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Chapter 476 Someone wants to give money

Cheng Yu glanced at his phone and saw that it was Morris calling.

Cheng Yu stood up and walked out while answering the phone.

"Hey, Maurice, why did you remember to call me?"

"Hey, Cheng, what did you say? We are classmates. Is there anything wrong with me calling you?"

Cheng Yu laughed and said, "Of course it's okay to call, but it's midnight in Los Angeles right now, right?"

Morris also smiled and said: "We attended a party in the evening and just ended. We talked about something during the party. Holkins and the others wanted to entrust me to talk to you about something."

Cheng Yu thought to himself, can this debt of gratitude be repaid so quickly?

But the person did help him, and Cheng Yu was not the kind of person who didn't want to repay him, so he said, "Oh, what's the matter? Let's talk about it."

"You know, Holkins, Kloten, Francis and Anthony, the relationship between the five of us has always been very good."

Cheng Yu smiled and scolded: "Okay, there's no need to explain the reasons, just tell the story."

"We made a small investment before, jointly, not long after we entered school..."

Cheng Yu thought to himself, I'm also short of money here. You can't borrow money from me, right?

However, Xue Changyun's investment is 90% likely to be illegal, and Cheng Yu does have hundreds of millions in his hands, which would be close to 20 million dollars in U.S. dollars.

Even if these people invest in short-selling and buying short, it is estimated that the shortfall will only be a few million. Anyway, it is not a time period, and the backgrounds of these people are all there, so Cheng Yu really doesn't need to worry too much.

"It's no problem. I can take out as many gaps as there are, no more than 10 million."

Morris was obviously taken aback when he heard this, and then burst into laughter. He couldn't say a word for a long time, and even coughed due to uneven breathing.

Cheng Yu was baffled on the other end of the phone, wondering what happened to this guy? Even if I agree to lend money, I don't have to be so happy, right?

"Hey Maurice, what's wrong with you?"

Morris laughed for a while, then finally stopped, and there was still a twitching feeling on the other end of the phone.

"Although I was misunderstood by you, I have to say that this misunderstanding is quite happy."

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "Even if you didn't ask me to borrow money, you don't need to smile like this. Besides, if you came up and told me about the investment, I must have thought that your investment failed."

Morris smiled again and said: "Listen to what I have to say first. Well, three years ago, five of us invested in a company as a partnership. It was considered an angel investment. The total amount was more than half a million US dollars, and each of us got one hundred thousand.

Now, the market value of this company has grown well, and now that they want to accept Oracle's wholly-owned acquisition of them, they come to us to discuss, hoping that we can accept their acquisition."

"So, you all have a lot of cash in your hands now..." Cheng Yu immediately turned his attention to these people. Although the overall return rate is not as high as the venture capital they want to cash out now, it is better than it is stable.

Three times the profit in two years is pretty good.

"Yes, after the sale, based on the shares we originally invested, they have raised two more rounds of capital in the past three years, and we have not pursued investment. After dilution, the shares are probably..."

"Hey, I'm a genius who graduated from business school in three years. You don't need to explain this simple common sense to me in detail!"

Morris laughed heartily and said: "Okay, okay, in short, our current shareholding is 8.1%. According to the purchase price Oracle gave them, we can get about 40 million US dollars."

"Forty million..." Cheng Yu did a simple calculation and found that it was more than 250 million soft girl coins.

If you can persuade them to give this money to you for investment, you can do it without charging them commission, because in this way Cheng Yu doesn't have to invest all his own money in this project, but can keep some of it to deal with the company's next two projects.

Some venture capital projects in the year.

"But there are some problems with Francis. His family has recently had problems with the circulation of funds, and he doesn't want to give the money to his family, so he wants to lend us a hand and use the funds for other purposes."

Cheng Yu was stunned and thought to himself that he came to the door and wanted to leave the money with me.

But his family had financial problems, and Francis refused to help. This seems a bit unreasonable.

"Uh... let's not talk about anything else. Francis' own family has financial problems, and he doesn't want to help?"

Morris sighed and said: "If the gap is only a few million, or even a little higher, tens of thousands, that's it.

Francis can get by even if he borrows a million from each of us.

But the problem is that his family's current situation is that they are clearly beyond their means, but they still want to participate in a big project. Their family's wishful thinking is to let Francis convince us to lend them the funds together, and then give us an annualized rate of 100%

Return of twenty.

The funds will be occupied for more than three years."

Cheng Yu frowned when he heard this and said: "Since it is something beyond our ability, if we insist on doing it, isn't it a bit too hasty? In this way, Francis' family actually did not have financial problems in the first place. It was entirely caused by this project.


"Who says it's not the case! As you know, the U.S. economy has been sluggish in recent years. His family is a traditional industry and has been hit hard, so he wanted to find another way.

But the problem is that if it is really a good project, even if we invest together with them, it is a project with an annualized rate of less than 30%. Excluding various taxes and fees, it is actually 20% a year.

Early earnings.

The interest that their family gave us is not a scam, but the rate of return really makes us disagree."

