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Chapter 669 The mission may have been completed

Sitting in the car returning to the city, Cheng Yu frowned.

When he was in the detention center, he just regarded Cheng Fu's words as a kind of madness after everything was exposed, but last night Lao Bian told him that Cheng Fu confessed without any struggle, but now it still lingers in his mind.

Cheng Yu had always felt something was wrong last night. How could Cheng Fu confess everything so readily?

If it were anyone in Cheng Fu's situation, even if the police had solid evidence, he would at least have a period of struggle.

But Cheng Fu didn't do that. He seemed to have prepared all this a long time ago. After being taken away by the police, he immediately confessed everything, except of course the dark web.

In fact, Cheng Yu had already predicted that he would never dare to say anything related to the dark web.

In other words, it doesn't matter whether he talks about the dark web or not.

But he just seemed to have everything under his control and confessed everything without hesitation. It was impossible for him not to know that what he was facing was either the death penalty or a lifetime in prison.

Cheng Yu has never given up doubting this, and now, just now, Cheng Fu actually said such words to Cheng Yu, saying that if Cheng Yu really has the courage to kill himself, he will soon be able to get that


No matter which process is followed, this is obviously impossible.

What Cheng Fu will face next is that the procuratorate compiles the materials for prosecuting him and submits them to the court, and he will be detained in the detention center until he goes to court.

Once he goes to court, even if Cheng Fu turns his back on the spot and denies his confession, he has basically no chance of overturning the case.

This is China, not the United States or other places seen in movies. In a case like this, it is simply impossible to overturn one's own confession.

What's more, the police did not commit any illegal behavior against him. They just took him to the interrogation room of the provincial department, and then he confessed before he could do anything. All methods were useless.

So, what does Cheng Fu mean?

Could it be that he planned to contact the Russian mercenaries to break him out of the prison?

Cheng Yu couldn't figure out what other possibilities Cheng Fu had besides robbing him to stand in front of Cheng Yu and give him a chance to kill him.

But, prison robbery?

Do you really think this is a movie? This is China, one of the countries with the best security in the world.

In prison robberies in China, those mercenaries may not even be able to bring in weapons. Should they be allowed to use machetes to rob prisons?

Cheng Yu doesn't think those mercenaries are fools. Now Cheng Fu doesn't even have the ability to pay them.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu suddenly asked: "Master Sun, if there is a person, he has entered the detention center and he is charged with murder.

Moreover, the police have obtained irrefutable evidence including his own confession.

From a legal perspective, it is absolutely impossible to overturn the case. The only possibility this person faces is to stay in prison for the rest of his life.

But he thinks he can leave prison or escape from this prison, do you think there is any way?"

Sun Jiancheng drove the Maserati Quattroporte smoothly and asked, "Are you talking about China?"


"Maybe, medical parole?"

Cheng Yu frowned.

Out on medical parole?

Sun Jiancheng added: "However, medical parole does not seem to be applicable to criminals with suspended death sentences, but life imprisonment is acceptable. I am not sure what kind of stay in prison you are referring to."

Can’t people with a reprieve of death be granted medical parole?

If this is the case, then why did Mr. Cheng utter such arrogant words? Or did he think that after he voluntarily confessed, the police, procuratorate and court would take this into consideration and sentence him to life imprisonment. In the end, he used the terms of medical parole to

Avoid your own punishment?

This seems unlikely. After all, why would Cheng Fu think that he would not be sentenced to a suspended death penalty or even directly sentenced to death?

Moreover, even if he is really sentenced to life, what kind of illness can he have before he is allowed to be released on medical parole?

Cheng Yu turned on his phone and checked the legal regulations in this area.

Our country's criminal law stipulates that people with a suspended death sentence cannot be paroled for medical treatment. This has been confirmed by Cheng Yu.

The conditions for medical parole include: first, those who are in danger of death in the short term; second, those who are old and sick and lose their health and endanger society.

The third type is those who are physically disabled and unable to take care of themselves, but this article stipulates that it cannot be caused by self-mutilation after being imprisoned. Therefore, even if Cheng Fu cuts off his hands and feet, he will not be allowed to be released on medical parole.

