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Chapter 27 The mental illness

Sitting by the small lake, Uncle Wu ordered someone to bring a fishing rod.

Of course Cheng Yu usually doesn't have such hobbies for aging people, but he has hardly been back home in the past ten years. When he comes back, he always spends more time with Cheng Qingsong. The old man's activities are nothing more than hiking nearby and fishing at home.

, so Cheng Yu left an impression on the housekeeper and servants at home that he liked fishing.

But how could Cheng Yu be in the mood to fish now? He decided to forget about it today and talk to Cheng Guangnian when he came back. If Cheng Guangnian still used this method of house arrest to deal with him tomorrow, he would just pack up his things and move out.

Forget it.

He checked his bank card and found that he still had more than a million in cash. Even without the God Digging System, this amount of money would be enough for him to live happily for a while. And now that he has the God Digging System, he cannot be as lavish as before.

Spending money, this amount of money can even be said to be considerable.

On the light screen in his head, the countdown in the upper left corner had only seven days and just over 20 hours left. If he could not continue to earn points, Cheng Yu would die of intracranial blood vessel rupture in eight days.

At this time, Cheng Guangnian still used the same old patriarchal system to deal with him, which made Cheng Yu almost have the idea that he might as well die in front of them.

I have read a few online novels before. Other people's systems give out a lot of money, which must be spent within a limited time. If you can't spend it all, there will be penalties. The system Cheng Yu obtained has no penalties - at least not yet.

There is no sign of punishment, but this crap is forcing Cheng Yu not to spend money.

The problem is that it would be easier if he could simply get points without spending money. However, this system requires him to save money, which requires him to also spend money. Only by spending money can he save money. This is simply the world.

The most speechless theory of relativity.

Now that Cheng Yu is under house arrest and not allowed to go out, is it possible that he has to spend money by ordering takeout? Or he can go online and bargain with people at a fake goods distribution center and spend half an hour talking about a free shipping issue in order to save money.

What is the purpose of money?

Just do it if you think of it.

Cheng Yu turned on his phone and downloaded a takeout app. No matter what it was, let’s order takeout first.

When placing an order, Cheng Yu encountered difficulties. Cheng Yu discovered that he was still using an American mobile phone card. This mobile phone card could not register for domestic takeout apps. He said that Ma Mai Wholesale came from the bottom of his heart.

"Uncle Wu! Uncle Wu!" Cheng Yu shouted loudly by the lake. Uncle Wu, who had slightly gray hair, trotted in front of Cheng Yu.

"Young Master, what are your orders?"

"Find someone and ask him to go out and apply for a mobile phone card for me."

Uncle Wu smiled and said, "I have an idle mobile phone card at home. The young master and his wife occasionally use it when they go on vacation."

"Bring me one quickly."

Soon, Uncle Wu brought a mobile phone card, and Cheng Yu stuffed it into his mobile phone.

Reopen the takeout app and register first.

Domestic mobile phone cards are easy to use. As soon as I clicked to send the verification code, I received a text message on my phone.

After completing the registration, Cheng Yu unexpectedly discovered that the takeout app popped up a dialog box, saying that since it was his first time to register to use the app, it would give him a coupon package.

After clicking on it, there are seven or eight coupons inside, the largest is five yuan, the smallest is one yuan, all of which can only be used after a certain amount has been ordered.

Seeing these coupons, Cheng Yu grinned and laughed out loud. This is saving money! There is nothing better than coupons in this world. Originally, Cheng Yu planned to place an order

When I arrived, I called the store and asked if I could get it cheaper if I bought more. Now I don’t have to go through such trouble.

Without saying a word, he found a random store. Cheng Yu didn't care whether he liked the food or not. He just looked at the amount and collected thirty yuan worth of food, just to use a five-yuan coupon.

But when placing the order, Cheng Yu was stunned. The app told him that there were no coupons that could be used.

Cheng Yu turned over and over and studied for a long time, and finally realized it.

It turns out that for the first order of this app, almost all stores have an extra discount. As long as the order amount exceeds 30 yuan, you can enjoy a first order discount of 15 yuan. And because you have enjoyed the first order discount, the value of this order

It becomes fifteen yuan. The five-yuan coupon that can only be used after thirty years old can no longer be used.

Of course, this didn't bother Cheng Yu. He ordered another item worth fifteen yuan without hesitation, collected thirty yuan, and insisted on using the five yuan coupon.

Confirm the order, fill in the delivery address, and then pay...

After paying twenty-five yuan, Cheng Yu happily waited for the crisp ringing sound in his head.

The voice did appear, but it did not appear in Cheng Yu's head, but a text message came from his mobile phone, indicating that the deduction was successful.

After thinking about it for a while, Cheng Yu understood that the reason why there was no news about points was because although the money was paid, the goods had not been received. In this process, returns may still occur.

Ever since, he patiently waited for the delivery boy to deliver the food.

After waiting for more than forty minutes, Cheng Yu finally received a call from the delivery boy. He guided the delivery boy to the gate of his house at the mountain pass, and then ran, spun and jumped to marry the delivery boy... Oh,

No, it’s to greet the delivery boy.

When he took the takeaway from the delivery boy, Cheng Yu was so happy that he said "thank you" to the delivery boy because he heard the ringing in his head.

Moreover, Cheng Yu took a quick glance and saw that the golden characters flashing in his mind actually had seven points.

For a takeaway that cost a total of 45 yuan including the delivery fee, he saved a total of 20 yuan and received seven points. Although there will be no first order discount in the future, Cheng Yu believes that as long as he persists in placing orders, even if

With only one point and two points at a time, it's no big deal for him to get 180 points in a day.

The reason is very simple. Every successful order will generate a red envelope. After clicking it, you will get another red envelope ranging from one yuan to five yuan. The cycle goes on and on, which is simply an endless supply for your children and grandchildren.

Cheng Yu is simply impressed by his intelligence. Why should he try to get into trouble in the future? Just buy takeout at home or shop online. Those online shopping websites basically have various coupons all the time.

Although most of the time the coupons given out were coupons for a specific product that buyers could not use, Cheng Yu didn't care. He only spent money to extend his life. Who cares if the things he bought could be used?

Can’t use it?

Because Cheng Yu was too happy, the takeaway boy looked particularly confused. He thought to himself, behind this gate, it couldn't be a sanatorium in a mental hospital. Are you so excited to receive a takeaway?
Under the sympathetic and confused eyes of the delivery boy, Cheng Yu turned around and continued running, spinning and jumping away...

The delivery boy was just about to get on his little electric donkey and leave, but suddenly he heard a miserable cry in the yard behind him. He turned around and saw Cheng Yu stamping his feet and beating his chest, as if he was crazy. That miserable cry was exactly

He continues to send out.

"It's so pitiful that a young man who seems to be quite energetic has a mental problem..." The delivery boy sighed with emotion, started the electric donkey, and galloped away without daring to stay for more than a minute.

***The author has something to say***

There will still be two chapters updated at 12 o'clock tonight. Friends who haven't slept yet, please help vote for recommendations and get on the list. Thank you.

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