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Chapter 598 The Russians Appear

Staying peacefully in the room, Cheng Yu turned the notification sound on his phone to maximum, lay on the bed, closed his eyes and rested.

Shortly after five o'clock, Cheng Yu's cell phone made a ding-dong notification sound. He glanced at the phone and knew that it was caused by someone touching the infrared ray.

When Cheng Yu changed rooms, he mentioned to the waiter that he hoped to change to a room closer to the elevator, so Cheng Yu's room was simply arranged diagonally opposite the elevator. Cheng Yu only needed to open the door a crack, and the room in the elevator was

The situation can be described as clear at a glance.

Turning over and getting up from the bed, Cheng Yu walked behind the door, opened it, and then stretched out the metal anti-locking girdle behind the door, just enough to catch the door crack and prevent the door from being completely closed.

Cheng Yu stood behind the door, adjusted his phone to camera mode, then stuck the lens in the crack of the door, facing the elevator.

Although it is impossible to see clearly the situation of all six elevators, more than 80% of the space in the elevator room is within the scope of Cheng Yu's monitoring. As long as Cheng Fu appears, he will never be in Cheng Yu's blind spot.

At least, you can see part of Cheng Fu's body.

Soon, Cheng Yu saw a figure appearing in the elevator, it was Cheng Fu.

Master Cheng pressed the elevator button and waited for about a minute. The elevator arrived as promised and he stepped in.

Cheng Yu wanted to follow him out and take another elevator downstairs, but suddenly realized that something seemed wrong.

The image of Cheng Fu stepping into the elevator just now flashed through his mind, especially the right leg he stepped out first...

Cheng Yu suddenly realized what he thought was wrong.

Although Mr. Cheng was neatly dressed, he was wearing hotel slippers.

This kind of paper slippers is now used in many hotels. Even when going to a restaurant, you will be politely asked to go back and change into normal shoes before you are allowed to enter.

I usually wear paper slippers and go downstairs, either to pick up takeout or to pick up friends.

Since Mr. Cheng is wearing these hotel paper slippers, it almost means that he has no intention of going out and will definitely return soon.

So, Cheng Yu continued to monitor the situation behind the door using the camera function of his mobile phone. A few minutes later, he heard the crisp ding of the elevator arriving, and then he saw a man who was about 1.9 meters tall.

The burly white man walked out of the elevator.

Afterwards, Cheng Fu also walked out behind him.

Since the strong white man didn't know which direction Cheng Fu's room was in, he walked out of the elevator, waited there for a while, and almost subconsciously observed the surrounding situation.

And his actions completely exposed his face to Cheng Yu's eyes, and was filmed by Cheng Yu's mobile phone.

Cheng Yu knew that this strong man was 90% the killer from Irkutsk, Russia.

After Cheng Fu stepped out of the elevator, he waved to the man, and the strong man adjusted his direction and disappeared into the elevator behind Cheng Fu.

Cheng Yu closed the door and stopped recording on his cell phone.

And soon, his mobile phone also heard two notification sounds in a row, which showed that Cheng Fu and the strong man entered the room one after another, which caused the infrared ray to be interrupted twice.

Cheng Yu knew that what Cheng Fu and the strong man said in the room at this time must be very important and may be related to their next actions.

However, Cheng Yu is not a real agent after all. It is extremely difficult for him to do this and even obtain the true appearance of the killer.

Even if it were a real agent, it would not be easy to install eavesdropping or even camera equipment in Cheng Fu's room just after he checked in. That would require cooperation from the hotel.

It is absolutely impossible for Cheng Yu to seek cooperation from the hotel.

All he could do was wait patiently. Cheng Yu felt that he should adjust the tracking target and focus on the Russian instead.

Cheng Yu arranged his clothes in front of the full-length mirror, lowered his baseball cap on purpose, and then walked out of the room.

From the other direction, Cheng Yu walked far away towards Cheng Fu's room.

After making a big circle, ahead was the room 2807 where Cheng Fu lived. Cheng Yu lowered his baseball cap slightly again, then took out the key card and waved it in his hand. When he walked to the door of 2807, he pretended that his hand slipped.

Dropped the key card in front of 2807's door.

Next, Cheng Yu naturally bent down to pick up the room card. After picking it up, he raised his hand and took off the infrared transmitter that was originally stuck to the upper left corner of Cheng Fu's room without leaving a trace.

The whole process only lasted a little over a second, and except for the moment when he raised his hand, all other behaviors seemed quite normal.

The reason for this was because Cheng Yu was extra careful. He was worried that the Russian killer who had just entered the room would, out of the instinct of a professional killer, check the settings in the room and observe the outside through the peephole.

During this process, Cheng Yu tried his best to keep his face away from the peephole. If someone was really observing behind the door, he would at most pick up the room card and stand up to Cheng Yu.

It felt a little strange when he suddenly waved his hand, but because Cheng Yu's body was very close to the cat's eye at that time, the person behind the cat's eye might not be able to clearly see such a movement of his left hand.

