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Chapter 572: The evidence is not that easy to find

Cheng Yu added: "Don't tell me, it's difficult to completely control this kind of thing, after all, the perpetrator is Li Gong.

Li Gong, let me put my words here. If you continue to play with me like this, forgetting to sleep and eat, and Chen Suo fails to take good care of you in these aspects, if he doesn't fire you, I will fire him.

If you are not afraid of injuring others, just continue to maintain your current status."

This time, Chen Jiang was not the only one who was embarrassed. In fact, Li Dali was even more embarrassed than him.

After all, it was originally only his matter. Although Cheng Yu's words just now were harsh, in fact, the effectiveness of supervision was limited. Chen Jiang could not carry Li Dali to the cafeteria when he refused to eat well.

But if Cheng Yu is angry with Chen Jiang because Chen Jiang failed to supervise Li Dali's eating, then this matter is Li Dali's problem.

Li Dali's mouth was full of rice, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Chen Jiang sighed and said, "Li Gong, we all understand your thoughts.

You feel that you have wasted more than four years and even caused the stagnation of many projects in the institute. Now you want to make up for it as soon as possible.

However, as the old saying goes, haste makes waste. If you focus so much on work, if you tire your body again, it will actually be a loss for the institute."

Cheng Yu nodded but said nothing.

Seeing this, Wu Jing hurriedly said: "Yes, Gong Li, if you think about it, before you left our institute, your workload was actually much greater than that of other researchers.

But at that time, you at least knew how to adjust and maintain a good physical condition.

Now five years have passed, and from a physical point of view, it cannot be compared to what it was five years ago.

The work intensity was unbearable back then, how can I bear it now?

What's more, the work is never finished, the experiments are never over, and projects come one after another. Even if you don't take a break, other researchers can't keep up like you.

More importantly, you must learn to trust our team.

In the past, I do not deny that many researchers in the institute were passive and slow in their work. After all, the income at that time was not high, R&D results were not paid enough attention to, and there were even shortages of R&D funds and other issues.

It’s not all those researchers who are lazy, there are many objective conditions here.

Everything has changed now. The income given to us by Mr. Cheng and Mr. Xue is already at the top of the industry, and the R&D funds are as much as we need. I know you have the idea of ​​​​repaying Mr. Cheng for your kindness, but if you tire yourself out

If you collapse, or if other people in the team become dissatisfied with you because of this, isn't it still Mr. Cheng's loss in the end?"

Li Dali was stunned, swallowed the food in his mouth, lowered his head and thought for a while, nodded heavily and said, "Okay, Mr. Cheng, I promise you, I will pay attention to my diet and rest in the future."

Cheng Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Not only that, I hope that your life after work should not be all about reading books to recharge and study. You have been separated from society and the institute for more than four years, and you need to make up for the lessons.

I also understand that there are quite a few, but what Chen said is right and we should not rush into it.

You need to eat one bite at a time, and you need to supplement your classes bit by bit. The body is the capital of revolution. In addition to eating and resting, I hope you can also spare some time to do some physical exercise."

Li Dali raised his head, looked into Cheng Yu's eyes, and said, "I run back and forth to and from get off work every day, so the amount of exercise should be enough."

Cheng Yu was stunned and said, "The house we rented to you is quite far away from our new address, right?"

Li Dali nodded and said, "Between nine thousand three and nine thousand seven hundred steps."

Cheng Yu was stunned again. This is a new weight and measure. What is nine thousand three hundred steps?

Seeing Cheng Yu's confusion, Chen Jiang quickly smiled and helped explain: "Gong Li jogs to and from get off work. Doesn't his mobile phone monitor how many steps he takes? What he is referring to is the data on the mobile phone."

Only then did Cheng Yu understand, and he made silent calculations in his mind.

An adult man usually walks with a stride length of about sixty centimeters, but when running, it is normal to have a stride length of more than one meter.

Calculated based on one meter, the distance from his rented house to the research institute would be more than nine kilometers.

Over and over again, one day is close to a half marathon. The amount of exercise is not not enough, but too much.

