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Chapter 539 Weird road conditions

The police officer responsible for the rescue obviously already knew Cheng Guangnian's identity, so he seemed quite nervous when he saw a young man rushing over.

Although Cheng Yu explained that the person who had the accident was his father, and the driver Lao Qin came over to confirm it for him with his head that had just been briefly bandaged, the police still said that at this time, Cheng Yu could not help at all even in the past, and now

The most important thing is to get Cheng Guangnian out of the car.

Watching the police cutting up Cheng Guangnian's car from a distance, Cheng Yu gradually calmed down.

Indeed, there is no use for him to go over now except to shout twice.

So, Cheng Yu looked seriously at the policeman who stopped him and asked, "Who is the person in charge here?"

The policeman pointed to a policeman who was directing the rescue and said, "That's our director."

"Are you from the local police station?"

The policeman nodded and said, "Do you want to call our director over?"

Cheng Yu happened to have something to tell them, so he nodded and said, "Thank you."

The policeman immediately trotted over to their director and explained the situation to him in a low voice.

The director did not dare to neglect, and came over immediately after listening to his subordinate's report.

"Hello, Mr. Cheng, I am the director of the police station here."

Cheng Yu nodded, stretched out his hand, shook hands with the director, and then said, "Hello, may I ask what your name is?"

"My surname is Huang, Huang Qiang."

Cheng Yu nodded again and asked: "Director Huang, why did you come here in person? Under normal circumstances, wouldn't the traffic police and civilian police usually come to rescue in such an accident?"

Huang Qiang touched the solid sweat on his forehead. It was already quite hot in Wudong in mid-May, and encountering such a thing again would obviously make people even more anxious.

"Your driver called the 110 police station and said that there was an accident in the vehicle. The vehicle overturned. Both doors in the back seat of the vehicle could not be opened. His chairman was still stuck inside.

At that time, since we could only tell an approximate location, the 110 police station sent the case to our jurisdiction.

The police who responded to the call called the phone number left by your driver and tried to ask for a more accurate location, but he still couldn't tell, so we sent two cars to search along the way.

After that, he called again and said that he wanted to add the WeChat account of our policeman who received the police so that we could share our location with him. We suddenly realized this and hurriedly asked the policeman to add Director Cheng’s WeChat account.

That is to say, after adding Director Cheng’s WeChat account, the police saw that Director Cheng’s WeChat name was his own name, and his avatar also used his own photo.

Because the police officer paid more attention to local news, he recognized Director Cheng in the profile picture at a glance.

Our police officer would like to remind your driver not to make fun of other people's names and photos. This would make him suspect that this is a prelude to committing fraud.

Then your driver hurriedly explained that he was the driver of Director Cheng, and the person trapped in the car was Director Cheng. He was now using Director Cheng's mobile phone to contact us.

The police who received the call were still searching along the way. After receiving the location, they were originally going to rush to the location of the incident. However, they learned that the person who had the accident was actually Director Cheng, so they did not dare to neglect and immediately reported the situation to me.

In fact, we didn't dare to completely believe what your driver said at the time, but after all, Director Cheng is not an ordinary person. If something really happened, we couldn't bear the responsibility.

Therefore, I immediately confirmed the respective positions of the two vehicles sent out, and asked the closer one to continue coming here, while the farther one returned to the station to pick us up.

It's embarrassing to say that our police station only has one car. The reason why we sent two cars is that one of them is my own private car.

The police who rushed to the scene found that it was difficult to break into the door, so they asked us to bring equipment quickly, but we didn't have any equipment at the police station. Fortunately, we saw a hardware store on the road and got this pair of large pliers.

However, although the effect has been somewhat achieved, it may still take some time to break open the car door and rescue Director Cheng from inside.

Don't worry, Mr. Cheng. We have carefully examined Director Cheng. There are not many wounds on his body. Judging from the situation at the scene, his internal organs should not be seriously injured.

The most important thing is that there is a cut on the head, but when our police arrived, the blood was actually seeping through, and now the bleeding has basically stopped. The reason why Mr. Cheng is unconscious is probably because of some damage to his brain.

Caused by impact.

Although we are not from the traffic police department, you see, the traffic police haven't arrived yet.

