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Chapter 503: Supporting Li Dali

For a long time, Li Dali felt very baffled as to how he escaped from the island.

He and Cheng Yu discussed a set of words, and he knew very well that he had to say this when facing the police or other investigators.

Otherwise, it will bring great trouble to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu risked his life to rescue him from Lawrence. Li Dali was deeply grateful. Based on this, he could not cause any trouble to Cheng Yu because of himself.

The embassy staff first conducted a round of questioning with him, and he dealt with it according to the agreed explanation.

On the way back home, the handler also asked him, and the answer he got was of course the same.

After returning to China, the police, government, and military all dispatched different investigators, but the answers they obtained still did not change.

The overseas investigation into this matter also went very poorly.

First of all, there is no clear evidence of the masterminds behind the experiments conducted on the island by Lawrence and the mercenaries hired by them. Only some information and clues found on the island point to some of the United States'

rich man.

However, these cannot be used as direct evidence. The American police are extremely cautious about this. After all, the influence of these rich people is too great.

Not much valuable information can be obtained from the United States, and it is even more difficult to obtain valuable clues from the Falklands government.

After all, it is a joke in itself to allow such a foreign armed force to occupy a small island in their country for several years, and yet the Falklands government and military are helpless.

What's more, Lawrence obviously had an under-the-table deal with people from the Falklands military and government, otherwise it would not have gone so smoothly.

As for Chile, they are also shouting to catch the thief. After all, Lawrence and Cindy are also wanted by the Santiago police.

Therefore, on the overseas side, the information that the investigation team investigating Li Dali could obtain was really limited, and it was basically some official answers that had been carefully designed.

Only some internal information obtained through the staff of the Chinese Embassy in the Falklands showed that although the situation on the island was tragic, it did seem that Lawrence and the mercenaries were fighting as Li Dali said, but due to the strength of both parties,

In fact, it is quite a disparity. It is said that it is difficult to achieve the current result of losing both sides and annihilating the entire army.

Therefore, some people in the investigation team responsible for the case on Falk Island actually raised suspicions. They felt that a third party had landed on the island and would take advantage of the conflict between the two sides to launch a sudden attack, or simply wait until the two sides were in conflict.

And towards the end, a third party force appeared in full force and finally wiped out both sides.

However, this argument did not receive much support. After all, after cleaning the battlefield, the Falklands did not find any obvious lack of information or personnel on the island.

So, are the third-party forces just here to kill people?

Even if Lawrence and Cindy became wanted criminals in Chile, it would be difficult to explain the murder. After all, although Chile is one of the most powerful countries in South America, it would not dare to easily attack people under the control of the British.

Ma Dao takes action.

What's more, the Chilean side did not even have time to contact the Falklands side from the beginning to the end. It neither condemned nor asked the Falklands to hand over Lawrence.

To put it bluntly, there is a high probability that the Chilean side does not know the whereabouts of Lawrence and Cindy.

Under such a premise, killing people and silencing them becomes a completely unexplainable idea.

What's more, unless the group of financial backers in the United States had already planned to destroy everyone on this island, including the projects they were developing, they sent a third-party force in advance to prepare to land on the island at any time, and happened to encounter a firefight between the two sides.

And achieve the goal very effortlessly.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this third party force to reach the location of the island so quickly.

Under such circumstances, Li Dali's confession was like an endorsement, and even the wording did not change at all every time. In addition, he himself did not have much to doubt, so after many discussions, he decided to put it aside temporarily.

this matter.

Of course, because Li Dali was a former soldier, he was completely restricted from leaving the country.

From now on, if Li Dali wants to leave the country, he will not only need a passport and visa, but also the review and approval of several relevant domestic departments.

Li Dali didn't care about these at all. What he cared about was that after more than four years, he could finally breathe the air of real freedom.

After Li Dali returned to China, Cheng Yu used his identity information to apply for a bank card and deposited into it the first year's annual salary that he and Li Dali had agreed upon.

He handed this card to Lao Bian.

When several departments finally decided to return freedom to Li Dali, Lao Bian went to the hotel where Li Dali was being quarantined and examined, personally went through all the procedures for him, and picked him up.

