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Chapter 526: Start of work red envelope

The name of this club is a bit gaudy, but the quality is very good.

Both the food and service are quite good.

After drinking two glasses of wine, the dishes were all served. Cheng Yu looked at the waiter, the girl who had just followed the manager out to greet them.

Girls are very sensible. When working as a waiter in a place where the per capita consumption can easily reach tens of thousands, the most important thing is to be able to understand the meaning of the guests' actions.

She immediately understood that Cheng Yu had something to say to Xiao Zhang, and it was not convenient for her to be present.

So, while Cheng Yu and Xiao Zhang were chatting, the waiter bowed to them and said, "Sorry to bother you, your food and drinks have been served. Do you have any other needs?"

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said, "No more."

"Then I won't disturb you two while you are dining. I will stand at the door. If you need anything, you can call me directly."

Cheng Yu nodded, and the waiter left the private room.

Xiao Zhang picked up a piece of fish, put it into his mouth slowly, and asked with a smile: "What's the matter, do you have something to say to me?"

He couldn't help but feel a little strange. After all, he and Cheng Yu were not very close, but Wu Dong didn't have any other friends. Otherwise, even if the two were in a cooperative relationship, Xiao Zhang would not have rashly asked Cheng Yu to entertain him.

Since we are not familiar with each other, it is not time to say something to avoid people.

The waiter's departure obviously came from Cheng Yu's instruction.

Cheng Yu also smiled and took the initiative to raise his wine glass. The two touched it gently and each took a small sip.

"Don't worry, I just want to ask you something."

Xiao Zhang put down his wine glass and seemed not to be satisfied with Cheng Yu's explanation.

"Although I have had some dealings with some people in the entertainment industry, but gossip..."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and interrupted Xiao Zhang's words, saying: "You misunderstood, I have no interest in those celebrities, and I have no intention of caring about their private lives. What I want to ask is, do you know that there is something called the dark web in Europe?"

Xiaozhang was slightly startled and said, "Darknet?"

"have no idea?"

"I've heard a lot about it. Why are you interested in this thing? You don't have something you need help with, right?"

There was actually a hint of vigilance in his voice.

Cheng Yu waved his hand again and said: "You may not believe it, but I didn't know that the darknet thing actually existed until the day before yesterday. All along, I thought that this thing only appeared in some TV series in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

There, or maybe part of it. But the person who told me categorically said that the dark web does exist.”

Xiao Zhang shrugged and said: "There are always some shady transactions. For example, Americans will sell large quantities of arms, but this kind of transaction cannot be handed over to ocean-going cargo ships, and then exported to those countries according to normal customs entry and exit procedures.

In the hands of people who need it, right?”

"I thought so at first, but the person who told me about the existence of the dark web said that the function of the dark web is much more powerful than I imagined. He even said that as long as you have enough money, there is nothing on the dark web.

Things you can’t buy, including nuclear weapons..."

Xiaozhang waved his hand slightly and said with a smile: "This is a bit exaggerated, but the darknet is indeed not as simple as what I just said. Behind this is related to the British and Spanish royal families, and the origin of the darknet is also attributed to

These two countries were still in an era when the royal family was the real leader.”

"I know this, my friend also told me."

"Then what do you want to ask me about? Let me state in advance that I only know a few things about the dark web. Even hearsay may not be accurate. In front of the dark web, we are the same.

None of them have membership qualifications. Oh, you know that you need to be a member of the dark web before you can know its website address, and then publish transactions or choose transactions, right?"

Cheng Yu nodded: "I know this. But if you don't know much, forget it and just pretend I didn't ask. I thought you knew more than me."

Cheng Yu wanted to stop here. He could see that Xiao Zhang seemed to be quite taboo about the dark web and was not very willing to talk about this topic.

This is not surprising.

After all, the reason why Cheng Yu and Xiao Zhang seem so familiar is simply because they are similar and equal in terms of life background and other aspects.

The biggest difference between the two is probably that Xiao Zhang is almost ten years older than Cheng Yu.

As for a topic like the dark web, if you really know very little about it, it doesn't matter if it's just a topic for casual chat.

But if you know a lot of information, you will naturally be taboo about the dark web, and you will also be worried.

With all this in mind, who would want to talk about this with someone they don’t actually know much about?

