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Chapter 464: Cheng Yu who dare to brag

Cheng Yu didn't bother to explain this, even though he saw that Zhang Ziqing didn't believe it.

Seeing Cheng Yu's behavior, Zhang Ziqing felt more and more that Cheng Yu was just bragging. After all, he was still a second-generation ancestor who inherited his father's legacy.

Of course, Zhang Ziqing is not looking down on the second generation. He is also a second generation. Because of this, he knows very well that because of their rich conditions, the second generation often receive better education and have access to people and people around them.

Things are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Under the influence, in fact, the vast majority of the second generation are far ahead of ordinary people from the starting line, not to mention whether they inherit the family business or start their own business, they are ahead in capital, then

It's something that ordinary people can't even imagine.

It is true that there are some prodigal sons among the second generation, and social news is often more keen to report on these, which gives many ordinary people the illusion that the second generation is mentally retarded.

In fact, the probability of a prodigal among the second generation is much lower than that of ordinary people. However, ordinary people have little chance of prodigal. Secondly, if they do, only the people around them care about and talk about it. The media's attention is

It is impossible to put it on ordinary people's money.

It can be said that the story of the second generation's wastage has been infinitely amplified by the media. In addition, film and television works and some literary works will also describe such extreme groups, which will make ordinary people firmly believe that if the second generation

Rather than relying on your parents and family, you are actually far inferior to them.

In recent years, some people have begun to criticize, telling the cruel truth: people are richer than you, more educated than you, and better-looking than you, but they still work harder than you.

This may be the current life situation of most second-generation people.

The comparison between the second generation and ordinary people is like a widely circulated joke, saying that men become bad when they are rich.

But it does not mean that a man will "become bad" when he has money. In fact, when he has no money, he is just a thief but has no courage. The most important thing is that he has no money and courage. There are many things that this man does not do.

, just because he has no money.

When you suddenly have money, you may not necessarily intensify your efforts, but it is normal to retaliate against society to a small extent.

The second generation, on the other hand, have never seen it before. Many so-called "going bad" things are just a part of life for them, so there is no such thing as going bad.

But all this does not prevent Zhang Ziqing from thinking that Cheng Yu may be the kind of second generation who mainly relies on his father's influence and does not work hard enough on his own.

However, Zhang Ziqing also understood that based on the power that Cheng Guangnian had built for Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu did have enough reasons not to work so hard.

"Mr. Cheng, is your visit to the United States this time on official business?" Zhang Ziqing asked again.

Cheng Yu said: "It's half official and half private, related to a project at hand, but here in the United States, the main thing is to come back and meet a few classmates."

"Oh? Mr. Cheng studied in college in Los Angeles?"

Because he had done some research before, although there was not much information about Cheng Yu on the Internet, Zhang Ziqing deduced from Cheng Guangnian's information that Cheng Yu had just turned twenty-one. Therefore, he intuitively felt that,

Cheng Yu, who has already returned to China to work at this age, must not have gone to a very good university in the United States. It is probably the kind of school where you can get into it by paying a little money. After a few years, you can pay a little more and get enough credits.

Returned to China.

At any rate, I have drunk foreign ink.

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Yes, University of Southern California."

Zhang Ziqing was stunned. University of Southern California? It was beyond his expectation.

"What major does Mr. Cheng major in?"

"Business School."

Zhang Ziqing was once again stunned. The University of Southern California is actually probably one of the top 20 schools in the United States, but its business school is definitely among the top ten. Sometimes it might break into the top five.

In particular, Professor Rogers, a well-known macroeconomist in the United States, also serves as a visiting professor at the University of Southern California. On the one hand, he teaches doctoral students and I heard that he will also check the papers of bachelors.

"This is a good major. It's almost among the top five in the United States. However, how old are you...?" Zhang Ziqing was full of doubts, but he couldn't ask directly, so he hesitated for a moment.

Cheng Yu smiled slightly and said: "It only took me less than three years to earn enough credits. I felt that it was pointless to continue staying in school, so I submitted a thesis application. Then the thesis was passed smoothly, and I graduated last year.

