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Chapter 397 The Disappeared Li Gong

After entering the elevator, Cheng Yu said, "Mr. Wu, where is this Gong Li you are talking about now? He must have been poached by another unit with a high salary, right?"

Wu Jing sighed and said: "It is very difficult for a scientist like him to change jobs."

Cheng Yu was stunned.

In his opinion, Li Dali is so important that without him, several projects that have been leading the market for several years will not be able to continue. Such talents must be very popular among companies with R&D functions.

of concern.

Although he didn't know what the primary task was, Cheng Yu felt that it was definitely not just as simple as finding Li Dali, but probably to persuade him to return to the research institute.

And this is not just something that can be achieved by offering high salaries.

After all, Li Dali has left the research institute. No matter what the R&D department of any company, he will definitely still play a decisive role. It is impossible for the other party not to realize his importance. In addition, did Li Dali leave his job because of salary issues?

After a few years, the salary level must have reached a very high level.

To put it bluntly, although Cheng Yu offered Wu Jing a high salary of one million per year, for a senior engineer like Wu Jing who can be the leader of the project, the annual salary of one million is simply not high enough.

When other companies face people like Wu Jing, I can't say that the conditions they can offer are better than those offered by Cheng Yu, but they will never be worse.

Solving problems such as housing and transportation vehicles does not currently exist between Wu Jing and Cheng Yu.

Even the direct annual salary will never be the highest price that can be offered in the market.

It's not that Cheng Yu is stingy in this regard, but he feels that if the position is set too high at the beginning, it will not be conducive to Wu Jing's subsequent work. The only way is to proceed step by step, and wait until Wu Jing's research and development has achieved a stage.

He will also discuss with Xue Changyun to give Wu Jing and the researchers involved in the project certain benefits or rewards.

After all, all members of the institute, including Wu Jing, were treated like a big pot meal in the past. Even if they have completed projects, the rewards given by the state are not worth mentioning. They need Cheng Yu to gradually guide them and let them

Changing the way of thinking from state-owned units to marketization requires a process.

But Li Dali is different.

He resigned directly.

After going out, as long as he comes into contact with a few companies, when these companies are in urgent need of talents like him, they will definitely offer high salaries and various welfare conditions. Even if Li Dali was not used to it at the time, after so many years, he has been unable to secure all the benefits.

Now that I have a new owner, I naturally understand the concept of a market-oriented private enterprise.

When faced with a familiar environment and a stable R&D team, no matter how high your salary is, you may not be able to make him willing to return to the research institute.

What's more, if Cheng Yu offers him a very high salary, what will Wu Jing and others think? What will other researchers think? Isn't it unfair?

Therefore, it shouldn't be too difficult to find Li Dali. The difficulty is to persuade him to leave his current workplace and return to the research institute.

The system gives a task duration of forty-two days, which fully illustrates the difficulty of this task.

Therefore, Cheng Yu felt that since Wu Jing had been thinking about those projects, he would naturally pay attention to Li Dali. Maybe the two of them have still maintained basic contact. And Wu Jing definitely hopes that Li Dali can return to research.

So, he asked Wu Jing about the whereabouts of Li Dali.

But who would have thought that Wu Jing's answer did not involve Li Dali's current whereabouts. On the contrary, it raised new questions for Cheng Yu.

Why is it so difficult for such scientists to change jobs?

What does this mean?

"Huh? Wu Gong, what do you mean?"

Wu Jing sighed again and said: "Gong Li is responsible for basic data, modeling and designing the research and development direction of the entire project. Once such a person becomes the backbone of a research institute, he is naturally very important. After all, all the projects developed at that time,

Almost everything is done according to his personal ideas, and others cannot get involved at all. But because of this, it is not easy for him to be accepted by other research institutions..."

Cheng Yu understood.

Precisely because Li Dali is often responsible for the most basic things of a R&D institution, any R&D institution must have such engineers it has trained.

Perhaps Li Dali is more capable than the engineers of the R&D institutions, but if he is recruited, he will not be able to intervene in the existing projects of the R&D institutions in a short period of time.

The only option is to let him try new projects.

But he is just one person and does not have a complete R&D team. Not to mention whether the researchers in the new unit can cooperate with him tacitly, or even whether those people are willing to accept him. Even if this is not a problem, then that R&D institution

What should the former engineer responsible for data modeling and design and development ideas be used for?

As Li Dali gradually takes over new R&D projects, the engineers who used to have the same position as him will gradually have no work to do.

This is obviously unacceptable to anyone.

Therefore, as long as a business leader chooses to let Li Dali join his R&D team, it means that a previous engineer will be kicked out in the near future.

Under such circumstances, who would accept him?

Unless the company is willing to set up a new R&D team and leave the newly formed R&D team to Li Dali to lead the team without moving any of the old R&D team.

This creates a cost issue.

