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Chapter 622 Davonovs plan

While maintaining his usual habits and following Sergey's request, Davonov walked around the house where they lived, observing what new changes had taken place nearby.

Although it was already dark, this area was much more lively than during the day, and there were quite a few people coming and going on the street.

This is a residential area in Irkutsk. Unlike most cities in China, the city center of Irkutsk is quite separate from the residents, with a natural birch forest in the middle.

As an industrial city, Irkutsk has many factories, and of course they are not located in residential areas.

Therefore, in this residential area located on the outskirts of Irkutsk, there are not many people during the day. Everyone goes to work in factories or in the city center. On the contrary, after nightfall, the place becomes much livelier.

This is very similar to some large factories and mines in China twenty or thirty years ago. There is often a clear line between the factory area and the living area.

During the day, the factory area is naturally very busy. People are working hard to promote revolution and production, and the ground is full of people.

The living area seems very quiet. Except for the elderly and children under school age, there are almost no adults.

But after get off work hours, the living area becomes extremely lively, especially in the summer. Many families will choose to set up a small square table in front of their home to eat. The neighbors are also colleagues in the factory, and they often see each other's delicious food. Yes, even men will simply get together to have a drink and chat.

In this small city with a population of only over 700,000, the residents in the living area are not as unfamiliar with each other as in the big city. There are also many people who find their homes stuffy and sit on the roadside eating and drinking. These people

We often get together and chat about interesting things that happened during the day at work.

Davonov has a task every day, which is to go out for a walk when this area is the busiest.

Firstly, going out at this time will not be too conspicuous. Secondly, when there are many people, it is also the best time for those who may come to target them.

In addition to observing the people who appear near the house, you should also observe whether there are any changes to the exterior of the house. For example, someone has installed some gadgets.

Of course, in all the years I have lived here, problems have only occurred twice.

However, these two times also ensured that Davonov was patient enough and would not slack off due to seemingly useless work day after day.

But today, Davonov's mind was obviously not on this daily work. He had been thinking about Sergey's master.

If his memory was correct, he had heard Sergei mention his name when he called him.

Of course, Sergey couldn't call that person by his full name, just his first or middle name.

That person seems to be named Andreevich.

Judging from the naming habits of Russians, this should be a middle name, because this name means Andrei's son. For example, there is a Russian writer whose first name is Andreiovich, and his full name is

It's Ivan Andreevich Krenov.

In Davonov's opinion, since he could become Sergei's master, and after so many years, Sergey is still willing to call him by this title, perhaps, this person's strength is not inferior to Sergey's.

He might even be stronger than Sergey. Otherwise, how could he become Sergey's master?

Davonov did not understand that the master Sergey mentioned was just one of the instructors when he was receiving training from the Security Bureau.

The reason why I called Andreevich my master was because they had the best relationship with each other and planned the incident of pretending to die together. The two of them even maintained infrequent contact for so many years.

Even if it is a master-disciple relationship, the strength cannot be measured by the fact that the master must be higher than the apprentice, let alone the relationship between Sergey and Andreevich.

Natural conditions like Sergey's are unique even among Russians. Looking at the entire Russian Security Bureau, there are probably few people who are better than Sergey in terms of pure boxing, kicking and resistance.


Normally, Davonov would have wanted to understand this, but now he seems to have been blinded. He is only willing to think about things in the direction he wants, rather than thinking about it in his own way.

Set a goal ahead and put no obstacles in the way.

Although it is true that Davonov's brain is not very useful.

Now Davonov, just as Elena was worried and had already said it, he actually hoped that Sergey would die in Cheng Yu's hands.

Or it doesn't matter whose hands he dies, as long as he doesn't die here.

In this way, he can escape from Sergei's control and regain the freedom he wants to seek.

Over the years, he and Yelena helped Sergey with his dirty work, and actually followed Sergey to many places.

Sergey has always been quite generous towards these siblings, and he almost never cares too much about money with them.

Over the years, Sergey has earned 97 million U.S. dollars on the dark web, but as he said, most of it was used for preliminary planning and necessary expenses.

The actual amount that can be considered as safe and secure is about more than 30 million.

And of these 30 million, more than 10 million were given to these siblings.

It can be said that if they can completely get rid of Sergey, the siblings can be regarded as small tycoons in Russia, which is not considered wealthy today.

As Davonov himself said, they can return to Yekaterinburg and buy a decent house.

Even though Yekaterinburg is considered one of the most important cities in Russia, its housing prices are only seven to eight thousand RMB.

