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Chapter 517: The Ridiculous Things of the Bad Old Man

Cheng Yu returned to his previous position and sat down.

"It seems that you are not clear about everything. You really guessed wrong this time. I didn't even think of asking about the conversation between you and him. Instead, he said that you have always owed money to grandpa.

My son never mentioned it, and Wang looked around and talked about him. He felt that I should learn to stop there."

Cheng Guangnian shook his finger and said, "But you don't intend to stop here."

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "I still can't control my curiosity."

"When did you start caring so much about your family?"

"Maybe you haven't noticed that in this family, the person who cares most about family affairs has always been me. Others only care about how much money you have and whether you will give some to them in the future, and only I

, have no interest in the property you have earned in this life."

Cheng Guangnian was angered by Cheng Yu's provocative words.

He looked at Cheng Yu seriously and said: "Cheng Yu, you are very smart. In one year, the company has developed well. But don't forget, although I didn't give you a penny when you started the company, your funds

, actually it comes from me.”

Cheng Yu nodded and said with a smile: "I have never denied this. But it really makes me feel ridiculous that you pursue this matter. If you think about it this way, I can have life and survive in this world.

Before I opened that company, you gave it to me. But does this make people think that my company should belong to you?"

Cheng Guangnian fell silent.

"Why do you have to know about your grandfather?"

"Just be curious. Of course, you can categorically reject me. But since I know other things about that old house, you should also know that sooner or later, I will be able to investigate Grandpa's affairs."

Cheng Guangnian once again chose silence.

After a long while, he picked up the wine glass and drank the remaining wine in one gulp.

"Actually, the story is not complicated."

Cheng Yu sighed inwardly, thinking that he had made a similar opening statement again.

Why do these so-called elders always like to use such boring and lengthy opening remarks before telling a story?

Cheng Guangnian seemed to be aware of Cheng Yu's inner activities, and he unexpectedly chose to go straight to the point.

"Your grandfather doesn't owe a penny of debt. I'm not saying that he doesn't owe any debt, but what he owes is not money. Your grandfather is eighty-two years old this year, and he gave birth to a child when he was thirty-two.

Got me."

Cheng Yu's heart moved slightly, yes, Cheng Guang will be fifty years old after this year.

The so-called year of knowing destiny.

Given his identity and status, I think his fiftieth birthday will be a big event.

"Your grandfather was born in the year when the war of aggression against China officially started. Considering his age, he gave birth to his first child at the age of thirty-two, which is actually very late."

Cheng Yu seemed to have vaguely noticed something, but he did not speak, but waited for Cheng Guangnian to reveal everything.

"You can tell from the fact that such a big house has been passed down from our family. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, your grandfather's family also belonged to a fairly wealthy class."

Cheng Yu frowned and thought to himself that just now he thought Cheng Guangnian got straight to the point, why did he bring it up again now?

"Don't be annoyed. I just wanted to tell you everything. This will save you from having questions about this in the future. Asking questions will be annoying."

Cheng Yu shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Okay, keep talking."

"People who own such a big house usually have some antiques, calligraphy and paintings, ancient books by famous artists, or even gold and silver at home.

But as you can see, these are not available.

This house was returned to our family by the state in the late 1970s.

From a few years after the founding of the People's Republic of China to the late 1970s, this house was not in the hands of your grandfather.

Of course, don’t get me wrong, the room was already close to being barren.

Your grandfather's grandfather was an official in the Qing Dynasty.

And your grandfather's father was just a scholar.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, your grandfather's father was just a man who made a living by renting out some of his ancestors' properties.

After your grandfather was born, Japan's war of aggression against China started in full swing.

You must also know what happened to our Wudong after that.

Your grandfather was less than one year old at the time, and except for this old house, all other properties in the family were destroyed by the war.

And your grandfather's father was also killed by the Japanese because of his anger in the book business.

That's why people in your grandfather's era didn't have any brothers or sisters, and his mother raised him alone.

Before the end of the Anti-Japanese War, all the properties and land deeds that had been destroyed by artillery fire were sold by his mother.

