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Chapter 416 Deputy Mayor Cindy

The caller was indeed Morris's family's personal health doctor, and Morris must have introduced him to Cheng Yu's general situation, so the other party seemed very polite.

Since there is no such thing as WeChat for foreigners, Cheng Yu sent an email to the doctor's mailbox with Vincent's mother's pathology report.

The doctor dealt with it quickly. After looking at it, he called Cheng Yu back.

"Mr. Cheng, I have a general understanding of your friend's condition. In fact, her condition is not very serious, but the problem is that it has been more than a year, and I don't know if her condition has changed. So, I personally

It is recommended that you do not rush to contact the surgeon first, but it is safer to conduct a detailed and comprehensive examination first."

Cheng Yu actually meant the same thing. After all, more than a year has passed. No one knows how the condition has changed. Moreover, there will be many complications here. Doctors cannot be allowed to take such risks.

Just do the surgery.

"I'm not very familiar with San Diego. Can you recommend a hospital where I can take them for a comprehensive examination?" Cheng Yu said.

The doctor quickly said: "Don't worry about this. Mr. Cheng, please give me your friend's address, and I will directly contact a friend of mine who is also an expert in this field. I asked him to send someone from the hospital to pick up the patient. I'm afraid he is too

You need to do some manual inspection to determine which items need to be checked."

After agreeing, Cheng Yu sent the address here.

Although he already knew that this was a man from a poor family, the doctor was still surprised to see that the address was actually the largest slum in San Diego.

While he was contacting his friends and asking them to arrange vehicles to pick up the patients, he was also sighing that this family had finally met a good person, and Cheng Yu was so kind. If it were anyone else, he would probably avoid them.

, I would never take the initiative to get involved.

The hospital ambulance arrived quickly. Professional ambulance personnel brought Vincent's mother with equipment and a stretcher. Vincent wanted to go with him, but Cheng Yu stopped him.

"You clean up this place. Don't bring too many things. Just bring what you and your mother need in a short time, as well as souvenirs that you can't throw away. Don't live in this place anymore. I'll bring it."

You go and live somewhere else."

Vincent was stunned, and he hurriedly said: "Mr. Cheng, I have troubled you too much, and I can no longer accept your gifts."

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "I said, I will still have some use for you, but if I don't solve your worries so that you don't have to worry about your mother, you will definitely not be able to concentrate on serving me.

So, all this is to ensure that my own affairs are not delayed. Don't say useless words, I don't have much time to be delayed. The sooner this matter is resolved, the better. Anyway, after the matter is over, I will send

You go to the United States to live and study, and when you have the ability to make money, you can just repay me."

Vincent thought for a while, finally nodded and said: "Thank you, Mr. Cheng."

"Hurry up and act..." Cheng Yu clapped his hands.

However, Vincent did not take action immediately. Instead, he ran out, spoke a few words to the medical staff carrying the stretcher, and stuffed something into the medical staff's hands.

The medical staff couldn't refuse. Seeing Vincent stuffing things into him and running away, he had to put down the stretcher, walked up to Cheng Yu, and said in not fluent English: "Sir, don't worry about the expenses at the hospital.

The Reese family has already stated that they will pay everything on their behalf. They will settle the final amount with you. But this child insists on giving me a thousand dollars. Don't worry about the fee. Even if there is a fee, I have no right to charge any

Cash. This..." He opened his palm, and on his large palm lay the thousand dollars that Cheng Yu had given Vincent before.

Cheng Yu took the dollar and said: "Okay, I understand, you take the patient to the hospital first. If anyone asks, just say that before I leave San Diego, I will definitely visit Mr. Morris at his home."

The medical staff nodded and turned to leave. Cheng Yu took the money and got back into the small room.

"Okay, Mr. Cheng, I've packed it up."

When Vincent saw Cheng Yu, he immediately said with a smile, but Cheng Yu saw that in just two minutes, he packed up a very large package, which was even bigger than him.

"So fast?"

"Because I wanted to treat my mother, the things at home have always been put away, and I can leave at any time. I just need to add the things I have changed."

Although Cheng Yu knew very well that there must be many useless gadgets in this big package, he didn't want Vincent to be disappointed in any way, so he said, "Then let's go."

On the way, Vincent insisted on carrying the big bag by himself, so Cheng Yu could only let him carry the bag to the car.

After getting into the car, Cheng Yu took out the thousand dollars and said, "The doctor can't charge this money. All your mother's expenses will be temporarily paid by a friend of mine. I have to say,

Although you are very smart, you have imagined things too simply. Your mother's pathology report was more than a year ago, and the situation has changed a lot, so the cost of the surgery that the doctor told you is no longer applicable.

