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Chapter 498 The suddenly arrogant Mr. Cheng

Professor Li smiled and nodded before giving the final answer.

"Xiao Cheng was still influenced by the sound of the bell, so he formed a fixed mindset in his thinking. He always thought that this bottle would be related to the sound of the bell. But in fact, in addition to being a bottle, its actual use is a hat stand. So.

, in the meaning of these furnishings, the word "frame" is taken."

Xue Qing clapped her hands and said, "I understand, fighting is home."

Professor Li nodded slightly and continued: "In ancient times, people called the decorations on their heads headgear. Later, four titles began to appear: crown, crown, 弁, and bow. Finally, the term hat came into being.

In fact, these names have subtle differences and refer to different head decorations.

So in fact, their collective name, strictly speaking, is still headgear.

In addition, in the ancient Huizhou dialect, the term "touyi" also covers the widest area.

So, when the hat is placed on the hat rack, the family is at peace."

The three of them were all smacking at Professor Li's words. The word "clothes" is taken from the word "clothes", the word "she" is taken from the hat stand, and the words "bottle" and "mirror" are added. Doesn't it mean that the family is peaceful?

However, Cheng Yu heard that there was something unfinished in Professor Li's words, so he asked: "Mr. Li, you specifically pointed out that when the hat is placed on the bottle, it means that the family is peaceful. Does that mean that when the owner goes out, the hat is placed on the bottle?"

Being taken away by the owner also has another meaning?"

Professor Li nodded with a smile, picked up the purple clay pot unhurriedly, took a sip of tea, and finally said: "Xiao Cheng does have a spirit of research. Indeed, whether the hat is placed on the bottle or not has a meaning. But this

The two meanings are actually one, or they are just two different ways of saying the same meaning."

Seeing that Professor Li didn't seem to be in a hurry to announce the answer directly, Cheng Yu thought about it carefully, trying to find the answer by himself.

The same goes for Mr. Carpenter and Xue Qing. Although they both hope that Professor Li will stop being too pretentious and tell the answer directly, since Professor Li remains silent, they can only figure it out for themselves.

After a while, Cheng Yu said with some uncertainty: "The action of taking away the hat can be called taking off the hat. Does the word "picking" mean that the house is peaceful?"

Professor Li burst out laughing, pointed at Cheng Yu twice, and said, "Xiao Cheng is really smart. He found the correct answer after I gave him a little hint.

Indeed, when the owner comes back and puts the hat on the hat stand, the whole family is at home together.

So the family is at peace.

When the owner goes out and cares about the home, it means that the home is peaceful.

You should all know that there are many businessmen in Huizhou, and most of the men are doing business abroad.

When you are away from home, you will of course hope that your home will be peaceful, so that it makes sense for him to travel and work outside.

This is also a blessing from Huizhou businessmen to their families.

However, as time has changed, the things placed on the bills have changed. Modern people obviously hope to express this meaning more straightforwardly.

That’s why we put a ringing bell on the bill to take the meaning of the sound of the bell, and finally formed the saying of lifelong peace.”

The three of them nodded in unison, finally understanding the meaning of the Huizhou people's arrangements on the bill.

After chatting for a while, Professor Li looked at the time and said, "It's getting late, let's have lunch together. Someone has booked a banquet at Guangchun Tower near the Old Summer Palace and invited everyone to come."

Cheng Yu was stunned, looked at Mr. Carpenter, and found that he was also stunned.

The two asked almost in unison: "Who ordered the banquet?"

Professor Li smiled and said nothing, just put down the purple clay pot, stood up, and walked towards the hall door with his hands behind his back.

It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it and wanted Cheng Yu and Mr. Carpenter to see it themselves.

But Professor Li is obviously not the kind of ignorant person who will not forcefully bring unrelated people together. Since he said that Cheng Yu and Mr. Carpenter should go together, he must be the one who is treating the guests or simply knows both of them.

Or at least it's on the same level.

So the two of them followed Professor Li and went out together with Xue Qing.

Walking in the alley, Mr. Carpenter smiled and whispered: "Mr. Xiao Cheng, let's exchange contact information."

Cheng Yu quickly took out his cell phone and said, "Sorry, Mr. Mu, I, as a junior, should have asked you for your contact information."

Mr. Carpenter smiled and waved his hand, not minding this at all, and said: "Mr. Li didn't elaborate before, he just said that a kid also came to visit him, so I didn't bring my business card. This is my WeChat QR code.

