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Chapter 407 Abnormal firearms skills

?Cheng Yu finally found the opportunity to insert his mouth.

"Two thousand visits should happen in more than one hour, right?"

Xiao Nie nodded and said: "The time span is gradually extending, extending from one hour to three or four hours. Sometimes, the visit is still going on at two or three in the middle of the night. The longest night is on the 17th, until the 18th.

There are still interview records at four o'clock in the morning. But after the 21st, there are no interview records at all... It's really strange. This guy is very weird..."

"Are the IP addresses of No. 20 and No. 21 the same?"

"It's different, and it's different every time. Well, this should be a disguised IP address. The IP management server connected to the access terminal will change it to a new disguised IP address every time it accesses.


Cheng Yuxin said that he was really cautious, which made him feel that this mission was even more difficult.

For an organization that is so careful about its IP address, the security measures in a real environment should be more stringent, right?

This damned system, do you really want to send me to death? Breaking through an organization with extremely high security measures to save people, the so-called sharpshooter and self-rescue first aid skills, I don’t know how useful they will be.

Martial arts is quite reliable. After all, it has the highest force value in mankind, which is equivalent to the superposition of the force values ​​​​of two world boxing champions. That means that basically in a one-on-two situation, Cheng Yu can definitely not fall behind.

Wind, as for one-on-one, it is invincible.

This is not the case with gunsmithing at all.

Not to mention that this damn firearms technique has an accurate hit rate of 95%. One hundred guns can definitely achieve 95 headshots, but this is different from martial arts.

In martial arts, if you are stronger than the opponent, then there is only a problem of consumption, and there will be no suspense in defeating the opponent.

In gun battles, when you knock down the opponent with one shot, the other party may also shoot you, and you will also be knocked down.

Moreover, where can Cheng Yu find a gun?

If there is anything about martial arts that is not as good as firearms, it is probably that it only lasts ten minutes.

It takes five points to redeem a martial arts, and it will expire after ten minutes. But if the enemy is strong enough to fight, or there are more people, ten minutes will obviously not solve the problem. Unless Cheng Yu kills every move, holding a sword like

It's like the chef Ding Jie Niu's knife is deadly. Otherwise, you can knock the opponent down, but what if the opponent gets up and continues to fight with you?

This thing is such a waste of points...

Hey, no, there is a time limit after the martial arts redemption, but when Cheng Yu checked the content of the firearms technique, he didn't seem to see the time limit.

Is it possible to redeem it once and benefit from it for life?

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu's first reaction was not excitement and joy, but deep suspicion.

After all, the system is definitely not for charity, so Ya Ting will never be so good. If you have to say that firearms skills can be redeemed once and benefited for life, that is definitely a terrifying number of points.

Cheng Yu couldn't care less about Gao Yiming and Xiao Nie in front of him. He immediately focused on the light screen in his mind, clicked on the cart in the upper right corner, entered the mall system, and then focused on the gun skill.


A translucent dialog box appeared immediately, and it read: Level 1 firearms skills, which allow the user to calmly control people and firearms with a caliber of no more than five centimeters, with an accuracy of more than 95% within the visual range.

Although it was already the second time he checked, Cheng Yu still had a lot to say about the five-centimeter diameter.

Damn it, with a caliber of five centimeters, is it still a gun? The caliber of a shoulder-fired rocket launcher is generally four centimeters.

Of course, now was not the time to complain. Cheng Yu looked at the firearms technique over and over again for a long time, but he didn't see any words about time limits.

Is it possible that a one-time exchange will benefit you for life?

Cheng Yu thinks this is absolutely impossible, or...

Oh, the number of points, how many points should be used to redeem a gun skill, Cheng Yu hasn't checked it yet. The last time he checked the gun skills and medical skills, he was on the high-speed rail, and he was almost at the station. Cheng Yu didn't know at all

I didn’t have time to check the number of points redeemed.

After shaking his head for a moment, Cheng Yu took a closer look and saw that six points were needed to redeem a gun skill.

Then it cannot be permanent, it is definitely a one-time exchange ability. But why is there no length of time in the instruction manual?

Cheng Yu focused his attention on martial arts again. This time, the translucent dialog box that popped up read: Ordinary level martial arts, disposable consumables...

Wait, it seems that Gunslinger has never mentioned this. In the past, every exchangeable item would have a similar description. It was clear at a glance whether it was a one-time consumable.

Is it possible...?

Cheng Yu was really excited. If he could become a sharpshooter with just six points, he would definitely not be reluctant to let it go!

On the transparent dialog box, there is also writing: After use, the host can have the highest force value among humans on earth within ten minutes. The highest force value among humans is roughly equivalent to the superposition of the force values ​​of two world boxing champions, which is basically guaranteed.

The user will not suffer any damage when facing the joint attacks of five to eight ordinary strong humans. Once used, it cannot be revoked. It is recommended that the host redeems a simulation trial in advance to understand the damage that this level of force can cause. To exchange for martial arts,

Five points are required.

