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Chapter 424: Politicians at a loss of ground

"After Li Dali knew what Lawrence's so-called project was, he continued to help him with research and development?" Cheng Yu asked.

Cindy waved her hands, frowned, and said: "I'm not sure about the current situation. I haven't had much contact with Mr. Bill for a year. Our party chairman warned me that if I want to have a smoother career,

You must stay away from unnecessary people. So, I don’t know Li’s current situation.”

"What is the current situation? Li Dali arrived in Chile four years ago, and was sent to the Argentinian port by you within two days. He should have immediately landed on the island named by Lawrence as his future territory, right?"

Cindy was obviously shocked. She shrank back and subconsciously raised the muzzle of the gun in her hand again.

"Who are you? How do you know the future territory?"

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry about how I know it. There are no secrets under the sun. You just need to tell me how it is possible that you don't know Li Dali's situation."

"No, this is absolutely impossible. Apart from the people on the island, the only people who know that place is called the Future Territory are me, Mr. Bill and Peng. You are Mr. Bill's person!" Cindy exclaimed, her whole body

He popped it back, and the muzzle of the gun in his hand began to sway due to excitement.

Cheng Yu sighed and estimated the time. There should be at least four or five minutes left in the ten-minute martial arts time. So, Cheng Yu slid his body down to keep himself out of the bullet trajectory of the pistol, and gently placed his hands on the chair behind him.

As soon as he pushed it, the whole person slipped out like a slide.

Although Cindy had a gun in her hand, she really didn't dare to shoot. After all, as long as she fired, the world would be in chaos. The sound of gunfire was too obvious in the middle of the night, and there were too many people living around.

, as long as she fired, she would not be able to escape.

Secondly, Cindy was so flustered that she couldn't keep up with Cheng Yu's movements.

As a result, Cheng Yu just slipped out of the ground and arrived in front of Cindy. His legs were twisted directly, and Cindy's body immediately fell down.

Cheng Yu raised his hand, grabbed Cindy's gun-holding wrist, and twisted it slightly. Cindy felt pain and immediately released her fingers. The pistol was easily disarmed by Cheng Yu.

Locking the gun's safety, Cheng Yu inserted the gun into his lower back, then lowered his voice and cursed angrily at Cindy: "Are you an idiot? If I were from Lawrence, you would have been there by now.

After being sent to him, why am I talking nonsense to you here?"

Cindy could see that Cheng Yu was furious. Obviously, her action of raising the gun again seriously angered Cheng Yu. For a moment, Cindy was frightened and frightened.

There was no way not to be afraid. Even if she had a gun in her hand, she didn't feel safe enough. Now that even the gun had fallen into the opponent's hands, Cindy felt that she was no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of Cheng Yu.

The only thing that reassured Cindy was that Cheng Yu did not point the gun at her, but put the gun away. At the same time, Cheng Yu did not embarrass her too much.

What Cheng Yu said seems to make sense. If he was Lawrence's man, he should have taken the gun away from Cindy, tied her up and handed her over to Lawrence.

Cindy knew very well what kind of situation she would be in once she fell into the hands of Lawrence.

That would definitely be more terrifying than death.

So she said with a trembling voice: "Are you...I'm sorry, I...I'm just too nervous."

"I really don't know how the National Reform Party could choose you as their future plan with a brain like yours. Fortunately, you are only a deputy mayor. If you really become the president of Chile, I'm afraid Chile will be doomed.


Cheng Yu was still angry. He had repeatedly reminded this woman not to point the gun at him or Vincent, but she still violated him again and again.

Vincent also spoke at this time: "Ms. Cindy, please believe that sir, he really only came here for Mr. Li Dali. And my father died at the hands of Lawrence Bill. We must never

Not his person."

Cindy looked at Vincent, as if she wanted to ask something, but she didn't speak, she just moved her lips.

Vincent saw what Cindy wanted to ask and said: "About four years ago, my father's company suddenly encountered a fire, and my father died in the company. Two days later, one of his friends reminded

I said that my father's death was suspicious, and that he had reported his concerns to the police. Then, he was hit and killed by a car. Although there is no evidence, I believe that I

My father died at the hands of that Lawrence Bill, and I heard his voice."

Cindy was still hesitant and glanced at Vincent again and again. Finally, she felt that she no longer had the ability to resist, so she slowly got up from the ground.

"What's your last name?"


When Cindy heard this, she suddenly remembered what happened four years ago.

At that time, Li Dali was unable to leave China for a while because of Chilean visa issues. Then Cindy informed Lawrence of the matter. Lawrence found a company and helped Li Dali issue a legal labor certificate, and then successfully obtained it.


After Cindy brought Li Dali back to San Diego, of course she handed him over to Lawrence, but Lawrence told Peng Bo to deal with the owner of the trading company.

Although the memory was a little blurry, Vincent's words seemed to have given Cindy enough reminders to remind her of this incident four years ago.

