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Chapter 427: Lawrences Financier

The plane roared on the runway, then raised its head and slowly took off.

Cheng Yu sat near the porthole, looking at the brightly lit airport outside and the faint fish-belly white sky on the horizon. He suddenly remembered that he was sitting in a similar position more than half a year ago. The plane started to bump. The flight attendant and the stewardess

While trying his best to calm down the passengers, a ball of fire hit him.

At that time, Cheng Yu only thought that he was dead. At the same time, he also had the thought that God was really cruel to him. He only had less than a week to live, but he was not allowed to return to China. Finally, he saw

A glance at his parents and grandfather.

Thinking of his grandfather who had Alzheimer's disease but often showed a cunning side, Cheng Yu couldn't help but smile.

Everything that happened on the plane that day was still vivid in his mind, and now, Cheng Yu could no longer use words to describe his feelings at that time.


It seems not.

After going through the process of not trusting the doctor's diagnosis and going around to check and confirm the diagnosis, Cheng Yu seemed to have no more feelings about the fact that he only had less than a week left to live.


It seems not.

Of course, Cheng Yu was still eager to live. He even thought about it at the time and told his father about it as soon as possible after returning to China. In his mind, Cheng Guangnian was always a person who was more rational than emotional.

It even once made Cheng Yu wonder whether he was Cheng Guangnian's biological son.

Or maybe it's whether Cheng Guangnian has normal human emotions.

What Cheng Yu thought about was that telling his mother that he was not going to die soon would definitely make her panic. Ning Kezhu was definitely not a person who could remain calm in the face of life and death.

He hoped that after he told Cheng Guangnian about this, Cheng Guangnian would try his best to help him find the legendary Chinese medicine that could defeat cancer.

Even if it's not victory, but just extending his life a little, at least he can stay with his mother for a while. He left China when he was eleven or twelve years old, and the life of being with his mother less and away from her more deeply made Cheng Yu deeply moved.

I realized that not only was my child in need of my mother's embrace, but I also needed the joy of having my son around me.

But who would have thought that fate can be so torturous. After giving Cheng Yu a head-on blow, what awaited Cheng Yu was an even heavier blow.

All the reversals started when the plane was fine and Cheng Yu found that he was fine too.

The emergence of the Divine Picking System allowed Cheng Yu to survive. Moreover, with the points Cheng Yu currently has in hand, even if he does not want to make progress from now on, he will be safe for at least more than a year.

This is such a strange experience.

Just thinking about it drowsily, Cheng Yu felt extremely tired, his eyelids heavy, and he fell into a deep sleep.

The last time he slept, Cheng Yu was on a plane flying from London to Santiago, and then it was eighteen hours of hard work. Cheng Yu didn't even have time to catch up on the jet lag before he started the investigation of primary task one.

Now, Cheng Yu could finally sleep peacefully.

When the plane barely landed, Cindy gently shook Cheng Yu's arm to wake him up from his sleep.

"Mr. Cheng, we've arrived in Punta Arenas."

Cheng Yu opened his blurry, heavy and even slightly stinging eyes. He nodded, indicating that he understood.

"I'm sorry, you could have slept for ten more minutes, but I need to enter the flight cabin. Although the captain is my own, it is not convenient for other flight attendants to see me."

Cheng Yu waved his hand to express his understanding, and Cindy said no more. She stood up and went straight to the flight cabin. The captain was already ready. The door opened and she stepped in.

The captain spoke a few words in Spanish on the intercom system, and the flight attendant returned to the first-class area and opened the partition. Seeing that Cheng Yu had woken up, he told Cheng Yu again in English that the destination was Punta A.

Renus has arrived and asked Cheng Yu to prepare to get off the plane.

Cheng Yu asked the steward for a glass of water, and after drinking it in one gulp, he felt quite awake.

After the plane stopped and the gangway was set up, Cheng Yu was the first to be arranged by the flight attendant to get off the plane.

On the tarmac, a minibus had been waiting for a long time. Under the guidance of the ground staff, Cheng Yu got on the bus and then came to the exit.

When getting off the car, the driver turned around and said to Cheng Yu: "Sir, someone asked me to bring you a message. She said that after you get out, go to the departure floor to apply for a ticket to Port Stanley. The flight number is xxxxx

. She also said that the flight will take off in three hours, and you can choose to have a meal or rest in the lounge. She will meet you on the flight."

Cheng Yu nodded, thanked the driver, and walked straight to the exit.

After successfully exiting the door, Cheng Yu turned around and went upstairs, arriving at the departure floor again.

According to the flight number, Cheng Yu continued to apply for the boarding pass. Just like in Santiago before, when Cheng Yu handed his passport to the ticket sales lady, she immediately applied for the boarding pass for Cheng Yu. It was still first class.

, and there is still no need for Cheng Yu to pay.

For this, Cheng Yu once again received four points as a reward.

Since this ticket involves leaving the country, there is an additional customs clearance procedure. However, Chile's customs control is quite lax. Although there is no such thing as a first-class passage through customs, Cheng Yu still spent less than ten minutes.