All in all, Cheng Yu tried his best to avoid being discovered and took down the infrared device.

The reason why he wanted to remove it was because Cheng Yu didn't want to leave any traces. He didn't expect that Cheng Fu would actually invite this Russian to the hotel room. With Cheng Fu's abilities and habits, it would be difficult for him to observe the door frame.

Changes in the above.

But that's not necessarily the case with the killer.

When he came in, maybe he wouldn't observe carefully because of Cheng Fu, but it was hard to say when he went out.

Especially since Cheng Yu has decided to give up Cheng Fu's side and choose to follow the Russian killer, it would be redundant for the infrared transmitting device to remain on the door frame.

After getting the infrared emitting device, Cheng Yu made a gesture of putting the room card in his pocket, then walked quickly to the elevator, turned his back to Cheng Fu's room, and pressed down the elevator.

When entering the elevator, Cheng Yu also stepped in. He didn't turn around until the elevator door closed behind him.

The reason for this is to ensure to the greatest extent that even if someone opens the door to observe Cheng Yu when he passes by, it is impossible to see Cheng Yu's face.

After going downstairs, Cheng Yu went straight to the parking lot. In the car, he changed the clothes he was wearing with his original clothes. Then, he returned to the lobby and sat in the lobby bar.

This was a position where he could clearly observe the elevator room and the door. Cheng Yu ordered a glass of sparkling water, picked up the fashion magazine prepared for guests in the lobby bar, held it in front of his face, and pretended to read it.

Just ten minutes later, Cheng Yu saw the burly white man walking out of the elevator.

In fact, this guy is not very suitable for the profession of killer, because his figure is too conspicuous. If he cannot kill with one blow, or the person who is killed has companions to support him, then the running process after finishing the work will be difficult.

It will be more difficult.

A white man with a figure like this would look very special in any country, unless he is thrown into a bunch of models or volleyball players or something.

Seeing that there was no Cheng Fu behind the strong white man, Cheng Yu put down the magazine in his hand and Shi Shiran stood up.

Since the burly white man couldn't possibly know him, Cheng Yu was not afraid of meeting him directly.

Before the white man, Cheng Yu walked out of the hotel door and turned towards the parking lot. He observed the strong white man with his peripheral vision and found that the strong man's target should also be the parking lot.

Cheng Yu got directly into the Mercedes-Benz he rented, but did not rush to start the car. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and lowered his head as if he was seriously replying to a message or looking up something.

But his eyes were slightly raised, and Cheng Yu saw the strong white man walking towards his Mercedes-Benz.

When Cheng Yu came to change clothes just now, he had already adjusted the position of the Mercedes-Benz.

Because Cheng Yu had previously identified the Honda Accord driven by Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu parked the Mercedes-Benz in a dozen parking spaces in front of the Honda Accord.

Unless the white man came in another car, if he or Cheng Fu planned to drive away the Honda Accord, they would inevitably pass by Cheng Yu's car.

The white man looked around as he walked, looking very cautious.

Seeing Cheng Yu in the car, the white man's footsteps paused for a moment. It was obvious that he was observing what Cheng Yu was doing.

Seeing Cheng Yu just lowering his head and focusing on his cell phone, the white man shrugged his shoulders, probably thinking that he was another modern person captured by his cell phone.

Then, he walked towards the Honda Accord.

The reason why Cheng Yu thought that this white man would also use this Honda Accord was because he felt that this car should belong to that white man. After all, Cheng Fu had just arrived, so how could he have prepared a car already.

But that's not the case.

However, Cheng Yu was lucky, it was just a mistake.

This white man also just arrived in Harbin today, and this is his first time in China, so transportation is not something he considers.

Cheng Fu's car had been arranged by him a long time ago. If Cheng Yu had not left the airport parking lot before him, but followed his car, Cheng Yu would have discovered that when Cheng Yu

When Fu left the airport parking lot, the parking fee for his car was as high as more than 5,000 yuan.

Because Cheng Fu's car has been parked at Harbin Taiping Airport for more than 140 days.

This is a second-hand car he bought when he last came to Harbin. It has been parked at Taiping Airport since then, and the key was deliberately hidden there.

After meeting the white man, Cheng Fu handed the car keys to the white man, which made it easier for the white man to move around.

Regardless, the white man got into the Honda Accord and drove out of the parking lot.

Cheng Yu also slowly followed the Honda Accord after it drove out. Anyway, it was impossible for the white man to recognize him for the time being.

Following the Honda Accord, Cheng Yu carefully controlled the distance between the cars. However, after driving two kilometers, Cheng Yu found that the Honda Accord seemed to be traveling at a somewhat hesitant speed.

Cheng Yu knew that this was because his car had been seen by the white man before. Just because Cheng Fu was not aware of it did not mean that the white man was not aware of it either.

He is a killer after all.

This chapter has been completed!
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