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Chapter 546: New clues found at the 4S store

After struggling for a long time, Cheng Yu was a little tired, but Cheng Guangnian seemed to have truly become a vegetative state, without any reaction.

At this time, Cheng Yu began to realize that something was wrong.

Although he left China at the age of twelve, Cheng Yu lived alone in the United States until last year, and he and Cheng Guangnian rarely had any father-son interaction in the traditional sense.

However, as he grew older, Cheng Yu felt that he still knew Cheng Guangnian very well.

With Cheng Guangnian's personality, he would never allow Cheng Yu to be like this today, saying a lot of offensive words to him and doing a lot of offensive things.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Cheng Guangnian was pretending to be comatose, Cheng Yu would never have thought that he would dare to move on his head.

Cheng Yu has done too many things today that Cheng Guangnian cannot tolerate at all, but he can still endure it. This is absolutely impossible in Cheng Yu's concept.

Are you really not awake yet?

But, if you haven't woken up, what happened to those clues you observed yesterday?

Cheng Yu remembered that after he came over today, Cheng Guangnian really had no reaction at all.

But yesterday, under his careful observation, Cheng Guangnian revealed a lot of flaws.

what is going on?

Cheng Yu was at a loss and suddenly felt a little panicked.

But there is no reason.

Even if someone wanted to harm Cheng Guangnian, how did he do it and make Cheng Guangnian really fall into a coma last night?

Just when I was in shock and confused, the door of the ward was pushed open.

Dean Yang came in with a nurse, saw Cheng Yu, and said hello to him.

"Are you here? How is your father doing today?"

Cheng Yu decided to temporarily suppress his suspicion and pretend that Cheng Guangnian had never shown any signs that made him feel like he was awake.

"Still not awake. Moreover, I tried to wake him up just now, but no matter what I said or how I stimulated him, there was no response. Dean Yang, what do you think is going on?"

Dean Yang walked up to Cheng Guangnian, opened his eyelids, and looked at his pupils.

Then, he took out a small flashlight from his pocket, turned it on and shined it into Cheng Guangnian's eyes.

Cheng Guangnian showed no reaction.

This is so abnormal.

If Cheng Guangnian still insists on pretending to be comatose, then the eyelids are pushed aside and the bright light directly stimulates the eyeballs, and the pupils will inevitably change.

However, after Dean Yang read it, he didn't notice any change in Cheng Guangnian's pupils. They were always dull and dull.

This is not even consistent with the characteristics of a normal human being who has entered a coma. You must know that even a vegetative person cannot have any reaction to strong light.

Dean Yang felt a little nervous and said: "It's strange. I have been practicing medicine for more than 30 years and have never encountered such a situation.

If it weren't for his breathing and body temperature, which proved that his body was still undergoing normal metabolism, I would have suspected that he was facing a corpse.

Oh, sorry, I just wanted to be more prepared to describe what is happening to your father now."

Cheng Yu nodded, understanding this.

"Are you saying that even bright light can't irritate him?"

Dean Yang nodded and fell into deep thought.

Cheng Yu hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to tell what he had discovered yesterday.

"Dean Yang, please take a moment to speak."

Dean Yang raised his head and looked at the little nurse. The little nurse left the ward very smartly.

"If anything happens, just tell me."

Cheng Yu said: "Yesterday, I found a friend who is engaged in criminal investigation, because we found some doubts about the car accident my father encountered.

I couldn't leave at the time, so that's where my friend and I discussed my father's situation.

Then, after communicating with that friend and exchanging our respective findings and some clues from the scene, we basically confirmed that the car accident my father encountered was probably caused by man.

At that time, I noticed that my father's arm moved a position.

Therefore, I almost thought that he might have woken up, but since I found out that the car accident was not an accident, I wanted to continue to pretend to be unconscious, thereby paralyzing the murderer and giving the police more time to investigate.

And towards evening, the news of my father's accident was exposed, causing my mother to come over.

