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Chapter 520 Wang Dans Former Residence

She thought Cheng Yu would have a separate red envelope for her, but Xu Wanting didn't expect that after reaching out her hand, Cheng Yu just slapped her palm lightly.


"Hey! Isn't this too unfair? Why do they all have red envelopes, but I don't? And, of all people, I am the only one who doesn't get overtime pay and various subsidies, right?"

Cheng Yu shrugged his shoulders and said, "Me neither!"

"Nonsense, you are an investor or a guest on the show. The entire shooting plan during the Spring Festival is basically your own idea, right? We are all working overtime just for you, and you still want overtime pay?"

"But Mr. Xu, in this show, your identity is exactly the same as mine..."


Women's mouth!

Xu Wanting suddenly lost her temper.

What Cheng Yu said made sense, and she could only express her silent protest against Cheng Yu's stingy behavior with a big "ok".

"Now, I'm beginning to believe that you are really stingy like you usually are. Just now you were acting in your true colors. Why did the program flow go so smoothly!"

Cheng Yu laughed and did not defend himself, but neither Xu Wanting nor the rest of the film crew felt that Cheng Yu was really a stingy person.

After finding a restaurant, Cheng Yu treated the entire film crew to a meal.

After eating, he didn't know how to spend the entire afternoon. Cheng Yu was determined to leave directly and go to the agreed location to shoot night scenes when it got dark in the evening.

But these people were all the way away, and they were working overtime during the Spring Festival holiday. Cheng Yu was really embarrassed to just throw away and leave.

Instead, Xu Wanting asked the director of the film crew: "This is only a little more. Do you have any plans for this afternoon?"

"I originally thought that the shooting would not end until at least four or five o'clock, but I didn't expect that Mr. Cheng had done his homework early. We just discussed it and wanted to find a place to sort out the materials shot today. We are not preparing

After finishing the night scene shooting in the evening, should we book tickets directly to the Imperial Capital? If we know more about today’s material, tomorrow’s shooting should go more smoothly.”

Since the schedule was very busy, Xu Wanting didn't even prepare a hotel.

What I thought was that the daytime shooting would not be completed until four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Then everyone would have dinner and rest for a while, and then we could start shooting the night scenes at seven or eight o'clock.

The original estimate was that night scene shooting would take three or four hours, so we wouldn't be able to check around midnight.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, it is not too difficult to buy tickets no matter where you go, and the high-speed train from Wudong to Imperial Capital takes about four hours.

Including the time it takes to get to the station, it will probably be almost dawn by the time we get to the Imperial Capital.

Take the time to get some sleep on the high-speed train. When you arrive in the imperial capital, it’s time to start shooting directly.

So now Cheng Yu's filming process is going too smoothly, which has left everyone with nowhere to go.

But this was easy to handle. Cheng Yu's company could allow these people to organize the materials, so they called a few cars and Cheng Yu drove them straight to the company.

As soon as these people arrived at Cheng Yu's company, they went straight to the conference room, took out their various equipment, and began to organize the materials for today's shooting.

Cheng Yu and Xu Wanting were a little bored.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yu said: "Since you are here in Wudong, how about I take you around. After they finish working, let's get in touch and confirm the shooting location for the night. Then we will have dinner near the shooting location.

, how about starting work directly after eating?"

Xu Wanting thought about it and felt that this was a good idea, so she agreed.

After explaining to the film crew, Xu Wanting followed Cheng Yu and left the company.

Time is neither too much nor too little, nor is it too little.

If you want to go to the famous scenic spots in Wudong, you will be a little tight on time.

But if you don’t go to the scenic spot, even during the Chinese New Year, it would probably be overcrowded.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yu decided to take Xu Wanting to the south of Wudong City.

Wasn't his old house invested by Cheng Guangnian to build a small cultural park with an ancient architecture theme? It was just a good time to take a stroll. Cheng Yu also wanted to see what the old house where he had lived for two or three years after he was born was like.

After mentioning it to Xu Wanting, Xu Wanting was actually quite interested.

The two drove there and searched according to the map, and found the place in just twenty minutes.

This place is said to be a park, but in fact it is better to say that it is a block built in the Minqing architectural style around the old house of Cheng Yu's family.