Already arrived at the security checkpoint.

The airport in Punta Arenas is even smaller. Compared with many large international airports in the country, it can be described as mini.

There is only one first-class lounge, and there are only two places that provide meals in the terminal.

Cheng Yu randomly chose a restaurant and ordered a Western fast food as quickly as possible. After finishing the meal, he ran to the first-class lounge, found a corner, curled up on the sofa and fell asleep again.

When the plane was about to board, the ground staff in the first-class lounge woke Cheng Yu and led him directly to the tarmac, and then sent him to the plane in a car.

At this time, the flight had not even started boarding.

The flight from Punta Arenas to Port Stanley is more than 1,000 kilometers long. Including take-off and landing time, the entire flight will undoubtedly take more than two hours.

Although he hasn't seen Cindy yet, Cheng Yu has no doubt that he will see her again when he gets off the plane.

There will undoubtedly be no second passenger in the first class area.

Therefore, Cheng Yu asked the flight attendant for an eye mask and a blanket, put the seat down as much as possible, and continued to get some sleep.

When the plane landed, Cheng Yu felt someone shaking his arm. He opened his eyes and saw Cindy beside him who had changed into casual clothes.

Cindy smiled at him and said, "Mr. Cheng, we have arrived at Port Stanley."

Cheng Yu's energy has basically recovered. Although he slept intermittently, with only six or seven hours in total, almost every sleep period reached the quality of deep sleep.

"For politicians like you who have obviously reached some kind of agreement with the British government, it is called Port Stanley, but for us Chinese, we call it Port Argentina."

Cindy was inexplicably slapped by Cheng Yu, and she didn't know how she offended this man who was obviously difficult to get along with. She could only curl her lips and said: "I have left Chile, so I don't need to pretend.

Chilean arrest warrants cannot yet be sent to the Falkland Islands. Mr. Cheng, how are you resting? Do you need to rest in Port Stanley... oh, is it Argentine Port, or should we go directly to the dock after leaving the airport?

, take a boat to the future territory?”

It seems that she has really achieved the achievement of escaping. Cindy now speaks openly and is not afraid of others hearing the words "future territory".

"After leaving Chile, you are much bolder in your speech than before, huh?" Cheng Yu lazily stood up and continued: "After leaving the airport, take me to buy a set of clothes first. My next identity is

I'm your assistant, I can't say that I'm dressed in such a flashy outfit, it would be too hard for people to believe me."

After Cheng Yu arrived in San Diego, he bought a set of clothes locally. It was hot summer in the southern hemisphere. Of course, Cheng Yu bought a set of clothes that were quite in line with the local customs. They were colorful and colorful, which was indeed not suitable for a person.

The appearance of a politician's bodyguard or assistant appears.

After getting off the plane, Cindy and Cheng Yu walked through the normal exit channel together and took Cheng Yu directly to the parking lot.

An old Ford car, Cindy walked over and opened the door directly.

The car key is inserted into the car, and only this kind of old car will not automatically lock the door.

Cindy drove the car while Cheng Yu continued to sit in the passenger seat and fell asleep.

It's not that he's not energetic enough, but that Cheng Yu doesn't know what will happen next when he goes to that future territory, so at this time, it's better to recharge his batteries as much as possible.

The car soon entered the urban area of ​​Port Argentina. After seeing a clothing store, Cheng Yu got out of the car and bought some clothes.

It's not a good brand, but the white shirt and black pants finally fit his status as Cindy's assistant.

Cindy continued driving and took Cheng Yu to a port.

There were complete procedures in the car. After Cindy found the port staff, she submitted those procedures.

Then, the staff took them onto a yacht and politely asked if a driver was needed. After receiving a negative answer, the staff left on their own.

Cheng Yu looked at Cindy and said, "I didn't expect you to be an all-rounder. You can even fly a boat. Now I doubt you can even fly a plane."

Cindy smiled, started the yacht, and while maneuvering the yacht slowly away from the shore, she said: "This kind of yacht is easy to master, you can master it just by looking at it. But you have to be proficient, for sure

It will take some time. I used to accompany Mr. Bill to and from here, so it’s not surprising that I learned to drive a yacht. As for airplanes, there is a kind of seaplane, and I really know how to do it. The reason is the same."

Cheng Yu nodded and said no more. He sat on the deck and looked at the scenery on the sea.

The sea is vast as far as the eye can see, but there is nothing interesting about it. Cheng Yu pointed to the south and said, "That's the Antarctic Circle over there, right?"

"It's still a long way away. There's no way this boat can get there."

Cheng Yu nodded and said no more.

Cindy thought for a while and said with some caution: "Mr. Cheng, I have a question that I have been wanting to ask you."

Cheng Yu didn't look back and said, "Tell me."

"Last night, I asked a bodyguard to go down the mountain and drive away a car. At that time, we also confirmed that you got into the car and chased me. Why did you come back later? And how did you get away from so many people's homes on that half of the hillside?

, found mine?”