Xiao Zhang nodded, picked up another piece of meat and put it in his mouth. After eating, he seemed to ask hesitantly: "But why are you asking the dark web for this thing? Your friend is also free, in our world

It’s so far away from the dark web that you don’t need to know anything about it.”

Cheng Yu also hesitated slightly, but still said: "I have a relative in my family who was in Europe not long ago, looking for friends in his family who may be members of the dark web, hoping to get enough recommendations so that he can join the dark web.

You also know that what exists in the dark web are transactions that are not visible to the public. My relative suddenly sent out such a strong message that he wanted to join the dark web, which makes people have to be on guard."

Xiaozhang understood it after thinking for a moment.

Cheng Guangnian is only a son like Cheng Yu, so it is natural that everyone takes it for granted that Cheng Yu will eventually take over the Cheng Group.

To put it bluntly, the Cheng Group belongs to Cheng Guangnian alone. Under normal circumstances, if he doesn't give it to his own son, who else can he give it to?

But even though Xiao Zhang's family did not have much interaction with the Cheng Group, let alone cooperation, Xiao Zhang's father and Cheng Guangnian had only met from afar on certain occasions, and there was no friendship between them. But this did not

It does not prevent some things between Cheng Guangnian and Cheng Yu from reaching Xiao Zhang's ears.

With assets reaching the level of Xiao Zhang's father and Cheng Guangnian, their circle is actually very small.

Even if people from different parts of the world never meet, all kinds of news will inevitably spread.

Now, after all, we are in an era where communications are overly developed.

Therefore, Xiao Zhang has also heard some news that seems to him to be nonsense, saying that Cheng Guangnian does not seem to want to hand over the Cheng Group to Cheng Yu, but may instead hand over the Cheng Group to the heirs of his two younger brothers.

Choose a successor.

This was obviously extremely ridiculous news. When Xiao Zhang heard this gossip for the first time, he completely scoffed at it.

But I can't stand people who keep spreading such news. It's human nature to gossip while chatting.

I heard it the wrong number of times, and everyone also thinks that there is no wind without fire, and there is no cause for the wind coming from nowhere. Of course, if you believe it, you still don't believe it, but you will be affected to some extent.

When Cheng Yu mentioned relatives, Xiao Zhang couldn't help but think about that.

"I heard that your father doesn't want you to return to China?"

Xiao Zhang tried his best to appear nonchalant, as if he was just asking a casual question.

Cheng Yu smiled bitterly and said, "I know what you want to ask. Indeed, there are some situations between my father and I that I don't quite understand.

He indeed acted as if he didn't want me to inherit the family business at all. I personally didn't care...

This is not to talk to you or pretend to be generous.

My father gave me start-up capital and a good education. I think it doesn't really matter whether the Cheng Group is inherited or not.

It is certainly not easy for me to reach the level of your and my father, but I already have billions of dollars in my hands.

Let me tell you something that you should have the deepest experience with. When the assets reach tens of digits, no matter how you increase them, it is really just a numerical concept.

As the number gets bigger, what is often added is not the gratifying wealth, but more troubles and responsibilities that cannot be given up..."

Xiao Zhang laughed and said, "You will easily get beaten if you say this."

Cheng Yu nodded and said seriously: "I know. But even if you live in the palace and fly airplanes when you come in and out, it will be difficult to spend all the money in your lifetime as long as you don't throw away money in the tens of digits.

Then the growth of wealth in the future, doesn’t it just mean numbers?”

Xiao Zhang nodded slightly and stopped arguing.

"I just say this to prove that I really don't mind who my father gives everything he gets in his life. Of course, I don't know exactly what he thinks. This is a very embarrassing situation. But often

This kind of thing is actually difficult for others to understand except for people like you."

Xiao Zhang laughed again and said: "I don't quite understand it. Fortunately, my father didn't behave like your father. At least in my family, no one is stupid enough to covet anything."

"You should have noticed that someone is coveting it, and it involves the dark web. I can't help but worry."

“I really don’t know much about the dark web.

Even if I tell you everything I know, I'm afraid it won't be of substantial help to you.

But, as you know, I studied in the UK, and the school was pretty good, so some of my alumni and classmates had family members who were members of the dark web.

