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Chapter 625 A car key

In the study, Davonov suddenly let out a suppressed cry and a series of Russian words.

Although Cheng Yu didn't know what Davonov was talking about, the excitement in his voice was enough for Cheng Yu to conclude that this guy had found what he was looking for.

Then, there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground in the room. Cheng Yu poked his head out and took a look, and saw a painting on the ground, which was making the final shake after being thrown to the floor.

Davonov stood in front of the painting with his back to Cheng Yu.

Even though Davonov's figure was quite huge, Cheng Yu could still see from the gap left behind him that what Davonov was facing should be a safe.

Although it seemed that it took Davonov a lot of effort to find the safe. It took him a long time to find the safe behind the painting, but opening the safe seemed to be easy.

This shows that Davonov actually knows the password to Sergey's safe.

It seems that this guy has been coveting Sergei's wealth for a long time.

However, Cheng Yu remembered that Sergey said that his entire net worth was very little, totaling only about one hundred thousand US dollars.

But judging from Davonov's excitement, it seemed that what Sergey said was not the truth.

Of course, Cheng Yu never really believed everything Sergey said. After all, he was a person who had completed more than 90 million US dollars in transactions. No matter how much he spent on ordinary days, he had to say that more than 90 million US dollars had been squandered.

, it’s actually not easy to do in Sergey’s current capacity.

Seeing Davonov take out some things from the safe, Cheng Yu quietly retreated and hid in a room next door.

The door was not closed completely, leaving a small crack. Cheng Yu wanted to see what Davonov would do after getting what he wanted most.

But it was obvious that all Davonov's goals were directed at the safe. After he succeeded, he did not stay in the study for too long and quickly chose to leave.

Through the crack in the door, Cheng Yu saw Davonov holding a thick book in his hand and leaving in a hurry.

Davonov's hasty footsteps were heard on the stairs, and Cheng Yu ducked out of the room that was obviously a bedroom.

Walking to the bed at the end of the corridor, Cheng Yu lifted a corner of the curtain and looked down. Davonov got into the Lada family car parked at the door and sped away.

There was no one in this house, and Cheng Yu walked around with peace of mind.

Entering the study first, the safe mounted on the wall was empty. Except for the thick book, Cheng Yu could not confirm what Davonov had taken from here.

But these are not important. As long as Cheng Yu wants to know, it is all a matter of hands.

Cheng Yu didn't know how hard Yelena's bones were, but this Davonov, Cheng Yu was sure that as long as he subdued him, he would happily hand over everything he got here tonight.

Cheng Yu is interested in what is hidden in Sergei's lair, especially things related to his KGB master, or things related to Lao Dapeng and Master Cheng.

It would be best to have some evidence related to Cheng Fu, so that after he returns to China, he can hand this evidence to Lao Bian, and Lao Bian can justifiably accuse Cheng Fu of some more concrete charges.

But after searching for a long time, Cheng Yu didn't find anything valuable.

All that's left is the computer on the table.

This is actually a difficult problem. After all, someone like Sergey must have a password on his computer. Cheng Yu tried to turn on the computer, and the interface that popped up asked him to enter his password.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yu found the tools, opened the computer case, and pulled out the hard drive.

He went to other rooms and searched them one by one, but found nothing. Cheng Yu could basically confirm that this should be where Sergey usually lived.

Not luxurious, not too simple, neither ostentatious nor low-key, just like the most ordinary residents in this town.

The wardrobe is basically made up of locally produced brands, and the rest are everyday products sold globally such as Nike. There are neither expensive luxury goods nor small brands that cost tens of dollars a piece in the supermarket.

The entire small villa was horribly monotonous, as if this was really where a middle-aged man in his forties lived alone.

Seeing that he found nothing, Cheng Yu decided to leave.

Anyway, Sergey's most valuable things must be in Davonov's hands.

And if Sergey still has some secrets kept in this small villa, then the hard drive in Cheng Yu's hand should be the most important.

When he was about to leave, Cheng Yu saw a spare car key on the clothes hanger behind the door.

When he took it off, he saw that it was the key to a Volga car, but it was obviously a spare one. There was no remote unlocking device, it was just a simple key.

Cheng Yu thought for a while and walked around again. It was obvious that the side of the house was where Sergei usually parked his car. But now there was nothing there except the traces left by long-term parking on the ground.

This shows that Sergey drove out in a car, and that car would most likely be parked in the parking lot of Irkutsk Airport, or somewhere near the airport where parking fees are not required.

Opening the shoe cabinet at the door, Cheng Yu found some receipts in the drawer without much effort.

Although they were all in Russian, Cheng Yu couldn't understand them, but he could still make a simple distinction.

After flipping through it, Cheng Yu found the receipt related to the Volga car.

Fortunately, one of the tickets clearly listed the license plate number of the Volga sedan.