"You can't do this. It's close to twenty kilometers a day. How can you bear to run like this?"

Li Dali waved his hand and said: "Not that much. The total distance from where I live to my office is about seven kilometers. I checked it using the navigation system. I don't run all the time to and from get off work. It basically takes about ten minutes.

I'll just walk for twenty minutes, one way every hour, which is pretty good."

Hearing this, Cheng Yu felt relieved. This was equivalent to running half of the distance in one way, and the amount of exercise was relatively normal.

"You still have to note that running can hurt your knees, so you'd better limit your daily running distance to less than five kilometers."

Li Dali didn't say much. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll pay attention."

Cheng Yu thought for a while and said: "Besides, Mr. Li, you'd better have some social life. I don't need Chen Suo and Mr. Wu to tell me. I can imagine that in addition to communicating with other researchers about work matters every day, you almost

You won’t have any chance to talk. On the one hand, rest and exercise at work, normal social interactions must also be ensured, otherwise, you will still be out of touch with the world.”

Li Dali looked embarrassed and said: "This me... I am a relatively withdrawn person, and I have never had many friends. After being away for more than four years, I have no friends anymore. All the people I knew before are now gone.

Everyone has a wife and children, and everyone has a lot of things to worry about..."

"I don't want to hear these objective reasons. I hope you can have a party with your friends at least once a week. I'm not asking your spare time life to suddenly become richer, but you can at least meet with friends such as Chen Suo and Wu Gong.

, and your former comrade, who is now the director of the police station, let’s have a meal together, drink some wine, and relax.”

Chen Jiang and Wu Jing hurriedly said in unison: "Yes, we can get together more during the weekend. Mr. Li, don't lock yourself in the room to read and study materials whenever you have a rest."

Li Dali thought for a while, looked at Chen Jiang and Wu Jing, and hesitated to speak.

Chen Jiang said with a smile: "My children have grown up and are not around anymore. It's just me and my wife on weekends. As long as you say a word, Mr. Li, we can go for a walk and have a meal together at any time."

Li Dali had no choice but to nod and said, "Okay, I'll pay attention."

"Okay, let's eat first. Don't gobble it up like before. It's not good for your stomach." Cheng Yu lightly knocked on the table.

Li Dali picked up the bowl again, but slowed down quite a bit, and began to chew slowly.

After Li Dali finished eating, Cheng Yu said: "It's lunch break now, but I have to delay you, Gong Li, for a while today. Let's go to Chen Suo's office, and you can tell me about the project you are currently developing."

Li Dali was obviously a little reluctant. In his opinion, there was no point in reporting this kind of thing to his boss. After all, Cheng Yu didn't know much about technical issues.

But he also understood that Cheng Yu didn't want him to go back and start conducting various experiments immediately, and he had just promised Cheng Yu that he would pay attention to his work and rest in the future, so he nodded and agreed.

As soon as he walked into Chen Jiang's office, Cheng Yu's phone rang.

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said, "I'll answer the phone first."

Chen Jiang said: "I'll make you some tea."

Cheng Yu nodded, took out his cell phone and saw that it was Lao Bian calling, so he walked out of the office door, stood outside and chose to answer the call.

"Bian Ju."

"Mr. Cheng, all the suspects involved in the case have been arrested. They are in good condition and none of them have escaped."

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "Bureau Bian, please go back and rest quickly. You haven't closed your eyes since last night, right?"

Lao Bian's voice was indeed a little tired as he said: "After contacting the city bureau last night and reporting to the department leaders, the bureau's interrogation of Wang Xu and Hu Jiang hasn't ended yet. I took a nap. I'm fine now.


"It's not something that can be rushed. Your so-called sleep probably won't last more than two hours."

"Absolutely. I used to do this a lot when I was on the front line. I'm used to it."

"How old were you then? How old are you now? Don't tire your body out because of me. How will I explain it to your family then?"

Old Bian smiled and said, "Don't I want to make a surprise attack in the afternoon to find all the people related to Director Cheng's incident, so that I can use the information to give you a good meal at dinner?"