Cheng Yu smiled. Since this was the case, there was no need for him to think about Francis' family.

"So, you just want to put your funds in my company and let me help you invest?"

"There is no way around it. The funds are actually not very large, but if you stay in the United States to invest, you have to bet on your vision, and for a while, it is really not easy to find a suitable project to invest all the funds in.

As long as we have money in our hands, Francis will inevitably be pursued by his family.

We can only make this decision. We want to transfer the shares to your company before the acquisition is completed, so that you can directly contact Oracle and that company.

Once the acquisition is completed, the funds will naturally be deposited directly into your company's account.

In this way, his family will have nothing to do."

"You are really trusting me, this is 40 million US dollars!"

Morris smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, we are forced to have no choice but to watch Francis continue to be so entangled.

Of course we trust you, but forty million is indeed not a small amount.

But at this moment, we have no choice, we have to do it even if there are risks.

After all, your family is worth tens of billions, so I don’t think you can even cheat our classmates’ money.”

Cheng Yu burst out laughing and said, "Don't tell me, I really have a project here. I was worried about funds. But it turned out that you knocked on the door yourself."

"Huh? What a coincidence?"

Cheng Yu could tell that Morris's voice was full of doubts. After all, such a large amount of money and such a coincidence would inevitably make people suspicious.

But after all, it was he who approached Cheng Yu on his own initiative, and it was he who wanted to hand over the funds to Cheng Yu. Morris was just a little confused, but this would not shake his trust in Cheng Yu.

“It’s really such a coincidence.

I was talking about this with a friend, and we both struggled with limited funds.

Here, we have a company that needs 500 million soft sister coins, which is close to 80 million U.S. dollars.

But they are unwilling to dilute even a tiny bit of the company's shares because of this. The 500 million can only be used as project investment, and they will receive project dividends after the project is completed in two years.

Because it is a government-related project, it is relatively safe in all aspects.

The final income will not be too high. Our estimate is about 100% profit in one year.

If the situation is better, it is possible to double every year in two years."

Morris said: "In other words, after two years of long-term investment, the final profit will be two to three times?"

"Yes, that's almost the case. If you need further information, I can have someone prepare it immediately and send it to you."

"In other words, if we provide this fund to you, you must stay in this project for two years?"

"This is a prerequisite."

"Then it's actually no different from borrowing money." Morris pondered for a moment, showing a little hesitation in his words.

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "Our company, as your investment client, I can issue you a commitment of at least 100% annual income, and there is no problem if it is written into the contract.

If this capital cannot become US$120 million after two years, our company will protect you and waive all commission fees.

But if it exceeds, commission should be collected, and our company will also pay a certain proportion of dividends on the extra profit."

When Morris heard this, he laughed again.

"Haha, it seems you are very confident in this investment."

"Actually, to be honest, I don't know much more about this project than you do at the moment. I believe in my friend and his promise. At the same time, I am more confident in our country's government projects..."

"That's right, when it comes to government strength, China is definitely the best in the world now. With the country's backing, I have no reason not to believe you."

"But this is a matter for the five of you after all, so my suggestion is that the five of you discuss it. If you can trust me, when will Oracle complete the acquisition of that company and transfer the funds to my company account? What will I do?"

I will bring you the contract when the time comes.

If details on that project are needed, I can have them prepared.

But the speed needs to be fast. For the project here, they have an urgent need for funds and they need to finalize it in about two or three days."

Morris was surprised and said: "So fast? It will take at least a month for Oracle to complete the acquisition."

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as you give me your commitment, I can start investing in this project.

Our investment will also be injected in three phases, one every two months, and the last phase will not be injected until four months later.

As for the first phase of funds, my friends and I will pay first.”

Morris pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll discuss it with them and get back to you as soon as possible. As for those materials, there's no need to prepare them.

If we really plan to give you funds, we don't have time to investigate the background authenticity of those information.

What's more, we don't understand the situation of your country's government at all, so I'm afraid we will find many parts incomprehensible when we get the information."

"It's up to you. In short, if you decide to give me this money, you will be entrusting my company to invest for at least two years.

Of course, the signing time may be slightly longer, after all, it involves the issue of fund settlement.

The longest period will not exceed three years. Our company guarantees at least 100% annual profit within two years and at least guaranteed capital after two years.

I will give you the full details in the name of the company."

Morris immediately said: "Okay, let's do this first, I will discuss it with them."

Cheng Yu hung up the phone and returned to the private room with a smile.

Seeing Cheng Yu's face beaming with joy, Xue Changyun asked: "What's the matter? Someone gave you money? Are you so happy?"

"Haha, I'm not giving you money, I'm giving you money."

"Huh? What's going on?"

Cheng Yu briefly explained what happened to Morris, and Xue Changyun also laughed.

"Hahaha, is it such a coincidence? I was worried that I couldn't solve the problem with funds, so someone handed me a pillow when I fell asleep. Forty million US dollars, two point five, two point six, you only need to take out one hundred million, let's forget it

It’s done.”

