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Chapter 521: Someone snitched

Xu Wanting seemed to be interested in this house now, and she pulled the person on duty and kept asking.

Cheng Yu frowned, thinking that this script was wrong.

According to the person on duty, the original owner of this house was married to a famous Huangmei Opera actress, and she even performed in the Spring Festival Gala in the 1980s. So when did this house come into the hands of the Cheng family?

Logically speaking, this house must have been in the hands of Cheng Qingshan who arrived before liberation.

Taking advantage of Xu Wanting's pause, Cheng Yu finally had the opportunity to ask: "I heard that this house no longer belongs to the descendants of the Wang family, right? And it was also donated by that family to develop the current theme park?


The person on duty was stunned and said: "It is true that this house was not donated by the Wang family, but as you said, it has not belonged to the descendants of the Wang family for a long time. I have never heard of this.

Some people have asked about it, but there are no more detailed records in this regard. Our guess is that in the late 1980s or early 1990s, after the commercial housing market was opened, the descendants of the Wang family sold the house.

The famous Huangmei Opera singer passed away as early as the mid-1980s, and her children are all living abroad. This is also true.

Then this house fell into the hands of a private entrepreneur in Wudong City and was donated eight years ago.

And the private entrepreneur funded the construction of the current park.

But the private entrepreneur doesn’t want to be named, so it’s not convenient for me to tell you.”

When Cheng Yu saw this, he knew that a piece of history had been erased, so he didn't bother to ask more questions. Anyway, Cheng Guangnian and his brothers must have been born in this house, and it was absolutely correct that they also grew up in this house.

The famous Huangmei Opera artist may have another residence in the city. This residence was sold by her husband long ago and fell into the hands of the Cheng family.

Cheng Qingshan was not even the first owner of the Cheng family to own this house, but it was earlier.

What the person on duty told was only the history of the Wang family, but I am afraid that the stories of several generations did not take place in this old house.

After walking around for a while, Cheng Yu and Xu Wanting said goodbye and left.

The two returned to the teahouse where they had been before, heard some noises coming from inside, and stepped inside.

Someone was already cleaning up the stage, and it looked like they were getting ready to start the performance.

The two sat down, and a young man wearing old-fashioned shorts came over with his trousers rolled up.

"Happy New Year everyone, this is the menu, please take a look."

Cheng Yu took a look and found that they were all imported goods, but they did contain some local Wudong snacks.

So, I ordered a few snacks and two cups of tea.

Cheng Yu asked casually: "Are you preparing for a performance?"

The young man nodded and said, "Well, the performance will start in about ten minutes. I originally thought we could skip the performance today, but thanks to you two, we can also listen to Wu Dong's vernacular."

"By the way, what kind of folk art form is this Wu Dong vernacular? It seems that you like listening to it very much, and young people will also like this old style folk art?" Xu Wanting asked Cheng Yu before, and now she finally found someone to answer her.

The boy smiled and said: "We usually have three main forms of performances here. One is called Wu Dong Bai Ju, and the other is Wu Dong Ping Hua. The last one is Wu Dong Bai Hua. As you said, this Bai Ju and Wu Dong Ping Hua

I don’t like to hear comments, babbling, but this vernacular, hey, it’s interesting.”

Cheng Yu couldn't help but laugh. This little guy could actually tell the truth.

According to Cheng Yu's temperament, he would not ask further questions. Anyway, the little boy would introduce him anyway.

But Xu Wanting was very curious and said, "Why do you like to hear this vernacular?"

"Because this vernacular is actually cross talk in Wu Dong's local dialect.

Today is a one-man show, that is, one person says it’s Chinese New Year. It’s impossible to invite everyone to perform.

But in my opinion, the vernacular spoken by one person is actually more interesting than the spoken language spoken by two people."

"Oh, it turns out to be Wu Dong's cross talk..."

“That’s what they say, but there are actually differences.

The reason why I say stand-up is more interesting is because the Wu Dong vernacular spoken by two people is really no different from cross talk.

But what one person says is different.

The stand-up of cross talk is more similar to storytelling. It is basically in the third person and tells stories.

But Wu Dong’s vernacular is spoken in the first person, more like a person telling jokes on stage..."

"Isn't that more like a talk show?"