I have graduated. The people who entered school with me, except me, are all still studying in school. I don’t think most of them will be able to graduate this year, probably next year.”

Zhang Ziqing's eyes turned blue.

Damn, is this true?

Did you graduate from USC’s business school in less than three years with enough credits?

Did you apply for a thesis in advance? Doesn’t it mean that all graduate thesis of USC Business School is checked by Professor Rogers?

Can a student who has only studied business for three years write a paper that satisfies Professor Rogers?

This bragging is even bigger than what Qian Jin did just now.

Zhang Ziqing shook his head secretly and did not ask any more questions. He only thought that Cheng Yu didn't know if he bought a fake graduation certificate and bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California Business School and went back to deceive his family.

With a ding-dong sound, Cheng Yu took out his cell phone from his pocket.

This is a voice message from his classmate Kloten.

Cheng Yu didn't shy away and directly clicked on the voice message, and Kloten's voice came out.

"Cheng, I heard from Morris that you are ready to return to China. Today at school, I met Professor Rogers' assistant and had a few words with him.

He heard that you had returned to Los Angeles and asked me to bring you a message.

He said that if you are willing now, Professor Rogers is still willing to accept you as his doctoral student this year.

I didn’t understand what I heard, and it’s not convenient for me to ask, what’s going on?”

Cheng Yu smiled and replied directly: "When I applied to submit a thesis last year, Professor Rogers was very unhappy at first. He felt that I had not completed three years in the college. Even if I had earned enough credits, I should not make the request easily.

Graduate early.

The thesis topic he gave me was a bit difficult. It mainly focused on the macroscopic discussion of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and the weak global economy. This is his expertise.

And you know, for a genius like me, the old man was immediately shocked after reading my paper.

He said on the spot that he would accept me as his doctoral student, but I refused.

The old man cried bitterly, feeling that the United States had lost another great economist.

I thought this matter was over, but I didn't expect that the old man was quite reluctant to let go.

I'm on a plane now, and my domestic company is doing well, so I have no plans to continue studying, and my interest is not in macroeconomics.

If they ask you again, just say I'm not interested."

When Kloten heard the news, he didn't know what his reaction would be. Anyway, Zhang Ziqing had already collapsed.

If these words are just Cheng Yu talking to himself, he must still think that Cheng Yu likes to brag. Anyway, he has just heard Cheng Yu brag two or three times.

But the problem is that Kloten said it first, and Cheng Yu also received the news from him. Combining Kloten's words, Zhang Ziqing can easily analyze it clearly. Even if there are exaggerations in Cheng Yu's words,

But the whole incident must be true.

Cheng Yu really graduated in less than three years, and his classmates are indeed continuing to study. Moreover, Professor Rogers is really his thesis advisor and even tried to accept Cheng Yu as a doctoral student.

Almost a year after leaving school, I still miss this student...

Nima, is this not bragging?

So, is it possible that Cheng Yu is really operating the Qianjin side?

Soon, Zhang Ziqing rejected this idea again. After all, being talented in reading and especially good at taking exams may be the impression that most Chinese students studying in the United States and Europe give to students from other countries.

What Chinese students often suffer in Europe and the United States is the context. Even if communication and even professional language are not a problem, they still suffer a bit in terms of grammatical expression and thesis.

But Cheng Yu attended middle school and high school in the United States, and stayed in the United States throughout his boyhood. To put it bluntly, his sense of language is not much different from that of American citizens.

It is possible for such a person, coupled with his talent for taking exams, and perhaps a bit of genius himself, to write a particularly amazing paper that would impress Professor Rogers.

As for operations such as the Xixi subway project, it is not something that can only be completed by taking an exam or taking a few days.

This requires a lot of experience, whether it is bidding, bidding and final opening of the bid, as well as a lot of preliminary preparation work, it is simply impossible for a young man who is just starting out to do it. Even if it is like Cheng Guangnian or Du Changfeng

It would be hard for a veteran veteran to say that he could handle this matter on his own.

