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Chapter 508 Someone is going to cause trouble

Cheng Yu thought for a while and suddenly laughed.

"You mean to say that Master Cheng, like my other brothers and sisters, all covet the inheritance rights of the Cheng Group and will do something against me when he comes back?"

Du Changfeng shook his head and said: "The purpose must be this, but I'm afraid it won't be so direct and simple.

Cheng Yu, to be honest, in our circle, apart from the fact that everyone doesn’t know much about you, we actually watched the children of your Cheng family grow up.

We know best what kind of character each person has.

Cheng Yi has always been the kind of second-generation ancestor who has no brains and thinks very highly of himself.

He doesn't understand at all that the reason why he is supported by people outside is not because of his own ability, but because he is the eldest nephew of your father Cheng Guangnian.

In other words, it was because your father got married too late and gave birth to you, which caused him, who was not supposed to be the eldest grandson, to suddenly become the eldest grandson of the Cheng family.

Otherwise, if you are the eldest son and grandson of the Cheng family, there will be no problem."

Cheng Yu smiled nonchalantly and said, "Dad, I actually don't care about any of this. Besides, the eldest son and grandson of the Cheng family are of no use. After all, it can be said that the Cheng family is what it is today. It can be said that it was Cheng Guangnian who created him. That person of his,

He is decisive in killing, let alone a brother, even if I, my biological son, really want to take something from him, I estimate that he will definitely kill his relatives without hesitation."

Du Changfeng was stunned when he heard this, and then burst into laughter.

He pointed his finger at Cheng Yu and shook it.

"You kid, you really dare to say anything. Aren't you afraid that your dad will beat you to death if he hears what you say?"

Cheng Yu shook his head and said, "I'm really not worried about this.

To be honest, since I was a child, although I really didn’t feel much of my father’s love, even my mother’s love, because of Lao Cheng, I basically never enjoyed it.

But for more than 20 years, no matter how I argued with Lao Cheng, even fell out, slammed the door and walked away, etc., he never laid a finger on me.

And I didn’t just tell you this, I told Lao Cheng.

I think the only person in his life who has used some emotion may be my mother.

I can’t say, but in short, in my heart, Lao Cheng is a cold-blooded animal.

His business empire is the most important.

Sometimes, I even suspect that if one day he has to choose between his business empire and my mother, his choice will still be the Cheng Group."

When Du Changfeng heard this, he fell silent.

Subconsciously, I picked up the cigar, took two puffs and found it was out, so I struck a match and lit it.

Taking two deep breaths, Du Changfeng shook his head and said: "I shouldn't comment on some things, but... Xiaoyu, what you said is not unreasonable. In fact, this has always been everyone's biggest doubt. Cheng Guangnian has worked hard for half his life.

, founded the Cheng Group, a behemoth that he can control with one hand, but he actually seems to have a posture that even you can't inherit. I don't understand, I don't understand..."

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "I don't need it either. I feel that I will be able to live a good life on my own. Of course, I was lying on his shoulders. Without him, how would I have the start-up capital?"

"By the way, how is your investment company doing now?"

"My own assets have increased dozens of times. If we include those equity shares that cannot be cashed out for the time being, I am now a person with a net worth of two to three billion. This does not include the shares of Qianjin and Dushi."

Du Changfeng nodded deeply and said, "Well, the results are indeed very good. I remember that you initially had a start-up capital of 20 million?"

Cheng Yu nodded and said: "In one year, not counting the increase in the value of the company's intangible assets, the actual wealth valuation has increased by more than a hundred times."

"It's indeed not easy. However, the Cheng Group is your father's lifelong effort. Do you really have no idea at all?"

"You have said that it is his hard work, what does it have to do with me? I am quite satisfied if you can give me some money to start my own business. Besides, don't I also own some shares of Cheng's company? Just

But it was put in Qianjin for investment.”

"It's really beyond my expectation that you can look at it so lightly." Du Changfeng sighed again.

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "Old Cheng, when will he figure it out for himself, all these problems will be solved. But don't think I am his son, if I really want to establish my status as heir now, he

They will think that I want to commit regicide..."

