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Chapter 422: The Strongest Force on Earth

As soon as the car reached the bottom of the hillside, Cheng Yu didn't even care about the chain car. He took out the key and ran up the hillside.

It took Cheng Yu not even a minute to drive the one kilometer here. Vincent was caught at the top, and it would take some time for those people to bring Vincent down.

Cheng Yu used almost all his strength to run, but he couldn't let anything happen to Vincent again.

The road up the mountain is winding and winding. The houses here are built very irregularly. They are basically built against the mountains. Wherever there is flat land, a house is built. There are also many low-rise buildings built inexplicably.

The construction has made the entire road almost irregular.

It was now late at night. Not to mention the street lights, there were only a few people still awake on the entire road. Cheng Yu could only hold his cell phone and use the flashlight function to barely illuminate the road ahead.

After running less than thirty meters, the cell phone in Cheng Yu's hand rang suddenly. He took a long stride towards the steps and glanced down.

It turned out to be a call from Vincent's cell phone. Cheng Yu chose to answer it without thinking. There was no doubt that it was a call from the person who captured Vincent.

"Hey, don't hurt that boy. We don't mean any harm. We can talk." As soon as the call was connected, Cheng Yu couldn't wait to speak in English.

There was a rustling noise on the phone, and Cheng Yu shouted impatiently: "I'm already on the way up, don't hurt him, I'm the only one, no one knows you are here. Cindy, Cindy


Suddenly there was a burst of laughter from the other side, and the other party said: "I can be found by you this way. It seems that I really can't take it lightly. If you don't want this child to be harmed, then you can stop your work for me."

Steps, don't go up any further. Stop now, immediately!"

According to her words, this person should be Cindy. It seemed that Vincent had aroused her suspicion from the beginning, otherwise she would not have been able to control Vincent so quickly.

However, judging from the calm tone of the other party, Cindy was not too panicked, which was at least a good result.

As long as Cindy can remain calm, Vincent should not be in any danger for the time being.

Cheng Yu had no choice but to stop and look up, but he couldn't see anything suspicious. The road was too winding and there were too many strange houses blocking Cheng Yu's view.

In the dark night, it was impossible for Cheng Yu to see any trace of Cindy.

"I have stopped, you must not hurt him. Cindy, I just want to talk to you. Moreover, I am not the person you think, whether it is the National Reform Party that supports you, or the mayor.

I am not a person from the side, or a person from Lawrence Bill."

On the other end of the phone, Cindy's voice was obviously startled, and she became wary.

"How do you know about Lawrence Bill? Who are you?"

"Cindy, you have to believe me. Your current situation is very dangerous. I have thought of a good way to at least get you out of your current predicament. I will stay here. There is no one here. If you don't believe me,

If so, we can have a video call and I'll let you look around me."

"Why should I trust you? Besides, who knows if you have notified anyone else. Who are you?"

Cheng Yu sighed and said: "It's useless to tell you who I am, you don't know me at all. However, I can still tell you my identity. My name is Cheng Yu, I am a Chinese, and I am here for Li

Dali's affairs came to San Diego. Think about it, does Li Dali still have an impression? Four years ago..."

"That engineer from Wudong, China? How did you know he was related to me..."

"This is very complicated to say. I searched for a long time before I found it here. Cindy, you come down first, or I go up, we meet, and then I will tell you everything. I am just a person who came to find Li Dali

, I pose no threat to you, and I have no interest in the complex forces behind you. Now, except for the boy in your hand, I am the only one in San Diego who knows you are here."

"Mr. Cheng Yu, what I can confirm now is that you have nothing to do with the political party. But if you were from Peng or Lawrence, you would still know about Li Dali. How do I know that you are not using

Li Dali paralyzed me?"

Cheng Yu was stunned. This was true. This Cindy was worthy of being a master's degree graduate from the Ivy League. She spoke and thought very rationally.

This can be considered a good start. At least, such a person would not be willing to bear the charge of a murderer, or at least she would never hurt Vincent until she was desperate.

Cheng Yu thought carefully about how he could win Cindy's trust.

On the phone, Cindy said again: "Don't waste your efforts. Do you want to use this phone to track my location? Huh! Goodbye, Mr. Cheng." After that, Cindy hung up the phone again.

Cheng Yu was anxious and immediately called back, but the call was quickly cut off.

Cheng Yu called again. This time, the phone kept ringing, but no one answered or hung up.

Cheng Yu knew that Cindy had thrown away her phone.

The reason why she still chose to hang up the phone the first time was probably because she wanted to turn off the phone or just turn on mute.

After all, in such a quiet night, if a phone keeps ringing outdoors, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

After she hung up Cheng Yu's first call, she chose to turn on mute and then threw the phone aside.

Cheng Yu thought about all this clearly and continued running towards the mountain. However, until he reached the top of the mountain and saw the last house, he could not see any trace of Vincent and Cindy.

Cheng Yu secretly said something bad. Vincent had said before that Cindy got into a house on the hillside, and then he pretended to be passing by and continued walking towards the top of the mountain.