It’s not that they are irresponsible, the main reason is that there are no traffic police around here. After all, it is a small road, and there are few major accidents. Any minor collisions are basically handed over to the police station in our jurisdiction to handle them.”

Just as he was talking, police sirens sounded from far away, and a traffic police car drove quickly.

Huang Qiang is still narrating.

"When we arrived at the scene, it was quite difficult to break open the car door with the tools at hand. I quickly asked the traffic police for support. They only learned about the situation ten minutes ago, so they rushed over now. Mr. Cheng

, you must not think that they are derelict in their duties.”

Cheng Yu nodded. In fact, there was no need for Huang Qiang to explain to the traffic police. Cheng Yu also understood that in villages and towns like this, especially where the two cities meet, the traffic police departments are usually located on national highways and expressways.

With the deployment of defense, the police force is limited and it is impossible to take care of this place at the same time.

Moreover, Lao Qin said before that this was a provincial road, but it was actually a bullshit provincial road. They had left the provincial road they were driving on and drove onto a county road.

In this kind of place, almost no large vehicles usually pass by, so accidents rarely happen. If there are some minor problems, most of them are disputes between agricultural vehicles, which are obviously resolved by the local police station.

Therefore, after 110 received the call, the first person contacted was not the traffic police department, but the local police station.

"It's okay, I understand, you don't have to worry that I will make you angry."

After the traffic police car stopped, four traffic police officers jumped out of the car. They came straight to Huang Qiang with clear goals. They obviously knew each other.

"Director Huang, I heard he is from the Cheng Group..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Qiang quickly interrupted the leading traffic policeman and said, "Team Zhang, this is Mr. Cheng. The driver notified him and he rushed over immediately."

Captain Zhang was shocked and immediately knew why Huang Qiang interrupted him.

Cheng Yu didn't have time to greet him. He just pointed at Cheng Guangnian's car and said, "Hello, Captain Zhang. I'm Cheng Yu. If you have any questions, we'll talk about it later. The top priority now is to get my father out of the car."

.But Director Huang of the police station said that the tools were not professional enough and it was difficult to break the car. I think you brought professional tools, right?"

Captain Zhang did not dare to neglect and said quickly: "Bring it with you, of course you will bring professional tools. Xiao Liu, Xiao Huang, hurry up and help your colleagues at the police station to get Director Cheng out of the car."

"The car can be damaged at will, no matter the cost. I just want my father to be safe." Cheng Yu shouted at the two traffic policemen who were running towards the car.

Huang Qiang hurriedly added: "After we arrived, we confirmed the identity of Director Cheng. We first notified the traffic police department. Team Zhang said he would personally lead the team. Then we notified the district hospital. The ambulance should not be used for much longer.

It's about time the minute comes."

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

At the same time, he looked at Captain Zhang and Cheng Yu said, "Captain Zhang, I have a question for you."

Team Zhang hurriedly said: "Master Cheng, please tell me."

"After you received Director Huang's call, besides the four people present now, to whom did you report my father's identity?"

Captain Zhang immediately said: "There is no time.

Although Director Huang just called me Captain Zhang, in fact, I am just an ordinary traffic policeman.

There are a total of four people in one car here. Apart from me, the other three are auxiliary police officers. I am considered their team leader.

My jurisdiction falls within this area, so Director Huang informed me directly.

After we learned about the situation at that time, we rushed over immediately. We had tools in the car, so we had not reported it to the superiors yet.

I also want to wait until I get to the scene to figure out the situation before reporting it to the higher ups.”

Cheng Yu nodded, feeling relieved at the same time.

Then, he asked Huang Qiang: "Director Huang, besides telling Team Zhang my father's identity, who else did you report to? Does the 110 police reception desk know?"

Huang Qiang shook his head blankly and said: "I came directly here too. This matter is actually not within our jurisdiction, but our police force here is limited, so it is our turn to handle this situation. We generally don't handle this situation.

I will report it to the branch, there is no need. As for the 110 police station, you have to ask your driver, we don’t know if he has said anything.”

Cheng Yu looked at Lao Qin, who hurriedly said: "I didn't dare to tell anyone the identity of the chairman on the phone. I didn't know if I could. If the policeman who responded to the police hadn't recognized the chairman after seeing his WeChat avatar, I would have

I don’t dare to explain.”

