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Chapter 370: Current Situation of the Research Institute

As soon as Chen Jiang appeared, he hurriedly apologized to Cheng Yu.

In fact, after receiving Cheng Yu's call, he had already greeted the doorman.

He knew very well what kind of character his doorman was.

Strictly speaking, this guard does work according to the rules. After all, this used to be a research institute under militarized management. In recent years, there has also been some research and development in military technology. Naturally, people who are not from the institute cannot be put in casually.


But the problem is that the guard's attitude is very arrogant. He is not really following the rules at all, but is silently doing what he thinks is resistance in this way.

What to resist?

Of course, he was resisting this dead institute, resisting the current director who was useless in his eyes, and resisting the researchers who received "high" salaries but had little output.

For this janitor, who has worked at the institute even longer than Chen Jiang, the institute once had a glorious time and received close attention from the province and even the ministry.

At that time, leaders of military regions and even higher-level ministries often appeared in this research institute.

Although the wages in state-owned units have always been small, the benefits were good in the past.

At that time, there were hundreds of people in the institute and it had its own production workshop. Production and scientific research were in full swing. It was impossible to finish the chicken, duck and fish that were given out during the holidays. Even when there was nothing to do, the institute's

Leaders will also find reasons to provide some benefits.

At that time, watermelons in the summer were transported home in carts and carts. Apples in autumn were also carried home in baskets. In winter, oranges were left to rot at home if they could not be eaten.

Even the food in the canteen costs 20 cents for large meat dishes, 10 cents for small meat dishes, and 5 cents for vegetarian dishes. As long as you are familiar with the master chef, he will know that you are having a drink with friends today, and that spoon

Here, a dozen is enough for a stir-fry. Even the small stir-fries are not expensive. A dish costs only 30 cents and 50 cents. If a whole family eats here, it will not cost more than a few dollars.

The days at that time were much more comfortable.

But what now? The small factory in the research institute is gone, and the security department has been abolished, leaving only a few guards with old arms and legs.

The canteen is even gone. There is a boxed lunch at work. The two vegetarian and one meat dishes on the street are cooked in a big pot and are terrible. When I am not at work, there is no boxed lunch at all. But the salary is still the same. In

In this day and age, a salary of two thousand yuan is really not enough for what you can do.

In the institute, where there were originally hundreds of people bustling with activity, there are now only a few dozen researchers left.

There were only a few dozen researchers in the past, and their academic qualifications were not as high as they are now, but the things they developed not only supported themselves, but also supported a large number of workers.

The guard will not know that this is because the times have progressed, and it is naturally difficult for an institute like this with insufficient scientific research funds to produce any good results.

The most important thing is that the starting point of scientific research is higher. In the past, there was nothing, and whatever you did was a treasure. But now? There are large research institutes everywhere, and people have a lot of money in their hands for research and development, but

It would be strange for a research institute like this to have to cling to the little money it has each year to produce results.

He doesn't understand. He thinks it's because today's researchers are not as good as before. Those young ones who have just been assigned can't even work for a year or two and would rather lose money than leave.

He felt that these researchers were dissatisfied and accepted the training of the country, but did not learn their true skills. They just came to make a living, which indirectly led to the difficulty of living as ordinary workers who did not understand technology.

But he also didn't think about why those researchers who were assigned here after graduation were really incompetent or passive in their work, why they would rather lose money to the unit than leave.

The most important thing is, where do newly graduated students get the money? The reason why they can afford to lose money is because there are employment units outside that are poaching them and are willing to help them bear this part of the compensation. After they have passed, they will also be given high salaries.

, for the technology and abilities they have in hand.

The guard is old. He doesn't understand these things, and he doesn't want to understand them. He just feels angrily that Chen Jiang is not doing a good job as the director. There are too many people to do the work, and he doesn't work hard. A good research institute has been ruined.

Sometimes, the guard wandered around the courtyard of the institute and looked at the grass growing under the walls, but in his eyes, these places used to be lively scenes with piles of people chatting.

He would even light up a cheap cigarette out of compassion and scold these bastards, thereby sublimating himself.

In fact, this is just a microcosm of the many state-owned units after my country's reform and opening up.

In the past, it was centrally allocated and materials were centralized, so of course state-owned units were prosperous. But now it is a market economy, and capital and materials will flow to more flexible enterprises. Most state-owned units do have problems with rigidity and cumbersome procedures, and they are gradually being eliminated.

It is also normal.

Therefore, continuous restructuring is needed, and state-owned units must also form joint-stock systems, bringing in new managers and new incentive systems. If the joint-stock system is not enough, then privatize and let private capital take over these original state-owned units.

This guard would not even know that Cheng Yu was the one who wanted to acquire their research institute.

He is old, but still far from the age to retire.

He joined the army as a teenager and was assigned here after he was discharged. He was not yet twenty years old at the time.

Fast forward more than thirty years, and he is definitely the oldest employee in this research institute. Chen Jiang was transferred here when he was in his thirties. He is older than the janitor, but in this research institute, he still has more seniority.

