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Chapter 433 KFC Lawrence

The door opened.

Before retreating to the door, Cheng Yu glanced at the time on the computer and confirmed that there was about one minute left in the martial arts time.

The person outside the door took a step forward, and Cheng Yu also confirmed through the breathing outside the door that there was only one person on the other side.

With his hands raised and lowered, Cheng Yu slashed the man's stretched-out neck with a palm knife...

Without even humming, the man fainted.

This guy is also a bit sad. He is the guy who is suspicious of Andre. Although his fighting power is definitely not able to defeat Cheng Yu, it is absolutely impossible for Cheng Yu to knock him down in one move.


He went outside to find the patrolling group. After asking for a long time, everyone said that there was nothing suspicious. In addition, when Cheng Yu walked through the wall just now, he saw a figure and disappeared in the blink of an eye. This made him feel like he was

I'm a little nervous.

So after returning to this house, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Originally, he would just go back to Andre's office, but he suddenly remembered this monitoring room and wanted to take a look.

Since the door of the monitoring room was still locked, when the person opened the door with the key, he was completely unprepared. He never thought that a person might appear in the monitoring room.

As a result, he was knocked down by Cheng Yu's unexpected sword. This was a great shame and humiliation for a mercenary like him who had experienced life and death countless times.

But the result was decided, Cheng Yu supported his limp body and put him down on the ground.

Afterwards, Cheng Yu carefully observed the corridor, and there was nothing else going on. From this person's reaction, Cheng Yu could also see that he probably didn't have too many suspicions. Coming to the monitoring room was completely routine.

inspection process.

However, if you knock someone unconscious, you still have to deal with it.

There are several ways to deal with it. One is to leave without caring and let this guy report to others afterwards, indicating that there is an invasion of foreign enemies in the laboratory.

Obviously, this is not a correct choice, because in that case, everyone will easily think that the person who broke into the laboratory is Cheng Yu.

The second is to kill him directly, and then throw his body into the bushes in the mountains or simply throw him into the sea.

This can buy Cheng Yu at least a day. If he disappears in a short period of time, not many people will take it seriously. But if he can't find anyone, it will definitely arouse everyone's vigilance.

Of course, this is not a good choice, but if Cheng Yu has no other choice, he can only choose the lesser of two evils.

But Cheng Yu obviously had other options.

The importance of the God Picking System is now highlighted. It is simply a must-have product for home travel and murder.

In the God Pick system, there are two redeemable items that can be applied to this guy.

The first one is the gag technique.

Once Cheng Yu uses the Speech Suppression Technique on this guy and sets the ban on smoking on himself, then this guy will be unable to say anything about Cheng Yu. Of course, including in writing, in his heart

In fact, there are some, but I just can’t tell.

There is a problem with this, that is, this guy may not remember the incident before he sees Cheng Yu, but once he sees Cheng Yu, he will immediately run away.

Of course, his rampage will not put Cheng Yu in too much danger. After all, if you ask him why he attacked Cheng Yu, he can't tell you. And in a one-on-one challenge with Cheng Yu, he is obviously no match.

But this will leave a hidden danger. Cheng Yu may need to exchange martial arts one more time to deal with this item.

This is a bit outweighing the gains, since the Speech Spell itself requires four points.

The last option is hypnosis.

It was also four points, but Cheng Yu was able to get him into a state where he had a high chance of acting according to his orders.

Although the time was only three minutes, Cheng Yu was able to make him run out in a crazy state in front of other security personnel, then run to the top of the mountain and jump directly from the top, letting everyone see a missing person.

The scene of how madness commits suicide.

Or, even simpler, let him go back to the room just now and shoot himself in front of the figure behind him.

He didn't even leave any last words, just let those guys guess.

The chaos will definitely last for a while, but basically it won't involve Cheng Yu.

This only requires four points to do.

As for the description of hypnosis, it said that "there is a high probability that the hypnotized person will act according to the host's instructions." Cheng Yu simply ignored it.

The reason is very simple. The so-called greater probability means that every time an instruction is given, there is more than a 50% chance that the hypnotized person will act according to the instruction, but no one stipulates that the same instruction cannot be repeated over and over again.

So, even if he memorized the ideas to the limit and Cheng Yu issued the same order ten times in a row for him to go back to the office and drink bullets to kill himself, there should be one success, right?

In the mall, Cheng Yu spent four points to redeem a hypnosis spell.

The dialog box that popped up asked Cheng Yu as usual whether he wanted to use hypnosis immediately.

Of course, Cheng Yu chose yes, and the content of the dialog box changed, asking who Cheng Yu wanted to use hypnosis on.

Cheng Yu didn't know this guy's name, but it didn't matter. Cheng Yu only needed to look at his face to feed the information back to the Shenhu system with his mind.

The hypnotic pocket watch pattern turned into dots of golden light and gradually dissipated. Cheng Yu knew that the hypnotic technique had taken effect.

He kicked the man in the stomach, and the man bent like a shrimp in pain even though he was unconscious.

Cheng Yu was startled. Damn it, isn't the time for martial arts yet?

Sorry, sorry, that kick was a bit heavy. Are you okay?