Cheng Yu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was a good thing that the matter hadn't spread yet.

Otherwise, it would be fine if Cheng Guangnian wakes up soon, but if he remains in a coma, this matter may cause turmoil in the Cheng Group.

"At the hospital, Director Huang, you didn't explain it to them either?"

"No, I just said that there is an injured person here and an ambulance needs to be sent over there quickly. It is also because I judge based on experience that Director Cheng's injury will not be too serious."

Cheng Yu took a breath and said, "You two, I have a gracious request.

Now both of you have seen what happened at the scene. Excluding my father's identity, this is actually a normal traffic accident.

Of course, the cause of the accident still requires further investigation by the two of you. Presumably, when Captain Zhang reported this kind of accident after handling it, he would not specifically mention the identity of the passengers in the car.

Therefore, precisely because of my father's special status, I also hope that you two can keep it secret for me for the time being, and at the same time, I have asked those at the scene to keep this matter confidential.

When will the situation of my father be announced, I will have a planned arrangement here."

Captain Zhang and Huang Qiang immediately nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice, and said in unison: "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, we will definitely keep it a secret."

Captain Zhang hesitated for a moment and then said: "However, Mr. Cheng, you just said that you need further investigation. I don't know which aspect you are referring to?"

"It's just a normal investigation, such as the condition of the vehicle, the condition of the driver, and the condition of the road. When Team Zhang handled this kind of thing in the past, he definitely needed a report, right?"

Captain Zhang scratched his head, smiled a little sheepishly, and said: "Actually, unless the victim feels there is something wrong with this kind of thing, we normally just fill out a form after handling the scene, indicating that the police dispatch is over, and the personnel

The rescue was successful.

These are mainly used to provide evidence for car owners to make claims to insurance companies, and there is no special report."

Cheng Yu was speechless in his heart, thinking that he was overthinking this.

So, he said: "Okay, please keep my father's identity a secret for the time being."

On the other side of the car, someone shouted: "Come out, come out..."

Team Zhang and Huang Qiang looked at each other, ran over quickly, and said, "Hurry, lift the person out, lay him flat on the ground, don't move around, let's do a simple check first."

Cheng Yu also hurriedly followed over and watched as the traffic police and police officers examined Cheng Guangnian. As Huang Qiang said, there were no particularly obvious injuries on his body except for a big hole in his brain.

There was just a squeeze between the chest and abdomen and the seat, and the side was hit by the pop-up airbag. After touching it, it was basically confirmed that no bones or internal organs were injured, so it should be fine.

After processing, since the ambulance had not arrived at the scene, Cheng Guangnian could only be placed on the ground temporarily.

Captain Zhang and Huang Qiang ordered their men to disperse, then called their respective men and told them to keep Cheng Guangnian's identity strictly confidential until Cheng Yu allowed them to talk about it before revealing Cheng Guangnian's identity.

Huang Qiang contacted the ambulance again, and they said there were still two or three kilometers away. He explained the situation to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu didn't say much. At this moment, he didn't dare to act rashly against Cheng Guangnian. Although there seemed to be no problem, no one could afford it if something happened to him in the back seat of his car.

Pulling over the driver Lao Qin, Cheng Yu didn't have time to ask him about the details of the accident until now.

"Old Qin, don't worry, my dad should be fine. Now, tell me what happened when the incident happened."

Lao Qin nodded and said sadly: "It's all my fault that I didn't check that there was something wrong with the car."

Suddenly hearing these words, Cheng Yu felt like he was in a Hong Kong drama about the feud between wealthy families. Could it be that the brake coil is loose or the brake fluid is leaking?

If this is the case, although it is very bloody, I am afraid that this matter was really premeditated.

"What's wrong with the car?"

Lao Qin licked his chapped lips and said, "There must be something wrong with the suspension. It's aging. I drove the car down there..." Lao Qin turned around and pointed to an intersection a few hundred meters away.

From there, the car left the provincial road and entered the county road.

“I didn’t think the road was easy before, but after walking on this road, I felt that something was wrong with the bumps in the car, and I wondered if there was something wrong with the suspension.

But generally speaking, if there is a problem with the suspension, it won't be a big deal, it will just be a little bumpy on the road.

