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Chapter 494: Negotiating with Oracle

Cheng Yu smiled, ruffled Vincent's hair again, and said, "Keep your keen intuition, but you don't have to think too much about these things. At this stage, you should learn as much as possible."

"Okay, sir, I understand."

Vincent slowly turned his gaze to the window and looked at the bustling night view of Los Angeles.

After sending Vincent to the apartment, his mother warmly invited Cheng Yu to sit for a while, so Cheng Yu also paid attention to the life and work of their mother and son, drank a cup of tea, and left.

After going downstairs, Cheng Yu stood on the side of the road and called Anthony.

"Anthony, where are you?"

"Cheng, I've been waiting near your apartment for a long time. Have you come downstairs now?"

"I'm already down."

"Okay, just wait for me, I'll be there in two minutes."

Prior to this, Cheng Yu had already sent a message to Anthony.

Anthony didn't seem to be too surprised and asked Cheng Yu directly if he didn't plan to celebrate with Morris and the others that night.

When Cheng Yu said he had no plans to celebrate with them, Anthony extended an invitation. Cheng Yu said he would take Vincent back to the apartment after dinner, and Anthony said he would pick him up.

Soon, an ordinary Mustang stopped in front of Cheng Yu, and Anthony's face was revealed in the window.

Cheng Yu opened the car door and got in. He smiled and said to Anthony, "You don't seem to have any surprise that I would come to you?"

Anthony also smiled and said: "Although we have rarely interacted with each other in the past three years, after we met last time, I felt that you are a person who understands the difference between friendship and business.

Just now you directly rejected my invitation at the hotel, so I guessed that you didn't want Morris and the others to know about our meeting, and you are not the kind of person who would be angry because of things in the contract."

"Didn't they ask you out?" Cheng Yu asked again with a smile.

"Kloten sent me a message to ask, but I said I was not in the mood to celebrate with them. After all, the content of their celebration seemed to have nothing to do with me."

"Looking for a drink somewhere?" Cheng Yu finally issued a clear invitation.

Anthony shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course, otherwise, why would I be waiting for you in this damn place so late at night for so long?"

Cheng Yu laughed loudly, and Anthony drove to a bar near the hotel.

They each ordered a glass of wine, and Anthony said, "Tell me, Cheng, what do you think of me?"

“I can’t talk about any ideas, but I think the total shares you hold are more than US$40 million.

But I don’t want to help them raise the price, so I thought maybe I should say hello to you.”

Anthony took a sip of wine and laughed and said, "Haha, Morris will be very sad if he finds out."

"If he is sensible enough, he will know the reason."

Anthony nodded solemnly, sighed, and said: "Yes, originally it was just a matter of different investment philosophies, but their behavior is really disappointing.

Cheng, you are a genius. Even I can see that Morris and the others have known about the fact that the contract has been changed for a long time, but they thought they could hide it from you through performances.

Therefore, from now on, the only thing left between us and them is friendship."

"It is indeed a good result to be able to retain some friendships. After all, everyone will have different paths to take in the future, and their status will also be very different."

"So, can I ask for a higher price for the few shares I have? However, if I don't want to offend Oracle too much, I can't ask for a sky-high price, right?"

"Don't you even care about why I think I can get a higher price from Oracle?"

Anthony shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly: "The reason is no longer important. Cheng, you are a person who does not fight uncertainties. Since you can tell me this, let me make a little guess.

We can get a rough idea. But for us to know this, it’s just a matter of time.”

"Oracle will not give you such time."

"So, I'm very grateful that you told me this, but I'm different from you. My family is in the United States, and I don't dare to blackmail Oracle too hard."

Cheng Yu laughed again.

"So you might as well transfer your shares to me, and I'll help you make the money."

"Why do you want to help me?" Anthony asked with interest.

"Anyway, you don't have any good investment channels now, and I can still use the funds in your hands for at least one year. I remember you said that even if this money cannot create a penny of profit for you,

You won’t cause trouble for me either.”

"But that's in that contract. In that contract, I owed you something. I will almost certainly withdraw my capital when the one-year period comes. Now I don't owe you anything."

"But at least, I can help the company earn some commission. Five percent of the principal and 20 percent of the profit."

Anthony didn't think too much, nodded and said: "Deal."

Cheng Yu smiled. There was no surprise. Anthony was obviously much smarter than Morris and the others. He knew the stakes very well, and although the conversation between the two was short, Cheng Yu believed that Anthony had already calculated

The benefits he can get.

Five percent of the principal and twenty percent of the profit.

If Cheng Yu uses Anthony's funds to earn 50% profit in the next year, then what Anthony can actually earn is 35% profit.

This number is definitely not high.

But this 35% is not the profit of eight million US dollars, but more principal.

After all, Cheng Yu had already told him that he planned to blackmail Oracle.

Then, a 20% increase in principal would not even constitute extortion.

Calculated based on 10 million, excluding the commission earned by Cheng Yu, as long as Cheng Yu can really earn more than 50% of the profit, then Anthony can also get a profit of 3.5 million US dollars.