Just scan it."

Cheng Yu scanned Mr. Carpenter's WeChat account and applied as a friend, and he quickly approved.

Although there is no exchange of phone numbers, in today's society, WeChat can actually replace the function of the phone.

Even on WeChat, because of things like Moments, you can see part of the other person’s life status, which makes it seem more private than a phone number.

Many people have more than two WeChat accounts. One is used as a basic communication tool. Work and some acquaintances who are not friends are all added to this account. Most of the friends circles are not updated, even if they are updated.

, most of them are work-related topics.

The other WeChat is a more private private account between relatives and friends.

Cheng Yu roughly browsed through Mr. Carpenter's circle of friends. It was very private. There were many photos and videos taken by him, his wife, children, etc. This was obviously a private account.

"Mr. Li is so mysterious, who do you think is the guest at Guangchun Tower?"

Cheng Yu shook his head and replied in a low voice: "I really can't guess. My father sent me to the United States after I graduated from elementary school. I only came back last year, which is less than a year. I have no friends in China, and I have not contacted them in the past year.

They are either partners or have a relationship between Party A and Party B. Including you, I have long admired your name, and I am even less familiar with the others."

Mr. Carpenter smiled and said, "I have a guess."

Cheng Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Who is it?"

"It might be Lao Zhang and Xiao Zhang, or it might be just Xiao Zhang.

Oh, it’s the rich second generation who is the most unprofessional. Didn’t you just mention the show you invested in and thought about inviting him?

I thought maybe he was also planning to visit Mr. Li, so Mr. Li asked him to host a dinner and then invited us to join him."

Cheng Yu nodded, thinking that it was possible.

For a highly respected expert like Professor Li, since these social sages are friends with him to a certain extent, it is normal for him to visit the elderly during the Spring Festival.

Xue Qing said that she and the second-generation principal, who was called the principal because of the homophonic pronunciation of "xiaozhang", had a close relationship, so it was normal for Lao Zhang and Xiaozhang to visit Professor Li a few years ago.

"Personally, I really can't get into these variety shows, but Xiaozhang is lively by nature, so he might be interested. And he has great influence, especially among young people. If he agrees, he will be interested in your show

The ratings of the program can be considered a kind of guarantee. Try hard to win."

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Mu, for the suggestion, but I'm just afraid that he is too popular and will not like small-scale programs like ours."

"Then it depends on whether the content of your program is attractive. In the final analysis, he is a fun person. He is always happy to do interesting things. As for the size of the production and how much he spends, he will use his own

In other words, for his friends, he never cares about how much money the other person has, because no matter how much money he has, he can never be richer than him."

Cheng Yu smiled, and that was true.

But there were some things he couldn't say clearly to Mr. Carpenter.

Cheng Yu was not afraid that Xiao Zhang would not like this show, but that he was too popular and had too many real fans, which would make it difficult to complete the 10% test.

"It seems that you all came to visit Mr. Li before the New Year. In fact, shouldn't you come again during the New Year?" Cheng Yu chatted with Mr. Carpenter.

Mr. Carpenter waved his hand and said, "You don't know much about this. Mr. Li has too many connections in his life, ranging from central leaders to street vendors. If he opens the door to accept New Year greetings during the Chinese New Year, he will definitely be overwhelmed by the heavy traffic.


Therefore, he made a rule that during the Spring Festival and until the Lantern Festival, he would not receive any visitors to pay New Year's greetings.

If you feel that the Chinese New Year is over and you want to visit him, you should either do so early before the New Year or wait until after the New Year."

Cheng Yu burst into laughter and said, "Doesn't that mean I chose the most appropriate time by mistake?"

"That's not necessarily true. After all, you are different from us visitors. You also have the identity of Xiaoqing's boss. Mr. Li is not a rigid person, so he can still make this change."

Seeing that they had arrived at the Old Summer Palace and could already see the Guangchun Tower sign when they looked up, the two of them stopped talking and followed Professor Li up the steps.

Two female consultants wearing cotton-trimmed cheongsam at the door took the four people to the second floor.

Cheng Yu gently knocked on the door of the private room and pushed it in. Cheng Yu took a closer look and saw a young man inside who was about the same height as himself but with a slightly larger head. He immediately stood up.