"Hahaha, you kid, you're talking nonsense!"

Cheng Yu also laughed, waved his hand and said, "Dad, what did you just say about the eldest son and grandson? The Cheng Group belongs to Lao Cheng, so this has nothing to do with the eldest son and grandson, right?"

"There is always some. When your father started his own business, where did the start-up capital come from?"

Cheng Yu scratched his head and said, "I really don't know about this."

"Guang Le and Guang Tian have never brought this matter to the table. Maybe they think it would be of little use if they did. But it doesn't mean that they will always bury this matter in their hearts."

"Then tell me."

Du Changfeng took another puff on his cigar, put it down again, and let it die.

"We don't have any conclusive evidence. It's just that your father has not refuted the rumors for so many years. This is not in line with his character, so I tend to think it is true."

Cheng Yu nodded, thinking that the establishment of the Cheng Group seemed to be quite famous.

"When your father decided to go into business, he had no money. Then suddenly, your father received a sum of funds and successfully took his first step in business."

"You don't want to say that my second uncle and third uncle raised this money for him, do you?"

Du Changfeng shook his head and said, "That's definitely not the case. Otherwise, by the time the Cheng family develops a little, brothers Guang Le and Guang Tian may not be able to hold it back any longer."


"They are all rumors, but there must be a reason for them to come out of nowhere. There is no clue at all here."

Du Changfeng picked up the wine glass, but Cheng Yu did not interrupt. He also picked up the wine glass, clinked it with him, and both of them took a sip.

"Actually, your eldest brother Cheng Yi is exactly the same as your second uncle in every aspect of temperament.

Just less than a month after your father suddenly received a sum of money to start his business career, Guangle got into trouble.

Looking at it now, it's not a big trouble. But back then, it was really a big trouble.

I won’t talk about the specific matter. This is the last thing Guangle wants to mention. Your father doesn’t like others to mention it either. After all, it is your Cheng family’s business.

But at that time Guangle needed a sum of money, so he started thinking about your family's ancestral property."

Cheng Yu was stunned and said, "Does our family still have ancestral property?"

"Two aspects.

First, your family has an old house in the south of the city.

At the end of the 1990s, the real estate industry was completely kicked off, which resulted in many old houses being returned to the owners by the government and becoming private property.

Of course you didn't know, not even your eldest brother caught up. Of course, Feng Qin was already pregnant with your eldest brother at that time.

The house is quite big. The old-fashioned courtyard is now called a courtyard after the people in the imperial capital, but we didn't call it that in those days.

If the house had been preserved until now, it would probably be a protected cultural relic. If it were to be sold, the location is the highest land price in Wudong. It could be worth 3.5 billion. This is because the old house is not allowed to be demolished and the government funds maintenance every year.


In the late 1990s, your house was worth roughly one to two million yuan.

And your father's start-up capital was two million. Can you think of anything now?"

Cheng Yu asked tentatively: "Did my grandfather sell the house to my dad as start-up capital?"

"Exactly, your father has never explained it. The old man has been pretending to be crazy and refused to say anything about this matter. Later, your grandfather became Alzheimer's, and there was nothing to talk about."

Cheng Yu nodded and said: "One or two million, for people of that era, it is less than a dozen houses, right? Regardless of whether it is true or not, if I were the second uncle and the third uncle, I would definitely think so."

Du Changfeng nodded and continued: "Yes, everyone thinks so. As a result, there was no way to solve the Guangle matter. He approached your grandfather and wanted to sell the house, but he found that the house was no longer in your grandfather's name.

, it’s just that the person who bought the house gave your grandpa a one-year period, during which he can still live there.”

"Then Lao Cheng should be a bit inappropriate. Even if the money from selling the house is used to do business, the shares cannot be divided like 31,31, but it is normal for my second uncle and third uncle's family to have ideas. Even if the Cheng Group relies entirely on

It’s him, but he can’t monopolize the shares alone!”

