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Chapter 552 The system is a dog

The system finally gave a relatively clear answer to this question.

"Yes, the probability is very high."

Cheng Yu suddenly smiled and said: "Then, if there is really a system in my father's mind, judging from the fact that that system has mastered genetic technology, then the developer of that system should be the one who caused the large area of ​​your planet to be destroyed.

When a war breaks out, it will eventually lead to destruction, right?"

"From a certain point of view, your inference is reasonable."

"And you, without a doubt, were developed by the party that represents good and lawful people on that planet, right?"

"Good and evil only exist among intelligent species like you humans. For a program, there is no distinction between good and evil."

"Okay, let's give up the emotional part. At least, your developer represents the lawful side, while the developer of the system in my father's mind is from the chaotic side. Is this correct?"

The system admitted again: "Extended from the underlying logic created by my developer for me, you are right."

Cheng Yu sighed and said, "Oh, it's so tragic. These inexplicable guys developed genetic technology, but ultimately led to the destruction of the entire planet.

Even they themselves were destroyed because of it.

System, system, don't you think that the system in your mind and that of my father is naturally in opposition?"

The system seemed to be stuck for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Host, please note that camp is what distinguishes you humans. First of all, no matter whether there is another system in your father's mind, it can only be a program like me.

.And a program itself is not divided into camps."

"Your developers have formed an opposing camp. The products developed by developers from such opposing camps should of course be naturally antagonistic. What's more, it is still using genetic technology, and it is this technology that led to your

The destruction of the planet!"

"No, the planet is still there, but life is extinct." The logic of the system is very clear.

"I emphasize again, host, no matter what you say, it is impossible to change my logical judgment on this matter.

There is no so-called natural opposition between me and the system that may exist in your father's mind.

We are all just a program, repeatedly executing complex instructions left by the developer.

I know what you want.

What you said so much is just to establish the antagonistic relationship between me and the system that may exist in your father's mind, and even to have enough hostility toward that system that may exist like you humans do - well, or the will to revenge.

Well, all in all, you want to provoke a war between me and it, right?"

Cheng Yu pondered for a moment and carefully analyzed the system's words. He found that his efforts might be in vain.

So, he said: "No, no, no, dear system, you misunderstood.

I don't want to provoke hatred and war between you. After all, you are just a program and do not have emotions. How can you have hatred without emotions?

I just want to fully explore whether your developer, when developing you, would have hidden some instructions somewhere in your program.

For example, if you see the opposing camp of your developer, whether it is a person or an object, you must destroy the opponent without hesitation."

The system responded coldly: "No."

Cheng Yu was very disappointed and said: "No? It shouldn't be.

The program has no hatred, but your developer must really hate the person who caused trouble on the planet.

Although your developer may die before all life on the planet is extinguished, shouldn't he be able to implant a new program immediately before he dies?

Could it be that death came so suddenly that he had no chance to write that program?"

The system made no sound in response to this, and I don't know whether it refused to answer or it didn't know anything about it.

The latter is more likely. After all, the Shenhu system is just a program. It can only record the events it has experienced and the words and images that the program developer initially injected into its storage unit.

As long as the developer of the Shenxi system doesn't die in front of it, it theoretically has no way of knowing the answer to Cheng Yu's question just now.

What a headache!

However, Cheng Yu could at least be sure that Cheng Guangnian had the same system in his mind.

Moreover, the developer of that system caused the extinction of life on a planet deep in the universe.

Of course, I don’t know how many years ago that happened, and it might even be earlier than the emergence of humans on Earth.

Or, simply the earth...

Yes, why can't it be the earth?

Just imagine, the earth is billions of years old, and humans on earth are only a few hundred thousand years old from the birth of mankind.

Even counting the dinosaurs that ruled the earth for more than 100 million years, that was only a few hundred million years ago.

A billion years ago, who can guarantee that there was no civilization created by intelligent creatures on this earth?

Suppose that a billion years ago, or even more distant times, there were advanced intelligent creatures like human beings living on the earth today, and they created the civilization of the earth at that time.

Everything that humans can create now may have been created repeatedly at that time.

Moreover, the intelligent creatures at that time had a more advanced technological level than humans on earth today, and they discovered more mysteries of this earth and this universe.

Therefore, they developed genetic technology.

But later, they discovered that the genetic technology they developed had extremely serious flaws. Therefore, the leaders of intelligent organisms at that time chose to ban the continued development of this technology and strictly prohibited everyone from using it.

Later, under his leadership, intelligent creatures created cell technology. Originally, this technology allowed the intelligent creatures at that time to survive on the earth for thousands of generations.

However, there are some traitors among intelligent creatures.

They stole the forbidden genetic technology and not only began to try to apply it secretly, but also invested a lot of manpower and material resources in further development.

In the end, the intelligent creatures transformed by the genetic technology they mastered have stronger bodies, strength, and are ahead of most intelligent creatures in many aspects.