I really couldn't bear to see how sad my mother was at that time, and I felt that if my father woke up, at least he wouldn't have to pretend in front of his loved ones.

So I said something to stimulate him.

At that time, I could clearly see that his eyeballs were moving under his eyelids, and his eyelashes were also trembling slightly.

In other words, I saw very clearly at that time that my father had slight movements in details.

The shaking of his eyelashes probably meant that he subconsciously wanted to open his eyes, but he tried hard to control it.

My description may not be accurate enough, but his state at that time really made people feel that he was pretending to be comatose.

At night, I tried to stimulate my father again, and he responded clearly again.

Therefore, I actually firmly believe that my father has woken up a long time ago, but for some of his own reasons, he is unwilling to make this fact public.

Just now, I tried to find a way to send my mother out and have a good talk with my father.

After all, it seems too selfish to put his family in such pain for some of his personal reasons.

But, it's strange that no matter what method I use to stimulate him today, he doesn't have any feedback.

If some of yesterday's actions were just natural reactions of muscles and nerves, then why did everything I said and do today bring him greater stimulation than yesterday, but he didn't react at all?

Where is it?

Even basic nerve and muscle responses are missing.

This is too strange."

Dean Yang nodded slowly.

During the conversation with him, Cheng Yu kept observing Dean Yang's reaction.

When he first talked about Cheng Guangnian's reaction, Dean Yang's attitude was relatively relaxed. Perhaps he thought it was a beautiful vision for all patients' families when they encountered similar situations.

But as Cheng Yuluo listed more reactions, especially when he mentioned that Cheng Guangnian had no reaction no matter how provocative he was today, Dean Yang's expression began to become solemn.

After pondering for a long time, Dean Yang said: "To be honest, Mr. Cheng, the reactions you told me are of course possible, as you said, because your father was unwilling to announce the fact that he had actually awakened for some personal reasons.


In particular, based on my more than 30 years of medical experience, his physical condition is indeed consistent with what you said.

However, it is still possible that those are just coincidences.

But today your father has indeed lost almost all normal stress responses. This is also puzzling to me.

Even patients who enter deep sleep, or what we call a vegetative state in layman's terms, will still produce neurofeedback when facing external stimuli such as bright light.

And your father really doesn't have any feedback now.

I can't quite explain to you why there was such a strong difference between yesterday and today. My personal suggestion is to give him another comprehensive examination.

I want to see if his physical functions and various data have changed from yesterday.

There have been similar cases before. After a person suffered a strong external impact, there was no abnormality on the spot, which is a miracle in the history of life.

But after a short period of time, the internal organs, as well as the skills of many parts of the body, began to change. There were even ruptures of organs.

There is no completely reasonable explanation for this situation in current medicine, but it does happen.

Therefore, I need to conduct a comprehensive and more detailed examination of your father, and perhaps there will be new discoveries."

Cheng Yu didn't hesitate much, saying that no matter what happened to Cheng Guangnian, based on the changes in him from yesterday to today, it was imperative to do another check-up.

So he said: "Okay. Then when will we start."


Dean Yang is also very curious about what happened to Cheng Guangnian. This is a case he has never encountered in his many years of medical practice, so he also wants to find the answer as soon as possible.

Moreover, the earlier the examination is done, the more responsible action is for the patient himself.

Dean Yang immediately went out, called the nurse just now, and then asked her to notify various departments to prepare for cooperation and start a more comprehensive examination of Cheng Guangnian.

Since Dean Yang dispatched a large number of medical staff, there was no need for Cheng Yu to follow him. He only needed to wait patiently for the test results.

At noon, Wei Lan called and said that Ning Kezhu's condition was a little better, so she wanted to take Ning Kezhu home and let her take a bath and preferably sleep for a while.

Cheng Yu was eager for this and immediately said: "Mom, please don't worry about the hospital. I'll just keep an eye on it. Tell my mother that Dean Yang came just now and he is currently examining my father.

I will contact you later when the test results come out."