Cheng Yu looked casually at the man curled up in pain on the ground, and then saw him stand up slowly with a confused look on his face.

Just when he was about to give him an order to return to the office and commit suicide by shooting himself, Cheng Yu suddenly remembered something.

He pulled the man to the computer screen, turned on the monitor that monitored Li Dali's room, pointed to the area in the lower right corner, and asked: "Where is this person being held?"

The man glanced at the computer screen in confusion, then looked at Cheng Yu, his expression seemed to be struggling, and Cheng Yu hurriedly repeated the question.

Hypnosis is more effective for people with weaker wills. And this guy, after being trained by cruel mercenaries, must have much stronger willpower than the average person. However, under Cheng Yu's repetition, he once again showed struggle.

After being in such a state, he still opened his mouth.

"Basement, Room 01."

Cheng Yuxin said that it was indeed a basement, and he asked again: "Where do you enter the basement?"

"When you go out, turn right to the end. There is a small door under the stairs going upstairs. Once you enter, you will find the stairs going downstairs."

"Is the door to the basement stairs always open?"

"There is a lock, password."

Cheng Yu hurriedly asked: "What is the password to open that door?"

The man showed a strong struggle reaction, and the expression on his face was extremely tangled. It was obvious that this issue involved a high level of confidentiality, and he subconsciously knew that he should not talk about it.

Cheng Yu repeated the question: "What is the password to open that door?"

The man was still struggling, and Cheng Yu continued to ask questions repeatedly.

After asking four times, the man finally seemed exhausted and said a six-digit password with a very painful expression.

Cheng Yu kept it in mind and looked at the time. More than a minute had passed.

The duration of the entire hypnosis was more than one minute, which was enough time for the person to return to the office and commit suicide directly.

Cheng Yu sighed and thought to himself, why is this damn hypnosis so short-lasting? If the lasting effect is long enough, then Cheng Yu can rush to the basement and get Li Dali out first, and then let this guy return to the office to commit suicide.

chaos, he could take Li Dali and leave smoothly.

But time is obviously not enough.

But what if he redeems another hypnosis spell? Now he directly orders this guy to take him to the basement. When the hypnosis time is over, Cheng Yu can redeem another hypnosis spell to hypnotize him, and then wait until he takes Li Dali out of the house.

, and then let him commit suicide.

Once he dies, the place will definitely be in chaos. By then, with the wall penetration technique, Cheng Yu should be able to take Li Dali down the mountain more easily.

However, Cheng Yu felt that how to escape after going down the mountain was also a problem.

There wasn't much time for him to think about it at the moment. Cheng Yu felt that if he had to save Li Dali now, the risk would be higher.

Anyway, we already know the exact location of Li Dali, so we should wait until the plan is more detailed, the escape route is determined, etc., before we go to rescue Li Dali.

The most important thing is the mortars on the island. If Cheng Yuzhen took Li Dali and left on the yacht without any preparation, he would be hit by those people with mortars.

If you want to successfully escape from this small island called Future Territory, it seems that the most important thing is to destroy those mortars first.

The duration of the hypnosis was only about forty seconds. Cheng Yu did not dare to hesitate any longer and immediately gave the order to the man.

"Now, take out your gun, go back to the office, and commit suicide in front of the people in the room."

Cheng Yu simply gave the order. He originally thought that asking this guy for a password, he struggled until the fourth time before he was forced to choose to execute the order. Asking him to commit suicide would have to be repeated ten or eight times before he would be able to do it.


Unexpectedly, as soon as Cheng Yu's order was given, the man immediately pulled out the pistol from his waist, opened the door of the monitoring room, and rushed towards the office.

Cheng Yu was slightly stunned. Damn, are you so hesitant to commit suicide?

Although it was puzzling, Cheng Yu didn't have time to think too much. He rushed out quickly and rushed to the door of the small building before the man opened the office door.

Then, he quickly slipped out and ran against the wall to a location where there was no light.

In the experimental building, a gunshot was heard, followed by the voice of a man yelling and screaming. Cheng Yu knew that the man had successfully carried out his instruction to commit suicide.

Cheng Yu heard chaotic footsteps coming from the yard, and soon he saw many figures rushing towards the door of the laboratory building and swarming in.

After waiting for more than ten seconds to make sure that no one was running towards the gate, Cheng Yu ran and exchanged another wall penetration technique in the system mall in his mind and rushed towards the power grid.

Still throwing the pistol from above the power grid, Cheng Yu used his mind to control the wall penetration technique and easily passed through the power grid.

The reason why Cheng Yu threw the pistol first when he crossed the power grid twice was because although the wall penetration technique allowed him to carry two items besides clothes, the pistol was metal after all, and no one knew about metal objects.

When penetrating the power grid, would it cause any unnecessary trouble? To be on the safe side, Cheng Yu had better separate the man and the gun, which was safer.

Afterwards, Cheng Yu carefully walked down the hillside. He did not dare to walk on the mountain road. What if the people below heard the gunfire and ran up the mountain?

He also encountered some unsatisfactory situations on the way, but on the whole, he returned to the small building where he and Cindy lived without any danger.

