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Chapter 364 Active Mission

I thought Xue Jindong would happily agree, but I didn't expect that not to mention that Xue Jindong didn't have a smile on his face, and even Xue Changyun's face looked slightly ugly.

The reason why Cheng Yu said this was that he hoped to use this kind of happy thing from a worldly perspective to make the old man feel better, so that he would not have to focus on Xue Changdong, who had an accident more than two years ago.

His current poor health was certainly due to his illness, but Cheng Yu believed that Xue Changdong's accident had a huge impact on the old man.

But no one expected that this was a happy event that should be blessed, but Cheng Yu couldn't see the slightest smile on Xue Jindong's face.

Xue Jindong said: "At Mr. Cheng and Xiao Yu's wedding, I was definitely going to ask for a drink, but my health... To be honest with you two, I will leave Xixi tomorrow and go to the United States for treatment.


Cheng Yu was stunned, thinking that Xue Jindong meant that the treatment would take longer, and he didn't know whether he would be able to come back next year.

But what Xue Jindong said next made him even more stunned.

"We have kept this matter hidden from the outside world. In fact, I was diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer two years ago. At that time, the doctor's prediction was that it would be difficult for me to live for more than two years.

After that, I also cooperated with the treatment, and now less than a third of my liver is left.

While Changyun supports our family business, he also has to take care of Changdong, and even helps me seek medical treatment all over the world.

In Germany, we obtained a new drug, which eliminated a lot of my lesions. But drug resistance soon developed, and I decided to give up. Instead of endlessly taking drugs and chemotherapy, it is better to use

In the end, doing something with this little time can save you the trouble of long-term luck.

But Chang Yun still found an institution in the United States that was conducting experiments. They had a newly developed drug that was specifically designed for my disease. The drug had not undergone sufficient clinical trials. I was not going to die anyway, so I gave it a try.

Unexpectedly, the effect of this medicine was quite good, and I could barely control it.

If it hadn't been for Mr. Cheng's help to finally bring the matter to light, I might have been taking this medicine until it stopped working on me.

But now that Changdong's matter has come to an end, even if it doesn't help Changdong's current situation, the biggest thing in my heart is finally letting go. So I decided to go to the United States to undergo the surgery recommended by the doctor, but

The risk of this operation is very high. If it is successful, I can probably live for a few more years. If it is not successful, I may not be able to come back.

Even if it is successful, including the time to prepare for the operation and the time to recover and observe after the operation, it will be at least about a year. So, your wedding...congratulations, but I will definitely not be able to attend in time."

Only then did Cheng Yu realize that this was no longer a matter of time, but a matter of whether the operation could be successful.

Looking at Xue Changyun, Cheng Yu couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "What is the success rate of the operation?"

Xue Changyun looked at Xue Jindong. The old man nodded slightly and said in a low voice: "Less than 10%."

Cheng Yu and Du Xiaoyu's hearts sank at the same time. The success rate of less than 10% was basically the doctor's comforting statement.

It is probably the kind of medicine in the United States. It is judged that it can no longer help the old man control his condition, so the Xue family decided to take a gamble. If it fails, the old man will pass away in a few months. If it succeeds, it may take several more years.

.Rather than relying on a drug that may develop resistance at any time to survive, it is better to take a chance.

The two couldn't help but hold each other's hands tightly.

However, Xue Jindong was obviously still optimistic. He forced himself to smile and said, "You two don't have to worry about me. Birth, aging, illness and death are human nature. Going to the United States was originally my decision to go my own way. Changyun and they still hope that I can do more.

Keep it up, maybe some kind of special medicine will be available soon. After all, medical development is also advancing rapidly. But I can't bear to drag them down anymore. I have seen the hard work of longevity in the past two years...


"Dad, I have nothing to work hard for." Xue Changyun shouted anxiously.

Xue Jindong waved his hand and said: "Okay, I can't tell whether you have worked hard or not? It's just that I'm really powerless now. So, I'd better take a gamble. At least, I can't become the Xue family's liability."

Tired, the burden on your shoulders is already too heavy. After I go to the United States, you don’t have to worry about life or death. It depends on God. You can also concentrate on your brother and the company. So.

, Mr. Cheng, I would like to thank you for giving Changyun an opportunity to expand our family's business instead of limiting it to Xixi."

Cheng Yu sympathized with this, because just half a year ago, he was also diagnosed with brain cancer. The doctor gave up the possibility of saving him at that time and told him that he would not have more than a week left.

However, in comparison, Cheng Yu may have felt that his life was not long at that time, and did not have too much psychological burden. After all, he was still young and had not experienced any pain. He just received the news that he would die within a few days.

This kind of bolt from the blue is sometimes much better than the torture God rained down on Xue Jindong.

He was not in good health to begin with, but no cancer was detected. Suddenly, something happened to his youngest son, and he became an imbecile and needed other people to take care of him in life.