The last type is those who suffer from serious chronic diseases and long-term treatment is ineffective. But for this type, if it is indefinite, they need to serve at least seven years in prison.

If Mr. Cheng wants to be released on medical parole, it seems that there is only the first way to go.

Is there a risk of death in the short term?

Is the cancer terminal?

But if the cancer was really terminal, even if he was released on medical parole, why would Cheng Yu have to kill him?

None of the descriptions of medical parole seem to be able to explain what Cheng Fu just said.

Seeing Cheng Yu's gloomy face, Sun Jiancheng thought for a while and said, "Perhaps, there is another possibility, that is, it can be proven that he has some kind of mental illness."

Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile and said, "This doesn't apply to him."

Cheng Yu knew something about this, because people with mental illness can only be exempted from criminal responsibility if they are unable to identify or control the harmful consequences of their actions and the consequences are confirmed through judicial procedures.

What Cheng Fu did in the Cheng Guangnian case spanned several months. This is obviously not something that can be covered up by mental illness.

"Then I'm not sure." Sun Jiancheng added honestly.

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "I just asked casually. It's okay. You can keep driving."

After arriving at his company, Xue Qing jumped when Cheng Yu appeared at the front desk.

"Oh, Mr. Cheng, are you back?"

Cheng Yu nodded, put aside Cheng Fu's crazy words for the time being, and asked, "Are the tubes and others in the company?"

Xue Qing nodded and said, "Here. Shall I inform the manager for you?"

"No, I can just go in by myself."

When they walked into the office, most of the employees didn't react much when they saw Cheng Yu. After all, it was normal for them not to see Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu often didn't come to the company for ten days and a half. It was impossible for them to know who Cheng Yu was.

In Wudong, I still went on a business trip.

Only when Guan Lu saw Cheng Yu, he immediately ran out of the room with his fat ass and said, "Hey, my eldest young master, you are finally back."

Cheng Yu frowned and said, "Can you talk nicely? Isn't it normal that I don't come to the company? And you know that I have something to do out of town."

"I'm not looking for you, it's Qin Manyuan. She said she couldn't get through when she called you..."

Cheng Yu still frowned and said, "Why is she looking for me?"

"I want the last payment!"

"The last payment?" Cheng Yu looked at the date and said, "Isn't it still more than a week away?"

"Qin Manyuan said that she had some financial problems there and wanted to ask if you could send the money a few days in advance. I didn't dare to make the decision and asked her to find you by herself. But she said that your phone couldn't be reached, so I couldn't.

I couldn't get through, so she annoyed me every day."

Cheng Yu laughed dumbly, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll handle it."

Guanlu turned around and was about to go back to his office. Cheng Yu asked again: "Are there enough funds in the account?"

"It can be adjusted at any time."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and Guanlu closed the door from the outside.

When I called Qin Manyuan, Qin Manyuan answered the call almost instantly.

"Oh, my eldest young master, you have returned the phone call."

"I was out of town two days ago and lost my phone. I didn't expect anything to happen, so I didn't rush to get a replacement number. What's going on over there? Why are there suddenly not enough funds?" Cheng Yu said calmly.

Qin Manyuan said: "There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that the construction date has been advanced. I thought if it's convenient for you and the money comes in advance, I can continue ahead of schedule. So I'm asking you."

"Is there really no other problem?"

"If something really goes wrong, can I deceive you about this? And please check your email first. I've already sent you an email about the specific situation."

Cheng Yu smiled and said: "I don't want to hold people responsible, I just want to make sure there is no other problem. If there is a problem, the gap is not big, so I can help."

"There's really no other problem. It's just that the construction date has been advanced. I'd like to calculate how many days earlier it is."

"Okay, I'll go back and ask the finance department to confirm and send you the money."

Qin Manyuan still acted in a vigorous and resolute manner. After Cheng Yu finished speaking, she hung up the phone without even saying goodbye politely.

Cheng Yu could only smile at this.

When it came to money, Cheng Yu thought of Sergey's account, so he called a Swiss bank and checked the funds in Sergey's account.