This is obviously explained very clearly, and the general effect after use has been given with examples. A joint attack by five to eight strong ordinary humans cannot cause Cheng Yu to suffer any harm.

Wait, Cheng Yu suddenly seemed to have discovered something again.

The martial arts is written that after using it, the host can be freed within ten minutes. The host must underline here and will definitely take the test.

You see, just after the line break, what is written is no longer the host, but the user.

As for gunmanship, what is written very clearly is the user.

Although it is just a difference in wording, Cheng Yu believes that with the rigor of the Shenhu system, there will never be any mistakes in this kind of place.

It seems that the host and the user can be equated, but in fact they are not.

Of course, the host can only be Cheng Yu himself, or in other words, during the period when Cheng Yu is not dead and has not got rid of the divine system, it is a title that is exclusive to Cheng Yu.

The user is different, it just means someone who is using martial arts or gun skills.

Could this be a hint to Cheng Yu that martial arts can only be used on himself, but gun skills can be used on others after redemption? For example, his companions?

Then, there are two sharpshooters, not to mention always hitting the target, at least nine headshots out of ten shots. Moreover, the two of them work together to help each other guard the back. As long as the shooting speed is enough, there will basically be no blind spots.

If this is true, it is good news. After Cheng Yu saw Li Dali, he threw a firearms backpack on him, and then Li Dali was like a god with help, and he could destroy an enemy with every shot...

Moreover, there is no need to explain this thing. Just say that a blind cat bumped into a dead mouse. Li Dali would not be too suspicious. At most, he felt that he was lucky.

Martial arts does not seem to have such characteristics. After all, you can blindly shoot and hand-to-hand combat. If you let a weak scholar like Li Dali suddenly turn into a super Saiyan, even the weakest person will understand it.

Realize that I am not that good at all!

So, can gun skills really be used on others?

If this is the case, then medical skills...

Cheng Yu quickly read the medical instructions again.

On the translucent dialog box, it is written: Intermediate level medical skills, after use, can make the user have the level of a chief surgeon in a tertiary hospital. Disembowelment is commonplace, and organ removal is like barbecue...

Cheng Yu found that the last time he saw a doctor, it seemed that he only saw this point. He was a little sickened by the words "organ removal is like barbecue".

This was his personal experience. When he had several examinations in the United States, he entered the operating room and smelled the smell of bbq in the operating room. He thought that the taste of these doctors was a bit too strong.

, actually eating barbecue in the operating room.

Later, he asked a nurse, who told him that it was caused when the laser knife was cutting the human body. When the muscles and skin tissue were cut and burned by the laser knife, a smell similar to barbecue would be produced.

Therefore, when Cheng Yu saw the words "organ removal is like barbecue", he was so disgusted that he couldn't stand it at all.

Moreover, he had just gotten off the high-speed train and was walking away with the crowd, so he was easily distracted.

Now I can continue reading.

Behind the word barbecue, it says: Each use can only be used on one injured person. The injured person can have multiple injuries and require multiple surgeries. Note that this medical skill cannot cure the user.

I need five points to redeem medical skills.

This explanation is actually very clear.

Like firearms, there is no restriction and can only be used by the host himself. This is probably because Cheng Yu may be injured and need treatment from others. After all, medical skills cannot be used by Cheng Yu himself and then be used on himself.

In other words, if Cheng Yu is injured, he must exchange a medical skill for use on someone else, and then let that person treat himself.

However, this seems to have created a new problem. A medical layman who knows nothing suddenly has the level of a chief surgeon in a tertiary hospital. For example, Li Dali is more skilled in holding a scalpel than in holding experimental equipment. This

It's obviously incredible.

Cheng Yu's eyes just slipped over the Speech Spell. He suddenly understood that this thing can be used in conjunction with the Speech Spell. The same goes for the Gun Spell. Isn't it just to make that person unable to speak?

But it's not right. If it is only used in conjunction with the silence technique, the other party will not be able to say it out, but in his mind he is like a mirror, which will inevitably cause doubts about this, thus affecting this person's behavior pattern.

The gun skills were not bad, after all, they could be explained by Meng. Cheng Yu believed that that person would not dare to show off his marksmanship next time. Even if he tried it secretly and privately, it would only show that the sharpshooter was just lucky that time.

But the medical skills are not good!

What if that guy successfully helped Cheng Yu perform a surgical operation and encountered a similar situation again, and he was so confident that he asked him to come, but he ended up getting killed?

After killing someone, he was arrested by the police and an injection killed him. This was still a good result. If he had deep doubts about Cheng Yu because of this, wouldn't it mean that Cheng Yu revealed the secret to him?

system exists?

However, it seems that it would be okay to apply medical skills to a person who is studying medicine. That person himself has certain medical abilities. Cheng Yu gave him this exchange item, just to make his performance more extraordinary.

It's barely feasible.

Please remember the first domain name of this book:.Nine Heavens God Emperor:

This chapter has been completed!
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