"Gong Li, this is the bank card Mr. Cheng asked me to give you. He said that when you went abroad, you should have given all your savings to your family, so he gave you an advance on the one-year annual salary that he had agreed with you before. This is

You can use the money to buy some necessary things first, and then he will tell you to contact him as soon as possible and he will arrange a place for you. He also hopes that you can resume work as soon as possible."

Li Dali felt grateful and held Lao Bian's hand tightly. He knew that in addition to Cheng Yu risking his life to rescue him, the man in front of him actually also made a lot of efforts after returning to China.

If he hadn't helped with the running and coordination, Li Dali might have spent the New Year in the hotel.

"Thank you. I'm going to buy a mobile phone and contact Mr. Cheng."

The two men shook hands vigorously, and Lao Bian sent him to the door of a bank, watched him withdraw the cash, and then left.

Looking at the bustling traffic and the Wudong streets that had not changed much from four years ago, Li Dali suddenly felt like he was in a different world.

Finally came back.

Li Dali stamped his feet heavily. The ground under his feet seemed extremely solid, which gave him a sense of solidity.

This is the land of the motherland.

After hailing a taxi, Li Dali told the driver that he was going to the Danfeng Street Communication Market and that he first needed to buy a mobile phone.

After buying the mobile phone, Li Dali turned it on awkwardly, and then went to the business hall next door to apply for a phone card.

When the salesperson explained to him the various packages of this phone card, Li Dali still looked a little confused.

After all, when he left China, 3G had just become popular, and 4G was still more of a concept in most people's minds.

Li Dali didn't particularly care about these, so when he heard that the traffic part of the package had reached six gigabytes, he was really at a loss.

You know, in the past, even the youngest researchers in the research institute could hardly use more than one gigabyte of traffic per month.

He had been on that small island for more than four years. Although the changes in the city's appearance and other changes after returning to China did not make him feel like he was in another world, the development of information technology and network technology made it difficult for him to adapt.

A simple mobile phone plan gave Li Dali a sudden feeling that time was running out.

After all, even if his research and development direction is mainly focused on modeling of materials science, and the upgrading of materials science is obviously not as fast as network information technology, the technology four years ago can still be in a relatively leading position, but if you don't understand

Today's network information technology will cause huge flaws in product design and technical research.

Li Dali secretly made up his mind to keep up with this information age in the shortest possible time, so as to add updated ideas to his modeling research and development.

After getting his mobile phone and phone number, Li Dali immediately entered the mobile phone number that Cheng Yu had told him before, and solemnly added contacts - well, fortunately, he also used a smartphone four years ago.

Although mobile phones are being updated very quickly, the basic functions are still similar or even the same, and these operations are no stranger to him.

Looking at the time, Li Dali dialed Cheng Yu's phone number as it was approaching noon.

Cheng Yu hadn't woken up yet, but the ringtone from his cell phone suddenly woke him up.

Stretching, Cheng Yu fumbled around and held the phone in his hand.

After taking a look, he saw that it was an unfamiliar number. Although he felt that it was most likely an advertising call, Cheng Yu still chose to answer it.

"Hello." Cheng Yu's voice sounded a little lazy.

Li Dali was slightly startled. The Cheng Yu he had come into contact with spoke very fast and decisively. He had never sounded like this before.

But generally speaking, Li Dali could still identify Cheng Yu's voice and was sure that it was Cheng Yu who answered the phone.

"Is it Mr. Cheng?"

Hearing Li Dali's voice, Cheng Yu was slightly startled, and then he said slightly excitedly: "Is it Li Gong?"

"Master Cheng, it's me. The investigation against me has ended."

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "That's great. I have been traveling around during this period and just returned to Wudong last night. I originally thought that it was almost the Chinese New Year and I wanted to find the departments that conducted the quarantine review on you.

, let’s see when this review will end. Unexpectedly, you have already come out..."

Just after I finished speaking, I felt something was wrong, so I added: "Ah, it's not that it's out, it's that the review is over."

Li Dali said calmly: "Mr. Cheng, you don't need to explain. Captain Bian went through the formalities for me. Now I am completely free. Oh, except that I cannot leave the country freely, I am completely free. I want to see you."

"Well, what time is it now?" Cheng Yu took away his phone and wanted to check the time.