And in order to ensure your mother's safety, she needs to undergo a new examination. This one thousand US dollars is definitely not enough to cover the entire cost. But you don't have to worry, those costs will be settled by me in the end. And this money will also be settled with them.

Your future tuition fees, etc., will be recorded in your account, and you will pay them back to me when you are able to pay them back. Okay?"

Vincent's eyes dimmed slightly, he nodded firmly, and whispered: "I'm sorry, sir, I thought too simply."

"It's okay. After all, you are just a child under seventeen years old. Some things you don't think thoroughly about are because you have less experience. When you have more experience in the future, you will naturally be able to cover everything. This thousand yuan is your

Whatever I earn here, you take it first."

Vincent waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Sir, you originally gave me this money because you wanted to help my mother treat her illness. I know very well that those problems are not worth so much money."

Cheng Yu put the money in Vincent's hand and said: "In the next time, you need to follow me all the time and always have some money with you. Moreover, we agreed that this money is your reward for answering questions.

, do you think I am a person who breaks my word?"

Vincent took the money nervously, and then asked: "Sir, you said that I will follow you for the next time? What about my mother?"

"Your mother is in the hospital. She is safe and will receive professional care. Do you think you can take better care of her than those professionals? So, don't disturb them for the time being, and they will definitely help you in the best way.

Mother’s treatment. In all cases, they will contact me.”

Vincent thought for a while, nodded and said, "Thank you, sir, please."

Cheng Yu smiled and rubbed Vincent's head, started the car, and took Vincent back to the hotel.

After helping Vincent find a room, Cheng Yu took him up.

It was obvious that Vincent was very curious about the cleanliness and luxury of this room, but he tried his best to pretend to be calm, even a little reserved, and muttered something at the same time.

Cheng Yu listened carefully. Although he didn't understand all the Spanish, he generally understood what this little guy was saying - these must be paid back, paid back, paid back...

Laughing dumbly.

"You take a good bath first, we will go out later." Cheng Yu patted Vincent on the shoulder, turned and left.

Back in his room, Cheng Yu contacted Xiao Nie. There was still no progress on Xiao Nie's side. Cheng Yu said: "According to what I know in San Diego, that Lawrence Bill should have a lot of power there. It's just that

However, he should be relatively low-key, and not everyone knows his name. My idea is that you might as well start from this aspect and help me check it out to see who this Lawrence Bill is. I don’t know.

Unexpectedly, he has a good relationship with the local police department and government in San Diego, so maybe you can check the situation of those officials, so that you can follow the clues and find Lawrence Bill."

Xiao Nie became excited as soon as he heard this. This kind of collusion between officials and businessmen, and the confusion of right and wrong, seemed to have infinite charm for him.

"No problem, I promise to update you with a lot of information within half an hour. If he really colludes with officials in San Diego, it won't be difficult to find him."

"After you find Lawrence's information, you can check by the way to see if there are any aspects of him that would require a data model engineer."

"Please, please."

After Xiao Nie replied, Cheng Yu put the phone aside, sorted out his thoughts, and thought about what to do next.

About forty minutes later, Cheng Yu came to the door of Vincent's room again and knocked. The young man opened the door with wet hair and a change of clothes, looking very refreshed.

"Sir, where should we go next? Do you want me to go back and remove the hard drive from the computer? The information there may be useful to you."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said, "There is nothing useful there."

Vincent said with some disappointment: "Then what else can I help you with?"

Cheng Yu knew that he felt that he had been greatly favored by Cheng Yu, but could not help Cheng Yu in any way, so he showed disappointment.

"From now on, you have to use your memory. Can you remember all the people you have seen and the sounds you have heard?"

Vincent nodded and said, "Yes, I can remember everything if I want to."

"So, if you hear Lawrence's voice again, you will definitely be able to identify it, right?"

"Of course."

"I have another photo here, take a look." Cheng Yu took out his phone and pulled up the photo of the woman named Cindy that the driver of the special car sent him, and showed it to Vincent.

Vincent glanced at it, hesitating a little, as if he wanted to say something but didn't dare.

Cheng Yu noticed this and said, "What's wrong?"

"I seem to have seen this woman before. She is very similar to someone I know. But that person never wears this kind of clothes and will never have such an expression."

Cheng Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you say that?"

"Because that woman is our deputy mayor of San Diego. When she appears on TV or in promotional videos, she always wears formal clothes and never smiles. Many people say that she is an iron lady. She

She will run for mayor soon, and everyone thinks she will succeed."

Cheng Yu was stunned.

No, this matter actually has something to do with the government. If it were really her, this matter would be a bit tricky.

"What's the name of the deputy mayor you know?"

"Cindy Bomia."

Cheng Yu slapped his forehead and thought that even the names were correct.

"When did this woman named Cindy run for deputy mayor?"

Vincent tilted his head, recalled a little, and said: "Three and a half years ago."