"You can also say that."

Xu Wanting nodded, became somewhat interested, and asked: "What about Bai Ju and Ping Hua?"

"Commentary is actually similar to storytelling. Of course, it is also in Wu Dong dialect."

"Commentary, why don't you like listening to it?"

"Because most of the commentaries are long, and they are not very funny. They are all about telling stories. They are nothing more than stories about the Water Margin and the Three Kingdoms. Modern people have TV movies, so who can bear to listen to a commentary every day?


Xu Wanting nodded again and said, "What about Bai Ju? This name is so strange."

"The origin of Baiju is somewhat controversial, but it all originated from the ancient brocade weaving industry.

Because it is mainly for self-entertainment, it is called a game of singing for free.

Then it was simplified and called the white game.

The form is actually a bit similar to multi-talk cross talk, but it focuses on singing, and there are many local Wudong ditties in it.

It’s interesting to hear something new once or twice, but if we work here every day, it becomes boring.”

Xu Wanting still wanted to ask, but the stage seemed to be about to start performing, so Cheng Yu stopped her and said, "Let's just watch the show."

Xu Wanting nodded slightly, but the boy did not leave, but looked at the two of them eagerly.

Cheng Yu frowned and said, "Aren't you going to make tea for us?"

The young man smiled dryly, stretched out his hand and said, "Well, please pay the money. It's different now. You pay after ordering."

Cheng Yu suddenly realized, but he had no intention of paying. Xu Wanting also didn't think about paying, so the scene froze again.

"Uh... you two..." the boy said to himself. You guys have been sitting here for a long time. You don't plan not to order, right?

"You two, although we don't require a minimum consumption here, you two must at least have a pot of tea..."

Seeing that there was no movement from Cheng Yu, Xu Wanting picked up her phone and said, "Can I pay by phone?"

"Of course you can. Scan the QR code on the corner of the table. The total is one hundred and sixty-three yuan."

Xu Wanting paid the money and the boy left, muttering as he walked.

Except for Cheng Yu and Xu Wanting, there were no other guests in the teahouse. Although the boy's voice was low, they both heard it.

"How stingy, a grown man actually waiting for a little girl to pay. Look at that little girl, she must be less than twenty years old and still studying in college, right? How can that man be so embarrassed!"

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes, but he was used to it. After all, he had asked girls to pay for it this year.

Xu Wanting burst out laughing. She had never experienced anything like this.

When recording the program in the morning, Xu Wanting also wondered whether Cheng Yu was usually so stingy, so he could handle the procedures in the program easily.

But after the program was finished, Cheng Yu gave red envelopes to each staff member and treated them to a meal, which made Xu Wanting feel that Cheng Yu was not that kind of person.

Xu Wanting obviously didn't care about the one hundred yuan at this time, but she did not understand why Cheng Yu was not even willing to pay the one hundred yuan.

"Hey, people are talking about you. You are a grown man, but you asked me, a female student who has not yet graduated, to pay the bill. Are you embarrassed?" Xu Wanting pinched Cheng Yu's arm and said with a smirk.

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes and said: "He was deceived by your appearance. Today I have a red envelope and a treat. How dare you let me give you this tea money? He just doesn't know the inside story. If he knew,

Yes, I will help you speak for me."

Xu Wanting curled her lips and said, "Hey! Aren't you men showing gentlemanly demeanor by paying the bill?"

Cheng Yu still said calmly: "When a man behaves like a gentleman and rushes to pay for the bill, there are only two reasons. One is that he has intentions for the lady next to him. The other is that he is a male chauvinist. It just so happens that I am neither of the two.

So, it’s your turn to buy back the order.”

"Hey! Stingy!" Xu Wanting wasn't really angry, she just thought Cheng Yu was a little weird.

Little did she know that Cheng Yu was just taking advantage of the few opportunities to earn points.

The reason why Cheng Yu performed so well during today's recording of the program was, of course, that he had long been used to it. On the other hand, it was also because he found that even during the recording of the program, his stingy behavior could still generate points.

During the more than three hours of recording the program, Cheng Yu successfully completed eight stingy behaviors and thus received 103 points.

When he invited the staff to dinner at noon, Cheng Yu seemed to take the order quietly.