Cheng Yu nodded slowly and said, "Come on, basically there will be no problem. You can call your ex-girlfriend to flatter her! Oh, Xiaoman..."

Xue Changyun rolled his eyes, but still took out his phone obediently.

I didn't call, maybe because I thought that if I called, I would inevitably be teased by Cheng Yu. It wouldn't be good if the other party heard this.

I sent a WeChat message to my ex-girlfriend named Xiaoman, and the other party responded quickly with a simple question mark and an exclamation point, meaning she was asking Xue Changyun if she confirmed.

Xue Changyun sent a voice message and said: "Don't worry, if I don't confirm, I dare to make such a joke with you? I will personally spend 1.5 billion, and my friend's investment company will be responsible for the remaining 3.5 billion."

100 million."

This time, Xiaoman replied to Xue Changyun: "What kind of friend is it? Is it reliable?"

"Cheng Guangnian's young master."


Seeing the words Xue Changyun sent, Xiaoman no longer had any doubts.

Although she didn't know Cheng Yu at all, the words Cheng Guangnian still had quite awe-inspiring power.

Moreover, since Xue Changyun spoke so fully, it means that he knows enough about Cheng Yu, and Xiaoman knows enough about Xue Changyun, this is enough.

This time, the reason why she asked Xue Changyun to cooperate, or help, was because she knew that it was not realistic for Xue Changyun to spend 500 million in cash on his own, but Xue Changyun had some connections with the Du Group. She actually hoped that Xue Changyun could convince him

Du Group participated in this investment.

Therefore, Xiaoman's reply was also concise and concise. After Xue Changyun saw it, he knew that she must be busy, so he stopped being verbose.

After a while, Xue Changyun's phone rang. He lowered his head and said, "Xiaoman." Then he stood up and walked quickly towards the door. This call must not be made in front of Cheng Yu, otherwise, he would definitely have to

He was ridiculed to death by Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu didn't mind either, picked up the tea at hand and drank slowly.

Xue Changyun arrived at the door, then answered the phone, and said in an extremely gentle tone: "Xiaoman, were you in a meeting just now?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a very cold female voice: "You know I'm in a meeting, and you still send voice messages?"

"Didn't I realize that you might be in a meeting after sending this message? Otherwise, you should have replied to the voice message."

"Don't talk about this. What you mean is that Cheng Guangnian plans to invest in my project? It's impossible for a predator like him to have no strings attached, right?"

Xue Changyun hurriedly said: "No, no, no, this matter has nothing to do with Cheng Guangnian. It is his son, Cheng Yu, his own business. Cheng Yu returned to China last year, and he has an investment company under his name, which he did this year

He is also quite famous in the industry. I will tell him about your situation..."

"Stop it, as an investment banker, who would be willing to invest money in a project like mine? Compared with other investments, the rate of return on my project is obviously too low, and it takes up too much money and takes too long. Impossible!"

It seems that Xiaoman is a very decisive person. Unless Xue Changyun comes up with a perfect explanation, she will not believe that Cheng Yu will take advantage of her so much.

"Hey, didn't I tell him about our relationship? Cheng Yu is a nice person, and he happened to have such a sum of money, so he used it to help us."

"What's the relationship between the two of us?" Xiaoman didn't give any face at all.

"Uh... friend, friend, I told him that we are friends."

"Xue Changyun, did you tell others that I was your ex-girlfriend again?"

"Hehe..." Xue Changyun was a little embarrassed.

"What do you mean, what should I say about you? If you can become my ex-boyfriend, then there will be thirty or fifty ex-boyfriends hanging behind me. Is it my ex-boyfriend who once pursued me but was rejected?"

"Xiaoman suddenly raised her voice. Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with Xue Changyun's remarks.

Xue Changyun persuaded him nicely: "Isn't this just to ask him to spare no effort to help? If you ask me, we are just ordinary friends, why should he help me with this? Xiaoman, don't be angry."

"I'm too lazy to tell you."

"Then this money..."

"To be honest, I really want to say no... But everyone in the company is waiting for this money... Xue Changyun, Xue Changyun, you really gave me a big problem."

Xue Changyun chuckled and said, "Then I will ask Cheng Yu to go to Bao'an? I am in some situations. My father's affairs have made it difficult to leave for the time being."


"But to be honest, Xiaoman, I still don't understand why you insist on not taking out the shares for mortgage?"

"You don't know how many people are coveting the shares of our company. Once I take it out, those people will dare to use all means to make this project useless, and then naturally take away my shares. My company has changed its surname.


"This is a company project. If you want to mortgage it, everyone must equally share their shares as a mortgage. It's impossible to use your shares as a mortgage, right?"

Xiaoman sneered and said: "There are several shareholders who are firmly opposed to launching this project, and their shares have reached 40%. How can I not know what these people want? Let's put it this way, my personal equity has reached 40% now.

Controlling, but I only hold 50% of the shares. If something goes wrong, I will no longer be the controlling one. You don’t know who the controlling person will be, right?"

Xue Changyun was silent.

This chapter has been completed!
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