Let me ask for you, and at least I can get some definite information, such as whether your relative hopes to become a member of the dark web, and if you are lucky, you may even be able to find out something about his purpose."

Cheng Yu picked up the wine glass and said, "Thank you then."

"It's just a little effort."

"Speaking of which, our experiences before graduating from college are somewhat similar."

Xiao Zhang smiled and raised his glass, touched it with Cheng Yu again, and said, "How old are you from abroad?"

"Graduating from elementary school."

"Then you are better than me. I went abroad before I was in elementary school."

"Your mother didn't go to accompany you either?"

"How is that possible? How can a six-year-old child live abroad without a father or a mother? My mother stayed with me until I graduated from middle school before returning to China. They were relieved at the university."

Cheng Yu picked up the wine bottle, added some wine to Xiao Zhang, and also added some for himself.

"So it was more miserable for me. I was thrown out right after I graduated from elementary school. I took a preparatory course and my mother returned to China as soon as I passed the language test. After that, I stayed in other people's homes."

"That's really tragic."

After drinking, the car will definitely not be able to drive, and there will be no place to go during the Chinese New Year.

In addition to catering, Bayan Pavilion also offers other leisure activities. Cheng Yu and Xiao Zhang simply went downstairs and called two masseurs for a body treatment.

Because they both drank a lot, they fell asleep one after the other during the massage.

After the physical therapy, the masseur left quietly. When the two of them woke up, it was already around four o'clock in the afternoon.

When changing clothes, Cheng Yu asked Xiao Zhang what his plans were for the evening. Xiao Zhang said that he and his father were planning to return to the imperial capital tomorrow, and he did not want to socialize with his father.

Then naturally it was Cheng Yu who arranged it.

I simply didn't bother to change places, so I went directly to the box downstairs, sang songs, drank wine, asked a few girls to accompany me, and also had dinner in the box.

Later, Cheng Yu called Sun Jiancheng.

Although it was not until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year to report to the company, and Bayange could also provide a driver, Cheng Yu still felt that Sun Jiancheng was more reliable.

After receiving a call from Cheng Yu, Sun Jiancheng rushed over without saying a word. When he saw Xiao Zhang, although he obviously recognized him, Sun Jiancheng didn't say anything and kept the surprise in his stomach. He just drove silently.

First, Xiao Zhang was sent to the hotel he designated.

Time flies and the Spring Festival holiday is over.

Since the pipeline would not be back for another two days, Cheng Yu came to the company early on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

There's no one in the company, and it's not yet working hours.

I called Xue Qing. Xue Qing said that she was almost at the company. Cheng Yu asked her to go to the supermarket to buy some red envelopes and bring them back.

"Mr. Cheng, why do you want the red envelope?"

"It's the Chinese New Year, you've started work, I have to give you a red envelope to show your appreciation."

"Nowadays, red envelopes are sent directly on mobile phones. Who still uses red paper bags? You are not in our WeChat group yet. I will pull you in later and you can just send them a red envelope in the group."

When Cheng Yu thought about it, he burst out laughing. It was him who was special.

Now that WeChat red envelopes are so convenient, there is really no need to wrap them in a red paper bag.

Soon, Xue Qing arrived and came in to say hello to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu asked her with a smile: "Professor Li is very good?"

"Well, grandpa is doing well. He said he received the New Year blessing text message you sent him and asked me to say hello to you after I come to the company."

Cheng Yu nodded and said: "A middle-aged man will come to report in a while, his name is Sun Jiancheng, and his position is driver. When he arrives, you take him to the personnel office to go through the entry procedures. The basic salary is 8,000, and other benefits.

It's the same as in the company. You don't have to ask the human resources department to take care of his attendance. Whether he comes to the company or not, he will be considered full attendance. As for overtime, I will communicate with the human resources department every month."

"Okay. Mr. Cheng, it's time for you to hire a driver. Otherwise, you'll always be driving by yourself. It's inconvenient and quite unsafe."

Cheng Yu nodded again and said: "Remember to include me in our company's group..."

"I'll do it right away." Xue Qing took out her cell phone and lowered her head to operate it.

There was a notification on Cheng Yu's mobile phone that someone invited him to join the company group.

After joining, Cheng Yu took a brief look and asked, "Are the two aunties in charge of cleaning in our company also in the group?"