But if he operated by himself, the actual principal would be only 8 million, which means that his actual profit would be 5.5 million US dollars.

This is close to 70% of his original capital.

Of course, it seems far less than the profit that can be obtained by leaving this money with Cheng Yu for two years, but Anthony will be free after one year.

One year later, he will have more than 13.5 million funds to invest in his favorite investments.

Moreover, this time can be long or short, and the degree of freedom will be very high. The only difference is the amount of profit.

What's more, Anthony transferred the shares to Cheng Yu now, and Cheng Yu will get a higher selling price from Oracle tomorrow. Half a month later, Anthony said that he needed to withdraw the funds, and all he paid was a mere commission of US$500,000.

That's it, he will have $9.5 million to make the investment he needs.

Of course, such a situation is difficult to establish, but it means Anthony has a lot of freedom with this money.

He had no reason to refuse.

As for whether Cheng Yu can help him increase the profit of this fund to more than 50% a year, Anthony actually doesn't have to worry at all.

After all, even if the money was left intact with Cheng Yu, Anthony would not think that Cheng Yu could not make even five points of profit in a year.

If there were only five points, Cheng Yu would have received exactly 500,000 yuan in commission, while Anthony's profit would still be more than 20%, and the capital received would still be 10 million, so there would be no loss no matter what.

The only difference is that Cheng Yu helped Anthony increase the value of the shares in his hands.

Of course, all specific profits can only be determined after Cheng Yu gets the Oracle acquisition contract.

But this was enough for Anthony to hand over the shares to Cheng Yu to take care of.

The things that need to be discussed have been discussed, and all that is left is really just drinking.


Early the next morning, Cheng Yu saw a message from Morris on his phone.

Oracle received news through the company it is about to acquire, saying they hope the negotiations can be postponed until Monday morning, after their company's regular senior management meeting.

Cheng Yu did not give Morris any reply, but directly called yesterday's lawyer.

Of course, Anthony also entrusted this law firm to transfer the shares in his hands.

The lawyer rushed to the hotel quickly, and Cheng Yu had just finished breakfast.

Just in the lobby, Cheng Yu and the lawyer signed the transfer contract for Anthony's shares that had already been entrusted.

Accordingly, Cheng Yu also drew up a normal investment contract for Anthony.

All the funds after the share transfer will be injected into the account of Cheng Yu's company, and Cheng Yu's company will be solely responsible for the investment.

The investment period is one year, but half a year is an accounting period. If Anthony is dissatisfied with the return on investment, he has the right to withdraw the funds.

At the same time, Cheng Yu's company guaranteed its capital to be at least US$10 million in six months.

In other words, Anthony's shares will be turned into a cash of US$10 million in six months at the earliest.

Subsequently, Cheng Yu signed an entrustment contract with this law firm, entrusting them with the 8.1 points of shares obtained this time to conduct transactions with Oracle.

The minimum transaction amount required by Cheng Yu from the law firm is US$50 million.

Once reached, Cheng Yu will pay one million US dollars to the law firm.

And if the law firm can help Cheng Yu get more high-priced items that exceed 50 million, it will get a 10% commission.

After the contract was processed, Cheng Yu directly booked a flight from Los Angeles to the Imperial Capital of China at 4 p.m.

Then, even on Sunday, the law firm was still very busy. While completing all the follow-up matters of the contract, it also passed the information that Cheng Yu had entrusted all the shares to the law firm to Oracle's legal department.

The notice from the law firm clearly states that Cheng Yu's entrustment contract will take effect at 2 o'clock this afternoon local time, and Cheng Yu himself has already made a plan to return to China, and will not have any further interactions with Oracle after 2 o'clock.

Contact the company and hand over the share transfer to the law firm with full authority.

Cheng Yu didn't mind what kind of reaction Oracle would have. He just called the hotel front desk to express that he needed to check out late.

The normal check-out time is 12 noon, but you can extend it to 2 pm for free.

Afterwards, Cheng Yu stayed by the hotel swimming pool, enjoying the sunshine of Los Angeles and the attractive figure of the American girl beside the swimming pool.

Of course, it may not just be American girls.

Almost as soon as he lay down on the lounger by the swimming pool, Cheng Yu received a call from the startup company.

On the phone, the other party seemed a little angry, but it was not a polite question.

The other party said that they had already negotiated the acquisition of Oracle with Morris and others, so why did Cheng Yu change his mind?

In response to this, Cheng Yu just answered lightly: "It's not me who negotiated with you, but Morris.

I understand your eagerness to close the deal. After all, if you don't agree to the premium offered by Oracle now, you will be greeted by Oracle's relentless blow.

But I'm not in a hurry. Even if the shares I get turn into waste paper, I don't care.

I think you, as well as Oracle representatives, would be wise to check my background and identity.

Am I the kind of person who cares about a mere $40 million?

Even if the negotiations with Oracle finally break down, I can also fully acquire your company.

Of course, the price won't be that good.

Now, if you really want to sell the entire company as soon as possible according to Oracle's quotation, my suggestion is that you tell the people at Oracle and let them show their sincerity to me, a small shareholder.