Not long after, he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. Even the family's wealth could not be spent in a few lifetimes, but no matter how huge the wealth was, it seemed so ridiculous in the face of life.

Although Cheng Yu couldn't fully understand this kind of psychological pressure, he definitely felt it.

He could especially understand what Xue Jindong said, that he was ready to give up at that time and just wanted to use the last period of time to do something.

Why wasn't he like this back then?

After experts from several hospitals confirmed that he could only live for less than a week, Cheng Yu simply gave up the idea of ​​seeking medical treatment, and just wanted to return to China and Wudong so that he could walk beside his parents.

The last few days.

But Cheng Yu was lucky enough to get the Divine Picking System, which helped him regain hope of living.

And Xue Jindong...

Cheng Yu couldn't help but use up his conversation time to summon the system in his mind.

Then, Cheng Yu asked: "For a disease like Xue Jindong's, can you implant a divine stinging system into him so that he can rely on stinging to survive?"

The system replied very briskly: "Yes, but the premise is that you die immediately. The existence of the system absolutely does not allow the second person to know about it. If the divine system is implanted in Xue Jindong, you will already know this."

Either he will be wiped out by the system after you find out the secret, or you will die immediately..."


If you want to help others, you don't mean to sacrifice your own life.

What's more, with Xue Jindong's current situation, even if he is given the Divine Picking System, he may not be able to survive an upgrade. After all, it would be incredible for such an old man to suddenly become Grandet.

In fact, even if the old man obtained the God Digging System, it would be impossible for him to believe this extremely ridiculous fact.

At that time, Cheng Yu didn't really believe it after he got the God-cutting system on the plane. He just tried it for a while. However, the cooperation of the pipeline and the fact that the airline to which the plane belonged happened to be acquired by the Cheng Group, which led to

Cheng Yu easily completed his first stingy act.

Sometimes Cheng Yu would think back, and he even felt that if he hadn't gotten the points by chance, he might have forgotten about it when he got off the plane, and he would still have fallen ill and died five days later.

"Then is there a medicine...or do you have the ability to cure Xue Jindong's disease?"

"This question is beyond the scope of the host's understanding..." the system answered mechanically.

But this answer is not meaningless. After all, if there is no possibility of this matter, the system will simply say no and it will be over. There is no need to mechanically tell Cheng Yu what he can't understand.

In other words, there is a possibility of healing, at least the Shenhu system has this ability.

"If I need to quickly increase the number of redeemable items in the mall, is there any shortcut I can take?"

"The main requirement is that the system releases tasks, but not during the duration of the tasks that have been released by the system."

"What do you mean? That is to say, in addition to you issuing tasks on your own, I can also take the initiative to ask you to issue tasks? I'll go, then if you didn't tell me earlier, you would have made me still a few dozen points short of reaching level six.

I have been worried for a long time.”

"Host, you misunderstood.

There are only two types of tasks required by the level, one is the task randomly released by the system, and the other is the additional task randomly released by the system.

Both tasks can be counted among the tasks that must be completed at each level.

However, tasks that the host actively requests the system to release cannot be counted. Therefore, when the host asked about this before, there were prerequisites, so I told the host that it could not actively request the system to release tasks.

Moreover, the tasks that are actively requested to be released are also conditional. Each time the host requests the system to release a task, the host needs to pay at least one thousand points.

If the task is completed successfully and according to the conditions, these thousand points can be returned and rewards will be obtained at the same time. The amount of the reward depends on the quality and duration of the task completed by the host.

The rewards for completing such tasks will not have any impact on the life span of the host at all, and the rewards are only for opening redeemable items in the mall."

Cheng Yu was speechless.

This condition is simply...mmp!

The main requirement is a task, one thousand points once, and you can get the ticket money back if you complete it. If you don't complete it, you will be deducted.

Moreover, the rewards do not involve the length of life, but only open more redeemable items in the mall.

Who the hell would be so crazy as to challenge the tasks issued by the system? Is being a host a fool?

It has to be said that under normal circumstances, Cheng Yu would never consider this matter. With his normal stinginess and the tasks that must be completed at each level, he can basically reach the end of his life at the current level of difficulty.

If challenging this kind of task is a gamble, taking a thousand points to challenge, and winning two thousand points, maybe Cheng Yu is willing to give it a try, at least he can get rid of this damn system as soon as possible.

But this reward actually only lights up the mall map, which is ridiculous...

But the problem is that the system seems to be intentional. Although it doesn't say it clearly, it almost hints to Cheng Yu in another way that there are many weird things in the mall. After redeeming them, even doctors on the entire earth will be at a loss.

Cancer can also be cured if there are no measures.

If Cheng Yu is not moved at all by this, it is absolutely impossible.

For a moment, Cheng Yu was so impulsive that he asked for a mission.

But Cheng Yu soon realized that this was something that he absolutely could not do, as the consequences would be too serious.

This chapter has been completed!
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