After agreeing, Cheng Yu looked at the time. In fact, he felt like he couldn't eat anymore.

However, reason told him that he had to eat when he should, because even if he starved to death, it would not be of any help to Cheng Guangnian.

After leaving the hospital, he found a noodle shop nearby and ordered a bowl of noodles.

While I was eating, the phone rang. It was Lao Bian.

Chewing a mouthful of noodles in a hurry, Cheng Yu answered the call vaguely.

"Well, Bureau Bian, I'm eating, just tell me."

"I just left the 4S store. I probably figured out the shock absorber thing. It happens to be not far from the district hospital. I'm hungry too. Please give me your seat and I'll go find you."

Cheng Yu hung up the phone and sent his location to Lao Bian.

The 4S shop where Cheng Guangnian does maintenance is really close to the district hospital. In just ten minutes, before Cheng Yu even finished his bowl of noodles, Lao Bian had already arrived.

Seeing the noisy atmosphere in the noodle shop, Lao Bian sat across from Cheng Yu and said, "Let's chat here?"

"You eat first, and after that we go to the hospital. I also have something going on here that I want to talk to you about."

"Okay." Lao Bian stood up and ordered a bowl of noodles for himself. He finished it quickly, wiped his mouth, and returned to the hospital with Cheng Yu.

After entering the ward, Cheng Yu turned around and closed the door.

Lao Bian was stunned and asked: "Where is your father?"

Cheng Yu shook his head and said, "I haven't woken up yet, so I'm going to have another checkup."

Lao Bian was stunned and said: "Why do you still need to check? From what you said yesterday, it seemed that you thought your father was already awake and he was just pretending."

Cheng Yu nodded slightly and said solemnly: "Yes, I did think so yesterday."

He told Lao Bian several details about Cheng Guangnian that he had observed.

"That means you're really awake!" Lao Bian frowned.

Cheng Yu said: "Who says it's not the case?

So I actually didn't feel any psychological pressure at all yesterday. I thought that even if he continued to pretend today, he wouldn't be able to pretend anymore tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, after arriving, I found that my mother was very depressed, and I couldn't stand it.

He can't make my mother miserable because of those bad things and bad people, right?

So I asked my mother-in-law to take my mother away.

I thought, there is no one else in the ward, and he himself should know that I have found out. If I want to talk to him, he will open his eyes, right?

I didn’t expect…”

Cheng Yu told Lao Bian everything about how he had stimulated Cheng Guangnian just now and how Cheng Guangnian had no reaction.

"I was just wondering when Dean Yang came and did a brief inspection. Dean Yang also felt strange.

Because my dad really has no reaction to the outside world now. Have you ever seen a living person whose pupils don't shrink despite being stimulated by strong light?

Even acupuncture cannot produce any neurological feedback in him. Have you seen it?

Before sending my dad for examination, Dean Yang also tried to give my dad a knee-jerk reflex, but there was no response.

It was like he had lost his hearing, vision and all neurological reactions.

It’s so weird!”

Only then did Lao Bian understand why Cheng Guangnian had to undergo a comprehensive examination again.

He touched his chin and said: "This thing is indeed strange. Do you suspect that someone attacked your father again last night?"

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Let's take a look at the test results for a while. However, no matter what, you should go back and adjust the surveillance in the inpatient building last night to see if anyone has done anything."

"You don't need to tell me this, I will definitely arrange it."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's talk about what you found at the 4S store first. Why did you say you solved the shock absorber problem?"

Lao Bian found a place to sit down, and then said: "As soon as I went to work in the morning, I took a young man to the 4S store.

Then I checked their records and found the person who was responsible for maintaining your father's car at that time.

Because the time gap was indeed quite long, even if we adopted an interrogation posture, the worker spent several hours without thinking of any valuable clues.

However, the lunch they ordered from the store arrived, and someone came over and asked if they would like a lunch for us, which reminded the worker of something."

Cheng Yu saw that Lao Bian had been licking his lips, so he stood up and poured him a glass of water.