"But the problem is, when your grandfather was sober, he said that he never gave your father any money. And your father only said that the money was lent to him by others and was considered an investment for him. There were no venture capital in those days.

concept, and later, after your father became successful, the money was just withdrawn from the account, and the money came in and out in the name of borrowing. Venture capital does not have such an investment method."

Cheng Yu fell silent again, just waiting for Du Changfeng to continue recounting that period of history.

"As I said just now, this is just one aspect. There was no way to solve the problem with your second uncle, so the old man was so anxious that he actually got two gold bars out. There was also a celadon vase from the Ming Dynasty. The gold bars were also taken out.

I went to the bank to change the money, and the Ming Dynasty celadon vase was sold to a wealthy man at that time. After collecting more than 400,000 yuan, I finally solved the Guangle matter."

"Hey, my second uncle can do it. In the past nine years, he has made more than 400,000 yuan?" Cheng Yu shook his head and sighed. No wonder Du Changfeng said that Cheng Yi's character is more like Cheng Guangle, who co-authored Cheng Guangle's attempt to commit suicide when he was young.

His skills are no worse than Cheng Yi's.

Cheng Yi's involvement in the Peach Blossom Spring incident would have been a criminal case if Cheng Guangnian and Cheng Yu hadn't thoroughly investigated it because he was a member of the Cheng family.

"Because your grandfather took out two gold bars and a blue and white porcelain vase, Guang Le and Guang Tian always thought that the old man had something to hide. Anyway, your grandfather had always been weird before he got sick, which always made people think

He must be hiding something."

Cheng Yu smiled. Cheng Qingsong was indeed a bit wretched in the early years when he did not have Alzheimer's disease. He has not changed even now. He is somewhat similar to the father in a TV series some time ago. He

There are a lot of little things to think about.

Of course, he is not as extreme as the guy played by Ni Dahong.

"After that, your father's business went through several changes, but he was always able to get a loan when he was at his most desperate.

After overcoming the crisis, the loan was deducted from the company's account, but the origin and destination were somewhat unclear.

It was your second uncle and third uncle who spread the news about this, saying that your grandfather must have used the things he hid privately to support your father.

Of course, regardless of whether the money has not been repaid, the things are gone anyway, and your father's company has developed like this.

Step by step, we finally became the current Cheng Group."

"Didn't you say that my dad has never made any decision-making mistakes in his life? How come he is always at the end of his rope?"

Du Changfeng smiled, shook his head and said: "Guangnian is ambitious. From the current point of view, the decision-making is actually correct, but the capital is not strong enough.

To put it bluntly, he was unable to do anything, but he still insisted on going ahead. After the completion of the project, there was a shortage of funds, which naturally led to problems in the project.

Fortunately, every time I turn a bad situation into a good one, I get just the right amount of funds at the most opportune time to tide over the difficulties.

Everyone says that there is no way out, but there are so many good-hearted people in the world who can help Guang Nian during his most difficult time.

The key is that although these loans have interest, the interest rates are shockingly low.

In the 1990s, you probably didn’t even know how high the deposit interest rates were, let alone loans.

At that time, the annual interest rate on deposits was close to ten points, let alone loans.

In private lending, without twenty points, you would be embarrassed to open your mouth to anyone."

Cheng Yu nodded and said: "I still know these things about economics. Therefore, my second uncle and third uncle felt that the reason why Cheng Yu was able to overcome the difficulties every time in the most difficult times was because of my family.

The bad old man’s secret collection?”

Du Changfeng also nodded and said: "Your second uncle and third uncle have talked too much, so naturally there are rumors in the outside world.

Fortunately, your grandfather was not ill or in trouble at that time, but he was a little wilted.

Guang Le and Guang Tian must have asked him, but he firmly denied it, saying that he had never had any involvement in Guang Nian's affairs.

I heard that once, it seems that after Guangle joined your father's company, he failed in a project and caused the company to suffer serious losses.

Then Guangnian scolded him. He drank too much and got mad because of the alcohol. He asked Guangnian if the money to tide over the difficulties was given by your grandfather.