In fact, he actually went to the bar after confirming that he would not add more dishes.

When checking out, he argued with others for a long time, and finally got the merchant to allow him to use the group buying coupons on Dianping to pay the bill.

This gave him another thirty-four points.

Just now, after Xu Wanting paid for the tea with her mobile phone, a crisp ding sounded in Cheng Yu's head again, and a golden number of +15 slowly appeared.

After half a day, it looked like Cheng Yu was just recording the show, but in fact, he earned 152 points for this.

For him, who has now exchanged 30% off his life, 152 points is equivalent to nearly eleven days of life.

In my mind, the number in the center of the light green screen was already 17360/17599.

At this moment, Wu Dong's vernacular performance finally began on the stage.

It is said to be similar to a stand-up comedy, but due to the first-person performance format, it is indeed more like telling a joke.

But neither of them, including Cheng Yu, were familiar with Wu Dong dialect, so they didn't really understand some of the jokes in the dialect.

Fortunately, the current vernacular programs are obviously taking care of audiences from all over the world. The jokes that belong to Wu Dongfang dialect are much less burdensome, so most of the time, Cheng Yu and Xu Wanting are happy to listen to this Wu Dong vernacular.

It's indeed interesting.

Because it was the Chinese New Year period, there was only one performer, so this person spoke on the stage for twenty minutes and then said he wanted to leave.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the program is all over, but it will be discussed again after almost half an hour.

After all, you can't stare at a person's voice and say it, it would have to be broken by exhaustion.

The tea garden became quiet. While eating melon seeds, Xu Wanting remembered her visit to Wang Dan's former residence just now.

"The person on duty before said that Wang Dan's former residence was donated by a private entrepreneur in Wudong. Isn't that person a member of your family?"

Cheng Yu didn't hide it from her. He nodded and said, "Well, it's my dad."

"It turns out it's really your father. I had doubts at the time, otherwise you wouldn't be so motivated to go in and take a look. So, you said before that the house no longer belongs to the Wang family because you lived there when you were a child.


Cheng Yu nodded, then shook his head and said, "I have indeed lived there, but I have no impression at all. When I was more than two years old, the house changed owners."

"Ah? Didn't you say that your father donated the house just eight years ago and restored the name of Wang Dan's former residence?"

"This house, no one knows exactly how it got to our Cheng family.

People of my father's generation never asked my grandpa back then. My grandpa is now suffering from Alzheimer's disease, so we don't dare to take it seriously.

All in all, this house has been in the hands of our Cheng family for seventy or eighty years, if not a hundred years.

Therefore, when the man on duty said that a descendant of the Wang family married a famous Huangmei opera artist, it was just the history of the descendants of the Wang family and had nothing to do with the designation of this house.

Maybe it was the Qing Dynasty official who married a famous Huangmei Opera artist who sold his ancestral property, or maybe his elders had already sold it.

In short, I guess the famous Huangmei Opera artist has never lived in this house.

At most, she just knew that this house was related to her husband.

Then my grandfather sold the house in the new millennium."

"Your family is so rich, why did you sell such an old house?" Xu Wanting was very surprised and interrupted Cheng Yu regardless.

But he quickly said: "Hey, that's not right. Wasn't this house donated by your father? Why was it still sold? Why do I get more confused the more you talk about it?"

"You asked this question just now, but you have to wait until I get there slowly."

Xu Wanting stuck out her tongue, smiled like a child, and said apologetically: "I shouldn't interrupt you, just tell me."

Cheng Yu nodded and continued: "The specific reason why my grandfather wanted to sell the old house is not something I can care about, and I don't need to care about it.

The house is his, and if he wants to sell it, that's his business.

Anyway, my grandfather sold this house when I was less than three years old.

That’s why I said that I should have lived in the house, but I have no impression of it.”

Xu Wanting giggled and said, "It seems like you are not a genius at all. You can't remember anything that happened when you were three years old."

Cheng Yu smiled helplessly and said: "Some people may still have memories of what happened when they were two or three years old, but I don't have many memories anyway. That's why I wanted to go into the yard and have a look. I wanted to know if I could feel something after going in.


Xu Wanting immediately made a questioning expression, and Cheng Yu shook his head and said regretfully: "But it seems to be of no use. I turned around and couldn't recall anything at all.