A villa that doesn't need to be particularly large, plus a pleasant yard and garden, can hardly cost more than 10 million RMB.

And this is just over one million US dollars.

The remaining money, as Davonov said, is placed in banks or some investment institutions, and the annual dividends are enough for them to live a prosperous life.

As long as Sergey is still alive, regardless of whether Sergey will let the siblings leave, Yelena herself and Davonov know that she will never leave Sergey.

Yelena also looks forward to the day when she can become Sergey's bride.

Davonov didn't know where he would end up if he continued like this. He was cautious every day and didn't even dare to spend money when he had money. To him, the money was now just a series of growing numbers in the bank.

Therefore, he desperately wanted to get rid of Sergey, and the only way to get rid of Sergey was to accidentally kill Sergey during a certain mission.

Regardless of whether Yelena would want to avenge Sergei, Davonov didn't want to.

Moreover, he has already thought of his words.

Even Sergey can't survive in the hands of the other party, so why can the two siblings help him avenge him?

Davonov wants to return to Yekaterinburg, return to his hometown in fine clothes, buy a house, buy a car like a Mercedes-Benz, and then marry a beautiful girl as his wife. If conditions permit, he also wants to maintain some kind of following outside the family.

Semi-long-term relationships between different women…

And now, in Davonov's view, this seems to be an opportunity.

Using firearms, as Yelena said, is not a good idea.

Because it would make too much noise and bring the police in, it would be a bad situation after all.

The two siblings seemed to be no match for Cheng Yu, and if Sergey was here, Davonov felt that the three of them might be able to kill Cheng Yu together.

There is a premise for this, that is, Davonov believes that the two Sergei's teaming up is enough to defeat Cheng Yu.

And he believed that together with Yelena, he could rival Sergey.

This comes from their usual training.

In order to encourage the siblings, or to prevent them from suffering too severe a blow and losing interest in various trainings, Sergey did not show his true and full strength in front of them.

Of course, there may be a reason why Sergey still wants to keep a hand even when facing these siblings.

In short, this gave Davonov the illusion that even though Sergey had a hard time finding an opponent, the two of them, together, were as powerful as Sergey, or even slightly more powerful.

So, although there is no Sergey, there is Andreevich who may be slightly more powerful than Sergey?

The three of them working together to deal with a Chinese man who looked neither tall nor strong didn't seem to be a particularly difficult target.

Although Davonov knew that Yelena was not willing to deal with Cheng Yu, he also felt that he should be able to persuade Yelena.

After all, they are biological siblings, and Yelena also hopes to control Sergey's life and death in her own hands.

So, if Cheng Yu can be captured alive, this should be very attractive to Yelena.

Over the years, they have also learned many KGB techniques from Sergei, such as extorting confessions and so on.

Davonov was convinced that as long as Cheng Yu fell into his hands, he would have at least dozens of different ways to get Cheng Yu to reveal Sergei's hiding place.

Of course, Yelena also has these means.

Then, it shouldn't be difficult to convince Yelina to take action against Cheng Yu.

But during this process, if Davonov "accidentally misses" and directly kills Cheng Yu, Yelena may be furious, but she won't even abandon him as her biological brother for this reason.

You know, in Yekaterinburg, had it not been to protect Davonov, Yelena would not have accidentally killed that guy, and there would have been no Sergey who later rescued the two siblings and helped them destroy the other's small organization.

Everything has been eliminated.

Davonov is fully confident that Yelena will eventually give up Sergey for him.

As long as they give up Sergey, the two siblings can live a prosperous life with the savings they have now.

Isn't this much better than following Sergey to do those dirty business?

Walking around the house step by step, Davonov's thoughts became clearer step by step. He was filled with some kind of desire. He must kill Cheng Yu and thank Cheng Yu for killing him in some way.

Lost Sergey.

He can literally see his future life.

Big houses, luxury cars, beautiful women, and lots of fun.

When he returned home, there were two children surrounding him, chasing him and calling him daddy.

This is life.

Davonov is already in his thirties. He doesn't want to wait any longer. He is extremely eager to seize this opportunity.

Of course, the premise is that he must meet Andreevich before Cheng Yu.

Davonov also had more information than Yelena. He knew that Andreevich was trading goods between China and Russia, which made him think of how Andreevich would use Cheng.

The cousin Yu mentioned was sent to Irkutsk.

The freight itself is the best cover, and there is nothing better than hiding a person in the cargo to hide it from customs.

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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