It even includes everything you can imagine in our old house.

Your grandfather actually didn't have a deep impression. After all, he was only twelve years old until liberation.

However, he had a vague impression that the furniture and other things in our old house were all made of old mahogany. To put it bluntly, he was saying that our ancestors had a glorious past."

Cheng Yu knew a small part of these things, and Cheng Qingsong once told him that the ancestors of the old Cheng family were cultural people and officials.

Cheng Yu also knew that his great-grandfather died at the hands of the Japanese, but Cheng Qingsong did not tell him more details.

This is probably related to the fact that Cheng Qingsong has no memory of his father. He only heard from his mother that his father died at the hands of the Japanese, but he did not know the more detailed content.

Women of that era were very close to home, and even Cheng Qingsong's mother didn't know the detailed cause of the man's death.

"There are probably some remaining items after the liberation, but there probably aren't many left.

Regarding this point, your grandfather has talked about this in detail. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he said that his family was already very dilapidated. He also said that his mother even thought about selling the old house.

Thanks to the liberation at that time, the constitution stipulated that no land could be bought or sold. We in Wudong were stared at by so many pairs of eyes that your great-grandmother could not sell the house.

Your grandpa said that your great-grandmother had always been in poor health. When he was fifteen years old, your great-grandmother passed away, leaving him completely alone.

Later, the state took away the old house, but your grandfather still kept the title deed and house deed.

He said that when he moved out of that house, there was only one big bed left in the house.

That bed might also be made of mahogany. It was indeed something that disappeared in those twenty years, but it was the only one thing.

When your grandfather was eighteen years old, he heard the news that educated youths from the imperial capital had gone to the Northeast, which was also known as the Great Northern Wilderness at that time.

But he was not an educated youth, but at that time there was no clear concept of going to the mountains and countryside, so your grandfather felt that he could also make a difference in the vast world, so he bought a train ticket and ran to the Northeast


This stay lasts for twelve years."

Cheng Yu also knew a thing or two about Cheng Qingsong who had stayed in the Northeast for many years.

Cheng Qingsong told him about it, mainly describing the snow scene in Northeast China. It is impossible to have such heavy snow in Wudong.

"In 1967, your grandfather returned to Wudong.

In fact, your grandfather's background is not very good, but because your great-great-grandfather died at the hands of the Japanese, your grandfather was among the first batch of young people to respond to the policy of going to the mountains and rural areas - this helped your grandfather a lot, and later for a long time

For a long time, he regarded the fact that he took the initiative to run to the Northeast as the factual basis for his far-sightedness.

Because of this, when the large-scale movement to the mountains and countryside began in 1968, your grandfather became a role model.

It was at that time that your grandfather met your grandmother.

Your grandma's family background is very bad, and she belongs to the urban petty bourgeoisie. Although she severed ties with the family at the request of her family, she still belonged to a class that was looked down upon by others during those years.

Your grandfather married your grandmother, which changed her life and allowed her to completely break away from her petty bourgeois family. In the words of the time, she joined the urban poor.

Your grandma's parents did not survive those years. After the movement ended, although they were rehabilitated, it was no longer helpful.

It can be said that if it weren't for the government's intention to compensate your grandma, our old house would probably not even be returned.

In short, in the first year after the reform and opening up slogan was put forward, the government returned the old house to our family, and your grandfather took us to live in it. At that time, your grandmother was pregnant with your sister-in-law."

Cheng Yu nodded, thinking that's how the old house came to be.

From this point of view, Cheng Qingsong can be regarded as a fool with a blessing. He went to the Northeast for no reason. The composition problem did not become an obstacle that made him miserable during those years.

In the eyes of others, marrying a child of the urban petty bourgeoisie was the main reason why the government later returned the old house out of compensation.

This is really a peck and a drink, could it be destiny.

Cheng Guangnian stood up again and poured himself some wine. Cheng Yu saw it and said, "Dad, please drink less."

Cheng Guangnian looked at Cheng Yu with some relief, smiled slightly, and said, "Just a little bit, no more."

