half a year."

Cheng Yu curled his lips and said, "This is really a big deal. Isn't Ms. Levindi afraid that the US$100 million will be lost?"

Just after saying this, a very strange sound suddenly sounded in Cheng Yu's mind, like a bell in a temple, ringing in the air.

Cheng Yu's face changed slightly. He looked at the light screen in his mind and saw a flickering envelope appearing on the light screen at the center where the points should have been.

What the hell is this?

Cheng Yu frowned, and he tried to click on the envelope. Then, the animation effect appeared and the envelope slowly unfolded.

"Additional task one."

As soon as he saw the title, Cheng Yu stopped reading. Instead, he subconsciously made an action in his mind similar to grabbing a piece of paper and crumpling it into a ball.

What he didn't expect was that the letter paper on the light screen in his mind was actually crushed into a ball according to Cheng Yu's thinking. This really surprised Cheng Yu.

"Who can explain to me what is going on? I am now in a period of non-stinginess where I don't even have the chance to stingy. What do you mean by suddenly issuing a task to me? And why is the task this time?

So strange, it’s not in the mission system, but it goes directly to the first-level page. Isn’t this against the rules?”

Cheng Yu yelled for the God Digging System in his mind. He needed that voice to give him an explanation.

Of course Levendi continued: "Haha, Mr. Cheng is really good at joking. How can you, a person who is so good at investing, make us lose all our money? Especially since your investment links in China are so good, we have the mentality to lose money.

Prepare, but when it comes to losing all your money, I really don’t believe that Mr. Cheng will fail like this..."

Cheng Yu didn't pay much attention to her words. He stood up and said, "Sorry, Ms. Levendi, please wait for a moment. I have to go to the bathroom."

Of course there is a restroom in the bar, but how could Cheng Yu use the restroom here?

The mission announcement this time was a bit weird, and he was really worried that he would lose control and say it out loud.

Levendi nodded and said, "Mr. Cheng, please."

Cheng Yu hurriedly left the Moonlight Bar and went straight to his villa.

On the way, Du Xiaoyu saw his hurried figure and shouted strangely: "Cheng Yu, is that woman gone?"

Cheng Yu walked quickly and said, "No, I'm going back to the house."

Although Du Xiaoyu was a little surprised by Cheng Yu's eager gesture, he didn't say anything. He just continued to lie on the beach and looked at the sea that he could no longer see clearly.

After Cheng Yu returned to the room, he shouted to the God System in his mind again: "Come out here and suddenly issue a task. Don't tell me that I have to use the dialogue function myself to ask you to come out and explain!"


After waiting for a while, the system sound still appeared.

"Originally, I did not need to have any dialogue with the host before the host accepted this task. But considering that this task release is the first time this type of task is released, the host does not understand the rules of this task.

So, I came out specially to explain to the host."

Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment. He frowned and analyzed the system's words.

First of all, the system said that before the host accepts this task, this seems to indicate that Cheng Yu can refuse this task.

After all, Cheng Yu had completed two missions before this, and the system forced him to accept those two missions.

Of course, Cheng Yu can also choose not to accept the mission, but not accepting the mission is equivalent to failure of the mission, and he will pay a certain amount of life as the price.

But regardless of whether Cheng Yu accepts those two tasks, he can talk to the system about the tasks themselves.

But now this task actually requires Cheng Yu to accept it before the system can have a conversation with him. This in itself illustrates a certain problem.

Secondly, the system also said this type of mission, which seems to indicate that this mission is different from the previous two missions.

What the system said after that was equivalent to confirming Cheng Yu's idea. Although the contents of the previous tasks were different, the rules were the same.

This time the system stated that it would explain the rules for this type of task, which means...

Cheng Yu immediately asked: "I can choose not to accept this mission, right?"

"Yes, the host just saw the five words "Additional Task One" and balled up the letter paper. This in itself means that the host can choose to refuse this task."

"Just because I've read the envelope, does that mean I've accepted the mission?"

"That's not true. After reading the entire mission, the host can choose whether to accept it or not."

Cheng Yu nodded, thinking that this was okay. If he accepted it immediately after reading it, I would have almost been fooled just now.

If that's the case, Cheng Yu will definitely have to argue with the system.

"Why do additional tasks appear on the light screen homepage instead of in the task system?"

"Additional tasks are also released by the task system, but since they are additional tasks, they will not appear in the map of the task system. The host can treat it as a hidden task, which will bring a negative impact on the completion of the host's task system.

Additional progress will not affect the lighting of the original mission map."

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes and thought, sure enough, the mission system is a map, and the map being lit up is obviously a condition for him to get rid of the divine system.

"Since it's an additional task, if you fail to complete it, you won't incur any punishment, right?"

"There is no penalty for additional tasks, but if the host chooses to accept the task, the corresponding task duration will be generated. Once the task duration is over and the host still fails to complete the task, the system will deduct the corresponding life duration. That is,

It is said that the host cannot obtain additional life time by accepting additional tasks."

Cheng Yu nodded. Although he was a little dissatisfied with this, he also understood that this was a condition set by the system to prevent Cheng Yu from deliberately accepting the task in order to gain life time.

It cannot be said that Cheng Yu accepted the additional task as soon as he saw it, and then did not think about completing the task. He just got a task duration that would not deduct the life time. This was equivalent to helping Cheng Yu gain a period of life in vain.


Therefore, Cheng Yu has nothing to complain about.

"Then what is the reward after completing the additional tasks?"

This is the issue that Cheng Yu is most concerned about. Since he can refuse the task, he should not accept it if the reward is not enough.

This chapter has been completed!
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