Li Dali hurriedly said: "It's half past eleven."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm on Danfeng Street and I just bought a mobile phone. Oh, and I have to thank you for your thoughtfulness and asking Captain Bian to give me the bank card. However, I haven't even started working yet, but you have already collected it.

One year’s salary.”

"This is not important. You can just sign a replacement employment contract with me later.

Today is Monday, right? The research institute is working normally. Although the Chinese New Year is approaching, those scientific research projects have basically come to a halt.

Well, you go directly to the research institute...

It's still in the same place, unchanged.

You go to Director Chen Jiang and Chen, as well as Wu Jing and Wu Gong. I think they will be very happy to hear the news of your return.

You tell them, you guys wait for me together, and we can have a meal together at noon, which can be regarded as catching the wind for you.

You don’t need to worry about the rest, I will arrange it.”

Li Dali's execution ability was still very strong. He didn't do anything extra. He just said: "Okay, I'll go back to the research institute...well, I'll go back."

Cheng Yu could hear that when Li Dali came to the word "hui", there was an obvious hesitant pause, but soon he increased his tone and emphasized the word "hui".

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yu hurriedly packed up the space capsule and saw that Du Xiaoyu was also awake on the big bed.

He waved to Du Xiaoyu, and Du Xiaoyu asked: "What's wrong?"

"I have to go out for something, do you want to sleep a little longer?"

"It's almost time for me to get up. I have another meeting in Qianjin in the afternoon. After this meeting, the work for the year before is basically over."

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "How about you use the bathroom first?"

"It's okay. You can use it first. Don't you have something to do when you go out? I'll lie down for a while."

Cheng Yu then got into the bathroom from the space capsule, quickly finished washing up, opened the door and returned to the bedroom.

"Then I...leave first?"

"Go ahead."

Du Xiaoyu nodded, and when Cheng Yu walked to the door, he suddenly asked: "My meeting will end at about four o'clock, how about you?"

Cheng Yu turned around, smiled, and said, "I don't think I have much to do. I'll give you a message when I'm done. If your meeting is over, I'll pick you up."

"Okay. It's really time for you to go to Qianjin."

Cheng Yu waved his hand, opened the door and walked out.

Aunt Zhang had obviously been waiting for the "young couple" to get up. When she saw Cheng Yu coming out, she hurriedly walked to the yard.

"Aunt Zhang, Xiaoyu has also gotten up and is packing up. I have to go out for something and won't be home to eat at noon. Remember to tell Xiaoyu to finish eating before going to the company."

Aunt Zhang smiled and nodded, helped Cheng Yu open the courtyard door, and watched Cheng Yu's back disappear.

Cheng Yu called Wu Jing while walking towards the Maserati president who Du Xiaoyu had arranged to drive back.

"Hello, Mr. Wu."

"Master Cheng, Mr. Li has come back. Director Chen and I are very excited. Mr. Li said you are coming over?"

"Yes, we arranged to have a meal together at noon to catch up with Mr. Li. I'm getting ready to leave now. It will take about twenty or thirty minutes. You can ask Chen Suo to see if there is a ready-made contract at the HR department. There are some.

If so, prepare one for Mr. Li. The salary is the same as yours and the position is the same as yours."

Wu Jing hurriedly said: "Master Cheng, as I said, as long as Gong Li can come back, I can be his deputy."

"It's not necessary. After Li Gong came back, although the core technologies he mastered didn't have many updates, there were definitely many ancillary technical means that he was not used to.

Your positions are equal. You two belong to two different R&D groups.

But after he is familiar with everything and can fully return to work, and encounters some projects that require the cooperation of two R&D teams, then I will set up a temporary research team.

At that time, it is possible that he will be the team leader and you will be the deputy team leader. Normally, there should be no need to make such a fine distinction.

Let’s discuss these in detail at the dinner table later.”

Cheng Yu was still very resolute and did not allow Wu Jing to question him, so Wu Jing had no choice but to agree.

After getting in the car, Cheng Yu connected his phone to the Bluetooth in the car and started the car.

After slowly driving out of the community, Cheng Yu thought about whether there were any suitable restaurants near the research institute.