When my grandfather was selling his house, he met a broker. My grandfather thought that the broker bought the house, but in fact, it was a Hong Kong businessman who bought it.

My father and two uncles didn't know anything about my grandfather's house sale. The old man refused to talk about it, and it was hard for them to ask.

But it seems that this house is destined to our family. At an accidental cocktail party, my father met the son of a Hong Kong resident who bought our old house.

Then, my father found the Hong Kong guest and persuaded him to sell the house back to our family.

Of course, the price has increased n times, and my father also bought the house back at the market price.

Maybe the government at that time also realized that this was a house with a long history. As you just saw, although it has been eroded and repaired by wind and rain, the house still maintains the typical architectural style of Jiangnan during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

I guess Wang Dan must have knocked down the house and rebuilt it on the original site, because this house is completely in the style of an official's residence in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, not in the style of a separate courtyard for a wealthy family.

So, my father finally decided to donate the house to the government and spent money to build a whole set of parks around the house."

Xu Wanting opened her mouth wide: "Oh my God, this house cost at least tens of millions seven or eight years ago, right?"

And for this park, why don’t we invest hundreds of millions?

At this scale, it’s impossible to make money, right?”

This fake luoli has already started counting on her fingers how much the storefronts she has been shopping at are worth.

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "Don't forget it, the store rent in this park is enough to maintain the various expenses of this park.

In order to maintain the purity of traditional culture, some shops have no rent at all, such as these teahouses, and the prices are also very low.

Otherwise, with such a light business, how can the tenants of these shops make money?"

Xu Wanting put down her finger, nodded repeatedly and said, "That's true. I feel like you can't make any money by following the ancient times. How much money did your family invest in this park?"

"My dad said it would be less than 500 million."

"Eight years ago, 500 million, tsk tsk, your family is really inhumane!"

Cheng Yu just smiled at this. After all, Cheng Guangnian's net worth could indeed be called inhumane.

At this time, an old man and the old gentleman who had just spoken in plain language on the stage walked quickly towards the two of them.

Cheng Yu took a glance and knew that the conversation between him and Xu Wanting was probably overheard by the waiter and told the owner of the teahouse.

After the two old men came over, sure enough, as soon as they handed over their hands, the first words they said were: "May I ask if your distinguished guest is Mr. Cheng's son?"

Cheng Yu also quickly stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Happy New Year to you two old gentlemen. My surname is Cheng. Do you know my father?"

"He is really Mr. Cheng's son..." The old man who spoke the vernacular suddenly became excited, stepped forward, grabbed Cheng Yu's hand, and said tremblingly: "Cheng Donggui is busy with personnel, and I have no chance to follow you."

He met him once. However, every one of us who is engaged in folk art here is grateful to Mr. Cheng. It is a blessing to see the young master today."

Cheng Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Mr., what are you...?"

"Our teahouse has actually always been at a loss. Although Mr. Li doesn't care whether it is profitable or not, after all, he is operating with a coffin budget.

And without this teahouse, we artists would probably have no base.

Thanks to Director Cheng, he not only waived the rent of the teahouse, but even subsidized some from time to time, especially for the wages and services of us artists.

Director Cheng is a thoughtful person, and there are not many entrepreneurs who can still support folk art."

Mr. Li should be the owner of this teahouse.

Cheng Yu didn't expect that Cheng Guangnian had been helping to maintain the originality of this park all these years. It's no wonder that there is no commercial atmosphere in the entire park.

"I don't know much about this. My father rarely explains things to his family."

Just as he was talking, a familiar voice sounded outside.

"Cheng Yu, you are really here. Someone reported to me that you were picking up girls here... Hey, you guys..."

Cheng Yu and Xu Wanting looked back and saw Du Xiaoyu walking in wearing a fiery red coat.

Du Xiaoyu was also stunned when he saw Cheng Yu and Xu Wanting talking to two old gentlemen, one of whom was still wearing a long gown.

Cheng Yu muttered in his heart, how did Du Xiaoyu know that he was here? Besides, someone snitched, so it's unlikely that anyone in this teahouse knew him, and he happened to know Du Xiaoyu, right?

"Sorry, this is a thorn."

This chapter has been completed!
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