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Chapter 363 Xue Jindongs confession

The registration of the new company was completed, and the legal representative was Du Xiaoyu. She and Xu Dong, the CEO, signed two equity transfer agreements.

One share is 6% of the shares, and the other is 4% of the shares.

Cheng Yu used the equity certificate of 6% of Du Group's shares that he had obtained from Du Changfeng to find the bank where the deposit had been made and proposed a loan of one billion yuan.

It was still the vice president who personally received Cheng Yu, but the procedure for such a large loan would definitely take some time. Cheng Yu cooperated and provided all the necessary documents. The vice president told him that in principle

There will be no problem in getting a loan, especially this kind of short-term loan, and the collateral is of sufficient value, so the loan should be disbursed quickly.

Cheng Yu took a photo of Qianjin's 6% equity transfer agreement and sent it to Xue Changyun. He thought he would get a response from his shareholders soon, but he didn't expect Cheng Yu wanted to keep things simple.

The main reason is that Qianjin is a newly registered company, and its scale and investment have not yet been fully secured. It is no wonder that those shareholders are suspicious.

To be honest, if it weren't for the two golden brands of Cheng's Group and Du's Group, I'm afraid those shareholders would directly scold Xue Changyun from the shareholders' meeting. That is, because these two groups are involved, those shareholders just raised the issue

doubts and concerns.

Xue Changyun asked Cheng Yu to go to Xixi.

Cheng Yu had no reason to refuse. Although it had only been five days since he accepted the novice task three, this operation could definitely be completed within the remaining twenty days, but time did not wait for us. If he really waited until the last minute to complete this task,

Then Cheng Yu won't get any rewards at all.

Qianjin’s registered capital is 10 million yuan, but the problem is that today’s corporate capital verification is no longer what it used to be.

In the past, the capital verification of a company's registered capital was based on the paid-in registration system, but now it is based on the subscription registration system. Therefore, it is not accurate to measure the strength of a new company from the company's registered capital. The registered capital is now only used as a shareholder's liability limit to the company.


What's more, what Cheng Yu informed those shareholders through Xue Changyun was that Qianjin's initial investment reached 20 billion, which was far from the registered capital.

You know, those 6% shares require Xue Changyun's shareholders to shell out 1.5 billion in real money.

Faced with such a huge amount of money, anyone will be cautious enough.

The key is that the injection of assets and certification, etc., require a relatively long period of time to complete. Let alone Cheng Yu, even if Cheng Guangnian personally promised those people, it is not that simple to win the trust of these people.

According to normal logic, it is more reasonable to wait until all aspects of capital injection have entered the company and everything has been backed up at the notary office and law firm before proceeding with financing in this area.

But the problem is that neither Cheng Yu nor Xue Changyun can wait.

These six points of financing are based on the condition that the Xue family and its shareholders give up the Xixi subway project and help Cheng Yu bid. The first round of bidding for subway cars will begin in a week.

In other words, Cheng Yu and Xue Changyun had to finalize everything within a week, which resulted in the inability to follow the normal process.

Therefore, winning the trust of those shareholders became what Cheng Yu had to do.

Therefore, before going to Xixi, Cheng Yu was careful. Not only did he call Du Xiaoyu, Qianjin's legal representative and his legal wife, but he also brought the six-point Du Group that Du Changfeng had signed for him.

Documentary evidence of equity ownership.

Cheng Yu thought that if those shareholders were really worried, the worst he could do was find a third-party law firm and use his shares of the Du Group as a commitment. If Qianjin's capital did not reach 20 billion after it officially opened, he would

Allow those shareholders to convert their investment of 1.5 billion into the acquisition of shares of Du Shi Group.

Of course, this is done only under forced circumstances. After all, Cheng Yu actually needs to mortgage these shares to the bank in exchange for the one billion loan.

After getting on the high-speed rail, the two arrived in Xixi an hour later.

Of course, it was Xue Changyun who came to pick them up. After getting in the car, he did not take them to the company, but to the Xue family's house next to the wetland.

Cheng Yu was a little surprised by this and asked, "Aren't you going to the company to meet the shareholders?"

Xue Changyun smiled and said: "Don't worry, the appointment with those shareholders is for dinner, and it is not a formal negotiation. There is no need to make it so serious that we go to the company meeting room. This problem can be solved with a meal.


"That's not what you told me on the phone. Didn't you say that those shareholders are worried about making a fool of themselves? How can they still have time to eat with me?"

"My dad arranged this, and he also wants to meet you. Anyway, when we get to Xixi, everything will be up to my arrangement, okay?"

Du Xiaoyu gently tugged on Cheng Yu's sleeve, nodded slightly to him, and said at the same time: "It just so happens that I haven't seen Uncle Xue for a long time. Cheng Yu, don't be in such a hurry to talk about work. Just take care of it now that you're here.


Cheng Yu mainly wanted to finalize this matter sooner, the sooner he could complete the task, and he didn't want to delay for another minute.

But everyone has already talked about this, so Cheng Yu can't make any more demands. After all, it's normal for Xue Changyun's father to want to see him, and Cheng Yu can be considered a big favor to their family.

So he nodded and said, "I'm a little anxious, sorry."