Just as he was about to use his voice to dial his cell phone to the restaurant, Cheng Yu suddenly remembered that after he and Xue Changyun took over the institute, they had ordered Chen Jiang to restore the former affiliated units of the institute.

Including canteens, small factories, etc.

Eating out will of course be more grand, which shows that Cheng Yu attaches great importance to Li Dali.

But eating in the cafeteria of the institute is probably the most intimate thing for Li Dali.

"Dial Chen Jiang." Cheng Yu issued a voice command.

The phone dialed quickly, and Chen Jiang quickly answered the call.

"Mr. Cheng, I basically heard what you and Gong Wu just said. I'm arranging for the personnel department to issue the contract. I guess the contract will be issued when you arrive."

"Well, I don't worry about that. I have another thing to ask you."

"Master Cheng, please tell me."

"In our research institute, I said before that we would resume work in the canteen and small factories. We don't have time to pay attention to these during this period. How are your arrangements?"

"Because the small factory didn't have any suitable projects to produce yet, we just asked the previous workers. Some of them were willing to come back, so we signed employment contracts with them and have come back.

But there is no work now, so I organized them to sort out the abandoned areas in the yard, and did some maintenance and renovation of the factory building without spending money as much as possible.

The canteen has been completely set up.

Of course, the number of staff in the institute is not large now. I have not asked them to fill up the cafeteria. I have left some vacant positions and plan to recruit after we have all the staff in each position after the year.

Now the researchers and workers in the factory eat in our canteen.

I also followed your instructions and supplied everything at cost price. Now the researchers and workers are very satisfied with this."

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "That's good. In this way, you ask the canteen to prepare a table of food. You and Worker Wu will then invite some researchers that Worker Li was familiar with in the past. Workers can also do it, but in short, if they are the kind of people who follow

He is a person who is relatively close and has more interactions with him. There is no limit to the number of people. Just confirm it and let the cafeteria prepare it. We will pick up Gong Li at noon."

Chen Jiang agreed immediately.

Originally, Li Dali was a taciturn person, speaking very little, and his communication skills were not very strong.

So he didn't have many acquaintances in the research institute, let alone friends.

Only researchers like Wu Jing, who can be regarded as his half-disciple and who he actually led out, talk more to him.

Then there are the workers in some technical positions in small factories, because they involve the realization of drawings and design and development concepts, so there will inevitably be some contact with Li Dali.

But most of these people have already left the institute.

Among those who have been recruited back now, there are actually very few such people.

The reason is very simple. To be able to get along well with a person like Li Dali, who has extremely poor communication skills, first of all, the emotional intelligence in dealing with people must be very good. In addition, in terms of technology, it is obviously necessary to meet the approval of Li Dali. Such a person can be successful.

, they are always in demand wherever they go, so their development has been very good since they left. Now if the institute wants to lure them back, it will not be easy, even if it has offered a very high salary.

After carefully gathering together, there were only four or five people, and Chen Jiang contacted them one by one.

When those people heard that Li Dali was back, they were naturally very happy and rushed to the director's office building to report.

Wu Jing glanced at it and said, "We are all together at the door, and we have a good relationship with Li Gong. How about letting him join us?"

"Is it appropriate? After all, it is..."

"Young Master Cheng and Lao Qitou are quite friendly."

"How could I forget this problem? Hurry up and call Lao Qitou."

In fact, when Li Dali returned to the research institute, he had already had a few words with Lao Qitou at the door.

But at that time, he was eager to return home, and Li Dali was anxious to find Chen Jiang, so the two of them didn't talk much.

Li Dali said at the time that he didn't even have a place to live now, so Lao Qitou patted his chest and said that he would let Li Dali stay at his place for a few days. Li Dali readily agreed and agreed to treat Lao Qitou to a drink in the evening.


Now that he heard that Cheng Yu was coming to meet Li Dali and invited him to have dinner together, old Qitou was so happy that he narrowed his eyes.

"I know Xiao Cheng is reliable. Come on, Director, just okay. I'll wait for Xiao Cheng in our room, and then we'll go there together in his car."

Chen Jiang shook his head after hearing this, thinking that in this research institute, only Lao Qitou dared to call Cheng Yu that way, and even dared to ride on his car.


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