It's really not as long as him.

Next, he still has a few more years to work, and younger people, during these two restructurings, have been continuously transferred to other units that he thinks are more profitable, and no one wants him anymore.

This made him feel even more angry and painful. Why could others transfer him but not him? He didn't want to stay in this hellish place.

He didn't know that the institute was about to be acquired, and after the acquisition, employees like him would most likely be laid off. After all, the bosses of private enterprises would never raise idle people.

Seeing Chen Jiang constantly apologizing to Cheng Yu, he felt very disdainful.

Damn, what the hell, you are an old man in his fifties, who was considered a department-level cadre before, but you are nodding and bowing to a young man in his early twenties. Are you still shameless?

Chen Jiang felt bitter in his heart. He thought that he was a director after all, and his greetings would be of some use, but he didn't expect that the guard didn't even give him any face, so he blocked Cheng Yu from the door.

Even now that Chen Jiang came to pick him up in person, he actually kept saying that this was a military controlled area and no outside vehicles were allowed to enter. To enter, you could only walk.

Cheng Yu didn't say anything, he parked the car in the parking space on the roadside with a smile, and followed Chen Jiang in.

Chen Jiang's office is at the innermost part of the courtyard. It's not far away, but it is indeed a short distance away.

Along the way, Chen Jiang apologized to Cheng Yu, fearing that Cheng Yu would be dissatisfied because of this.

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "Director Chen, you don't have to be so polite. The guard is also responsible."

Chen Jiang sighed and said, "Well, the research institute is almost unable to uncover the truth. What other responsibilities does he have? Mr. Cheng, don't be the same as him."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said: "It's okay. They don't know that the institute is going to undergo a second round of restructuring and that it will be sold as a whole this time, right?"

Chen Jiang nodded silently.

Cheng Yu didn't ask any more questions. After walking to the office building, the two of them went upstairs and entered Chen Jiang's office.

Chen Jiang ordered people to find the leader of materials technology, Wu Jing and Wu Gong.

The three of them chatted for a while and then got down to business.

There was nothing to talk about. After Cheng Yu said that he and Xue Changyun would conduct a comprehensive survey on the research institute and then give a valuation they thought was appropriate. The two parties would then discuss it and the government would preside over the final merger and acquisition. Chen

Jiang and Wu Jing took out the patent for the material technology and signed an agreement with Cheng Yu that both parties had already prepared.

After everything was completed, Chen Jiang expressed that he would stay with Cheng Yu for dinner, but Cheng Yu said: "We can't do it today. The bidding meeting in Xixi is about to start. There are a lot of things to do. I still want to thank you.

The technology was transferred to us, and samples at different stages were also given. Without these samples, we really don’t know where to get qualified samples in the remaining few days. We would not be able to eat.

, in two days, when the bidding meeting gets down to business, I will treat you two to dinner. At that time, we can start the next step of the work."

Seeing Cheng Yu's persistence, Chen Jiang gave up and the two of them sent Cheng Yu downstairs.

Originally they had to be sent to the gate, but Cheng Yu insisted not to, so he persuaded the two of them back to the office building and walked towards the gate himself.

Wu Jing looked at Cheng Yu's back and asked in a low voice: "Chen Suo, do you think Mr. Cheng is really interested in acquiring our research institute?"

Chen Jiang narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "It seems there should be no problem. He doesn't give me the impression of a person who goes back on his word. To put it bluntly, even if he says he won't acquire our research institute, how can we still use the technology?

Not selling? Are you waiting for the rice to be put into the pot? Do you need to pay wages? You are already owed for two months. How long has your research and development been interrupted? You have to continue, right? If you delay it any longer, people will be broken. But for rich kids, sometimes

It’s hard to say. Let’s wait and see.”

With a long sigh, Wu Jing was speechless.

The two sighed again, and were about to turn around and go upstairs, but a researcher rushed over, shouting as they ran: "Director Chen, Gong Wu!"

The two stopped and turned around to look at the man. Chen Jiang said displeasedly: "Xiao Sun, what are you doing again?"

"Chen Suo, go and have a look. Lao Qitou is quarreling with someone again. Fortunately, the other person is a young man and doesn't care. But Lao Qitou is arrogant. I'm really afraid that he will do something outrageous. Don't look back.

Beat him again."

Lao Qitou is the guard at the door.

When Chen Jiang heard this, he was stunned. In the past, Lao Qitou had done similar things. When people wanted to come to the research institute, but Lao Qitou was neither yin nor yang, they expressed dissatisfaction, and then Lao Qitou

He yelled at the other person and even got physical.

What disease did he suffer from today?

"What the hell is this old Qi Tou doing! Xiao Sun, go ahead. No matter what, call him over. I have to talk to him well today."

Wu Jing frowned and asked, "Xiao Sun, what does the young man you are talking about look like? What color clothes is he wearing?"

This chapter has been completed!
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