I saw that the navigation showed that this section of the road was only three or four kilometers long, and then it would enter another provincial highway on the Baohua side, so I just slowed down the car slightly and did not stop to check.

But when the chairman noticed that my speed had dropped, he was very unhappy and asked me to drive faster, saying that the situation at the warehouse was waiting for him to deal with.

I had no choice but to continue accelerating, but when I stepped on the accelerator, I suddenly felt a violent vibration in the car body, and heard a sound that sounded like it was breaking.

I didn't know what to think at the time, maybe the suspension was broken, but there was a big pothole on the road at that time. I guess it was because of entering the big pothole that the suspension was broken.

Then, the car suddenly jumped up and moved forward..."

Lao Qin pointed to the road again and showed Cheng Yu the exact location of the accident.

Cheng Yu pulled Lao Qin towards the pit where the vehicle's suspension broke.

Not much can be seen, it's just that the road surface is in disrepair and is uneven.

This pit is about ten centimeters lower than the road surface, so it usually doesn't cause any problems, but if there is a problem with the suspension itself, it may indeed cause the suspension to suddenly break due to force when passing through.

In front of the pit, there is an arched place, and the shape of the arch is a bit weird, it feels a bit like someone specially made a speed bump here.

Moreover, even if it is a speed bump, the arch here is too high.

Cheng Yu secretly looked at it and thought that if there was a problem, it would be caused by this arch.

Lao Qin also pointed to that arch and said, "Young Master, this is what I want to say.

The car entered a hole, the suspension broke, and then encountered such a bulge, the body suddenly became airborne.

After landing, it is estimated that the position of the tires changed, causing some problems with the steering system.

That stone, I hit it immediately...

At that time, I subconsciously wanted to adjust the direction, but after turning the steering wheel, I realized that there was something wrong with the steering system. Then I hurriedly stepped on the brakes, but it was already too late.

The front left side of the car hit the rock, and the car rolled over. I couldn't control it anymore.

We took the car and rolled it on the ground three times before it came to a stop. The door on my side was not deformed very much. I climbed out, but the doors on both sides of the chairman's back seat were severely deformed and could not be opened at all.

The co-pilot was also squeezed, and I couldn't even get the chairman into the front seat and pull him out...

I'm sorry, young master, I didn't notice the suspension problem, I'm sorry..."

Cheng Yu looked at Lao Qin who was crying and patted his shoulder and said: "It's okay, Lao Qin, I don't blame you for this. Our whole family knows that you are always conscientious and no one will put the blame on you." .However, when did my dad send this car for maintenance? There is something wrong with the suspension, didn't the Fourth Son shop find out?"

"The last maintenance was more than half a year ago. Someone called me two days ago to inform me to go for maintenance. I told the chairman, but the chairman used the car more frequently in the past two days, so he told me to wait a little longer. It doesn’t matter. I didn’t expect…”

Cheng Yu patted Lao Qin on the shoulder again and said, "Okay, go and sit in my car. The ambulance should be here."

Sure enough, a white Iveco appeared from the intersection of the provincial road and the county road and drove over quickly.

After the car stopped, Cheng Yu stepped forward. The ambulance crew came down with a stretcher and first put Cheng Guangnian in the car. Then they checked the wound on his brain and found that the bleeding had basically stopped, so he told Cheng Yu He needs to be sent to the hospital immediately, but it should be nothing serious.

Cheng Yu nodded and watched as the medical staff took out cotton gauze and covered the wound on Cheng Guangnian's brain, and then notified Lao Qin to get into the ambulance. Although Lao Qin seemed fine now, he had to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

After Lao Qin got in the car, Cheng Yu said, "It's the district hospital, right? You go ahead. I'll deal with it with the police here and I'll meet you at the hospital later."

The ambulance roared away. Cheng Yu pulled Huang Qiang and Captain Zhang over and asked about the traces of the on-site inspection.

Team Zhang said directly: "We checked and found that the suspension of Director Cheng's car was broken.

Judging from the condition, it seems that something went wrong after aging, and then it broke due to severe extrusion.

I simply judged it through the rut marks. According to my experience, the speed of the car at that time was not slow, at least 70 or 80.

You shouldn’t be driving so fast in this kind of road condition!”

This chapter has been completed!
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