Xue Qing nodded and said: "Well, you said before the company opened that our company only has positions and everyone is equal, so everyone in the company's large group is here."

"Okay. Master Sun will be here soon. You can also ask him to join the company group."

After Xue Qing left, Cheng Yu called the research institute again.

Chen Jiang had already arrived at the office, and Cheng Yu told him to create a WeChat group and bring everyone in the institute into the group.

Although Chen Jiang didn't understand why Cheng Yu did this, he immediately said he would comply.

Before nine o'clock, everyone in the company, except for the pipeline, was already here.

Sun Jiancheng has also arrived. After completing the entry procedures and signing the contract, he also joined the company's group.

He went to Cheng Yu's office specifically to return the car keys to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu waved his hand and told him: "This car key will be kept by you from now on. Unless I ask you for it, you don't have to give it to me."

Sun Jiancheng agreed, but he was still a little cautious. He asked Cheng Yu: "Mr. Cheng, where should I stay when I am in the company?"

"Didn't the personnel department make arrangements for you?"

Sun Jiancheng shook his head blankly.

Cheng Yu stood up, beckoned and said, "It just so happens that today is the first day of work in the company. You go outside and inform us that I will let everyone have a meeting first. Everyone, including the cleaning lady, must attend."

Sun Jiancheng scratched his head and looked a little at a loss as he said, "Who should I notify?"

"Master Sun, you will be my full-time driver from now on, and you will also work as a half-assistant.

Anything that needs to be conveyed will be handed over to you.

So, go to the HR department and ask them to introduce you to the person in charge of each department.

Oh, our company's vice president didn't come today. He is still abroad. He will come in two days. You can ask the personnel to introduce him to you.

Don’t ask me all these things.”

Sun Jiancheng felt a little shuddered in his heart. He didn't dare to say more and hurriedly left.

I went to the human resources department to briefly explain the situation. The human resources department was also a little panicked. Cheng Yu's words were obviously not only meant for Sun Jiancheng, but also to knock her. She only knew about signing the contract and joining the company, but she didn't expect Cheng Yu's full-time driver.

He also has the function of an assistant and must know people in every department of the company.

He quickly took Sun Jiancheng and introduced him to the heads of each department.

When those people heard that Sun Jiancheng was Cheng Yu's full-time driver, they all seemed particularly enthusiastic.

Drivers and assistants are the boss's absolute confidants. Don't think that their positions are not high. In fact, one sentence may affect some of the boss's decisions on the company's internal structure.

Knowing that Cheng Yu was going to have a meeting, these people also hurriedly notified the staff in their departments.

Sun Jiancheng finally came to the front desk and told Xue Qing about the meeting.

When everyone in the company was gathered, Sun Jiancheng went to notify Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Master Sun, this will be the case from now on. Not only here... Well, I also have other industries under my name, today and tomorrow.

God will take you to get familiar with it. Your duties fall here, but you also need to get familiar with the people in several other places. Your work will be involved in the future."

"Okay, Mr. Cheng, I understand." Sun Jiancheng had already begun to enter the state, with his head slightly lowered and his hands hanging in front of him.

He went out and said a few words briefly, nothing more than those related to the New Year and some expectations for the coming year. Finally, Cheng Yu announced that he would distribute ten rounds of red envelopes in the company's group chat, and treat it as the start of work today.

Red envelope.

Everyone got excited, and then heard their respective WeChat messages ringing.

Each red envelope is full. According to the number of people in the company, it is 200 yuan per person, ten in total.

In other words, Cheng Yu gave a red envelope of two thousand yuan to every employee in the company. Everyone is equal regardless of their position.

This is not a year-end bonus and has nothing to do with the position or position. It is purely a little bit of Cheng Yu's wishes.

This undoubtedly made the company's lowest-level employees very excited. They had no idea that Cheng Yu's previous statement that everyone in the company is equal was not an empty talk, but a real company spirit.

And those employees who feel that they are the mainstay of the company or the middle and senior management of the company also realize that their boss is really different from the bosses they have known in the past.

The finance side knocked on the door of Cheng Yu's office. They wanted to ask Cheng Yu whether this start-up red envelope should be included in the company's operating accounts. After all, it can be made into costs, and it is also part of the company's business.


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