It took Cheng Yu more than three minutes to run from the bottom of the mountain to here. This time was enough for Cindy to take Vincent down from the top of the mountain and hide in the house she had just stayed in.

After Cheng Yu passes that house, Cindy can take Vincent down the mountain.

Cheng Yu turned around and ran down the mountain. What he was sure of was that Cindy would never dare to stay here any longer. She would definitely choose to leave.

Because Cindy is not sure about Cheng Yu's identity, even if she can believe that Cheng Yu has nothing to do with the political party, then she will think that Cheng Yu is related to Lawrence, and then Cheng Yu can never be alone.

Under such circumstances, if Cheng Yu notified Lawrence and didn't care so much about Vincent's life or death, Lawrence would have brought someone here soon.

When the time comes, Lawrence only needs to send people to guard the place below, and then have people search all the houses one by one.

The residents here are the lowest class of people living in San Diego. They would never dare to make any noise when encountering something like this.

In that case, Cindy wouldn't be able to escape at all.

Therefore, Cindy has only one way out, and she must go down the mountain.

And before she understood Vincent's importance to Cheng Yu, she would definitely take Vincent with her whenever possible.

Cheng Yu turned around and ran down the mountain. As he approached the bottom, he saw the lights of a car on the open space below. Cheng Yu knew that it must be Cindy.

Cheng Yu couldn't care less, and continued to run, shouting loudly: "Don't go, don't go, let's talk, let's talk..."

However, the car obviously didn't want to pay attention to Cheng Yu, turned around on the spot, and drove quickly towards the distance.

Cheng Yu simply jumped and rushed down the last few steps, chasing after him for two steps, but couldn't see anything going on in the car. He had to turn around and run towards the Ferrari he borrowed from Marianne.

After getting into the car and starting it, Cheng Yu stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

Although the car in front had disappeared, Cheng Yu roughly knew the direction. As he rushed in that direction, he picked up his phone, quickly clicked on Xiao Nie's WeChat, and sent a voice call invitation.

Xiao Nie answered quickly and said: "Mr. Cheng, don't worry, I will find Cindy's location soon." Along with Xiao Nie's voice, there was the crackling sound of keyboard typing.

Cheng Yu didn't ask how Xiao Nie was able to locate Cindy. Anyway, Cheng Yu didn't quite understand his hacking methods and the hacker's way of thinking.

He just said concisely and clearly: "After locating, keep tracking. She is now in the car in front of me. I can no longer see her taillights. From now on, I can only rely on your tracking to help me guide her."


Xiao Nie agreed quickly: "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, please just ask me!"

Cheng Yu did not hang up the call, and continued to step on the accelerator and sprint forward. There were no forks in the road for two kilometers, so Cheng Yu went straight forward with confidence.

Suddenly, Xiao Nie exclaimed on the phone: "Mr. Cheng, that's wrong, that Cindy didn't move at all! She's still in the same place just now."

Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he braked. The Ferrari made a sharp scream on the road, and the friction between the tires and the ground almost made them burst into flames.


"Cindy didn't move. She's still in the same place. I can see her from here."

Cheng Yu was stunned, completely unable to understand what Xiao Nie said: "What does it mean to be able to see her?"

"You just told me about Cindy's location. I checked it with Google Earth and saw a panoramic view of that place. It's a slum there, right?"

Cheng Yu nodded while steering the Ferrari to turn around. No matter what, it would be useless to pursue it now. A fork in the road could make Cheng Yu completely lose track of the car.

He originally planned to rely on Xiao Nie's positioning to pursue him. Since Xiao Nie said that Cindy was still where he was, regardless of whether it was true or not, Cheng Yu had no choice but to turn around and go back.

"Yes, that place is a slum."

"After checking it out, I thought that if Cindy was there, she must not have been asleep like other poor people.

She was so busy with trivial matters at the moment that I thought she might not be able to sleep.

So I thought of a way.

Although her previous mobile phone must have been thrown away, otherwise it would have been found long ago, but I believe that since she can avoid the control of the two political parties looking for her, then there must be someone secretly supporting her. No matter whether that person is with her or not

Together, she will definitely need a new mobile phone.

It is even possible that she is still paying attention to the news on the Internet to learn about the current developments in the outside world.

As for that slum area, most people must have gone to bed. After all, the poor people have to get up early tomorrow morning to work. They are still online at this moment, and there must be very few mobile phones that consume data, so I took a look at that place.

We collected mobile phone signals, found several mobile phones that continued to consume data, and secretly turned on their cameras.

Although I couldn't see Cindy from the phone's camera, I excluded most of the phones because of this. Among the remaining three phones, one consumed a lot of data and was very fast, so I focused on it.

For a moment.

As a result, I discovered that this mobile phone was turned into a hotspot, and a laptop was connected to this hotspot.

I followed the lead, touched the laptop, and turned on the laptop's camera. This time, I clearly saw Cindy sitting in front of the computer."

Cheng Yu stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, galloped back quickly, and asked again: "Are you sure Cindy is still in front of the computer now?"