Kloten quickly replied to the message. He smiled and said: "Haha, I haven't seen you in the past few days, but you have been quite public. When you were in the academy, you were very low-key.

I don't dare to talk to Professor Rogers' assistant like this. I also hope to take the doctoral examination of Professor Rogers when I graduate.

Speaking of which, what is your relationship with Professor Rogers?

It’s extremely difficult for students in our school to get admitted to his doctoral program. Fortunately for you, Professor Rogers actually took the initiative to accept you as his doctoral student..."

Cheng Yu replied with a smile: "What relationship can I have with him?

I met him several times when I was writing my thesis after graduation.

Oh, by the way, he later recommended that my paper be published. I forgot where it was published, but it was a very high-end economics journal.

Professor Rogers' assistant contacted me once and said that he had the writing fee and I asked him to donate it to the college's fund on his behalf.

Then he asked me that Professor Rogers wanted to recommend your paper to the academy as a required reading in macroeconomics."

After Kloten received the news, he immediately remembered that among this year's required thesis subjects, there was indeed a paper on U.S. subprime mortgages and the global economic downturn. He didn't pay attention to the author at the time. He only saw the name of Professor Rogers, the second author.

Just leave it alone.

He directly found the catalog of papers that the school asked them to read this year, and then found the paper. After a quick look, it turned out that the second author of the paper was none other than Cheng Yu.

This shows that Professor Rogers should have helped Cheng Yu make certain revisions before the paper was published. This paper does have Professor Rogers' handwriting in it. But the main author must be Cheng Yu, and the reason why Professor Rogers also signed it is

Moreover, he is the first to sign, so he is not taking advantage of Cheng Yu.

On the contrary, he just wanted to help Cheng Yu publish this paper smoothly.

After checking the journal where this paper was published, it was definitely one of the top economics journals in the United States and even the world. Kloten was even more surprised.

Then, he quickly replied to Cheng Yu and said: "Cheng, I am really jealous of you. God seems to have given all the best things to you alone.

I saw your paper, and it was really well written. Our teacher talked about your paper several times in the course.

It’s just that I didn’t notice that the author of this paper was actually you.”

"Haha, genius is like this, you can continue to be jealous. Okay, I'm on the plane, I won't say more to you."

After receiving Cheng Yu's reply, Kloten also shook his head speechlessly, thinking that no wonder Professor Rogers insisted on accepting Cheng Yu as a doctoral student. Based on this paper alone, we know how much Professor Rogers values ​​Cheng Yu.

Zhang Ziqing, who was already thinking about how to find an excuse not to continue talking, stayed again because of this unexpected voice message from Kloten.

But this was a bit embarrassing. In fact, we had a good conversation just now, but Zhang Ziqing felt that Cheng Yu was bragging, so he interrupted the conversation.

After thinking about it, Zhang Ziqing thought to himself that Cheng Yu had received a voice message just after he interrupted the conversation, and his behavior could probably be interpreted as not wanting to disturb Cheng Yu's conversation with others.

So, he said again: "Mr. Cheng, I just heard that you graduated from the University of Southern California in less than three years. I didn't expect Professor Rogers to actually want to accept you as his doctoral student! Professor Rogers is one of the best in the United States.

Macroeconomists, many of his doctoral students are industry giants. Are you just going to give up the opportunity for further study?"

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said: "The old man wants me to enter the laboratory, build an economic model, and then become a theoretical scholar. I know very well that I am not that kind of character, and even if I want to be a research scholar, I can't give it to the Americans.

Let’s do it. China is rising, and we need to contribute even more.”

Zhang Ziqing hesitated for a moment, then gave a thumbs-up gesture and said, "Young Master Cheng has a pure heart, but I am narrow-minded."

Cheng Yu turned to look at him and thought that this man was quite neither humble nor overbearing. He didn't kneel down and lick him when he came up to talk, and his impression of Zhang Ziqing was a little better.