"Benjamin, by the way, that's Benjamin. Did your father open a trading company at that time? But the financial situation was very bad, so he issued some labor certificates for others, and the price quoted at that time seemed to be quite high?"

Vincent nodded, shook his head and said, "I don't know about the price. After all, I was only twelve years old at the time, but the situation is indeed similar to what you said."

Cindy finally confirmed that at least Vincent and Lawrence really had a grudge against killing their father.

A lot of people knew about that incident. After all, it was a fire that made the news, and Lawrence also used a lot of efforts with the police, so that the police barely investigated the origin of the fire and hurriedly closed the case, saying that it was just a fire.

Fire caused by human negligence.

However, as Vincent described in such detail, apart from the three of them, there was probably no one else.

What's more, there is also the matter of the second life. The car accident was actually driven by Peng Bo himself. No one knew that it was related to Lawrence, and the police could not have any information.

Cindy was relieved.

Taking a long breath, Cindy said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Cheng, I'm really just nervous. Although the shooting happened not long ago, you will never know how I got here for more than ten hours. I'm sorry.

After the offense just now, I can completely trust you now. If you have any questions, please continue to ask."

Cheng Yu nodded and continued to ask: "Just answer my question directly."

Cindy was a little confused. The fright just now made her forget what Cheng Yu asked.

Vincent reminded from the side: "Sir, I'm asking you, why can't you clearly explain Li Dali's situation? He already arrived in the future territory four years ago."

Only then did Cindy think about it and answered tremblingly: "Li is a scientist with a lot of backbone...and a very conscience.

He came with the idea that Mr. Bill could help him set up a research and development team and invest in new material research.

But after arriving in the future territory, he saw the human experiments being done in Mr. Bill's research institute, and he immediately collapsed.

Then, no matter how Mr. Bill tried to coerce and induce him, he refused to participate, and was not even willing to accept Mr. Bill's promise to establish a separate R&D team for him and allow him to rebuild a R&D center on another island.

Mr. Bill used many methods, including coercion and inducement, and promised him that he would not have to worry about the projects in the laboratory at all, and he would only need to develop new materials as required.

But Li said that if the materials he researched would be used for such brutal human experiments, he would never agree.

Finally, he said that he had only one request for Mr. Bill, and that was to let him leave. He wanted to return to China, and he also promised not to disclose Mr. Bill's projects to anyone.

But how could Mr. Bill believe him?

Therefore, Mr. Bill locked him up in the future territory.

It's not the kind of detention that completely restricts personal freedom. It just allows him to get along with scientists who are engaged in human experiments day and night, but he is not allowed to enter the experimental area.

In Mr. Bill's words, let him be exposed to these projects uninterruptedly. Over time, those ridiculous persistence in his heart will gradually dissipate. After being assimilated, he will naturally agree to work for him.

I don’t know how he is doing now, but what I can confirm is that until the last time I went to the future territory, Li was still insisting that he would not conduct any new material research and development for Mr. Bill.”

Hearing this, Cheng Yu was quite surprised.

He also thought that although Li Dali was deceived into going to the Falklands, he had already begun to serve Lawrence and continuously provided him with various new materials.

Cheng Yu had hesitated for this reason, feeling that Li Dali was not worthy of his rescue.

If it weren't for the pressure of the mission and the fact that Vincent fell into Cindy's hands, Cheng Yu might have given up on this matter and prepared to return to China.

And now listening to what Cindy said, Cheng Yu felt that Li Dali still had the basic character of a scientist. This was compared to the so-called scientists who were no different from lunatics and were already contributing to Lawrence's human experiment projects.

Heaven and earth.

If this is the case, then regardless of the pressure of the mission, as long as Cheng Yu can do it and he can do it, he is willing to do everything possible to let Li Dali see the light of day again and return to his homeland.

"Where is that future territory? I'm not talking about that general location. Of course I know that the future territory is on one of the more than 200 islands in the Falklands that may be inhabited by humans, but are not inhabited by humans. What I need is the exact location.


Cindy said: "No problem, I have the exact latitude and longitude. But, Mr. Cheng, do you want to go to that island? It's not easy to go there. There is a pretty good defense force on that island, let alone an individual.

Even if it is the police and even the army of Falklands, it will not be easy to capture that island."

"You don't need to worry about this. I have my own way."

Cheng Yu said coldly, then he looked at Vincent and said, "Vincent, if you have any questions to ask her, you can start asking."

Vincent shook his head and said: "Sir, I don't need to ask her anything. My father must have been killed by Lawrence Bill. This lady's performance just now has fully confirmed this. I only have one request.

,Sir, if you plan to go to that island, I hope you can take me with you."

Cheng Yu smiled and didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either.

It's impossible to agree. He has martial arts, firearms skills, medical skills, etc. that he can rely on.

But Vincent had nothing.

He was still so thin. After he left, even if Cheng Yu didn't consider whether he would become a burden, Vincent didn't even have the basic ability to protect himself.

Cindy made it very clear that there was a very strong defense force on the island. Cheng Yu had doubts about whether he could successfully land on the island, let alone Vincent.