Before Cheng Yu had time to answer, Cindy said again: "I don't want to inquire about anything, just out of pure curiosity."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said: "Just like you have backing forces besides Lawrence Bill and the National Reform Party, and are related to the British, could you possibly think that I came to Chile by myself rashly and planned to

Bring Li Dali back from the future territory on your own?"

Cindy smiled and said to herself, there is indeed a back-up plan. Fortunately, no tricks were used along the way. Otherwise, even if this guy is dealt with, the people behind him will definitely find out about me.

"How long will it take to reach the future territory?" Cheng Yu asked casually.

Cindy replied: "If everything goes well, about an hour and a half."

Cheng Yu nodded and said: "We have made it here smoothly without stopping, but what about Lawrence? How long do you estimate it will take for him to get here?"

"Then it depends on how quickly the mayor takes action. The sooner they make Mr. Bill feel threatened, the sooner Mr. Bill will leave San Diego."

"Of course I know that, I'm just asking you, given your knowledge of the party behind that mayor, how long will it take for them to take action?"

After thinking for a while, Cindy replied: "Normally speaking, the person who revealed the news that Peng Cai was the initiator of the assassination of the mayor to the other party would be an old man who has a low status in their party but has served the party for many years and is relatively stable.

I believe they will trust his news more.

Action must be taken immediately, but the timing of the entire arrangement depends on their understanding of Mr. Bill.

If they had a deeper understanding of Mr. Bill, they would spend more time arranging it, but if they knew almost nothing about Mr. Bill, they would probably start taking action as soon as they received the news.

Based on what I know about them, the longest time should not exceed ten hours.

Action will definitely be taken before dinner."

Cheng Yu nodded and asked: "So how long will it take for Lawrence to escape and get here?"

"Mr. Bill will definitely not be able to come through the normal route. According to what I know about him, he should break through the border with Argentina and then go south from Argentina.

At this time, given Mr. Bill's personality, he would not believe in airplanes, so I guess he would drive south.

The 3,000-kilometer journey takes at least two or three days. Once you get to Ushuaia, take a boat directly to Stanley...oh, it's the Argentinian port, which also takes a day.

So, if nothing else happens, Mr. Bill will arrive here in about five days."

Cheng Yu nodded and thought, does it actually take five days? I can't wait any longer!

The total duration of the mission was only forty-two days, and now five or six days have passed. Waiting for another five days is really a big deal.

"But maybe, if Mr. Bill is well prepared when he flees, he may have enough funds. Then when he arrives in Argentina, he will charter a private plane, so that he can arrive tomorrow at most

The future field.

I haven't contacted Mr. Bill for at least a year, and I don't know much about whether he has sufficient funds on hand now."

Cheng Yu frowned and asked: "You don't know this? Isn't it a person's inherent habit to fund things? Lawrence is also a rich man. No matter what, the cash for renting a private jet is still

It should be, right?"

Cindy shook her head and said: "Actually, Mr. Bill's wealth is not much. I have followed him for so many years, and I don't even know what his financial support is.

I haven't heard much about his business, but he just happens to have a sum of money every once in a while that can be invested in the research and development of future territories.

Including when I helped him manage a few centrist funds, it was the same. Whenever the fund ran out of money, Mr. Bill could always find a way to get some funds.

But the source of his money seems to be unstable. It doesn't look like a business. If it is the profit generated by the business, it should be a relatively stable process.

But every time he gets money, the time interval is always quite different."

Cheng Yu's eyes became slightly blurry. It seemed that Lawrence Bill's development of the so-called future warriors was not just his own whim, but someone behind the scenes was pushing him.

This kind of source of funds with unknown origin and unstable time can undoubtedly only be external assistance, and the goal is also obvious, which is the research and development project on the island of the future territory.

Big benefactor!

Cheng Yu drew two heavy lines under these three words, warning himself that he would take the test.

It seems that just rescuing Li Dali or even killing Lawrence is not enough, they also have to destroy this future territory.

If it were just Lawrence's personal behavior, he himself was a madman, and killing him would basically solve everything.

But if there is a financial backer behind him and he is driven by others to carry out these research and development, then even if Lawrence is killed, I am afraid that this research and development center will continue to exist, but the executor will be replaced by another person.

Cheng Yu thought about it and suddenly realized that it would definitely not take four or five days or even longer for Lawrence to arrive in the future territory. I am afraid that he would arrive tonight without waiting until tomorrow.

Since there is a group behind Lawrence that provides funds, then after Lawrence's accident, there are only two possibilities for the behavior of the funder.

One is to directly deal with Lawrence after contacting them to prevent future troubles.

There is another possibility, that is, they cannot give up on Lawrence for the time being, so no matter whether Lawrence has enough funds in his hand, they will definitely provide him with enough funds after Lawrence arrives in Argentina and is temporarily safe to allow him to enter the future as soon as possible.


"Lawrence will not wait until four or five days before going to the island. Unless the party behind the mayor has not taken action so far, otherwise Lawrence should be on the way to escape. As long as he reaches Argentina, I believe he will never need ten

Within an hour, you can reach the future territory."

This chapter has been completed!
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