Cheng Yu laughed and said, "I have an appointment tonight, so don't worry about it. Go back to bed quickly."

Lao Bian said: "You can't always sleep peacefully when you have something on your mind. And if you fall asleep at this point, you will definitely not be able to sleep in the middle of the night, and tomorrow will be a day of yawning. So, don't worry about it, I will check their situation again.

The documents and materials that were searched out, etc., even if they are directly interrogated about this matter, they probably won’t be able to remember who actually handled it.”

"Well, anyway, please pay attention to your health and take a nap if you feel sleepy."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yu silently sorted out his thoughts, thinking that with this additional task, what Lao Bian could do at this point was actually over.

Or, the parts on Cheng Guangnian's car came from this organization, so there is always a well-documented record, and the people who bought the spare parts can definitely be contacted.

No matter whether this matter has anything to do with Cheng Fu or not, even if it does, Cheng Fu cannot be the one who did it himself.

Finding the person who bought the spare parts is equivalent to finding the person who tampered with Cheng Guangnian's car.

From the perspective of the God Digging System, it means that the suspect has been found.

Next, all that is needed is Lao Bian's cooperation and the criminal suspect be responsible for part of the compensation for medical expenses. This additional task is considered completed.

If that were the case, everything would go smoothly.

But Cheng Yu always felt that this matter was not that simple. After all, the system gave a task duration of half a year. If it was a problem that could be solved in three or two days, the system might as well just send a sum of points to Cheng Yu.

So, to be honest, Cheng Yu was not optimistic that Lao Bian would be able to find enough clues.

At least, Cheng Yu should be prepared to find no effective clues, so he won't be too disappointed.

Opening the door, Cheng Yu returned to Chen Jiang's office.

Chen Jiang had already made tea, and Li Dali sat on the sofa, but he always felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Li Gong, your changes must start now. You are always so restless, how can you make me believe that you will make changes in the future?"

Cheng Yu sat opposite Li Dali, picked up the cup of tea, and drank it leisurely.

Li Dali nodded heavily, sighed and said: "I have never seen a boss like you. Other bosses want all their employees to work 996 or even 997 on their own initiative. But you think I work too long.


"Is it because of 996 or 997 that you have been working for nearly half a year? You have been working seven-eleven all year round. Except for sleeping, you have been working almost all the time."

Li Dali smiled coquettishly, touched his head and said, "It's not that exaggerated."

Chen Jiang and Wu Jing said almost at the same time: "That's basically it."

After saying that, the three of them looked at each other for a moment and laughed together.

Li Dali finally relieved himself of the burden of being anxious and began to tell Cheng Yu in detail about the various research and development situations during this period.

This lecture lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon.

After finishing speaking, Li Dali looked at his watch and stood up anxiously.

"It's already four o'clock. No, I have to go back and build the model of the new project. Mr. Cheng, I've finished reporting everything I should report to you. I'm leaving!"

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, sit down for me. You know it's already four o'clock, and there's still an hour and a half until get off work. Do you think you can complete the project in this hour and a half?"



"Since you can't finish it, just relax. Tomorrow is the weekend again. If I ask you to finish it halfway, I know that is absolutely impossible. If you can't finish it today, do you plan to go there by yourself tomorrow?

Come to the research institute to work overtime?"

Li Dali lowered his head helplessly, but he was obviously still thinking about the project in his heart.

Cheng Yu tapped the table and said, "Stop thinking about it and just relax.

Tomorrow and the next two days will be your first real rest after returning to the institute.

Mr. Chen, please go back and ask the technicians to make arrangements to set a separate password for the access control system on weekends to ensure that only you can master this password.

If you need to work overtime or in some other circumstances, it is up to you to control whether to inform the other party of this password."

Chen Jiang smiled and said, "I think it will work!"

Li Dali was completely at his wits end, so he stopped forcing it and stayed in Chen Jiang's office peacefully, drinking tea with Cheng Yu and Chen Jiang.