With a smile on his face but not too much politeness, the man shouted: "Xiaoqing, are you back too? Your grandpa didn't even tell me. If I had known you were back, we would have changed to a Western restaurant."

"You don't care what my old man likes to eat?" Professor Li walked to the table with a smile and sat on the main seat without hesitation.

The young man still smiled and said: "You and I know that we have a wide mouth and it doesn't matter what we eat. But sister Xiaoqing rarely comes back once or twice a year. Isn't that normal for her taste?"

"Where's your dad?"

"I'm busy. I haven't seen him in months. Who knows where he is?" The young man replied nonchalantly, and then looked at Mr. Carpenter and Cheng Yu.

When he saw Cheng Yu, he was obviously stunned. He had obviously never seen Cheng Yu and didn't know who he was.

Turning his head to look at Xue Qing, Cheng Yu knew that he might have misunderstood.

"Old Mu is here too. No wonder the old man insisted on letting me set up a table at Guangchun Building. Xiaoqing, is this your friend?"

Mr. Carpenter was not at all unhappy about being called Lao Mu. This Xiao Zhang had always been like this. It was almost impossible to expect him to be called uncle and aunt like other juniors.

He also smiled and said hello to Xiao Zhang and sat down next to Professor Li.

Xue Qing was also very smart. From the look in Xiao Zhang's eyes as he looked at Cheng Yu, and from the tone of his questioning, he knew that he had misunderstood.

So he quickly explained: "Don't think blindly, he is my boss, Young Master Cheng Yucheng..."

"Hey, you're a little crazy, calling yourself young master in front of me."

Xiao Zhang said it nonchalantly, but soon realized what the word Cheng meant.

"The young master of Cheng Guangnian's family?"

Before Cheng Yu could answer, Xue Qing said, "Who else can be called Young Master Cheng?"

I thought that with Xiao Zhang's character, he would have to give me a few compliments. Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, he greeted me and said, "Sit with me."

Unexpectedly, he actually recognized the title of Cheng Yu, Young Master Cheng.

In the nearly one year since Cheng Yu returned to China, it was quite appropriate for anyone he came into contact to call him Young Master Cheng. Even if Du Xiaoyu sometimes said a few words teasingly, in fact Cheng Yu would not know how to do it.

Feel uncomfortable.

After all, my family background is indeed there.

But facing the person in front of him, Cheng Yu was really not as calm as before.

After all, this person is one of the few in the country whose parents' wealth is higher than his own. It's okay for others to call him Young Master Cheng, but Xiao Zhang is also a real Young Master.

"Young Master Zhang, you're welcome. Don't listen to Xiao Qing's nonsense. I'm not a young master. These are just the names my friends around me use for fun."

Cheng Yu walked slowly towards Xiao Zhang and sat down next to him.

Xiao Zhang waved his hand and said, "I'm not used to people calling me Young Master or Young Master, and I don't think you're really a Young Master. At least we are evenly matched, so don't expect me to call you Young Master Cheng or anything like that.

We are about the same age, right?"

Xue Qing said quickly: "Master Cheng is much younger than you, two years younger than me."

Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Then you are old enough."

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes, thinking that this was the first time in his life that he heard someone say he was old.

"It's easier if you're younger than me. If I call you by name, you can call me by my name, or you can call me principal like they do. It's up to you."

Cheng Yu was not polite and nodded directly: "Then I'll call you principal."

Xiao Zhang nodded, turned to look at Professor Li, and said, "Old man, you asked me to set up a bureau in Guangchun Tower. Is this what you mean?"

"Xiao Qing came back early, saying that Xiao Cheng knew her identity and happened to be passing by the Imperial Capital today and wanted to come and visit me. Your Uncle Mu also happened to say that he would come to see me today, so you called me again, and the time told you

The date you are talking to is set at noon. If you are not allowed to set a table, how can you let me, an old man, cook for so many of you?"

Xiao Zhang laughed and said, "So, this meal is somewhat meant to flatter Xiao Qing's boss? Then Cheng Yu, you will have to drink two more drinks."

"It's not good to drink more at noon." Cheng Yu was a little embarrassed.

Xue Qing also hurriedly joined in: "That's right, what's your intention in letting my boss drink so much at noon? Besides, our boss is busy and might have to rush back to Wudong in the afternoon. Right, boss?"

