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Chapter 607 Honda Accord appears again

Seeing Cheng Yu's name displayed on the phone, Lao Bian answered the phone quite easily.

"Mr. Cheng, I was just about to call you!"

Cheng Yu said helplessly: "So, you finally found out?"

Lao Bian hummed and continued: "I am now downstairs in the community where Lao Dapeng lives. There are only fifteen minutes left before the plane takes off. I have also confirmed with the airport that the plane will take off normally.

.But Lao Dapeng hasn’t left home yet. It seems that he has given up on returning to the Northeast..."

There is a reason why Lao Bian feels relaxed.

When he learned that Lao Dapeng was also involved in Cheng Guangnian's affair, he had been worried about a direct conflict between Cheng Yu and Lao Dapeng.

Cheng Yu went directly to the Northeast, obviously heading for Lao Dapeng, but with no evidence for the time being, he first targeted his family and friends.

Of course Lao Bian believed that Cheng Yu would not do anything too drastic. Otherwise, when he knew that Cheng Yu had gone to the Northeast, he would directly contact the police in the Northeast and ask them to help keep an eye on Cheng Yu.

However, if Cheng Yu and Lao Dapeng were allowed to contact each other alone, Lao Bian could not guarantee that a direct conflict would not break out between them.

He had thought that as soon as Lao Dapeng got on the plane, he would contact the Harbin airport police in the name of the provincial department and ask them to send two policemen to keep an eye on Lao Dapeng and make sure that nothing happened between him and Cheng Yu.


To put it bluntly, if Cheng Yu really beat Lao Dapeng, it wouldn't be a big deal as long as it wasn't too much.

But if Lao Dapeng beats up Cheng Yu, even if it's just a minor matter like a bruised nose and a swollen face, it will become a big trouble.

Old Bian really didn't know how powerful Cheng Yu was.

But now, Lao Dapeng has not left home, and the plane is about to take off. Although Lao Dapeng may change his flight at any time, at least he can breathe a little easier now.

So Lao Bian was really happy.

But his happiness didn't last long. Cheng Yu's next words turned his happiness into deep shock, then anger, and shame...

Cheng Yu said: "Wait... Bureau Bian, it seems you don't know yet!"

"What do you know?" Lao Bian was completely unaware.

"Lao Dapeng arrived in Harbin yesterday and is now with Mr. Cheng."

"What?!" Lao Bian's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what Cheng Yu said to him.

"It should be the same as the way he entered Wudong. He first left Wudong and went to another city, and then flew directly from that city to Harbin. Today's plane ticket was obviously meant to confuse people. But I don't quite understand, so

You are such a big living person, what do you policemen at the scene do for a living, to be able to let Lao Dapeng slip under their noses?"

Cheng Yu's tone became a little unkind as he spoke. He didn't want to keep looking calm in front of Lao Bian.

Sometimes, appropriate anger can prompt the other party to complete the next thing better.

Of course, there may not be anything else Lao Bian needs to do next. After all, Lao Dapeng still doesn’t know whether he is dead or alive.

"Mr. Cheng, I'm sorry, I'll go right away..."

"No need to go, I have already seen the photos of Lao Dapeng in Harbin. This is absolutely confirmed. If you want to confirm, just go to the door and break in."

After that, Cheng Yu hung up the phone and forwarded the photo of Lao Dapeng and Cheng Fu to Lao Bian.

Cheng Yu sent another voice message: "There are some things that I can't tell you clearly for the time being. I'll wait until I finish handling Lao Dapeng's matter first. I hope I can bring a living Lao Dapeng back to Wudong."

Leave it to you. I'll send you an address later, and you'd better arrange for some Harbin police to go there."

The car slowly stopped at the door of Shangri-La Hotel. Cheng Yu heard his cell phone ringing, but was too lazy to look at it.

Zhou Datong was already standing at the door. When he saw Cheng Yu's car, he immediately ran over.

After getting into the car, Zhou Datong immediately entered the name of the community he visited last night into the car navigation system, and then said to Cheng Yu: "Just before I went downstairs, I took another look at the dark web and confirmed that there was nothing on the dark web.

The measures taken against Lao Dapeng are still just a stamp on his mission."

Cheng Yu nodded, thinking that of course there was no need to worry about the dark network, as their response could not be that fast. But at this time, Cheng Fu must be actively operating something.

At least, before the mission against Lao Dapeng appeared on the dark web, Lao Dapeng's life safety should still be guaranteed. If Cheng Fu and the Russian really killed Lao Dapeng in advance, and waited until the police found his body, they would eventually

The time of his death was announced much earlier than the time when the dark network released the task. By then, Cheng Fu and the Russian would definitely be investigated by the dark network.

It is true that the Darknet has been tricked by Master Cheng and kept in the dark, but this does not mean that after they discover the anomaly, they will continue to remain in the position of being deceived.

"What's going on in that community?" Cheng Yu asked.

Zhou Dadong immediately gave Cheng Yu a complete introduction to the community's situation, including the current property conditions of the community, etc. After listening to this, Cheng Yu thought that this is really a very suitable place for Tibetans. In the city, I want to

It is really rare to find such a place where there are almost no people.

So, he lowered his head and sent the name of the community that Zhou Datong entered on the car navigation system to Lao Bian.