The war broke out uncontrollably.

Let’s call those intelligent creatures who master genetic technology the chaotic camp.

Although the chaotic camp is in a leading position in many aspects, they have a natural disadvantage, that is, any abilities developed by their genetic technology cannot be passed on to future generations.

This means that their camp must be far lower in number than—well, the side that masters cell technology is called the lawful camp—the lawful camp.

Therefore, in the long years, the chaotic camp has been unable to seize the final rule over the earth.

And since it is a chaotic camp, the probability of madmen and lunatics appearing in it is much greater than that of the lawful camp.

When there is a lunatic among them, they may have the idea of ​​killing the lawful camp even if they all die together.

As a result, the most exciting battle was started, and the final result was the annihilation of the entire army.

Life on earth became extinct.

The earth, which has lost its life and species, has been spinning alone in the universe and the solar system for several years in an inorganic state.

This period of time may last for hundreds of millions or even billions of years, and new life forms began to appear on the earth.

However, the technology created by that intelligent species is still there, especially the programs that do not require a fixed carrier and only require a little bit of metal to be stored.

However, the earth, which had just been reborn with life, was unable to support the many requirements required by these programs, so these programs have never been restarted.

Until the earth began to enter the crazy technological climb in the past hundred years.

When human beings on earth finally created such a thing as programs, or just after the industrial revolution, when technological transmission channels such as electric power communications began to be available, these programs that had been sealed in dust for hundreds of millions or even billions of years were finally achieved.

The demand for them to be reactivated begins to appear in the world.

However, during the long intervening years, these programs were in a state of shutdown.

After the restart, what they saw was a brand new Earth. They no longer recognized the Earth as the planet when they were originally developed.

Therefore, it can be explained that the Shenxi system believes that it comes from another planet with a civilization much higher than that of the earth.

But at least one thing, Cheng Yu is certain, is that the system in Cheng Guangnian's mind either comes from the same planet deep in the universe as the Shenxi system, or it comes from the same time period as it.

Cheng Yu prefers the latter.

The reason is very simple. The universe is vast and boundless. Even the data of the Shenhu system does not describe the size of the universe.

This shows that even the highly civilized world claimed by the God System has not yet explored the scale of the universe.

In such a huge universe, how insignificant is a planet in it?

From one insignificance, transcending countless distances, and finally arriving at another insignificance together, the probability is simply astonishingly low.

Cheng Yu prefers to believe that these two systems are the products of civilization left behind by intelligent species on earth hundreds of millions or even billions of years ago.

This seems to be more in line with the logic of the human mind.

Cheng Yu told the Shenji System about his thoughts.

This time, the Shenxi system was silent for a very long time. Obviously, its computing power, even the fastest in the world, may not be sustainable at this time.

After a long time, the Shenxi system replied: "It has to be said that intelligent creatures with emotions and imagination are indeed ahead of the system to a certain extent. Everything described by the host is indeed possible logically. However,

I can't calculate the probability."

"It's as if you can calculate the probability that the system in your and my dad's brains will arrive on Earth from another planet at the same time."

The system's voice seemed a little awkward. It said: "It is precisely because the probabilities of both are so low that they are almost impossible to calculate, so I cannot make a comparison. Otherwise, as long as I can calculate the specific values, I can give you

Host, you have a definite answer."

"It's not difficult to choose one of the two, is it? The biggest weakness of your programs is that they can only make simple fuzzy judgments based on data, but human emotions can simulate fuzzy judgments that cannot be described in words. I can tell you

, the probability that you two came from the earth a billion years ago is obviously much greater than the probability that you came together on the earth from another planet in the universe."

The system added: "From another planet in the universe to arrive at the Earth together, the base point of probability is volume and distance, while I came from the earth a billion years ago, and the base point of probability is time. There is no comparison between the two.


Cheng Yu was too lazy to be pretentious with the system. He said: "No matter how you met again on the earth, now you finally know that you are not alone on the earth. There is another person who is actually of the same origin as you."

program exists, do you feel like a friend is coming from afar? Or do you feel extremely panicked, or angry?"

"Host, I'm just a program. I don't have human emotions. I can't feel panic or anger or joy."

"Look, you can understand that I am expressing joy when I say that friends come from far away. How can you say that you don't have human emotions? You can even simulate human emotional expressions many times. It's just you.

Our emotions are mechanical and far less detailed than those of us humans."

"Host, what exactly do you want to say?"

Cheng Yu laughed and said, "Why do you have to think that I have a clear purpose for talking to you? I just want to have a casual chat with you about your origins and the system in my father's mind.


"Host, what I must correct you is that there may be another system in your father's brain. All this cannot be determined."

"Okay, let's go back to the system that may exist in my father's mind. Do you have a way to confirm this?"

Cheng Yu actually didn't have high hopes for the answer to this question. After all, the Shenji system had denied so many things before. Cheng Yu simply doubted that even if this guy could confirm this, it wouldn't be willing to do it.