Cheng Yu asked casually: "Since Brother Zhang is from Guangdong and Guangxi, is there a direct flight from Los Angeles to Yangcheng? Even if you fly to Hong Kong Island, isn't it closer to home?"

Zhang Ziqing said hurriedly: "I want to go to Xixi, so I chose the flight to Magic City. Maybe this is also a kind of fate, otherwise I would not be able to get to know Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Yu laughed and said, "You are in Xixi on business?"

"That's not to say, it's just to meet a friend.

Two years ago, when I first returned to China to start my own business, he also invested in me.

However, that project was eventually sold. Although he did not lose money, the profit was not high.

On the contrary, my current project progressed very smoothly, but my family gave me money at that time, and later it went directly to the A round, so I never contacted him.

But I always felt a little sorry. I heard that his old father was undergoing surgery in the United States, so I went to visit him and learn about his condition.

Regarding the diseases of the elderly, I happen to know a German doctor who has been involved in this field for several years. I don’t know how his quality compares with that of the American doctor.

But I think, since I know about this and I happen to know the German expert, it would be good to provide them with a reference."

After hearing this, Cheng Yu seemed to have some overlap in his mind. Xixi had the strength to invest in Zhang Ziqing. His father was ill and underwent surgery in the United States. This seemed to fit together, not to mention Xue Changyun's father, Xue Jindong.


So, he tentatively asked: "Are you talking about Xue Changyun?"

Zhang Ziqing was suddenly startled and said: "Young Master Cheng also knows Mr. Xue? Yes, you are both from the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone and you are both from famous families. It is normal for you to know each other."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said, "My family doesn't have much contact with his family, but I personally have some cooperation with him. When you went to Xixi, did you contact Mr. Xue for confirmation?"

Zhang Ziqing shook his head and said: "No, when he invested in me, it was not directly handled by him. I don't have his contact information.

I tried to contact the person who handled the matter at the beginning, but that person had already resigned from Mr. Xue, and it was not convenient for him to give me Mr. Xue’s contact information.

I thought, let me go to Xixi first, and then look for friends. There will always be someone who is familiar with him.

It doesn't matter whether I see you or not by then, as long as I can send you a message.

It seems that I don't need to go to Xixi. If it's convenient for Mr. Cheng, just help me tell Master Xue about the doctor.

If it is useful, please ask him to contact me again..."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome, and I am also a dignified young man, so I can be your messenger?" As he spoke, Cheng Yu rolled his eyes, and Zhang Ziqing felt a chill in his heart, realizing that he had said the wrong thing.

"Mr. Cheng, that's not what I meant. It's just that I'm afraid that Mr. Xue may not even remember that investment. I'm just talking about my feelings, and I don't want to use this to build a relationship with Mr. Xue. I don't dare to let you act as a messenger, but


"Okay, don't explain, I'll ask Lao Xue."

After saying that, Cheng Yu took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xue Changyun> Soon, Xue Changyun replied to the message.

"I thought your son was missing. There has been no news for half a month, right? You left your little wife alone at home to guard the empty room, where did you go?" Xue Changyun replied with a voice message, joking with Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu also pretended to be displeased and joked: "Hey, I know you have been coveting my wife, so don't do it to your face. Do you really think I don't dare to hit you?"

"Bah, if I covet Xiaoyu, what does it have to do with you? She and I grew up together."

"So, it's just because I'm a kid and I'm too familiar with him that it's hard to start. Okay, I won't play cymbals with you anymore. I have something serious to tell you."

"Well, I happen to have something to ask you. I will go to Wudong in a while. Let's meet and chat."

"I'm still on the plane now. It will take about ten hours before I land. It won't be until tomorrow after I return to Wudong from the Magic City."

"You're really good, then that's it. I'll go to Wudong tomorrow...forget it, I'll go the day after tomorrow. You've been out and about for half a month. It's better to be apart than to be newlywed for a long time. I don't know how long it will take."

"It seems that you really don't want to do it anymore... I won't talk to you about that. I really have something serious to talk to you about. Let's just come to Wudong tomorrow and I'll introduce someone to you first."

This chapter has been completed!
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