Lao Bian finally thanked him and said, "Thank you very much. The noodles just now were a bit salty."

Then he continued: "The meal preparation reminded the worker of something.

It was actually quite late when your father delivered the car, around five o'clock.

However, these workers work on a piece-rate basis, which means that after completing the maintenance work, they will get a commission, so there is no such thing as getting off work on time.

So, he stayed in the store and started testing.

The whole process took at least three or four hours, so he ordered a takeaway for himself.

At around six o'clock, the takeout was delivered, and a colleague took the initiative to come over and tell him to go eat first and take his place for a while.

After he finished his meal, the colleague told him that the car's shock absorbers were seriously aging and needed to be replaced.

Therefore, that person directly read the list and called your father according to the record above.

Your father agreed to replace the shock absorbers at that time, so he replaced the shock absorbers on the car."

Cheng Yu frowned and said, "So, this person has successfully cleared himself of the suspicion?"

Lao Bian took another sip of water and said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, listen to me slowly."

After a pause, he continued: "This is just his side of the story. The store's surveillance only has three months of backup, so we can only go find the person he said.

After that person came, he refused to admit it at first, but when we told him that the consequences of this incident were very serious, he finally revealed the truth.

As for that car, the shock absorbers are indeed aging, so replacing them is normal.

The person who previously maintained your father's car also confirmed this.

On the surface, he also thought that the shock absorber needed to be replaced.

It's just that he hasn't done a detailed test yet, so he hasn't had time to communicate with your father.

However, out of trust for his colleagues, he did not conduct further inspection after learning that the shock absorber had been replaced.

The problem lies here.

The guy who did it lost money playing cards and owed some debt, so he found a shock absorber from a scrapped vehicle and replaced it.

The brand new original shock absorber he took out of the inventory was sold by him and the money was used to pay off the debt.

However, the shock absorbers he replaced on your father's car were naturally not Bentley's original shock absorbers, but a domestically produced shock absorbers.

So, when we showed him the broken shock absorber on your father's car, he denied it and said it was not the shock absorber he replaced.

After all, scrapped Bentleys are not easy to come by. He even told us the channels through which he purchased scrapped vehicle spare parts and the channels through which he purchased brand-new spare parts.

From all appearances, what he said should be the truth.

Your father’s affairs have nothing to do with him directly.”

Cheng Yu sorted it out for a while, nodded and said, "I understand.

This man replaced the shock absorbers on my dad's car with an old one that was aging but not dangerous. He got a brand new spare part and sold it at a discount to pay off the debt.

As for the murderer, when he was planning this incident, he discovered that the shock absorbers on my dad's car were seriously aging, so he made the entire plan around the aging shock absorbers.

I thought there would be no trace of replacing a shock absorber that looked to have been used for a long time with a more aged shock absorber.

But he didn't expect that my dad's car had its shock absorbers replaced just six months ago, and it was supposed to have no aging problems.

Therefore, this murderer is not a show-off personality, nor does he want to provoke anyone. It's just that his original perfect plan was ruined by a guy who stole the news.

That’s why the flaws appeared.”

Lao Bian nodded and said: "Yes. The actual situation should be like this.

The murderer just wanted to carry out his plan according to the existing conditions.

If your father's coilovers on his car were new, he probably wouldn't have adopted such a plan.

This was a plan that came about by mistake, and because of this, we found a flaw, making us suspect that this case was not an accident, but was caused by man."

Cheng Yu shook his head and sighed: "So, the clues are actually broken again. Although the shock absorber situation has been clarified, it actually does not make any substantial progress in the case."

Lao Bian waved his hand and said: "You can't say that, there is still help.

With this new clue, we also learned about an organization that specializes in selling various types of scrapped luxury vehicle spare parts.

The worker at the 4S shop told us that he originally wanted to buy an old original shock absorber to replace it, but the price was too high.

And that's how he came into contact with that organization."

This chapter has been completed!
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