But he didn't want to refuse. He could understand Vincent's idea of ​​helping his father to avenge him. He knew the mood. If he refused Vincent at this time, it would make Vincent fall into an anxious state.

Moreover, once he finds out that Cheng Yu refuses to take him there, he is afraid that he will try his best to get over, which will actually harm him.

Cheng Yu just nodded slightly and said to Cindy: "What are your plans now? How are you going to deal with your own crisis?"

Cindy sighed and said: "What can I do? Even our party chairman is at a loss. Of course he believes that none of this was done by me, and he also knows that it was all directed and acted by the mayor. Otherwise, the murderer would

How could he commit suicide after confessing me? If it was the person I sent, that person had already decided to commit suicide, why did he still confess me? But the problem is, there is no evidence to prove this, he can only tell the other person

Use partisan mediation and try other solutions."

Cheng Yu frowned and said, "Why are you so sure that this case was directed and acted by the mayor? Couldn't it be a third-party force?"

"There is no reason..." Cindy suddenly realized something in the middle of her sentence. She stared at Cheng Yu suspiciously and asked, "Mr. Cheng, do you want to tell me that Mr. Bill sent someone to do this?"

Cheng Yu shook his head and said: "That's not true, Lawrence is not that stupid. Of course he knows that even if he is extremely angry with you, he can never use such methods to solve it.

This will put you in a situation that is beyond redemption, and will also involve him in it.

What he wants is political patronage, not political hostility.

Can he use this matter to claim credit in front of the mayor's political background?

In this case, he will be the first person those people want to kill, and then the case can be completely framed on you.

And if your political background is known, he will be in the same desperate situation as you.

Lawrence is so shrewd, how could he possibly do such a disastrous thing?"

After hearing these words, Cindy instantly understood what Cheng Yu meant.

"Peng? Peng did it without telling Mr. Bill! I know how much he hates me!"

Cheng Yu then nodded and said, "Yes, your guess is absolutely correct, it's Peng Bo.

I don’t know much about that guy, but according to the information I got, he is an extremely impulsive idiot.

It's not surprising at all that he would do something like this.

He thought he would get revenge on you, but in the end, he got scolded by Lawrence.

I estimate that if Lawrence hadn't kept him useful, he would have dealt with him as soon as possible. Only in this way can we completely prevent this matter from being implicated in him."

Cindy immediately gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Peng, this idiot! This idiot! How could he...I want to kill him!"

Cheng Yu didn't even bother to complain about this useless clamor.

Cindy was angry for a while, and suddenly remembered what Cheng Yu had said before. Cheng Yu seemed to have said that he had a way to help him solve this matter.

"Mr. Cheng, you seemed to have said before that you could help me solve the current dilemma?"

Cheng Yu smiled coldly and said, "You are finally willing to believe me now? The way you looked at holding a gun before was very cool!"

Cindy's face was filled with astonishment, and she said with shame: "I'm sorry, these ten hours have really exhausted me mentally and physically. Mr. Cheng, please give me your advice on how you want to help me solve this matter."

Cheng Yu sighed helplessly and said: "I'm really sorry for your IQ. I'm also sorry for your National Reform Party. How did you get into an Ivy League school back then? And that party?

How come you are regarded as the biggest plan for the next twenty years?"

Cindy was now stuck in a deadlock and couldn't think of any solution. She could only smile at Cheng Yu, hoping that Cheng Yu could teach her.

Vincent couldn't stand it any longer and said: "Ms. Cindy, since this incident has let you know the truth, and your political party has not given up on you, at least they have sent a few people to protect you.


This shows that once things turn around, they will use more force to reverse the case.

Now, the culprit is already in front of you, you just need to find Peng Bo, why don't we just let you continue?"

Cindy was stunned when she heard this, and then quickly came to her senses.

"Yes, the real murderer has come out, we can even..."

"You can even frame it on the mayor and try to make Peng Bo change his story and say that the mayor asked him to do this. At the same time, drag Lawrence into the bureau so that he can't get away with it..." Cheng Yu continued coldly.

, once there is a conspiracy, Cindy's performance as a politician is still very qualified.

"It is best to control both Lawrence and Peng Bo as soon as possible. This way, you can completely prevent your history of helping Lawrence from being revealed.

One arrow kills several eagles.

Solve the current embarrassing situation, completely put your opponent in a desperate situation, wipe out the mistakes you have made in the past, and get rid of the last worry in your official career..."

Cheng Yu was obviously mocking Cindy, but Cindy was really considering all this.

She pondered for a moment, shook her head and said, "This is not good enough. Once Mr. Bill is forced into a desperate situation, he will definitely tell me about me first."

Cheng Yu smiled contemptuously and said, "It seems that the politician's mind has finally returned to your body. Congratulations, Ms. Cindy, you have regained the ability to think."

Cindy could see Cheng Yu's teasing, but she also knew that Cheng Yu must have a better solution.

"Mr. Cheng, do you have a better solution?"

This chapter has been completed!
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