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Chapter 642 The confusing identity of the killer

Sitting in the Audi driven by the four killers, Cheng Yu carefully wiped the fingerprints on the pistol he had used, which originally belonged to Sergei, and then threw the gun back to Davono.

In my husband's car.

Then, he put away Lao Dapeng's cell phone, not forgetting to turn it off and remove the card, and then drove the Audi and left this damn place.

Although there has been no response from Zhou Datong, judging from the fact that the target of these four killers was Lao Dapeng, Cheng Yu was almost certain who sent these killers.

Cheng Yu didn't know if there was any room for recovery after the Darknet issued the killing order, but he had already killed four killers sent by the Darknet. Even if there was any room for recovery, it seemed that there was not much room for recovery.

It would be too big.

What gives Cheng Yu some comfort is that the business coverage of the dark web does not seem to be able to capture the territory of China. In a country that has not yet established a connection and is a military superpower, those actions are likely to be blocked.

Behaviors defined as terrorist activities are undoubtedly a very dangerous thing for the dark web.

But killers are always unavoidable. If the darknet does not send out several killers with great fanfare like this time, but only sends one or two top killers, and then makes careful arrangements, they want to forge the identity of Lao Dapeng.

The incident of accidental death does not seem to be a difficult matter.

Fortunately, once Lao Dapeng returns to China, Cheng Yu will definitely hand him over to Lao Bian. The police will issue a sentencing notice. Lao Dapeng was sentenced to at least ten years for being involved in attempted murder, which may also allow him to

The dark web has quieted down a bit.

But in that case, the darknet membership ID used by Zhou Datong became a relatively thorny issue.

The darknet has nothing to do with Dapeng for the time being. They never dare to go to a Chinese prison just to kill a low-level member who is not worth mentioning. But this does not mean that they will not find out what Zhou Datong has been doing these days.

Some clues were found in the content related to Lao Dapeng and Sergey.

This might bring unnecessary trouble to Zhou Datong.

While driving the car, Cheng Yu was thinking, this was really something that caught him off guard.

Originally thinking of getting rid of Sergey, he found Lao Dapeng, and then even Cheng Yu paid to help Lao Dapeng solve the troubles on the dark web.

As long as the darknet collects the money, this matter will be over for the darknet, and naturally no one will be implicated.

But now, the development of things is beyond Cheng Yu's expectation. The reaction of the dark network seems to be a bit too fast. Only two days have passed since Lao Dapeng broke the contract, and the dark network has already sent the killer.

The death of the killer is a great shame for the darknet. Of course they will not let Lao Dapeng go.

And after losing the location of Lao Dapeng's mobile phone to log into the dark web, the way they search for Lao Dapeng will definitely change.

Cheng Yu doesn't think this is a difficult task for the dark web, but once a comprehensive search for Lao Dapeng's traces is made, the impact will inevitably be that someone has been paying attention to Lao Dapeng these days.

It is extraordinary that a member who has just joined the darknet and has implicated his own recommender with his first transaction has been paid attention to.

Especially Zhou Datong's membership is also a brand new member. Even if he is recommended to join by the only S-level member who still has transactions, I am afraid that the dark network will still check it out.

Zhou Datong's whereabouts cannot be concealed from anyone.

He has been to Lao Dapeng's farmhouse inn, also stayed in Harbin, and even appeared near Lao Dapeng's villa in Harbin. This is simply telling the dark web that Zhou Datong and Lao Dapeng know each other.

While he was thinking about it, Cheng Yu's cell phone rang.

I took out my phone and saw that it was Zhou Datong's WeChat reply.

Cheng Yu stepped on the brakes, parked the car on the side of the road, and then clicked on WeChat to take a look.

"Mr. Cheng, I checked, and there's nothing changed. The transaction post has been blocked, just like what I saw two days ago."

Cheng Yu frowned slightly and quickly replied: "Didn't they take further measures over the breach of contract?"

Zhou Datong replied: "I checked, no, there is no announcement there. I specifically checked about similar situations. Usually when there is a breach of contract, the official will issue an announcement in the trading area.

And it will be kept on top until the breach of contract is resolved."

Cheng Yu was completely puzzled. Wasn't the killer sent by the dark web?

After hesitating for a moment, Cheng Yu sent Lao Bian an invitation for a video call.

Lao Bian had probably been worried about the situation here, so he chose to answer Cheng Yu's video invitation as soon as it was sent out.

"Mr. Cheng, how are you doing now?" Lao Bian said anxiously as soon as his face appeared on the screen.

Cheng Yu smiled and acted as relaxed as possible: "Lao Dapeng has been settled and he will be brought back to the country soon. Bureau Bian, how is the situation over there?"

"The formalities in the province have been completed and sent to Harbin. I will be able to take Sergey back to Wudong soon."

"How is the situation over there with Master Cheng?"

"He goes to and from get off work as usual, and my people have been following him. This time we will never give him a chance to escape sight."

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "After Lao Dapeng and I go back, you can directly control the people."

"But Mr. Cheng, what's going on over there? What do you mean by settling down Lao Dapeng? There's no surprise, right?"