After sitting down, he shook his cup and continued: "After the reform and opening up, people from other cities began to come to Wudong to make a living. Your grandfather split up the old house at home and rented out many rooms. Although the rent at that time was very high.

It’s not much, but the rent is enough for our whole family to have enough food and clothing.”

Cheng Yu frowned slightly and said, "That means it is impossible for grandpa to owe a huge debt?"

Cheng Guangnian sighed and said, "Yes. This is why your second uncle and third uncle insist that your grandfather sold off his old house just to raise funds for my business."

"Three hundred and eighty thousand, in 1990... Oh, in 1991, it took the crew member a year to exchange all the more than 600,000 Hong Kong dollars into soft coins. How much more can grandpa be able to make, so that he can be in that

The 380,000 people who silently created light during the years?"

"Three hundred and eighty thousand is not available. Your grandfather will definitely express his feelings when people exchange money for him. Moreover, part of the money is also used to improve our family's life. But three hundred thousand is


"So, you actually know very well the whereabouts of the three hundred thousand?"

Cheng Guangnian nodded slightly and said, "I found it."

Cheng Yu remained silent, waiting for Cheng Guangnian's final reveal.

After a short pause, Cheng Guangnian said: "Your grandfather has never been a really good person..."

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "The old man is very bad."

Cheng Guangnian couldn't help but laugh. In this family, Cheng Yu was probably the only one who dared to say that, and he dared to say it in front of Cheng Qingsong, and Cheng Qingsong would never be angry about it.

"Yes, bad old man, he was not a good bird when he was young. If your grandma was not beautiful, how could he marry someone who might bring trouble to him? This old man will spend his whole life without money.

He has no ability, but his lust is not small."

Cheng Yu felt a slight thump in his heart and said, "Don't tell me what bad things he did when he was in the Northeast?"

Cheng Guangnian sneered twice and said: "It's not just that he has done bad things. Of course, it is not a matter of ruining other people's girls. They are also willing to do it. If I hadn't come to Wudong to see a doctor because of illness, I'm afraid I would never have any contact with your grandfather in my life."

Cheng Yu almost knew it completely. He said, "So, you actually have a half-brother?"

Cheng Guangnian nodded, shook his head and said, "It's not the eldest brother, it's the eldest sister. Your grandfather has a daughter in the Northeast."

"I'll go! This old scoundrel!"

Cheng Guangnian waved his hand and said, "It's not that your grandfather was irresponsible. He didn't know that the woman was pregnant at the time.

Later, my eldest sister in the Northeast told me that it was her mother who said that during the twelve years your grandfather was in the Northeast, she was not the only woman.

Of course, she is the last one, and probably the only one who is pregnant with your grandfather's flesh and blood."

Cheng Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I believe this. After all, if the child hadn't been born after he left the Northeast, the eldest girl wouldn't have let him go. If he had done something wrong before, I'm afraid he would have been punished long ago.

The fierce Northeastern people used a hoe to force the marriage. If that were the case, there would be nothing wrong with you or me."

Cheng Guangnian laughed.

"My eldest sister's birthday is seven months after your grandfather returned to Wudong, which means that your grandfather probably didn't know that he had a child in the Northeast.

When your grandfather first returned to Wudong, he wrote a letter there.

But it was a very remote mountain village in the Daxingan Mountains. The letter your grandfather wrote was not obtained until almost two years later, when the woman went to the county for business.

By the time she replied, your grandpa had already married your grandma and had me, and they had moved to another place. Your grandpa probably didn't receive that letter."

Cheng Yu blinked and said, "Then how did they get in touch again?"

"The eldest sister told me that her mother was ill that year and she took her to Harbin. The doctor in Harbin suggested that she go to our Wudong Military Region General Hospital to find an expert, saying that the expert was an authority on this disease.


The eldest sister brought her mother to Wudong.

It was at that time that her mother told her about your grandfather and took out the letter your grandfather wrote back then.