The old house is located in the deepest part of the park, and there are actually some private houses that have not been demolished around it. Of course, there are no complete ancient buildings like the Cheng family's old house.

It may have been built during the Ming Dynasty, but over the years, it has been continuously integrated into the style of that time.

After the Republic of China, it became more and more modernized, and the old walls and tiles were almost replaced. It looked a little bit ancient, but it didn't have the distinctive characteristics of any dynasty.

The parts along the street were bulldozed and rebuilt.

These were originally some buildings along the street built after the founding of the People's Republic of China. When Cheng Guangnian proposed it, the government cooperated with the demolition work without any hesitation.

After knocking down the old buildings, Cheng Guangnian invited Ming and Qing architectural experts and a professional design team to design a neighborhood with a distinct Jiangnan garden style.

The outermost part along the street is an antique building with white walls and gray tiles. Of course, they are all facades and shops. Even when visiting the park, Wudong residents always need a place to rest when they are tired and drink some water when they are thirsty.

In order to match the atmosphere of the entire park, these shops do not have restaurants or other businesses that can damage the environment, but only teahouses and cafes that can provide tourists with a place to rest.

Others are mainly products related to the culture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and some are simply the epitome of Wudong's local culture, which are the production and sale of folk handicrafts.

Along the arch-like gate in the middle, Cheng Yu and Xu Wanting slowly walked in.

The road paved with bluestones is lined with shallow ditches, deliberately bringing in the running water of the Qinhuai River and flowing slowly.

There are some weeping willows planted on both sides of the ditch, but at this season, not a single green leaf can be seen, only the bare willow branches hanging down and swaying in the wind.

Xu Wanting said: "It will be very beautiful here in spring, right? These willow trees will be full of green..."

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, maybe it won't be long before you move to Wudong."

Xu Wanting was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized what Cheng Yu meant, and couldn't help but blush slightly.

"You haven't even written your horoscope yet!"

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "Haha, have you walked around during the Chinese New Year?"

Because Xu Wanting said before that she would go back to her hometown in the northwest for the Chinese New Year this year. Her family and Tan Wulian's family are in the same county. Although the northwest is vast and a county is often larger than a city in Jiangdong, they are not too far apart.

Xu Wanting shook her head and said, "How can I have time?

My dad booked a flight for the 29th of the year, and after arriving in the provincial capital, he still had to drive for five or six hours.

By the time we returned to our hometown, it was already two or three o'clock in the morning on New Year's Eve.

Fortunately, we arranged for someone to go back and clean up in advance, otherwise we wouldn't be able to stay here.

It’s New Year’s Eve when I wake up.

Early in the morning on the first day of the Lunar New Year, my parents took me to visit the old people in the countryside, and on the second day of the Lunar New Year, they went up to the mountains to worship their ancestors.

After dinner, I drove directly back to the provincial capital to catch Wu Dong, who was arriving on the first flight this morning. How do you think I have time?"

Cheng Yu also smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry, sorry, after the filming is finished tomorrow, you can go back and celebrate the New Year in peace. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you show up or not. You can just let the film crew come over and meet with me."


"Pull him down quickly, it'll be nice if you can feel at ease.

After all, I am their boss, so how can I make them work overtime during the Chinese New Year, while I spend the New Year at home with peace of mind?

I thought I would follow the camera crew to keep an eye on it during the day tomorrow, and then leave first at night.

We booked a hotel in the Imperial Capital for them, and simply asked them to do the material sorting and rough cutting work in the Imperial City Hotel to prevent any problems with the materials of the three Imperial Capital people. It would also be convenient to temporarily capture them for reshoots when the time comes.

I will finish the daytime shooting tomorrow and go back to my hometown. It will be the morning of the fifth day of the Lunar New Year to get there, and I have to catch up on some sleep. I can have another day of rest on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, but won’t I have to run to Bao’an again on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year?”

Cheng Yu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"You are simply a bastard. Accepting your investment is the worst decision I have ever made in my career."

"If you don't accept my investment, where can you meet Xiao Tan?"

When it came to Tan Wulian, Xu Wanting became silent.