Cheng Yu thought to himself that the time was basically right.

After this woman brought Li Dali from China, she started running the campaign. With the help of Lawrence Bill, she successfully became the deputy mayor.

The four-year term was about to expire and it was time for another election, so this woman set her sights on the mayor's position again.

These are of course Cheng Yu's reasoning, but this kind of reasoning is logical and everything seems to fit perfectly.

I won’t tell Vincent any more, since Cindy is a public figure and an official, there should be a lot of information about her online.

But after all, this is a local official in Chile. It is impossible to expect too much information about her on the vast Internet. At most, there is only some superficial information about this woman on the Internet.

Sending a message directly to Xiao Nie, Cheng Yu wrote the woman's full name, told Xiao Nie the woman's current position, and asked Xiao Nie to help look up information about this woman.

Xiao Nie seemed to be always by his phone. As soon as Cheng Yu's message was sent, he had already replied.

"No problem, give me fifteen minutes."

Sitting in Vincent's room, Cheng Yu asked him to clean up, then went to the small bar to get a bottle of whiskey, opened it, and took a big sip.

Not even fifteen minutes, but only seven or eight minutes passed before Xiao Nie's message was sent again.

This is a document.

Cheng Yu returned to his room, brought his computer over, logged into the computer version of WeChat, and downloaded this information.

After unzipping, a document appears inside.

Opening the document, Cheng Yu saw a lot of information about Cindy Bomia. It was really hard for Xiao Nie to find so much information in such a short time.

Maybe Cheng Yu's action of downloading the document was observed by Xiao Nie, and he sent another message: "Mr. Cheng, are these materials useful?

I originally thought it would be a bit difficult, thinking that a government official would have to open a backdoor in the government website and sneak in to check it anyway.

Unexpectedly, I just randomly searched on Gugou and found a lot of information about this woman.

Before she entered politics, she was the director of a charity organization. No wonder her campaign went so smoothly. It is said that she will definitely become the mayor of San Diego in six months. Her team has now begun to run the campaign.

Judging from the local news in Chile, this woman is so young that she has a chance to run for president.

And this woman’s team has never shied away from this. They have been emphasizing that the mayor of San Diego is just a small stage for her to show off her skills. Next, she will run for Minister of the Interior after her term as mayor. Although it has not said that she is targeting the president.

, but it’s probably not far off.

Her campaign for deputy mayor directly received strong support from the center-right ruling coalition. The traces are still very obvious..."

Cheng Yu glanced at the information and replied: "That's it for now. If there is any further need, I will inform you."


Xiao Nie disappeared quietly, and Cheng Yu continued to browse the information.

According to the data, this Cindy Bomia graduated from one of the Ivy League schools in the United States with a master's degree. After returning to China, she joined a charity called Minority Centrist and has been committed to biotechnology-related charities for many years.


Four years ago, she joined the National Reform Party and immediately participated in the election of deputy mayor of Santiago, winning this position with almost no success.

This was the only part of the center-right ruling coalition that won the municipal election, and the rest was completely defeated.

In her three and a half years in office, she has frequently had fierce conflicts with the mayor of the center-left alliance, and most of the time she has been able to take advantage of her. Many people in Santiago feel that she is the real mayor. A deputy

It is really commendable that the mayor can compete with the mayor many times without losing.

In the past few years, most of San Diego's large-scale infrastructure projects have been related to her, and were even implemented under her leadership.

This woman has a good reputation among the people in San Diego, which has become her most advantageous condition for running for mayor in the next term.

Looking at this information, Cheng Yu had a headache.

If this Cindy is the Cindy who was photographed by the driver at the airport, then the task this time will be even bigger.

This is a very popular political figure in Chile. If he is not careful, Cheng Yu will face a serious diplomatic incident.

Once again, Cheng Yu had the idea of ​​giving up the mission.

However, Cheng Yu really didn't dare to take that risk due to the punishment he would face for giving up the mission, as well as the damn additional punishments.

Seeing that he couldn't help, Vincent turned on the TV out of boredom.

The young man was very careful and turned the TV sound very low, but just when Cheng Yu was most absorbed, he suddenly exclaimed...

Cheng Yu looked up and saw Vincent pointing at the TV with a horrified face, his mouth open, but he didn't make any more sound.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yu followed Vincent's line of sight and looked toward the TV. What he saw was a picture of many police officers, medical vehicles, and a reporter standing on the street with a microphone, facing the TV.

The audience is talking about something.

The reporter spoke too fast and in Spanish. Cheng Yu was really at a loss and couldn't understand him at all.

Even the subtitles printed at the bottom of the screen, Cheng Yu could only understand the word shooting.


Something happened?

Could this be related to Cindy? Otherwise, why would Vincent be so frightened?

This chapter has been completed!
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