Of course Cheng Yu would not tell the truth. He just smiled calmly and said: "There was no accident, everything went smoothly. I found the place Sergey mentioned, and then helped him bring the people Lao Dapeng brought with me.

Contact was made and the person was handed over to me. I wanted to track that person, but I didn’t catch up, and I’m on my way back now.”

"Where's the Lao Dapeng people?"

"He was injected with a sedative, which was done by the person who sent him there. It is estimated that it will take more than half an hour to wake up. When he wakes up after I go back, I will need to deal with the beginning and the end, and then I will prepare to take him back.


"How do you plan to bring him back? Didn't Lao Dapeng leave the customs normally? Then there is no way for you to come back through normal channels."

"I already have a solution for this. There will be no problems when leaving the country. If there is any trouble when entering the country, I will contact you again."

"Okay, it's relatively easy to communicate about immigration matters. Then I'll wait for news from you in Wudong."

Cheng Yu hung up the video and no longer dwelled on the true identities of the killers. He had also been wondering why the dark network acted so quickly this time.

Since there is a high probability that it is not the work of the dark web, it must be directly related to Cheng Fu.

It is possible that these four killers were sent by the six recommenders.

In this case, it can explain why they came so quickly. I am afraid that as soon as Lao Dapeng left China, they were already monitoring Lao Dapeng's mobile phone location. When they found out that Lao Dapeng had arrived in Irkut

Ci Ke, they arrived immediately.

Cheng Yu secretly thought, it seems that Cheng Fu is really ruthless. In order to get rid of Lao Dapeng, he even arranged the killer to wait here in advance. At that time, he probably didn't know that Sergey would not follow Lao Dapeng.

Return home.

Maybe in his plan, he wanted to get rid of Sergey as well.

Indeed, only in this way can he ensure that this matter is not leaked.

Of course, it is also possible that Sergey concealed something from Cheng Yu and did not tell Cheng Yu all the truth. He may still be hoping that Cheng Fu's arrangement can bring Cheng Yu with him in Irkutsk.

Kill them together.

But if this is the case, then Sergey has actually already planned to have the siblings Yelena and Davonov buried with them.

But regardless of whether Cheng Fu did this or he and Sergey reached an agreement early on, Yelena and Davonov must be abandoned chess pieces or even cannon fodder.

Cheng Yu didn't feel any guilt about the death of the siblings. Even if he hadn't tied up the siblings, with the four killers, the siblings would have died without a doubt.

But now that he knew that the four killers came from Cheng Fu, Cheng Yu's psychology was even more relieved.

It can be said that from the moment Fu Cheng started planning this matter, the fate of Yelena and Davonov was already destined to death.

The fact that the killer was not commissioned from the dark web was good news for Cheng Yu, because in that case, he wouldn't have to worry about Zhou Datong having problems.

On the dark web, it's much easier to solve. It's just a matter of spending some money to settle the matter.

Even the money, Cheng Yu had already prepared it long ago, and he didn't have to pay a penny. This probably needs to be thanked by Comrade Sergey.

Following the GPS positioning instructions, Cheng Yu quickly found the Volga he had seen before.

Opening the trunk, Cheng Yu saw Lao Dapeng, who was tied into a ball and curled up in the trunk.

Lao Dapeng's breathing was still steady, and it seemed that the sedative had not worn off yet.

Cheng Yu rummaged around in the car and found a black handbag that he had not seen when he first opened the car door.

Opening the zipper of the handbag, there were several injections inside. Cheng Yu guessed that these were probably sedatives. This was done by Andreevich to ensure that Lao Dapeng would not wake up during the entire "delivery" process.

necessary means to come.

However, I don’t know if being continuously injected with sedatives like this will cause any damage to Lao Dapeng’s brain.

Of course, this is not important, as long as Lao Dapeng's brain can still clearly recall everything after returning to China, so that he can effectively accuse Cheng Fu.

As for Lao Dapeng himself, although he was instigated by Master Cheng to commit the crime, the charge of attempted murder, even if he is an accessory, will most likely result in a life sentence.

Or if he actively cooperates and confesses everything after returning to China, he will receive a certain degree of reduced sentence, but at least ten years of imprisonment will be waiting for him.

Looking at the time, I saw that as there is only one train to China every day from Irkutsk, it is definitely too late to rush to the train station now, not to mention that Cheng Yu still needs Lao Dapeng to cooperate with him to solve the matter on the dark web.

Yelena and Davonov will definitely not be able to return to the apartment where they live. Even if the police have not yet discovered that a murder has occurred there, Cheng Yu cannot allow himself to stand under a dangerous wall.

You can't go back to the apartment where Cheng Yu lives across the street, because it's too close to the murder scene.

In addition, to appease Lao Dapeng and obtain his cooperation, a relatively quiet place was needed. Cheng Yu thought that this could only be Sergey's villa home in Listvyanka Town.

He didn't know when Lao Dapeng would wake up. Fortunately, the road to Listvyanka Town was mostly inaccessible areas. Cheng Yu made a quick decision and drove the Volga straight to Listvyanka Town.

This chapter has been completed!
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