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Chapter 4 System Mall

My home airline?

What is this operation?

Cheng Yu was a little confused.

The flight attendant seemed to notice Cheng Yu's confusion and explained in a low voice: "A few months ago, your father fully acquired our airline. So you don't really plan to sue your own company, do you?"

Cheng Yu scratched his head, and he finally understood why he was obviously treated with all kinds of courtesy by the crew after boarding the plane.

After all, he is the young boss of this airline, and the entire crew works for his family. It is no wonder that these crew members are extremely polite to him, and even specially prepared Maotai and side dishes for him.

But now it's not a question of whose company it belongs to, but whether Cheng Yu's stingy move can be completed. His life is almost gone, who cares who this crappy company belongs to?

Cheng Yu looked at the flight attendant and said firmly: "Even if it's my own company, you can't just take advantage of me, right? I paid for first class, but I can only sit in economy class. Isn't that right?

What is your responsibility?"

In fact, the flight attendant did not think that this was the crew's responsibility. After all, the crew members would not want to encounter such a thunderstorm that was not notified on the ground. What's more, everything was a near miss and no damage was caused.

But in front of the company's prince, the flight attendant could not say this under any circumstances.

After looking at Cheng Yu steadily, the flight attendant sighed and said, "Okay, Mr. Cheng, I'll contact the ground to see how they handle it."

Faced with his young boss, the flight attendant could only choose to pass the problem to the company, "I'm just a flight attendant. I'd rather leave the refund to the finance department to study."

Before Cheng Yu expressed his position, the lawyer stood up again. He decided to put aside the incident with Cheng Yu just now and continue to exert pressure on the crew in order to gain the support of other passengers on the plane, so that he could blackmail someone from the airline.


"Everyone, we are on the same boat now, and I need your support. As long as you support me, I will definitely sue this airline. The flight route is designed to ensure the safety of passengers, but what we have just experienced

A thunderstorm. Everyone knows that a thunderstorm may cause the plane to crash and kill people. We cannot just let this company go. If we are merciless today, it is very likely that passengers on other flights will lose their lives in the future. Moreover, we

We still need to continue flying for more than ten hours..."

Cheng Yu was thinking about it. He also knew that the steward was shirking his responsibility. The lawyer raised his voice. Although he did not get the support he needed, it also triggered continued whispers from the passengers. Many comments gathered together and completely disrupted the situation.

Cheng Yu's thoughts.

Moreover, he could ignore it before, but not anymore. After all, this airline is the property of their old Cheng family.

He himself can ask the company to refund him the price difference, but others want to blackmail him...

There is no way!

The most important thing is that Cheng Yu is thinking that if the lawyer is allowed to continue, the passengers' emotions will be aroused, and the company will really have to pay compensation if they fail to get all the guarantees.

And if Cheng Yu can prevent all this from happening, it will be equivalent to saving money for the company. This company is Cheng Yu's own family, saving money for the company is equivalent to saving money for Cheng Yu.

Maybe this can also be regarded as a stingy move?

So, Cheng Yu stood up, pointed at the lawyer, and said, "Are you finished yet? Do you have any common sense? The flight altitude of the plane has already exceeded 10,000 meters, and the thundercloud area is far away

Lower than the flight altitude. The thunderstorm area you see is actually dozens of kilometers away from us, and it is below the plane. Do you think the airlines are God? Can they care whether there are thunderstorms in the sky? If there are thunderstorms below, they will definitely

What happened to the turbulence in the airflow and the turbulence of the plane? You are not so uneducated as to think that we have passed through the entire thunderstorm area. If that were the case, we would have been struck by lightning..."

When he said this, Cheng Yu also felt a little guilty. After all, he had indeed seen ball lightning hit the plane just now.

However, now he has understood that the ball lightning was sent to the God System and would not cause any damage to the aircraft.

"The crew members have worked very hard to keep the plane as stable as possible. You are so awesome, why don't you fly the plane yourself? You are also experiencing a thunderstorm. Go through the thunderstorm area and let me see. Do you think you are a great Luo Jinxian trying to survive the tribulation?

, you were struck by lightning and you still sat here like you were fine. Put away your idea of ​​trying to blackmail you, just because you are inciting the emotions of the passengers on the plane, the police can arrest you directly, I tell you.

Disturbing public order, with intent to extort, and spreading rumors and slander, any crime is enough to get you in jail for ten to eight years. Now I simply doubt whether you are a lawyer..."

The lawyer couldn't say a word when he was retorted, and most passengers felt that the plane did bump a few times, but Cheng Yu's explanation was reasonable. The thunderstorm area should indeed be among the clouds, and the plane was undoubtedly

It is flying above the clouds, and the possibility of encountering thunderstorms during this kind of flight is almost zero.

The flight attendant took a look and hurriedly explained loudly: "What this gentleman said is very correct. The current flying altitude of our aircraft is far beyond the altitude where thunderstorms exist. The reason why it cannot fly in thunderstorms is because when taking off and landing

The real danger is when you need to pass through the location of a thunderstorm. Don't worry, our crew will ensure everyone's safe journey. If you have any comments about this flight, please wait until the plane lands before making a complaint to the relevant department.


The lawyer wanted to say something more, but the passengers beside him stopped him with words. Seeing that it was difficult to succeed, the lawyer could only sit down in silence.

"I will not give up, I will definitely sue you..."

Of course, the necessary tough talk is still necessary.

The moment the lawyer sat down, a slight "ding" sound suddenly appeared in Cheng Yu's mind, and then he saw a golden number pop up on the light screen in front of him...


The glittering golden numbers gradually faded away, and the 0/0 in the center of the light screen in Cheng Yu's mind also quietly changed.


Before Cheng Yu could see clearly, he saw the light screen flicker for a moment and then go out.

When it lights up again, only a navigation bar is displayed on the light screen.

The navigation bar says: The system has been activated, the mall is open, the system is being upgraded...

Under the navigation bar, there is a percentage number showing the degree of system upgrade.

About half a minute passed, the navigation bar ended, the light screen flashed dark again, and then lit up again.

Cheng Yu clearly saw that in addition to the still decreasing countdown in the upper left corner of the light screen and the 100/100 in the center of the light screen, there was a pattern like a supermarket cart in the upper right corner.

Next to the pattern, there are two words written - shopping mall.

Without hesitation, Cheng Yu clicked on the mall with his mind, and a new interface appeared immediately.

The interface is somewhat similar to WeChat's WeChat store, except that there are only three items in total.

It is clear at a glance that the products all look like cards, and inside the card is written the name of the product and the points required for redemption.

The first item, one day of life, 20 points.

The second item, five days of life, 90 points.

The third item, five minutes of mind reading, 3 points.

This chapter has been completed!
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