If Li Dali wants to find a suitable position for him, he must meet a company that happens to need to expand its R&D scale, and that company must also invest heavily in setting up a R&D team around Li Dali.

This possibility is indeed very small.

The elevator arrived, making a crisp ding, and then a mechanical female voice: "We've arrived at the 32nd floor."

The elevator door slowly opened. Cheng Yu stretched out his hand to signal Wu Jing to go out first, and then said: "Gong Wu, you mean to say that Gong Li is not happy with his life now?"

Before Wu Jing could answer, Xue Changyun came over: "Why are you here so slow? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Cheng Yu smiled at Xue Changyun and said, "Which private room are you in? Gong Wu and I have something to discuss, otherwise I would trouble you to accompany Chen Suo first."

Xue Changyun was a little surprised, but he still looked at Wu Jing based on his trust in Cheng Yu.

Seeing Wu Jing also nodded, he said: "Okay, Chen and I are in the private room of Sanba8. You guys should finish talking quickly. Today is a happy day, and I also want to have a good drink with Wu Gong."

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "I will do it as soon as possible."

After Xue Changyun left, Cheng Yu said: "Wu Gong, how about we go to the bar on the terrace upstairs to sit for a while? It's quieter there and suitable for chatting."

Wu Jing nodded, and the two of them walked towards the stairs.

"Gong Wu, what you just said is that Gong Li is not having a satisfactory life now? If so, it shouldn't be difficult to ask him to come back. It's just that you may have to be wronged because our research institute is going to have a double chief engineer."

Wu Jing smiled and said: "If Engineer Li is willing to come back, I would rather give up my position as chief engineer and continue to be his deputy."

Cheng Yu was slightly happy in his heart, but didn't show it. He waved his hands and said: "What did Mr. Wu say? Please come back to Mr. Li. I hope that the projects that have been carried out in the past can continue and not be wasted. And after he left,

The projects are all designed according to your ideas, so naturally you still need to be responsible.

If we can invite Gong Li back, he will be responsible for the unfinished projects for the time being. Then I will expand the scale of the research institute, attract more R&D personnel, and form two complete R&D teams. You and Gong Li will each lead

Just one.

Don't worry about the financial matters, I will resolve them with Mr. Xue."

As Wu Jing went upstairs, he looked back at Cheng Yu. Seeing his sincere face, he said with emotion: "Then I will first thank Master Cheng on behalf of Engineer Li."

"I'm doing this for future profits. It's not about investment, so Wu Gong doesn't have to be too polite."

When they arrived at the bar, Cheng Yu asked the waiter to serve two glasses of wine, and he and Wu Jing took a sip before speaking again: "Gong Wu and Gong Li have always been in contact?"

Cheng Yu fully hoped to get a positive answer, but Wu Jing's words made him a little disappointed.

Wu Jingdao: "We did keep in touch when he first left. But then, about two years ago, I suddenly lost contact with him. Four years ago, I received a QQ message from him

, he said that he went to South America and a company was willing to set up a R&D team for him. I think this is a good thing, at least for him. I also wish him a bright future. But since then

, in fact, to be precise, after he sent me that message, he never heard from me again. Even when I replied to him, he never heard back again."

Cheng Yu frowned and asked hesitantly: "What's going on?"

"I didn't care at first. In our industry, closed R&D is normal. After all, R&D content needs to be kept absolutely confidential and no leakage of any kind is allowed.

But no matter what the project is, it is impossible to carry out closed research and development for one or two years. There will always be a holiday.

Even projects that take three to five years or even longer are always carried out in stages. After a period of R&D has achieved phased results, there still needs to be a break.

Even this kind of rest time is often one or two months or even longer. After all, we are humans, not machines.

But since then, I have never heard from Li Gong again. I have sent many messages to his QQ, but I have never received a reply...

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than four years."

Listening to Wu Jing's words, Cheng Yu's heart gradually sank.

He finally understood that he had underestimated the damn system.

His previous assumption for this mission was that it would be easy to find someone, but the difficulty would be to persuade them to return to the institute. After all, even Li Dali wanted to come back, but if he happened to have a project in hand, the contract had not yet arrived.

What about the deadline? It is really not an easy task to complete the task of persuading Li Dali to return to the institute within forty-two days.

But now hearing what Wu Jing said, Cheng Yu realized that even looking for Li Dali would be a very difficult task.

There was only one piece of news four years ago, and there has been no news in the past four years. Even if his family is found, they may not know where he is. After all, according to Wu Jing, Wu Jing should be the closest person to him in the research institute.

As long as I can contact my family, it's impossible not to reply to Wu Jing's messages.

"You don't know his whereabouts at all now? What about his family?" Cheng Yu still had a glimmer of hope.

Wu Jing shook his head and said: "I have contacted his family. Li Gong's father passed away two years ago. I also went to Xingong Province. I thought he would come back, but he didn't show up."



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