Seeing that Cheng Yu didn't drive for a long time, Zhou Datong asked him strangely: "Mr. Cheng, why don't you drive?"

Cheng Yu also said strangely: "Because you haven't gotten off the car yet, I thought you had something else to explain to me."

Zhou Datong was stunned and said: "I have to go with you. If the two of them over there start a fight..."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I just called my friends in the police and sent them the address. They will contact the police in Harbin to send someone there. Besides, you didn't sleep all night.

, what can I do to help?"

Zhou Datong scratched his head and said with some worry: "Did you really contact the police?"

"Nonsense, can I hide this? All you know is that there are only Cheng Fu and Lao Dapeng in that house, but what if the Russian is also there? He is a killer, I can't do anything else

Risking your own life."

Zhou Datong was relieved and nodded: "You really don't need me to go?"

"I told you, you can't help me if you go. I'm just going to brief the police on the situation. It's better not to involve you in this matter. Don't you think it's not troublesome enough for the police to ask you to cooperate when nothing is wrong?


Zhou Da Tongxin said that this was true, especially since this matter was ultimately designated to be under the jurisdiction of the Wudong police. If he really wanted to cooperate with the investigation, he would have to go to Wudong, which would be a trouble after all.

"Okay, get out of the car quickly."

Cheng Yu's cell phone rang, and he took a look. It was Lao Bian who said that he had received the name of the community and had contacted the Harbin police. However, since the case was not filed, they could only send police officers from the local police station to cooperate.

one time.

"Look, it's said over there that the police from the local police station have been dispatched."

When Zhou Datong heard this, he became anxious and said: "How can the police at the police station be careful enough? You just said that if the Russian is there, the criminal police may not be his opponent. They must carry guns to be safe. It is best to

Special police can be dispatched.”

Cheng Yu said helplessly: "Now we have to ask the local police to cooperate with us to see if we have filed a case. We are across the province. Do you think my friend of the police is the Minister of Public Security? It would be nice to have two policemen there as well."

"But it's very dangerous over there..."

Zhou Datong was also really worried about Cheng Yu's safety.

"Don't worry, even if the Russian is here, is he crazy enough to confront the police in China?

When something happens, his first reaction is to fool him. If he can't fool him, running away is the best choice.

What's going on? Are you having a conflict with the police first?

As soon as this matter is exposed, won't the darknet know that this Russian has colluded with Cheng Fu?

These two are using the rules of the dark web to kill people and silence them. Do you really think that the dark web will turn a blind eye to this kind of thing?"

Zhou Datong thought for a while and felt that it seemed reasonable. He asked again anxiously: "Are you really sure you don't need me to go?"

Cheng Yu said impatiently: "Are you Captain America or Iron Man? If there is a serious conflict, what do you think you can do to help?"

Zhou Datong then pushed open the car door helplessly, looked back with uneasiness, and said, "Mr. Cheng, please contact me when you get there so that I can rest assured."

Cheng Yu was too lazy to pay attention to him, signaled him to close the car door, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

The villa community is still a little far away from the center of Harbin. There are not many cars on the road in the middle of the night. It would not be so easy to get around during the day.

The navigation showed that the whole journey was about ten kilometers, but Cheng Yu drove for more than twenty minutes and only walked five or six kilometers.

He suddenly regretted sending the community address to Lao Bian too early. He didn't know what the character of the policeman from the local police station he found was. It would be better if he thought there was nothing to do and left slowly. Or when he arrived at the community, he first talked to the old man guarding the door.

It's okay to ask around, but if you knock on the door directly, it will be a big mistake.

Things tend to be like this, and Murphy's Law has proven effective time and time again. When something is likely to develop in a worse direction, then it will definitely develop in that direction.

Cheng Yu was already driving forward quickly and slowly. When he drove the car near the community, he saw the familiar Honda Accord rushing out from a small side road.

Judging from the speed, it didn't seem too fast, and it didn't look like he was frightened by the police and was running away in a hurry.

But Cheng Yu really couldn't figure out why this car came out at this time?

This car was definitely the Honda Accord that Cheng Fu drove out of the airport in the first place. The license plate had long been engraved in Cheng Yu's mind.

After that, the Russian drove him away, and Cheng Yu almost had his identity revealed.

This means that Cheng Fu and Lao Dapeng left the hotel last night and came here to meet the Russian.

So, Lao Dapeng also knows the Russian?

If this matter was a conspiracy between the three of them, then how could there be disputes and differences between him and Cheng Fu?

And if it wasn't a conspiracy, Lao Dapeng was still deceived by Cheng Fu. What did he mean by letting the Russian live in his home?

Looking for death?

Cheng Yu couldn't understand, but he always felt that there was a big problem here.

There was no time for him to think about it, the car turned around quickly, and Cheng Yu went straight after the Honda Accord.

The Honda Accord didn't seem to realize that someone was following it, and it didn't leave the neighborhood in a hurry because it was alerted by the police. The car was driving steadily and not very fast. Cheng Yu couldn't help but

Can't see where this car wants to go.

However, this allowed Cheng Yu to make a basic judgment.

The Russian was not in the car.

If he was here, he should have recognized Cheng Yu's Mercedes-Benz, so the person driving the car should be Cheng Fu?

This chapter has been completed!
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