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Chapter 297: Cheating exchangeable items

The first new item that appeared was something that looked like a pocket watch. Fortunately, there was text underneath that said hypnosis.

After clicking, a translucent dialog box popped up, and Cheng Yu saw that it read: "Medium-level hypnosis, one-time consumable. After use, you can perform hypnosis for no more than three minutes. During the hypnosis process, there are

There is a greater chance that the hypnotized subject will act according to the host's instructions. The effect depends on the willpower of the hypnotized person. The weaker the willpower, the better the effect."

Cheng Yu frowned slightly.

It wasn't that he was dirty. When he saw this hypnosis, his first reaction was that he could become a flower-picking thief from now on.

He hypnotizes women who have nothing to do with him, and then he can hum and haha.

However, this was just a thought that flashed through his mind. Of course Cheng Yu knew that this was not how hypnosis was used. Even if it was used in this way, three minutes would not be enough. The other party would have woken up before the prelude was over.

Isn’t it a sure thing to struggle and resist by then?

Of course, this may still be of some use to some guys who have problems with their abilities and can only go up and down in three seconds.

Ahh... we can't be so dirty, we must have positive energy, and we must think carefully about the role of this hypnosis.

If this were the case in the past, Cheng Yu would be very happy with hypnosis. After all, with this thing, no matter who he eats with, the other party will happily pay the bill. Although after paying the bill, most people

They would all feel regretful and wonder what evil had fallen upon them to rush to buy the order. But the result was always beneficial to Cheng Yu.

But the problem now is that when Cheng Yu pays for meals, he either doesn't get any points, or the points he gets are only three points. According to previous experience, if he exchanges for an intermediate skill, he will get at least four points.

The gadget seems to be of no use.

What if it is when making an investment? The other party has not yet decided whether to accept the conditions offered by Cheng Yu. This kind of matter is not easy to solve even with negotiation. After all, in order to be stingy, Cheng Yu will offer an extremely low condition.


Use hypnosis to make the other party accept your conditions in a confused way, thereby signing a contract with you?

It doesn't seem to be very reliable.

This would allow the other party to sign the contract, but I'm afraid that the other party will regret it once the three minutes are over. Cheng Yu can't possibly sign the contract and immediately disappear with it. That would be an obvious robbery.

Once the three-minute statute of limitations has expired, the hypnotized person will regret it and immediately tear up the contract.

Not only will this not allow Cheng Yu to achieve his goal, but it will also make the other party feel that Cheng Yu is playing tricks and has no sincerity. He will also wonder if Cheng Yu has put medicine in the water he drinks and the food he eats, which makes him let him go.

Did he become confused for a moment and sign that contract?

For a while, Cheng Yu really couldn't imagine what effect this hypnosis could have.

But it doesn't matter. After all, when any ability appeared before, Cheng Yu basically didn't know what it was used for. He would only think of how to use these things when things came to a close.

There was no other writing on the translucent dialog box, and it didn't even mention whether the item could be upgraded.

But judging from the four words "medium level", it should be upgradeable, otherwise it would be meaningless.

It just seems that this item cannot be upgraded through points redemption. It can only be upgraded as Cheng Yu's level increases.


Another object that appeared was a wall, resembling the cover of an album by the rock band Floyd.

The text below shows that this redeemable item is called Wall Penetration.

Maoshan technique?

Cheng Yu couldn't help but think of the cartoon he watched when he was a child. A little Taoist priest learned the art of walking through walls, but in the end he discovered that it was just a dream. He hit his head full of bags and could no longer pass through the wall.

What use can this thing have?

Damn, why does Mao feel that this is a necessary skill for a flower-picking thief?

Is this damn system really planning to force Cheng Yu into the path of the flower-picking thief?

You can't come up with such a skill and let Cheng Yu become a thief, right?

Being stingy is legitimate, but being a thief is not. Even if the end result is the same, being a thief can even allow Cheng Yu's wealth to continue to grow...

Shaking his head vigorously, Cheng Yu drove away these lower-level thoughts. Looking at the two abilities in front of him, Cheng Yu really felt that the exchange items given by the system this time were a bit unreliable.

In any case, he still chose to click on the words "Wall Penetration Technique" with his mind.

A transparent dialog box appeared, which read: "Medium-level wall penetration technique, one-time consumable. After use, it can pass through walls no more than fifty centimeters thick regardless of any material. Each use can penetrate three walls.

body, and the host is allowed to carry no more than two items except clothing."

What does this Nima mean?

Are you allowed to carry no more than two items other than clothing? Does this mean that an ordinary level of wall penetration can only pass through one person, and even the clothes must be left in place?

Cheng Yu thought of some videos on the Internet, where a person rushed towards the wall, passed by, and then appeared naked on the other side of the wall, with his clothes sliding down the wall.

He couldn't help but touch his chin. This skill was really weird.

Fortunately, the wall-penetrating skill he obtained was directly intermediate, which at least ensured that Cheng Yu would not pass through it naked, even if Cheng Yu felt that he might not be able to use this inexplicable skill in his life.

Carrying two items is easy to explain. After all, if Cheng Yu really needs to use the wall penetration technique, there must be some special purpose, and to achieve those purposes, bare hands are obviously not suitable.

But what does it mean to penetrate three walls?

For example, Cheng Yu wants to enter a certain building through the wall, and then he has to come out, right? This has been done twice. What is the use of the extra time? Can he enter or exit? Then he must not be trapped.

Died inside? He was immediately captured alive.

This thing is not always reliable!

It seems that apart from suddenly appearing behind someone and startling them, it seems to have no effect.

"It is a growable item and can be upgraded using points in the future."

Well, at least this is an object that can be upgraded independently.

"After upgrading, the host is allowed to carry no more than two items except clothing, and the items can be living bodies."

When he read the first half of the sentence, Cheng Yu was still a little confused, why did he still carry two items besides clothes? The second half of the sentence answered the question, but it seemed a bit cheating.

Interpreting it literally, of course there is no problem. This shows that the upgraded wall penetration technique allows Cheng Yu to take others through the wall.

But this in itself is already a bit deceptive. After all, the fact that Cheng Yu can redeem super powers is not something that can be tolerated by outsiders. If he is allowed to lead others through walls, wouldn't this subvert that person's outlook on life?

What's even more deceiving is that once Cheng Yu chooses to take someone through the wall, then that person must be considered an object... Well, calling people objects or things, Cheng Yu doesn't follow.

The system has calculated.

This chapter has been completed!
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