He also said that the money should have been divided equally among the three brothers, but now it has become your father’s only asset.”

Cheng Yu laughed loudly and said, "This can't hurt Lao Cheng, can it?

If my bad old man has passed away, these private collections, including real estate, will be inheritance.

In the absence of a will, of course it should be divided equally among the three brothers...

No, there is also my aunt. Both men and women have the right to inherit, so it should be divided equally among the four of us.

But the problem is that grandpa is still alive, he didn’t have Alzheimer’s disease at that time, his thinking was normal, and he was conscious.

His money, his house, his private collection, whoever he is willing to give it to, his children really have no right to interfere."

Du Changfeng let out a long sigh, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said, "Who says it's not the case?"

Standing up, Du Changfeng walked to the wine cabinet, picked up the crystal bottle, shook it and asked, "Would you like some more?"

Cheng Yu also drank the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp, nodded and walked over.

After adding wine, Du Changfeng said: "How did that matter settle down later? The rumors couldn't be so detailed.

But one time when I was chatting with your father, I didn’t know why this matter came up.

What he said at the time was, first of all, I never took a dime from my father for business, and all my funds had nothing to do with the Cheng family.

Secondly, if my father is really rich and he is still alive, it is his business to give it to whomever he is willing to give it to, and it is not anyone else’s turn to say anything about equal distribution."

"So, Lao Cheng just emphasized that his funds have nothing to do with the Cheng family, but the other statements are exactly the same as mine?"

Du Changfeng nodded slightly and said, "This is such a situation."

"So, do you think that Master Cheng suddenly finished his studies and said he would not come back early, but he still came back early? This matter has something to do with it?"

"Of course it won't be particularly directly related to this matter, but I think it's normal for Master Cheng to come back and ask your father to fulfill the promise he made to him six months ago.

I think your father would also give him this position.

Of course, under Guang Nian, although Cheng Fu is not on the same level as his father and brother at all, this child has a deep mind and has never had the slightest idea of ​​getting involved in your family's property, but he is Guang Le's son after all, and there is no way he can do things without doing anything.

Think about Guangle."

"Dad, are you a little unfounded? Master Cheng is a month younger than me. Regardless of whether he has deep thoughts or not, he is still very young if he wants to fight with my father, right? Moreover, the Cheng Group belongs to him, old Cheng.

If he doesn't let go, who can take it away? You don't think he wants to kill our whole family and then get part of the inheritance rights of the Cheng Group, right?"

Du Changfeng smiled, waved his hand and said: "It's not that exaggerated. But after all, Guangnian only has a son like you. Once something goes wrong with you, or there is a major change in your family, at least Cheng Fu and Cheng Ran's right to speak will change."

It's very serious. In the face of interests, family ties and all that are nonsense. If they join forces to cause trouble, it will be really troublesome."

Cheng Yu frowned and said, "Dad, I feel more and more that your worries are unreasonable. Lao Cheng and I are both fine, what could happen?"

Speaking of this, Cheng Yu's heart actually sank slightly. After all, he didn't know whether something might happen to Cheng Guangnian, but it was very possible for him.

After all, the tumor in his brain is probably still there, but it was suppressed by the divine system with its magical power.

But Cheng Yu now has more than 17,000 points, which can be exchanged for a life span of 30% off, which is more than a thousand days.

A full three years.

This is under the premise that Cheng Yu will no longer be able to gain points in the future.

No matter how hard he, Master Cheng, messes up, can he get rid of the divine system in Cheng Yu's mind?

"If it were just pure suspicion, my old friends wouldn't come to me to talk specifically about your family. The person who told me about this today has his daughter and Mr. Cheng as schoolmates, and the other two children are also here.

They were studying in the UK, and they usually interacted with each other. After the news about Guang Le and Cheng Yi came out, they asked Cheng Fu, but Cheng Fu's reaction was too cold. He actually said that Guang Le and Cheng Yi brought it upon themselves. And Cheng Fu and Guang Le

The relationship between you and me is actually very good, which can’t help but make people wary!”

This chapter has been completed!
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