In addition, what you can disclose to them is that I am very interested in your company's, oh no, our company's patent number JHPL20180827X.

I hope they can feel their sincerity before I leave the United States today."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Morris called again.

Morris carefully asked Cheng Yu why he didn't contact Oracle as planned.

Cheng Yu explained with a smile: "My dear Maurice, as far as you are concerned, your shares no longer exist, in exchange for an income of at least 24 million U.S. dollars per person in two and a half years at the latest.

As for the rest, you might as well tell the person who harassed you that this has nothing to do with you and you have no right to influence my decision."

Morris remained silent for a moment and finally gave up any inquiry.

The reason is simple. They have already got everything they need. As for Cheng Yu's plan, there is really no need to tell them everything.

Sunshine, swimming pool, beautiful women.

Cheng Yu had a very pleasant morning.

As lunch time approached, Cheng Yu called the waiter, ordered a lunch for himself, and told him to bring it to the swimming pool.

Before he could lie down again, the phone rang again.

It was a call from a law firm, which said that a representative from Oracle wanted to meet with Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "I'm at the hotel, I can do it anytime before two o'clock."

Ten minutes later, the phone rang again.

This is a phone number from San Francisco.

Cheng Yu knew that the call was from someone from Oracle.

"Hello." Cheng Yu answered the call leisurely.

"Hello, are you Mr. Cheng Yu?"

"It's me, are you?"

"Hello Mr. Cheng, I am Oracle's representative for this acquisition. My name is Simons Leonard. I am very happy to contact you directly."

"Hello, what's the matter?"

The other party was stunned for a moment, obviously suppressing his temper, and said: "Mr. Cheng, originally we and you, oh no, I should say with Mr. Morris and others, have already negotiated about this acquisition.

All kinds of details.

This includes that they will first transfer the shares to you, and then you and the other shareholders of the company will sign an acquisition agreement with us.

However, we are sorry to learn that it seems that you no longer plan to proceed with the original acquisition plan.

On behalf of Oracle, I regret and condemn this."

"Oh, condemnation? Have all shareholders except me agreed to your acquisition plan?"

"Yes. You are the only one left now."

"First of all, I ask for the deal to be done now because I don't have that much time to stay in the United States.

Secondly, since you have obtained the shares of all other shareholders, you already have substantial control over the company, so it doesn't matter if you don't have me.

I actually want to retain some shares in an American company. As a Chinese, and at this special moment when I am connected with you in the United States, it is actually quite interesting for me to become a shareholder of an American company."

"But, Mr. Cheng..." The other party was still suppressing his emotions.

"You should know that the original acquisition plan has already been formulated, and you are essentially just a handler."

"But now the shares are in my hands!"

The other party was so angry that Cheng Yu was speechless.

"So, Mr. Cheng, we can have a frank discussion about what new needs you have for acquisition."

"Didn't the lawyer inform you? My request is very simple. Forty million is too little. I'll sell it for fifty million."

"Mr. Cheng, you're sitting on the floor and raising your price like this..."

Cheng Yu interrupted the other party impatiently.

"Trading means that if you want to buy, I must be willing to sell.

As for the price issue, you can put forward your psychological price, and I can also put forward mine.

Both parties agree, and the transaction begins naturally.

Don't talk about starting from the ground up, I have never negotiated any amount of price with you.

All prices, and even all details of the acquisition plan, are negotiated between you and the company and Morris and other shareholders.

And my current appeal is that I don’t care about the prices of their other shareholders. If you want the eight points and one point in my hand, you have to shell out $50 million.

Don’t forget what I asked that company to convey to you about that patent.”

The other party was obviously so angry with Cheng Yu that he almost ran away, but he still had to stay calm and rational enough.

He was silent for a long time and said: "Mr. Cheng, you should understand that when Oracle acquires 91.9% of the company's shares, we can make any changes to the company's property without your permission.

It’s a formal cut. As long as we comply with legal procedures and don’t infringe on your rights as a shareholder, that’s all.”

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "If you really have the right to cut off that patent, you wouldn't put down your arrogance and humbly negotiate with me now.

Morris and the others did a very smart thing when they signed the investment agreement with that company.

That is, although they do not interfere with the company's operations, they have veto power over the sale of the company's technical products.

Therefore, I think you, as the person in charge of this acquisition, should be very clear about whether that patent is a technical product.

If I don't agree, you can't take away the patent.

In order to completely eliminate your competitors and make a certain technology of your company completely exclusive for a period of time in the future, I think your company will not be so unreasonable to pay a mere US$10 million."

The other party hesitated for a moment and then said: "Mr. Cheng, I wonder if you have any misunderstanding..."

Cheng Yu interrupted the other party unceremoniously again.

"Don't play this trick with me. If I don't have a certain certainty, I won't ask for an increase in the purchase price of 10 million US dollars. This is not a lot of money. If you can't make the decision, report it to your superiors quickly and ask someone to

Let the people who can make the decision talk."

This chapter has been completed!
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