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Chapter 461 The problem of omissions

Cheng Yu smiled secretly.

He understood how this man was feeling now.

In fact, this man didn't say anything directly to Cheng Yu. His subconscious words of disdain were just a normal reaction.

But the problem is that he has made things difficult for the flight attendants to a certain extent. If he was just an ordinary flight attendant, that would be fine. No matter how high his status and background is, Cheng Yu would never be able to make things difficult for him to this extent.

Go stand up for a flight attendant you don't know.

But the problem is that Cheng Yu is the future head of this airline. Strictly speaking, all the people and things in this company belong to him.

Of course, the stewardess also works for the Cheng family. If someone comes out to make things difficult for the Cheng family's staff, in front of Cheng Yu, the crown prince, wouldn't she be slapping Cheng Yu in the face?

Of course Cheng Yu didn't care about this. He only revealed his identity to see if it was possible to gain some points from this guy.

Seeing that the other party was speechless, Cheng Yu waved his hand, smiled slightly, saying that he didn't mind, and then took a sip of Maotai. Even though he obviously saw the other party licking his lips, he did not send any invitation.

Cheng Yu knew very well that in fact, even if this person was not the kind of person who could drink Maotai like water, he would not be so greedy after seeing a bottle of Maotai. He just drank Maotai on the plane, especially when this Maotai was

The treatment provided by the crew is a bit novel.

Just as it happened, the voice of the system finally came to my mind.

"Host..." He didn't know whether it was due to the influence of emotions, but Cheng Yu felt that there was a bit of dryness in the sound coming from the system.

"Host, although you can get points by using gun skills to kill people, the system has its own way of judging. Basically, the system will not allow you to use gun skills to kill an innocent person.

But no matter what, murder is illegal under the laws of almost all countries on your planet.

Therefore, the system thinks that what you said makes some sense.

But for things like bay windows, you need to pay enough exchange items, such as money, to get the result of the woman sleeping with you.

Therefore, this still cannot be judged as a way to earn points."

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes. He had been systematically studying the self-consistency of logic for a long time, but he only came up with this thing?

"But it's entirely possible that I won't pay, or that someone will pay for me, and I won't have to pay anything. How should I calculate it?"

"With such a good thing, please call me... uh... it's just a joke. The host won't mind that I wasted more than a second of your conversation, right?"

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes again. For more than a second, he really didn't bother to bother with the system.

"You tell me the answer."

"Okay, if it's true as the host said, then this can count."

"But no matter what, this is illegal, right?"

"According to the laws of most countries on your planet, yes." The system finally admitted.

"Does this violate your basic rules?" Cheng Yuxin said, I still can't catch your logical errors?

The system seemed to be gritting its teeth: "Forget it!"

"Since this violates the basic rules, how can you still say that you didn't inform me last time that the rules on how to obtain points have not changed?"

"Uh..." The system really couldn't understand how Cheng Yu could return to the previous topic no matter what.

"This has nothing to do with that, right? These are two completely separate things."

"From a micro perspective, these are indeed two independent things, but from a macro perspective, since the newly emerged channels for obtaining points may violate the basic rule you set that it is not illegal, then how can you say that the rules do not

Any changes?”

Well, you win!

If the system were a person, he would be looking downcast, frowning, and speechless right now.

It's really difficult to deal with a cutter like Cheng Yu.

"Don't pretend to be dead, you have to answer my question, don't you?" Cheng Yu's tone of voice in his mind has begun to become more relaxed, even with a hint of ridicule.

"Okay, I admit my mistake to the host, and I apologize to you. This was indeed my negligence. Although it was not caused subjectively, since it is a fait accompli, I sincerely beg for your forgiveness."

Cheng Yu said leisurely and contentedly: "Whether you forgive me or not depends on your attitude. I hope you can learn from this incident and don't just talk about it. For some things, you have to let the system calculate it carefully.


"I will definitely learn a lesson!" The system simply spat out word after word, speaking at an extremely slow speed. If it were a human being, its teeth would be chewed to pieces.

"Tell me, what lessons have you learned?"

"Be careful when talking to the host! If you are a little careless, you will be caught!"

Cheng Yu Wan'er.

Of course, what Cheng Yu wanted to hear was not this sentence. He was using the same method as a primary school teacher to deal with primary school students. However, when the system said this sentence, it seemed that Cheng Yu was unable to refute.

The key point is that this sentence sounds like a complaint. The emotions are very complicated, but it is very enjoyable and relieves the anger!

"Hahahaha... System, you don't have to be like this. I'm still very easy to talk to."

"Host, if you have any questions, please ask."

"Okay, let's continue with the question we just asked. However, before we continue, I must make it clear that I will not do things like bay windows. I am simply telling you that your way of obtaining points is

There are certain problems, which may trigger some provocations to your rules."

"Actually, it's the host who is provoking, right?"

"Oh? Really? Haha, that's alright, just do whatever you want, this isn't important.

The important thing is that as a healthy and positive young man, I will definitely try my best to gain points in the way the system expects.