Although the conditions in Tan Wulian's family are indeed a bit poor, since Tan Wulian is working under Cheng Yu, even if he fails to prosper in the future, he will never have any material problems.

After settling the basic material prerequisites, Xu Wanting and Tan Wulian really saw each other right. In fact, at a quick glance at that time, Xu Wanting's heart was firmly tied to Tan Wulian. I don't know in which life this guy cultivated it.

of blessing.

The two of them walked inside while chatting.

There are some pavilions inside, mainly semi-outdoor buildings, dotted with a teahouse and several folk exhibition halls, and the commercial atmosphere is almost completely gone.

Cheng Yu nodded slowly while looking at it, thinking that Cheng Guangnian really didn't make any money from this park.

According to Cheng Yu's imagination, especially when driving over, the first thing he saw were the shops outside. Cheng Yu felt that this so-called park was simply a cultural district. Whether those shops were for sale or rent,

It’s all worth the cost.

But after seeing that none of those stores seemed to be very profitable businesses, Cheng Yu's thoughts changed.

After coming in, Cheng Yu saw clearly that this cultural park really couldn't make any money.

Even if there are a few shops that may have good business, most of them probably have very cheap rents. After all, if those shops are open and not losing money, they are doing well.

After all, it was the third day of the Lunar New Year, and there were a few shops open, but the doors of the folk custom exhibition hall were locked and guarded by General Tie.

The teahouse was open, and there was a water sign at the door.

Cheng Yu and Xu Wanting took a closer look and saw that the business hours during the Spring Festival were written on the water sign.

It opens at 10:30 am and closes at 5 pm. There is only one folk art performance every day during the Spring Festival.

Normal business resumes on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

On the water sign, there is also written the form of folk art performances that will resume from the third day of the Spring Festival.

Today is Wu Dong vernacular.

Xu Wanting didn't know what Wu Dong meant by the vernacular, so she looked at Cheng Yu with questioning eyes.

Cheng Yu scratched his head, he didn't know either.

"Maybe it's a local folk art form, I don't know much about it."

The performance time was not listed, but I looked around at the door and found that there was no one in the teahouse, and I didn't hear any performance.

At this time, neither of them were tired and didn't want to drink water. Cheng Yu said: "Let's take a walk first. When the show starts later, we can rest our legs."

Xu Wanting agreed, and the two of them continued walking inside.

The road became narrower and narrower, and gradually there was a wall.

Looking over the low wall, you can see a residential area on the right that looks like a large courtyard in the imperial capital. It is probably where those people who are waiting for demolition but who still have no definite news live.

The wall on the left is much higher. Only the tops of some buildings that are higher than the wall and the crowns of some trees can be vaguely seen, and the conditions inside cannot be seen clearly.

But Cheng Yu had a rough idea that this was probably his family's old house.

After walking not far along a winding and deep alley, there was a turn ahead that could only go left, so the two of them turned it.

Turning around, there was a wall in front of them, which was only seven or eight meters away from the two of them.

However, from the left side, you could see steps and a gate. Xu Wanting was already a little intimidated, but Cheng Yu took a big step and walked straight forward.

Seeing this, Xu Wanting could only follow.

Looking at the red painted door, Cheng Yu still had no impression.

According to the time when Cheng Qingsong handed over the house, Cheng Yu was not yet three years old at that time. There was nothing particularly impressive about the old house in his memory, and it was normal that he could not remember it.

As I walked up the steps, the door was not locked, but it was ajar.

Cheng Yu raised his hand and pushed towards the door. There was a creaking sound from the door, and someone spoke inside: "This place is not open to the public today."

Cheng Yu still insisted on pushing the door open and stepped across the high threshold.

But he only took one foot out, and someone walked out of the dental room next to him.

"This place is closed today. If you want to visit the Wang Family Courtyard, please come back after the seventh day of the Lunar New Year."

The person who came out was an old man in his fifties, not tall, with a slightly impatient look on his face.

It was probably the Chinese New Year and I had to work here, so I felt a little unhappy.

Cheng Yu smiled and said softly: "Have a good New Year, old sir. Is this place called the Wang Family Courtyard now?"

The man raised his head and looked at Cheng Yu. Perhaps he felt that Cheng Yu was kind-hearted after all, so he replied: "The official name is Wang Dan's former residence, but we locals generally call this place the Wang Family Courtyard."