After confirming that there were no people on the roads on both sides of the mountain, Cheng Yu quickly crossed the narrow mountain road and returned to the yard from where he came out.

This time, Cheng Yu did not choose to completely return from the original route. Instead, he went directly through the wall, which was safer. Moreover, the wall penetration technique had been redeemed. Although it was said that he could penetrate the wall three times, who knew if there was anything here?

Time limit?

At least before dawn tomorrow, Cheng Yu will never need to use the wall-penetrating technique again. If the wall-penetrating technique is wasted due to time limit, it will make Cheng Yu feel distressed.

The location where Cheng Yu walked in was another guest room, which was right next door to his room.

Immediately, Cheng Yu crossed the wall between the two rooms and returned to his room safely.

Quickly taking off the clothes on his body, Cheng Yu ran into the bathroom and took a shower. Along the way down the mountain, he was covered with countless leaves and dirt. Someone committed suicide on the mountain. Failure to protect the safety will trigger a comprehensive inspection by the security personnel. Cheng Yu

If Yu was seen by them covered in dirt and leaves, it would obviously be abnormal.

After taking a shower, Cheng Yu simply rinsed the clothes to make sure there were no leaves or dirt on them, hung them in the window, and put on the clothes he bought in the Port of Argentina.

Opening the door, Cheng Yu walked to the activity room at the end of the corridor, took a bottle of wine, and poured himself a glass.

Perhaps hearing the sound, Cindy also ran over in her pajamas. When she saw it was Cheng Yu, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank God, Mr. Cheng, you are back. I heard gunfire from the mountain just now, and I thought you were at war with them!"

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "Have a drink?"

Cindy nodded, sat opposite Cheng Yu with lingering fear, and let Cheng Yu pour her a glass of wine.

"If it were me, it would definitely be more than one shot."

Cindy took a breath and said: "That's true. But what happened with that gunshot? When did you come back, Mr. Cheng?"

Cheng Yu pouted, shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I was already on my way back down the mountain when I heard the gunshot. I was also startled at that time, and then I saw someone running up the mountain. I was in the bushes.

I hid there for a while before running back."

Cindy looked at Cheng Yu with some suspicion. She always felt that Cheng Yu's words were somewhat untrue, but she couldn't find any clear doubts and couldn't ask more questions.

After finishing the wine in the glass, Cindy said: "No, I have to go out and ask what happened. The sound of gunfire was so obvious at night. It would be abnormal for me to pretend that I didn't know anything.


Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"I can just go by myself..."

"Ms. Cindy, don't forget, I am your assistant now. There has been such a serious incident as shooting. How can I not show up with you as your assistant?"

Cindy thought it right and said, "Wait for me, I'll go back to the house and change clothes."

Cheng Yu drank wine slowly, and after Cindy changed her clothes, they went out together.

I walked slowly up the mountain road, and before I had gone far, I met a few people rushing down.

Cindy quickly stopped them: "Where are you going? I just heard gunshots from above. What happened?"

"Feyenoord committed suicide and shot himself in the mouth. He was in the boss's office, in front of the boss. The boss was frightened and everyone above him was stunned. We

I just ran up there, and now it’s a mess, and no one understands what happened, or why Feyenoord committed suicide.”

Cheng Yu knew all of this, the only thing he didn't know was that the man's original name was Feyenoord.

When he heard this, Cheng Yu still felt a little regretful. Alas, it was a pity that he had lost those 100 points.

Cindy's eyes widened. Although she didn't know who Feyenoord was, it didn't stop her from knowing that he was one of the security personnel.

But suicide can actually happen to mercenaries who have experienced life and death countless times before?

This is too bizarre.

She couldn't help but secretly glance at Cheng Yu, thinking that this man couldn't be that evil, but it was such a difficult thing to make people commit suicide. If he could do it, he would really have entered a fantasy world.


Cindy asked again: "Then what are you doing in such a hurry now?"

The man added: "Mr. Bill has arrived. The boss and the others are still dealing with the matter in Feyenoord. Although he committed suicide and the boss saw it with his own eyes, the boss still suspects that something went wrong and is blocking the top."

We are doing a blanket search. Miss Cindy, you'd better not go up. Why don't you go down with us to meet Mr. Bill? The boss asked us to pick up Mr. Bill. Only Mr. Bill can make the decision on the above matters. After all,

Someone died."

Cindy didn't hesitate and nodded directly: "Okay, I'll go down with you."

After saying that, she glanced at Cheng Yu again. Cheng Yu moved out of the way and Cindy walked down first.

Cheng Yu thought to himself, he has been checking things related to Lawrence Bill these days, and now, he is finally going to meet me. Thinking about it, he is a little excited!

Following the security personnel, Cheng Yu and Cindy quickly went down the mountain. Cheng Yu saw a seaplane returning and a group of people standing on the beach, including an old man wearing a black shirt and black pants.

His hair and beard were all white. If he hadn't already known Lawrence Bill's information and confirmed that he was in his fifties, Cheng Yu would have thought that the old man was already seventy or eighty years old.

A bit like KFC!

This chapter has been completed!
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