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Chapter 590: The first conversation with my aunt

In this way, Cheng Yu wandered around the resort seemingly casually, occasionally meeting other tourists, and naturally there was no communication between them, until Cheng Yu saw a couple.

Cheng Yu didn't know Lao Jinjin or his aunt, but when he walked up the creek in the resort that almost only covered his feet, when he saw the couple, Cheng Yu almost immediately

I felt that this couple was my aunt and uncle.

It was an indescribable feeling, but Cheng Yu was almost certain that it seemed to be an innate feeling due to blood.

When Lao Jinjin and Cheng Yu's aunt saw Cheng Yu, they both stopped, especially Cheng Yu's aunt, who even looked at Cheng Yu carefully up and down.

Cheng Yu nodded to the couple naturally as a greeting.

This gave his aunt the opportunity to speak.

"Are you the guest who just came here today?"

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "Well, I just arrived. My friend went to check in, so I just walked around."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I run this resort..." Cheng Yu's aunt looked back at Lao Jinjin, and added: "We run it as a couple."

Lao Jin smiled honestly, as if he didn't mind whether Cheng Yu's aunt put him on the boss's list.

"It turned out to be two owners. The resort is very nice, with beautiful mountains and clear waters. It is very suitable for a family or a few friends to relax and breathe fresh air."

Lao Jinjin smiled honestly again and said: "Not only is the air fresh here, but the vegetables, meat, etc. are also fresh.

Look over there, do you see it? There is a vegetable patch over there.

Although we also use a greenhouse, there is nothing we can do about it. It's quite cold here, so I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the winter without a greenhouse.

But it’s definitely the green and pollution-free kind that you city dwellers say.

I grew them all by myself. I also raised the pigs, cattle and sheep by myself.”

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "The slaughtering of pigs, cattle and sheep must go through quarantine."

"Yeah, the city is taking care of us, and the quarantine department has dedicated people to do the quarantine for us. Don't worry, it's all good meat, and we won't eat the bad ones!"

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "I'm quite relieved. Your air is so good, there can't be bad meat."

"That's necessary!" Lao Jin laughed.

Cheng Yu's aunt seemed to see something, probably because Cheng Yu was somewhat similar to Cheng Guang, so she interrupted at the right time and asked: "Young man, are you from the south?"

"Well, I'm from the south. I just happened to come over to talk to a friend about something, so he brought me here."

"I heard that you have many resorts like this in the south?" Lao Jinjin interrupted again.

Cheng Yu looked around, looked at it, and said with a smile: "But there is none... But you are talking about those small inns, which are popular among young and old. Many areas are supporting such projects. But the scale cannot be compared with yours. We

The scale there is very small, basically two or three acres of land is considered a large-scale inn."

"That's because you have many people but little land. We are short of everything but space. How else could we build such a large piece of land?"

Cheng Yu's aunt glanced at Lao Jin, obviously complaining that he talked too much, which made it impossible for her to ask Cheng Yu a few more questions.

She was about to speak again, but Zhou Datong also walked towards her. When he saw Cheng Yu from a distance, he waved his hand and shouted: "Here it is! The room is open!"

When Cheng Yu saw this, he smiled politely and said, "Boss, please get busy, my friend called me."

After Cheng Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left, waving as he walked: "Brother Zhou, just stand there and don't move. I'll just come over."

The main reason why Zhou Datong was told not to move was to remind him not to shout out the word "Master Cheng".

Zhou Datong seemed to have understood Cheng Yu's worries a long time ago, and he stopped as expected. When Cheng Yu came to his side, he chuckled softly and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, I just talked to the front desk."

It means that you are my driver, and when I see you chatting with people, they look like they are from the resort, so I won’t call out your name!”

Cheng Yu turned his face and looked at Zhou Datong, thinking that this guy was becoming more and more attentive.

When Cheng Yu's aunt saw this scene, she followed her husband and went straight to the front desk. As she walked, she turned her face to look at Cheng Yu from time to time.

Lao Jinjin also noticed his wife's gaze and said with a smile: "Why do you keep staring at this young man?"

"Master, do you think that young man looks a bit like my elder brother?"

Lao Jinjin was stunned. Of course he knew who the eldest brother his wife was talking about was obviously not the local half-brothers, but the rich man from Wu Dong.

"No way, besides, didn't your eldest brother tell you about the car accident and is now lying in the hospital? You said that this biological father is still lying in the hospital, how can he come to visit the mountains and rivers as a son? No!


"Don't you think that child's eyebrows and eyes look a bit like Guangnian's?"

"Southerners are slim and slim, unlike us in the Northeast, who are all thick. Don't always think that they are the same when you see slim ones. It's like when we watch foreigners' TV series and think that foreigners are all the same."

Virtue. If it is your eldest nephew, he already knows who we are, can you explain it? Fortunately, you are also his aunt, right?"

Cheng Yu's aunt thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "That's true."

"And what are you thinking about? Ask Xiaoqian, don't you know what they are called on their registered ID cards?"

Cheng Yu's aunt slapped her forehead and said, "Oh, why did you forget about this? Hurry up!"

The two of them walked quickly to the front desk, but after checking for a long time, they only saw one guest registered on the ledger.

"Xiaoqian, why did you register just one person? Aren't there two new customers outside?"

The girl named Xiaoqian hurriedly explained: "Auntie, the customer said that his driver had to stay in the car to do some work, so he registered a person's ID card.

I asked him for it at the time, but he said I couldn't let him go back to the driver to get it.