So now let’s talk about ‘additional input whose specific value cannot be measured’.

Since even things like bay windows, which have reached the lower limit, actually have the opportunity to earn points, then I have no doubts about its scope.

But, is this way of obtaining points personal, rather than specific to an incident?"


"In other words, if there are 10,000 people present who greet me at the same time like a star, and sincerely praise me and express their willingness to serve me, then it constitutes an unconventional event. So, I can

Can we get 10,000 points, high or low, from these 10,000 people?”

"There must be direct contact or communication."

Cheng Yu nodded. This was similar to what he thought. When he got on the plane, other flight attendants actually did something beyond the scope of their service to Cheng Yu. After all, Cheng Yu was riding in a special car, which was better than first class.

The other passengers had to arrive early. What's more, the flight attendants of the entire plane were already standing at the cabin door. It would be an exaggeration to say that they were waiting in the aisle to welcome me.

But since Cheng Yu had no direct contact with them, those people did not provide points to Cheng Yu.

"Do the specific behaviors that these people do to me that are beyond the relationship have to be done spontaneously, or can I directly ask those people to perform actions that are beyond the normal range? To put it simply, I give direct orders. For example, I

Subordinate employees of the company, when I go to the company, they must greet me as a hero who has saved the earth, so can I get points for this?"

"No!" If the system had a face, it must be very dark now.

"These specific behaviors must be actively generated by the other party."

"What if I gave the other party some kind of hint?"

"It depends on the level of suggestion."

"For example, I hinted that the other party should kneel down to greet me and shout, "Long live the mountain?"

"Suggestions of specific conduct will not be permitted."

Cheng Yu nodded, seeming to understand somewhat.

"That is to say, through contact, I hint to the other party that I am an extremely exaggerated person. I like all kinds of flattery that are beyond the norm. I pursue exaggerated and even absurd rituals. Then the other party kneels down to greet me and shouts, "Long live the mountain."

Should I be allowed to earn points?”

"Yes!" The system gritted its teeth again. It very much doubted whether it was a fundamental mistake for the Shenzhen system to open up the way of obtaining points to Cheng Yu through "additional input whose specific value cannot be measured".

After asking a few more questions, Cheng Yu felt that it was almost done.

"It seems like it's quite easy to get points in this mode. If that's the case, the task actually becomes insignificant."

Cheng Yu summed it up in a soliloquy style.

Instead, the system hummed.

Originally, he wanted to ask the system how long the conversation was left, and if it was running out, let him sing a song like "Desert Camel" to make him sick, but because of the cold snort of the system, Cheng Yu suddenly felt wary.

Just as the system said that it would learn the lesson of being extra careful when talking to Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu was also extremely sensitive to every subtle reaction displayed by the system and every word in its words.

Cheng Yu had suffered a loss in this regard when he first got the Divine Digging System. Not to mention anything else, just the one hundred points deducted due to the waste made Cheng Yu feel distressed for a long time.

At that time, Cheng Yu's points were not as high as tens of thousands now. At that time, Cheng Yu's points had just exceeded three digits, but he was suddenly deducted a hundred points. He almost vomited blood.

Since then, Cheng Yu has been extra careful and sensitive about these things, and will never allow himself to make similar mistakes again.

"Humph?" Cheng Yu said hesitantly, "Do you seem disdainful?"

The system hummed again.

Cheng Yu became more and more keenly aware that the seemingly disdainful voice emitted by the system clearly contained some kind of mockery of "You, too, have a day".

He thought about it carefully for a long time, and he didn't feel that he had made any mistakes or omissions in the new way to obtain points that appeared this time. He had basically asked all the questions that should be asked.

The most important thing is that Cheng Yu was prepared from the beginning. He mentioned that the system violated the rules just to make the system make a small concession when he asked questions. For example, if something happened to be stuck online

problem, the system can say a few more sentences because of this.

Therefore, Cheng Yu could not figure out where he had made a mistake that would cause the system to make such a snort.

After carefully thinking about it again, Cheng Yu was sure that he had not made any omissions. However, this process also made him realize that the questions he asked seemed to be questions that the system would definitely answer. There was no system that failed because of problems with the previous rules.

No concessions were made.

So, this cold snort seemed to be somewhat intentional, as if the system was deliberately reminding Cheng Yu of something.

So what exactly could it be?

A passenger pressed the call bell, and the stewardess walked up to the person, bent slightly, and asked the person what he needed in English.

Seeing this stewardess, Cheng Yu suddenly grasped something.

Yes, the stewardess just brought Maotai and snacks to Cheng Yu. This is undoubtedly beyond the scope of the crew service, but why didn't Cheng Yu get any points?

Thinking back on every point I gained since the airport today, the most important thing is those few people.

Ground crew, captain, first officer, flight attendant and the stewardess from before.

These five people provided Cheng Yu with ninety-nine points.

The stewardess in front of her was the last person to provide points for Cheng Yu, with a total of thirteen points.

At that time, the stewardess just helped Cheng Yu pull the seat belt, and almost leaned into his arms to buckle it for him.