Cheng Yu nodded with a smile and said: "I really don't have any plans, but if there is nothing else to do in the afternoon, I do want to rush back. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are a lot of things at home."

"You're the only one who's busy, but we're all quite free? It's almost the Chinese New Year, and who doesn't have a lot of things to do?"

"What can happen to you?" Professor Li and Mr. Carpenter shouted at each other at the same time.

Xiao Zhang rolled his eyes, ignored the two old men, and just said to Cheng Yu: "Although Mr. Li requested this meal, it is actually for you. Don't you deny this?"

Cheng Yu had no choice but to nod his head and said: "I admit this. Although I am flattering Mr. Li, if you insist on saying so, I can only hold my nose and admit it."

"Just admit it. So you are the guest of honor today. I, the host, ask you to drink two more drinks. Do you have to agree?"

"Let's talk after drinking, and then we'll talk." Cheng Yu could only respond perfunctorily.

Xiao Zhang didn't hesitate, he just called the waiters and asked them to open two more bottles of red wine so he could wake up.

"Old man, when I called you before, you were so mysterious on the phone. Was it because of Cheng Yu?"

Professor Li slowly picked up the warm wet wipes on the table, wiped his fingers carefully over and over again, and said, "It's because he is right, but it's not mainly because of him as a person, but because of one of his things. I don't care about this."

Interrupted, I introduced you two anyway, but it was not intentional, it just happened. Xiaocheng, you can tell Xiaozhang yourself."

Cheng Yu nodded, Professor Li's words were very clear.

Although it is just a simple sentence, it introduces the fact that Cheng Yu happens to have something to do with Xiao Zhang. It is a hook, so that Cheng Yu can talk to Xiao Zhang about specific matters directly, eliminating the need for pleasantries and waiting.

Wait for a series of processes.

Moreover, although Professor Li asked Xiao Zhang to arrange this dinner for Cheng Yu's sake, at the same time, as he said, he usually lives alone. Of course it is no problem for him to continue cooking when Xue Qing comes back, but at home

With so many guests coming, we can't let him, an old man, cook.

But with Professor Li's arrangement, people can't help but think that he wants to help Cheng Yu.

In fact, he just wanted Cheng Yu to take this opportunity to get to know Xiao Zhang and Mr. Carpenter. He didn't want Xiao Zhang to agree to anything because of his face.

Whether Xiao Zhang and Cheng Yu can cooperate depends on their fate. Professor Li is not willing to get too involved.

Therefore, he added that it was not intentional, but happened by chance. This is to tell Xiaozhang that Cheng Yu is talking to you. Whether you agree or not depends on whether you are interested. There is no need to give me face.

Xiaozhang's reputation outside is somewhat cynical, but any rich second generation reaching his level cannot be just a cynical idiot.

Of course he understood what Professor Li meant, so he nodded and said to Cheng Yu: "You and I have also heard that someone who grew up in the United States opened an investment company after he came back, and he was stealing food from me.

But your company seems to be doing well, and it has also helped the Du Group get a project that they have been dreaming about. By the way, it has facilitated the cooperation between your family and the Du Group, and has eliminated the vague turmoil in Jiangnan.

I have to say, you are really good. I heard that you recently went to Baoan to invest in Qin Manyuan's project?

The reward is pretty good, but it’s mixed with some things that shouldn’t be mixed in, which makes people hate me.”

In a few simple sentences, Cheng Yu's main developments this year were outlined.

So, who said Xiao Zhang is a bastard of the second generation ancestor? He knows everything that he should understand.

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "Sister Man's incident was a bit offending, but fortunately I can afford to offend her.

To put it bluntly, there are many people in Jiangnan who hate my family, not least those in Lingdong.

What I said may sound a little arrogant, but the fact is that my father has never made a single wrong decision since he started business.

At least when it comes to major decisions, he always stands on the right path.

Although I have been back to China for less than a year, my qualifications are very short, and I am an unknown junior in an investment bank.

But equally, none of the decisions I made over the past year were wrong.

I'm even lucky. None of my investment projects this year have lost money so far.

I feel that God may still favor our Cheng family for decades to come.

I didn't know Sister Man before, but Xue Changyun introduced her to her.

He wants to help Sister Man. I don't care what his motives are. After meeting Sister Man, I also think she is a nice person and I am willing to make friends with her, so I will help her.

What’s more, the rate of return from this project is actually pretty good.”

This chapter has been completed!
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