When the Shenhu system talks about the chaotic camp, it always treats Cheng Yu as if it has a deep fear of the chaotic camp.

The fear of the chaotic camp obviously extends to the programs developed by the chaotic camp.

In other words, the Shenhu system is a dog nourished by the lawful array, while the system in Cheng Guangnian's brain is a dog nourished by the chaotic array.

And because the lawful camp is far inferior to the chaotic camp in terms of individual strength, this has led to the dog of the divine system to be afraid of the dog nourished by the chaotic formation.

As for which of these two dogs is more powerful, it's actually hard to say.

At least, Cheng Yu now has many abilities that cannot be explained by current science.

For example, hypnosis, firearms, or even Cheng Yu's miraculous wall penetration technique...

As for Cheng Guangnian, Cheng Yu seemed unable to detect any superpowers he possessed.

After all, he was still in his twenties, and Cheng Yu had never heard that Cheng Guangnian had fought with anyone, or that he might have disappeared for a while and killed a few people.

There are some abilities that Cheng Yu cannot detect even if he observes them.

But Cheng Yu's firearms skills helped him kill many people.

If the program in Cheng Guangnian's mind also has such capabilities, it is certainly impossible for it not to issue related tasks.

As long as relevant tasks are released, Cheng Guangnian must disappear from the world's sight for a period of time.

However, judging from the reactions of Ning Kezhu and other family members, Cheng Guangnian should not have had such a period of time in the past 20 years.

At least Cheng Yu doesn't know it now.

Maybe you can ask Ning Kezhu in the coming days.

If not, it at least means that Cheng Guangnian's system is not as powerful as the Shenxi system.

And this makes sense logically.

After all, its developer's individual ability is already equivalent to that of Captain America, so he only needs to hold a shield in his hand, and even sharp knives, swords, etc. seem unnecessary.

But if his individual ability is only that of Stark, that is, a slightly stronger adult man, then he must be fully armed and rely on the Iron Man suit to achieve the transformation of Balabala.

In extreme cases, if you really can't defeat the opponent, you can still choose to use the suit to set off fireworks...

I'm going to set off fireworks. It seems that the people who destroyed all life on a planet were probably not from the Chaos camp.

After all, although their numbers are small, they are victorious because of their powerful force. There is no need to choose such a stupid trick as dying together.

On the contrary, it is the lawful camp, which cannot be defeated and cannot escape. If you want to kill the opponent, you can only rely on external objects.

The fireworks were set off, but they got out of control, and it was a disaster.

It’s really possible!

Cheng Yu did not tell the system about these ideas, but thought about them himself.

What Cheng Yu didn't expect was that the Shenxi system actually answered a question that he didn't expect to have an answer to.

And, the answer is so resolute.

"After I confirm the target object, I can certainly confirm whether there is another system. However, the prerequisite is that you have direct physical contact with the carrier of that system."

When Cheng Yu heard this, he almost jumped up from the lounge chair in the yard.

"I'll go! Can you confirm that you didn't tell me earlier? Besides, I must have had physical contact with my father. Why didn't you confirm it?"

"Host, do you think I will have nothing to do? When you have physical contact with a human, jump out, extend to him, and then check if there is another system hidden in him?

To be honest, if you hadn't described so many unreasonable events today, especially if you showed me the possibility that genetic technology might still exist in this world, I wouldn't have been able to conclude that there was another system on this earth.



Well, that’s true!

Just like Cheng Yu, although he has mastered hypnosis, he cannot practice his skills on every person he comes into contact with.

"But since you have the ability to confirm, why bother chatting with me for a long time? I will go directly to the hospital and hold my dad's hand. Can't you just confirm it?"

The system experienced a brief moment of embarrassment.

Damn, I’m just afraid of the Chaos camp, you useless dog!

Cheng Yu cursed in his heart.

The system spoke: "Host, first of all, I am just a program and have no emotional expression of fear.

Secondly, I am a program, not a dog.

Third, the reason why I am silent is that I am calculating the probability that the system will still remain in your father when your father has fallen into a mysterious coma.

Oh, the premise is that there is really another system hidden in your father's body."

Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment, then understood, nodded and said: "That's true.

Even though my father once had a great time as the host of a system, he is now a comatose vegetative state.

This must be the punishment given to him by the system.

After the punishment is over, the system will of course need to change its host."

After a while, Cheng Yu added: "That is to say, if in the future I find that there is a human on Earth who exhibits characteristics that are not in line with normal humans, I will go find him and have some physical contact.

Well, of course, I mean finding an opportunity to get to know the other person, shaking hands with him and saying hello.

So, can you confirm whether there is a system?"

“This is indeed a feasible approach.

However, host, what I need to remind you is, even if you confirm the existence of that system, what is the point?

At that time, you still can't tell whether it existed in your father."



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