Cheng Yu clearly remembered that the police searched Lao Dapeng's house, and of course they also searched Sergey after catching him, but they did not mention anything related to the car keys.

Cheng Yu has even seen the list of items related to Sergey. There is not even any ticket keys for lockers or similar items on the list.

And since Sergey should have driven to the airport and then flew to Harbin, his car keys must be on him.

Unless he also has Cheng Fu's habit of hiding his car keys in a corner of the airport.

But Cheng Fu did that because the car was not in Cheng Fu's name, and Cheng Fu would not leave such obvious evidence and take the key to Wudong.

But Sergey obviously doesn't need to worry like this. He can take the car keys away without hesitation.

Since no car key was found on him, and based on the current situation, Sergey did not put the car key in a locker at the airport, so there is a very high possibility that the car key was stolen.

, the "master" who was given to him by Sergey.

After all, that guy took Lao Dapeng from Harbin to Hulunbuir, using Cheng Fu’s Honda Accord.

When entering Russia from Hulunbuir and even arriving in Irkutsk, they are all borrowed logistics transport vehicles.

What about when he gets to Irkutsk? He will definitely need a car too.

Moreover, this car must be seamlessly connected with the logistics transportation vehicle, otherwise, if he walks around with a big living person, something will definitely happen.

Sergey's car is most likely at the airport...

Cheng Yu has a goal.

He showed a smile. Although he didn't gain much tonight, this car key still brought him some ideas.

Originally, Cheng Yu could only wait and wait for Lao Dapeng to be delivered to the house where Yelena and Davonov lived. But now, he at least has one more choice.

Cheng Yu put the car keys in his pocket and left Sergey's house.

When he reached the intersection, Cheng Yu saw the taxi parked not far away without even taking out his mobile phone.

Cheng Yu walked over and knocked on the car window gently, causing the driver to wake up suddenly.

"Ah...are you going back?" The driver quickly put down the car lock, and Cheng Yu opened the back door and got in.

"Yes, just to the place where I got off the bus during the day."

The driver shook his head vigorously and suddenly said sorry: "Please wait a moment, I need to release..."

After saying that, the driver jumped out of the car, jogged for two steps, walked to the fence of a house, and made a gesture of understanding his belt.

Cheng Yu waited for a while and the driver returned to the car. Only then did he look at the time and found that less than an hour had passed since he and Cheng Yu separated just now.

Is it so fast? Why don’t you chat more with that woman? Or is the woman’s husband suddenly back?

With dirty thoughts swirling in his mind, the driver finally checked with Cheng Yu about the three thousand rubles, finally started the taxi and sped back to Irkutsk.

An hour later, the taxi stopped steadily at the location where Cheng Yu got off during the day.

Cheng Yu handed over the three thousand rubles he had prepared and said, "I will call you to use the car if necessary."

The driver agreed repeatedly and then drove away with satisfaction.

After more than three hours, I earned 11,110 rubles. Excluding gas and tolls, there was at least a profit of more than 8,000 rubles. This trip was really worth it.

Cheng Yu returned to the rented apartment, thought about Davonov's behavior, and then lay down to sleep.

When he woke up the next day, it was already past nine o'clock, and this was the result of Cheng Yu only sleeping for six hours.

Yelena must have gotten up early, while Davonov was more than 90% still sleeping peacefully. After all, that guy didn't come back much earlier than Cheng Yu last night.

After washing up, Cheng Yu left the apartment and returned to the building opposite.

Pressing the doorbell, Yelena opened the door and was surprised to see Cheng Yu.

"When did you go out?"

Cheng Yu glanced at her and said, "Do I need to report to you? Go get me some food."

Yelena was quite dissatisfied, but she still obeyed. Sergey was very important to her.

Going upstairs, Cheng Yu took off the small camera and returned to the first floor. Yelena was still busy making breakfast for Cheng Yu.

While Yelena was not paying attention, Cheng Yu installed the camera in a corner of the living room. Using the cover of his body, he adjusted the position. After connecting it through his mobile phone, he could basically see the entire living room.

He walked to the table, and Yelena also made breakfast, a plate of soup, two slices of bread, and an omelette.

Cheng Yu finished eating quickly and then said, "Why don't you see your brother?"

"He's still sleeping. That guy is so lazy every day."

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "I'm going to go out for a while. I won't make my meal at noon. I'll be back for dinner in the evening."

Elena looked at him angrily and said, "When will your cousin arrive?"

Cheng Yu smiled slightly and said, "It will probably be tomorrow if nothing else happens. After all, it will take at least two days to drive from thousands of kilometers away, even if you travel day and night."

Elena narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "After your cousin arrives safely, will you really let Sergey go?"

"At least I won't hurt him."

"Your cousin will be arriving tomorrow. Do you want me to book a flight for you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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