"Li Gong, if you have nothing to do tonight, come to my house for a meal. I will ask my old lady to cook you two special dishes." Chen Jiang said with a smile.

Li Dali said: "Although my sister-in-law is retired, what time is it now? I won't bother you today. Let's go to your house tomorrow."

"Okay. So what are your plans tonight?"

Li Dali thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and said, "Let me call my comrade. I haven't really thanked him in person for so long. If he hadn't given Young Master Cheng a clue, Young Master Cheng wouldn't have been able to find it.


Li Dali contacted the director of the police station, and the other party agreed happily. Cheng Yu said: "Chen Suo, you will send a car to Li Gong in a moment. Their old comrades haven't seen each other for many years. I'm afraid that he will come back after drinking too much."

I don’t even know how to get a ride home.”

"no problem."

Seeing that the time had reached five o'clock, Cheng Yu's cell phone rang again.

It was a WeChat message from Guan Lu. He said that he had contacted Gao Yiming, and Gao Yiming said that it was no problem. He was now asking Cheng Yu where his appointment was tonight.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yu called the manager of Bayan Pavilion. Although weekend reservations are always tight, places like Bayan Pavilion will definitely have mobile private rooms that will not be booked out.

, what we are guarding against is Cheng Yu's current situation.

"Master Cheng wants a private room, that's no problem. I'll let someone arrange it right away."

Cheng Yu said: "Don't be embarrassed. Don't cancel other guests' reservations because of me. That would be boring."

"Don't worry, it will never harm the interests of others."

"That's good."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yu sent the address to Guanlu and then stood up to leave.

After getting in the car and telling Sun Jiancheng the destination, Cheng Yu sat in the back seat and wanted to close his eyes and lie down for a while.

The road at this time of the weekend will definitely be very congested. Although the road from the research institute to Bayan Pavilion is only seven or eight kilometers away, it is difficult to reach these seven or eight kilometers in less than an hour, especially where Bayan Pavilion is located.

The place where we are located is always the most crowded road section in the old town of Wudong.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, his phone rang again.

WeChat voice.

I took out my phone and took a look, it was from Lao Bian.

It's past five o'clock, and this old Bian is still in the bureau and hasn't gone back to rest.

The content of WeChat is: Mr. Cheng, I found several pieces of information about selling Bentley shock absorbers, all within half a year. Because three different people are involved, it may take some time to get the results.

Cheng Yu thought for a while and simply called Lao Bian.

"Hey, Mr. Cheng. Have you seen my WeChat?"

Cheng Yu sighed and said, "I saw it. But what time is it? Do you still plan to conduct a surprise interrogation immediately to find out the people involved in these pieces of information?"

Old Bian smiled and coughed twice.

"I said, there's no rush in this matter, the evidence is there, and it won't escape.

You are the leader of the task force, what are you afraid of?

Go back and rest first, and tomorrow you will be full of energy to compete with those people in a battle of wits and courage.

You don’t need to tell me, I can guess that those people are definitely not as relaxed as Hu Jiangzui, and it’s definitely not that easy to get them to tell the truth.”

Lao Bian said hurriedly: "I actually don't... ah... yawn..."

Cheng Yu said: "Okay, this yawn has betrayed you, you still want to say that you don't feel sleepy, right?"

Bian Ju, I'm very grateful for your dedication, but you also have to pay attention to your rest.

Tomorrow I'll bother you to work overtime on the weekend, so I'll let the police officers from the task force have a hard time with those guys tonight. Tomorrow you'll be full of energy and they'll be yawning all day long, just in time to break through their psychological defenses."

Old Bian was amused and said: "Mr. Cheng, you are very good at interrogation methods! Do you understand this?"

"You haven't participated in it, haven't you watched TV? I know, it's the same as surviving an eagle."

"Haha, okay, I can't hold on any longer. Let's go back and take a nap first, and then come back tomorrow to defeat these guys in one fell swoop!"

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yu finally took the opportunity to close his eyes and take a short rest.

This chapter has been completed!
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