In fact, the conditions in your eldest sister's family were pretty good at that time. Otherwise, if it were an ordinary rural woman, once she heard that she had to go to a big city to see a doctor, the money aspect alone would make her lose courage.

After arriving in Wudong and finding the expert, her mother was scheduled for surgery. The eldest sister thought, no matter what, she still wanted to see what her biological father was like if she had the chance.

So, based on the address of that letter, she found the neighborhood committee of that place.

Although they are separated by more than twenty years, there is actually a cadre in the neighborhood committee who knows your grandfather.

That cadre was a woman. When your grandfather returned to Wudong, he probably had some feelings for her, but because your grandfather's initial background was not good, the other party did not accept her.

When the government later returned the family's house, some people said that she didn't open her eyes at first, otherwise your grandfather would definitely be worthy of marrying based on this house.

Of course, this is a joke.

It was because of the information from the house that my eldest sister found your grandfather.

The eldest sister did not tell me in detail what happened after the meeting. She only said that your grandfather had vowed at that time that he would compensate her.

Two or three years later, your grandfather suddenly went to her place carrying a sack of cash. Unexpectedly, the eldest sister's mother had passed away.

Your grandfather had mentioned at that time that he wanted the eldest sister to come to Wudong, but the eldest sister was unwilling.

Moreover, the eldest sister was already married at the time, how could she leave her man behind and come to Wudong?"

Cheng Yu was a little silent.

"The eldest sister said that she refused to take the 300,000 yuan at that time, but your grandfather insisted on giving it to her.

Later she thought about returning the money to your grandfather and to us.

But your grandfather lied to her and said that he had already bought the house, and now he couldn't buy it back even if he took the money back, and the whole family had already moved away.

The eldest sister felt that the house was sold and your grandfather didn't leave her a new address, let alone a phone number, so she gave up on returning the money to us.

In the eldest sister's mind, she felt that our family was out of contact with her at that time."

Cheng Yu nodded, thinking that in those days, it was indeed impossible for a rural woman who had left the mountains once because her mother was ill to come to a big city to look for someone without any clues.

Moreover, Cheng Yu also believed that the aunt might have had the idea of ​​returning the money to Cheng Qingsong, but it was unrealistic to say that she was not tempted at all when faced with a huge sum of three hundred thousand.

At that time, let alone a woman from a rural area in Northeast China, even people from places like the imperial capital and the magical capital, 300,000 was probably a figure that they could not even imagine.

"For the 300,000 yuan, the eldest sister opened a small food processing factory with her husband, and the business was pretty good. When I found her, she was considered a well-known township entrepreneur from all over the country."

Cheng Yu asked: "In what year did you find her?"

"Eight years ago."

Cheng Yu slapped his forehead and thought, "Doesn't I look like Sa?"

"She didn't know about our family's situation at the time, and she told me that she wanted to give our family some shares in the food processing factory, which could be considered as repayment for the 300,000 start-up capital your grandfather gave her back then."

"It can be considered a rare kind of simplicity." Cheng Yu said with emotion.

Cheng Guangnian nodded and said: "Yes, and her husband and her children did not object. So, I simply invested some more money in them and let them open a good-scale farmhouse in the mountains.


"Like country love?" For some reason, Cheng Yu's mind couldn't help but think of that TV series that had been filmed for eleven seasons and was still popular in the Northeast.

Cheng Guangnian said: "Probably so."

"My aunt's family is doing well?"

"I think I have a net worth of over 100 million, and my children are quite up to par. It's pretty good."

Cheng Yu thought about it and said with a smile: "Others, the old man is not very good, but his life is quite good. The eldest daughter and eldest son are so promising, but it is a pity that they have such a bad disease. However, my aunt's family knows your situation.


Cheng Guangnian nodded and said: "I know. Since the first meeting, their whole family must have been paying attention to me. We will have some contact during festivals and so on."

"So now that you're like this, they haven't had any other ideas?"

"The eldest sister told me that if our brothers were just ordinary people, she would be willing to maintain contact with us as relatives. But because of my situation, she does not want to maintain contact with us."

This chapter has been completed!
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