Cheng Yu smiled and nodded, took out a box of cigarettes from his arms and handed one over.

"You smoke?"

The man looked at Cheng Yu and seemed a little hesitant, but finally looked at the 100-yuan box of cigarettes in Cheng Yu's hand and took it.

"Since this place is not open during the Spring Festival, why do you still have to be on duty?"

The man lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, looked at the writing on the cigarette, nodded and said, "Well, it costs five yuan a cigarette after all. It tastes good.

Oh, you asked me to be on duty, right?

Alas, the higher-ups don’t want us to live an easy life. Even if the park remains open during the Chinese New Year, if there is no one on duty in the Wang Family Courtyard, it will be troublesome if someone climbs over the wall and damages the things here.

There is no way, we are in this kind of miserable life, everyone takes turns, and today it happened to be my turn."

Cheng Yu smiled again and took a step forward.

The man actually wanted to tell Cheng Yu not to come in, but for the sake of the cigarette in his hand, he didn't say anything in the end.

"That's right. This friend of mine is coming from out of town and has to leave tomorrow. I've been thinking about visiting Wang Dan's former residence.

Anyway, you are on duty here, why don't you just turn a blind eye and let us go in for a walk.

If you are worried, just follow us. It just so happens that I also have some questions, and maybe I need your help to answer them.

You see, you have taken classes here for so many years, so you must be very familiar with it, right?"

The man looked at Cheng Yu and then at Xu Wanting who was still outside the door. He felt that the young couple might be lovers, especially Xu Wanting, who had the face of a child, so naturally she would not be considered harmful.


"Okay, then you two come in. But I really have to follow you. It's not that I want to follow you. It's mainly because there are some places where I'm allowed to go and some places I'm not allowed to go to."

Cheng Yu hurriedly thanked him, and when he saw that the man had finished smoking, he handed it over again...

After thinking about it, I simply stuffed the remaining half of the pack of cigarettes into the man's hand.

The man pretended to decline and finally accepted.

Xu Wanting actually doesn't care, it's just a celebrity's former residence, and she doesn't have to see it.

Especially this Wang Dan, she had never heard of him.

But since Cheng Yu used her as a cover, she would not expose Cheng Yu and followed Cheng Yu into the old house.

Passing through a front hall, there was a large patio inside. Cheng Yu stood in the middle of the patio, trying very hard to recall something, but there was really no memory in his mind.

"Cheng Yu, who is this Wang Dan?" Xu Wanting touched Cheng Yu's arm and asked him in a low voice.

Cheng Yu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't really understand either..."

When the man on duty heard this, he laughed and said, "This is not a celebrity. It's normal that you don't know about it.

This Wang Dan was an official in the Ming Dynasty.

This is where he lived when he was a child.

Later, I became a Jinshi in high school, and finally became a magistrate. When I returned home, I repaired the place well.

From then on, there were always people in this family serving as officials, and there probably weren't any big officials, just minor officials.

But just because of this, this courtyard has been preserved.

Later, in the Republic of China, Huangmei Opera became popular at that time.

The last official in this family, oh, was an official in the Qing Dynasty. Even if he resigned in the Republic of China, he should still be quite wealthy.

This man fell in love with a Huangmei Opera singer and married her back.

After liberation, this Huangmei Opera singer became a famous actor.

Even though I was very old in the 1980s, I still went to the Spring Festival Gala."

Cheng Yu frowned slightly as he listened.

Xu Wanting asked curiously: "Then this house must be hundreds of years old?"

"Isn't that right? More than five hundred years. The specific age cannot be determined, but Wang Dan grew up here, so counting from Wang Dan's birth, this place has a history of more than five hundred years."

"Why start counting from his birth? If this house wasn't built by Wang Dan, at least there would be some genealogical records, right? After all, you said that this family was still an official until the Republic of China!"

The person on duty smiled slightly and said, "Because this Wang Dan is an illegitimate son, this place was actually just a courtyard of a wealthy family. After Wang Dan's mother gave birth to him, he was raised in this courtyard by the owner's family.

.Of course, Wang Dan later renovated it."

This chapter has been completed!
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