There is no doubt that providing Maotai snacks is much higher than buckling a seat belt. Cheng Yu even thought about it and thought that the points would be at least similar to the points provided by the ground staff.

Even higher.

It was because he was talking to that guy just now, and then he quickly entered the process of talking to the system. Cheng Yu didn't think of this.

Now, being reminded by the system's "hum", Cheng Yu finally remembered, yes, where did those points go?

So, Cheng Yu hurriedly asked: "Well, the flight attendant just asked me what drink I wanted, and took the initiative to tell me that they had prepared many special options for me, so I chose Maotai. This is obviously the entire plane, or even any flight

It’s impossible to provide services, right? But why did I drink Moutai and eat snacks, but I didn’t get points?”

"Fuck me! Why did you still think of this!" The system wailed, looking particularly depressed.

Cheng Yu was stunned and said: "Huh? What do you mean? When you hummed just now, weren't you just reminding me that I might have missed something in the question you asked? Why are you pretending to be so depressed now?

.I know, you are still good to me, thank you for reminding me!"

"Thank you sister...when did I remind you?" The system wailed again, the voice full of regret and pain.

Cheng Yu scratched his head, wondering if the system was really not reminding him?

Could it be that the system just couldn't hide the fact that Cheng Yu finally made a mistake and hummed in satisfaction?

In an instant, Cheng Yu's gratitude disappeared.

"Okay, don't worry about this anymore. Since you are not reminding me, it seems that I don't need to be grateful to you. Hurry up and tell me the answer so that we can have less friction."

The system was stunned, sighed, and said: "Under the 'additional input whose specific value cannot be measured', each person can only provide the host with one additional input point reward at most."

After hearing this, Cheng Yu was also stunned, and suddenly slapped his thigh: "I'll go!"

This time, he did not communicate with the system in his mind, but directly expressed it in his behavior and language.

Almost everyone in the entire first-class cabin turned or raised their heads to look at him. They didn't know why Cheng Yu was suddenly startled.

"Mr. Cheng, what's wrong with you?" The passenger sitting in the aisle to Cheng Yu's right felt that his opportunity had come and he should express his concern to Cheng Yu appropriately.

But Cheng Yu ignored him at all, and the system whispered in Cheng Yu's mind: "Host, please pay attention to your words and deeds, and do not disclose information about the system's existence due to inner excitement."

Cheng Yu forced himself to calm down and said, "I'll go! This is really a critical issue. Otherwise, I would be stupid and keep trying on some people. Wouldn't it be useless?"

In fact, even if it is useless work, I am afraid that this rule cannot be hidden from Cheng Yu for long. After all, if you don't receive the points once, it is an accident, but what about twice? If you haven't received the points three times, something must be wrong.

At that time, Cheng Yu only needs to activate the dialogue function and ask the system, and he will naturally know the answer.

But after all, it would make Cheng Yu do some useless things, and the system deliberately concealed it. Cheng Yu was still quite angry.

"Host, don't try to use this to accuse me of not informing you. This is not a concealment, it's just that the host has never asked relevant questions before."

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes and said again: "No, I don't think this matter is that simple. After all, you can only provide one additional bonus point. Even if you don't tell me, I will definitely know it before long.

This thing can't trick me! Tell me, are there other things you are hiding from me?"

"Host, I must sternly remind you again, as the spokesperson of the system..."

"The spokesperson of Fart, the spokesperson can make the decision, okay? Can you? You are just a mouthpiece."

The system rarely cared about Cheng Yu, even if Cheng Yu's attitude was indeed a bit bad. He might be a spokesperson or a mouthpiece. For humans, a mouthpiece has a derogatory connotation, but for a program, it is just a word.

difference on.

"A microphone is fine. As the system's microphone, I will not deliberately conceal anything in order to deceive the host. The definition of concealment by the host is that the host has asked, but I did not answer, or I avoided the important point. But if the host

I will not take the initiative to inform you without asking."

Cheng Yu blinked and said: "That means there must be something omitted, about the specific rules of 'additional input whose specific value cannot be measured'. I have to think about it carefully."

"Host, I need to remind you that there is only one minute and thirty-six seconds left in your current conversation. Considering that this sentence is me conveying the timing, it will not be counted into the remainder of your conversation.


Cheng Yu didn't bother to pay attention. Anyway, as long as he didn't ask, the time would not pass because the system didn't need to answer.

Now that he discovered that there was something fishy in this matter, Cheng Yu would never let it go.

Must find out.

Where could the problem lie?


The system has mentioned this word more than once before, but it seems inappropriate to use it here. After all, Cheng Yu actually doesn't know any of the members of this crew, so there is no way to talk about intimacy.

Even considering that they are all employees of the Cheng Group, the Cheng Group is essentially not related to Cheng Yu. What does Cheng Guangnian’s employees have to do with Cheng Yu?

Even if kinship is taken into account, the intimacy between Cheng Yu and the crew members will not be too high, not much more than strangers.

This chapter has been completed!
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