"That's definitely not wrong, but she was not the only one in the room, there were two men, who looked very tough, and then there was a tied up... child, about sixteen or seventeen years old. Then

The child kept struggling and got hit by the two men several times. I also saw Cindy turning around and scolding the two men. Although I couldn't hear what she said, her scolding expression and movements were obvious. She finished scolding her.

After that, the two men stopped taking action. But as long as the child struggled, the two men looked very nervous..."

Cheng Yu was overjoyed. There was no doubt that the child Xiao Nie was talking about was Vincent.

But, Cindy didn’t leave? Is she really not worried about someone behind her? If half of the hillside was surrounded and searched door to door, how could she still fly into the sky?

As for the car just now, Cheng Yu didn't think much about it. It was obviously a deception created by Cindy.

No matter what, Cheng Yu was quite satisfied with the fact that Cindy did not torture Vincent, or even let the people who followed her to protect her torture Vincent.

It wasn't that far after driving out, but Cheng Yu quickly drove back.

"Can you determine the exact location?"

"This is a bit difficult. I can only use the surrounding signal transceivers to perform triangular cross positioning. I'm afraid it's not that accurate. But I'll try my best."

Cheng Yu agreed, got out of the car, carefully closed the screen of his phone, and walked up slowly.

Soon, Xiao Nie said on the phone: "Mr. Cheng, the location has been determined, but the place is a hillside. I can only circle the range of about ten to fifteen meters near her mobile phone, but the height is not clear.

Okay. Within fifteen meters of this hillside, there must be many houses up and down, right?"

Cheng Yu was at a loss for a while. He carefully observed the surroundings, trying to determine Cindy's specific location through the lights coming from the houses.

However, this is obviously in vain.

Cindy and the others must be very careful. Even if they turn on the lights, they are very dim, and they only need to be able to see clearly.

Or, simply using the light of the computer screen is enough for them to do simple operations in the house.

Moreover, since Cindy was hiding, she would naturally notice the problem with the lighting. She was afraid that the windows must have been covered with thick curtains to prevent the lighting from leaking out at all.

Cheng Yu could only rely on Vincent's approximate location when he called him before, as well as the time he arrived at the top of the mountain, and roughly judge the range based on Vincent's pace.

In addition, Xiao Nie was giving him guidance on the phone, Cheng Yu believed that his current location should be no more than ten meters away from Cindy and Vincent.

Suddenly, Cheng Yu thought of a way. He said: "Xiao Nie, since you have located Cindy through her mobile phone, can you know her phone number?"


"Call her number."

Xiao Nie understood instantly and said immediately: "Okay, I understand, just rush over to the bell when you hear it. I'll hang up here first!"

Cheng Yu hummed and Xiao Nie hung up the phone.

Soon, Cheng Yu heard the rapid ringtone of a mobile phone coming from the right side of the hillside.

Without saying a word, Cheng Yu rushed towards the ringing phone. He had to get close to the voice in the shortest possible time, because Cindy would definitely know that this call was unusual. Once she hung up, Xiao Nie would dial again.

Then the phone will never make any sound.

Fortunately, the distance was not far in the first place, and there was a sudden call coming in on her cell phone. Cindy was caught off guard and failed to turn off the call immediately.

In the dark night, the cell phone ringtone was too obvious, and Cheng Yu easily determined Cindy's location.

Afterwards, Cheng Yu rushed to the door of a low house, which was consistent with what Vincent said before. He said that Cindy got in.

This diamond character seems to indicate that the door of this house is relatively short.

In fact, it is not short, but the door of the house is built on the roadside, and there is a distance of nearly half a meter between the roadside road and the lower edge of the door.

If you want to enter, you have to jump down first, which looks a bit like crawling in.

Cheng Yu jumped down without saying a word. At the same time, he also heard the voices of men and women coming from the room. They were speaking in Spanish. Cheng Yu couldn't quite understand it, but judging from his tone, this was definitely not the case.

It is the state of conversation between two ordinary people.

This is it!

Cheng Yu immediately called up the martial arts that had been exchanged for a long time in the storage pane in his mind, and quickly confirmed to use it immediately. Then, he leaned his shoulder against the door and exerted force on his right shoulder suddenly. The old wooden door could not stop him at all.

one time.

However, Cheng Yu seemed to have used too much force. The door was pushed open, but he also fell in.

Thanks to the shelf behind the door, Cheng Yu bumped into the shelf and no bigger problems occurred.

The room suddenly became chaotic, and Cheng Yu clearly heard Cindy's voice, which was exactly the same as what he heard on the phone before.

Cheng Yu knew that he had found the right place!

A dark figure rushed up, lowering his voice and speaking Spanish.

Cheng Yu didn't understand, but he could hear the meaning of the other person's question. Seeing the big hand grabbing towards him, Cheng Yu did not hesitate, turned his head slightly, and avoided the man's hand.

Then, he raised the knife and lowered it, cutting the man's forearm heavily with the edge of his palm. Following the trend, he turned his elbow upward and hit the man's chin.

With a slight cracking sound, Cheng Yu could feel some pain from his elbow, and could almost feel the sound of the opponent's jaw being shattered.

Is this the strength of the strongest military force on earth?

This chapter has been completed!
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