After I finished, my second aunt told me not to bother myself, there weren’t many customers on Mondays, so the less I registered, the less I would have to pay in taxes.


Oh, uncle, I divided the money, and after they finish settling the bill, I will give you the money for that room. The second aunt asked you to put it into a separate account."

This kind of thing is actually common in this resort, and even in many other hotel industries.

Relatively speaking, the south and big cities have stricter inspections, and the more high-end hotels, the stricter the inspections.

But it is common for small inns in small places like this to not register.

The reason why Lao Jinjin still has a small account is because of this.

Although the couple rarely take the initiative to add customers who have registered their ID cards to the small account, if the guests do not take the initiative to register with their ID cards, they are too lazy to ask. After all, this can also save some tax money.

This can be regarded as a tacit unspoken rule.

Although Cheng Yu's aunt was a little dissatisfied, she couldn't say anything to Xiao Qian. After all, this was the norm in their resort.

Lao Jinjin naturally knew what Cheng Yu's aunt was thinking, so he said, "Come on, stop thinking about it. Look, this guest's surname is Zhou, from the west. His driver is probably from the west, too, like you

The one I'm thinking of is not even close to me."

Cheng Yu's aunt frowned and said, "But I asked him if he was from the south, and he said yes. He specified that he couldn't be from the west."

"Nonsense, compared to us, it's not like the South anywhere. When you ask this question, people just answer it casually. Why do you still have to ask someone to register your household registration for you?"

Cheng Yu's aunt thought about it, but she still felt something was wrong and whispered: "But he said that the guest named Zhou is his friend, but the guest named Zhou said that he is his driver. This is not right!"

"A person came here to register alone. Xiaoqian came to ask him for their ID cards, so he just said that.

The young man just now was designated not to be the driver named Zhou, so it would be okay if he fell over.

But they are friends, so what are they talking about? Just don’t let him go find someone to get his ID card, it will save trouble."

It has to be said that what Lao Jinjin said makes sense, so Cheng Yu's aunt could only suppress her doubts, stand at the door, and look in Cheng Yu's direction again.

Cheng Yu was still thinking about that matter, so he kept walking around the resort. Zhou Datong naturally followed him, and the two of them almost visited the entire resort.

"Although the economy in the Northeast is not comparable to that in the South, and this resort is not as sophisticated as the South, does it require hundreds of acres of land? To build a whole project of this scale, it is estimated that tens of millions or billions would have to be invested?

"Zhou Datong stood by the stream, looked around and said casually.

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "It's almost a scale of 100 million."

"Then how much profit will be made this year? Twenty million?"

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "It's not that high. Look here, I don't know what the situation is like on the weekends, but today, Monday, there are not many customers visible to the naked eye. Besides, if it is really 2% per year

A profit of ten percent is still worth it?"

Zhou Datong also smiled and said: "Looking at other people's businesses, I always feel that it is easy to make money. But here, he must have about 10 million, right? If ten years are not guaranteed to fully recover the capital..."

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Yu didn't pay much attention to what he said next, because Cheng Yu seemed to be touched to some point.

"I estimate that he must have a profit of tens of thousands of dollars every year, but this place needs to be maintained every year and renovated in three to five years.

If you don't have thousands of them, then the investment is really in vain.

If it were me, with an investment of 100 million, the annual profit would have to be at least 15 million before I would be willing to invest.

But excluding maintenance and renovation, the net profit is actually only a few million a year.

Mr. Cheng, what do you think?"

Cheng Yu slowly turned around, looked at Zhou Datong, and asked without answering: "Do you think Lao Dapeng can get three million US dollars in cash?"

Zhou Datong was stunned. He didn't expect that Cheng Yu would suddenly turn the topic to Lao Dapeng.

But he still thought about it, shook his head and said: "Three million US dollars is almost more than 20 million soft girl coins. After all, Lao Dapeng is just a small business owner. This resort should still be in the hands of his parents.

To be honest, his parents spent more than 20 million, which I think is okay, but for him, there is no chance, right?

Mr. Cheng, why did you remember to talk about him?"

"Lao Dapeng can't get 20 million, do you think he can get 20 million from his parents?"

"That's impossible. With a total net worth of hundreds of millions, it's okay to buy a car with just a few million.

To tell you the truth, my family paid for it dozens of times. When I bought your car, I begged my dad for a long time, but he only paid 10 million.

I raised the remaining one thousand by myself and borrowed more than three hundred."

Cheng Yu nodded and said: "So, although my dad is still lying on the hospital bed and is not dead, the situation is no different from death.

Lao Dapeng's mission can actually be considered completed.

After all, Lao Dapeng's level is too low. He doesn't dare to break up with people on the dark web. Is this considered complete? Therefore, if it were you, would you rather spend three million honestly, or be pretentious with the other party?

Are you saying that this task has not been completed?"

Zhou Datong thought for a while and said: "It depends on how important those three million are to me. If it were me, I might really have to break up with the other party. After all, I didn't achieve my goal and I still have a breath.


Cheng Yu waved his hand and said: "First of all, the completion of this task is actually close to 10%. Secondly, do you think Lao Dapeng dares to tell the other party who the target of this task is?"

Zhou Datong frowned and said: "You are saying that Lao Dapeng did not dare to say that he used this plan on Director Cheng, so he could not prove that the plan failed to achieve its purpose, so he had to shell out the three hundred

Ten thousand?"

This chapter has been completed!
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