Xue Changyun smiled and led the two of them into the house.

After entering the house, Xue Changyun first ordered the servant to serve tea, and then asked the servant to invite his father.

After a while, a man in his late sixties with a stooped figure walked out with the help of a servant. When he saw Cheng Yu, the man quickened his pace, showing that he valued Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu naturally knew that this was Xue Changyun's father, but he didn't expect that his father was such an age. He originally thought that Xue Changyun's father was at most two or three years older than his own father.

"Mr. Cheng, this is my father Xue Jindong. Dad, this is Cheng Yu." Xue Changyun took his father's hand and introduced him.

Cheng Yu quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Uncle Xue, I am Cheng Yu."

Xue Jindong looked at Cheng Yu slightly and said with a smile: "He is indeed a young talent!"

Du Xiaoyu also stepped forward to greet you at this moment and said: "Uncle Xue, it's been a long time since I came to say hello to you. How are you?"

Xue Jindong coughed slightly. Xue Changyun patted his back with some worry, but was pushed away by Xue Jindong.

Then Xue Jindong pressed his hands down and said with a cough: "Everyone sit down, everyone sits down."

Cheng Yu and Du Xiaoyu looked at each other and sat down respectively. Cheng Yu thought to himself that it seemed that Xue Changyun's father was not in good health.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been in good health. I was already ill. After the accident, I worried too much, and my health became worse. Thank you, young man, if it weren't for you, we don't know when we would be able to let go of this problem in our hearts.


Cheng Yu hurriedly said: "Uncle Xue is too polite. I heard from your noble master that Jian Xinyue also took the initiative to confess the whole thing to him the next day. I just happened to guess the truth. In fact, even if I didn't tell him,

Maybe the results will be the same the next day."

Xue Jindong glanced at Xue Changyun, and Xue Changyun hurriedly said: "I haven't had time to communicate with you about this matter. At that time, I thought that Jian Xinyue suddenly came to her senses and took the initiative to confess to me. However, after the police investigation intensified in the past two days, she finally

I knew that Jian Xinyue made a phone call to her family near noon the next day. The content of the call was unknown, but at that time Uncle Li had already found her eldest brother and took him directly in front of his sister.

He left. Therefore, we suspect that Jian Xinyue felt that the matter would be exposed, so she pretended to come to me to confess. She also wanted to avoid being held accountable."

Cheng Yu was stunned, he didn't expect such a thing to happen here.

"That means, now you have decided to pursue it to the end?"

Xue Changyun nodded and said: "Although Jian Xinyue insisted that she knew nothing, she just wanted to confirm whether her eldest brother was in the county, and then confess to me so that I could prompt the police to arrest him.

But I know her so well that this is definitely not the truth, at least not the whole truth.

No matter what her plan was at the time, when she called me, she must have known that Uncle Li went to Qiannan and took her eldest brother away.

Moreover, my friends from the police also talked to me and said that Jian Xinyue seemed to be a nice person, but this matter was handled too ruthlessly. If it was just kidnapping and extortion and did not involve Changdong's current situation, then he would have helped cover it up.

It is indeed excusable to conceal it.


The advice the police gave me was to pursue the matter to the end."

Cheng Yu nodded, understanding, and Xue Jindong added: "So, our Xue family does owe Mr. Cheng a favor in this matter."

Cheng Yu hurriedly waved his hand and said: "It's not even a question, isn't it true that I'm also asking for a thank you gift from your noble master?"

Xue Jindong nodded slightly and said: "That's what I said, but the return gift from Mr. Cheng is not light. The shares of the company that Cheng's Group and Du's Group cooperate with, if everything goes as Mr. Cheng said,

In practical terms, it is no less important than this subway project.

Even if there is no long-term move, Mr. Cheng just gives us the investment rights of those shares. Maybe we will go further and ask for more shares, but we are still willing to offer the subway project bidding in exchange.

We are now a local company in Xixi, and our relationship with the local government is already well managed. We have been undertaking government infrastructure projects over the years, and we do not need the subway project to add to our efforts.

Although you are more eager for this, from a development perspective, I also hope to re-establish a cooperative relationship with Lao Du. What's more, this also indirectly becomes a cooperative relationship with your father."

These words are not bad, the truth is such, but if Xue Jindong can say it so calmly, that is another matter.

"Uncle Xue, you are really too polite, I don't deserve it."

"I heard that you two are getting married?" Xue Jindong looked at Du Xiaoyu and asked again.

Two red clouds appeared on Du Xiaoyu's face, and she nodded slightly.

Cheng Yu felt that there was no need to hide things from an old man like Xue Jindong.

So he said directly: "Xiaoyu and I have obtained the marriage certificate two days ago, but the news has not been announced yet. This is also for the two of us to cooperate with peace of mind. Otherwise, we don't know how long the new company will be delayed.

Time. But for the wedding, it will definitely be too late this year. Everyone will be busy at the end of the year. When we wait for our wedding next year, we will invite Uncle Xue to have a drink."

Du Xiaoyu was stunned when he heard this, turned around and glared at Cheng Yu, thinking that it was not necessarily a wedding or not.

This chapter has been completed!
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