After learning that there were three million US dollars more in it, Cheng Yu reported the password given by Sergey. The other party immediately said that Cheng Yu had the right to dispose of all the funds in this account and asked him what procedures he needed to go through.

Cheng Yu did not hesitate and directly asked the bank to transfer all the money to the offshore account given to him by Shen Zhiqiu.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yu heard two dings in his head. He glanced and saw only a golden number of +100.

Clicking on the points details, Cheng Yu saw that the points changes this time were actually two changes, both +100, for a total of two hundred.

Cheng Yu was a little surprised. Isn't it just a sum of money in Sergey's account? How come there are two points income?

Taking a closer look, Cheng Yu understood that after the first hundred points, it said "Stingy success, obtaining a large amount of unowned wealth", and after the next hundred points, it said "Stingy success," , get returned funds”.

Although he had never seen such a comment, Cheng Yu immediately understood why he could get such a sum of points.

The reason is simple. In Sergey's account, there are not only these three million U.S. dollars, but also the few hundred thousand U.S. dollars he left in the past.

"Successful stinginess leads to the acquisition of a large amount of unowned wealth." This is the same as the twelve million dollars that Cheng Yu received from Yelena and Davonov. They were all points gained for him by the stolen money.

Of course, this so-called robbery means that the other party is willing to pay the funds.

The other "stingy success, obtaining returned funds" refers to the three million US dollars.

These three million are part of the six million that Cheng Yu paid to the dark web for Dapeng. Because it was agreed to be lent to him at the time, Cheng Cuihua would eventually need to repay the money, so the system determined that it was not a waste on his part. , and his points will not be deducted.

Of course, if Cheng Cuihua does not repay the money in the end, it may cause some trouble to Cheng Yu. Then we have to see how the system determines it.

Cheng Yu thought very clearly that for something like this, the system would most likely give him a system task to get the money back from Cheng Cuihua.

For the Shenxi system, Cheng Yu's current total capital is fixed, which actually includes the six million US dollars.

But now, half of the six million has been transferred to Sergey through the dark network, and Sergey returned it to Cheng Yu free of charge, thus constituting "obtaining returned funds."

This is equivalent to an increase of three million US dollars in Cheng Yu's total wealth. Of course, the system will not deny Cheng Yu this point.

It's just a pity that three million points can only be exchanged for one hundred points.

But this was an unexpected gain that Cheng Yu had not expected, so he was still very satisfied.

It was at this time that Cheng Yu could completely calm down and calculate the changes in his points over the past week or so.

First, he got one hundred points from the incident with Zhou Datong, and then he got twelve million and got one hundred points. He killed four mercenaries in the woods because it led to the upgrade of firearms skills. The system also awarded an additional 300 points, plus the four people who died because of firearms skills, the total is 700 points.

When he arrived in Mongolia, Cheng Yu killed twenty-three mercenaries in one go. The upgrade of firearms skills resulted in the points obtained for each living creature killed becoming 150, so Cheng Yu received 3,450 points.


Calculated in this way, Cheng Yu got a total of more than 4,000 points this week. Although Cheng Yu also consumed some points due to the use of firearms, martial arts, wall penetration, silence, etc., but in general,

He still made more than four thousand points.

Two hundred o'clock came again today.

Cheng Yu felt extremely satisfied in life.

Although it seems that the points required to get rid of the divine system are still far away, Cheng Yu believes that he can settle the points for this mission as soon as Cheng Fu's case is pronounced...

Suddenly, Cheng Yu thought of a question.

That is, the sentencing is only a matter at the court level, and for the Shenxi system, bringing Cheng Fu, Lao Dapeng and Sergey to justice is the fundamental to completing this task.

Therefore, now that all three have been executed, perhaps there is no need to wait for the court to pronounce the verdict, and this task can be regarded as completed?

Oh, no, at least there is one thing that has not been completed, that is, Cheng Yu has not asked these three people to compensate Cheng Guangnian's medical expenses.

According to the explanation given by the system, the amount of money will generally not exceed one thousand yuan.

How about asking the three of them to pay me a thousand yuan first? But how can I talk to them?

Sergey is out of luck. All that guy's property is with Cheng Yu. As for Cheng Fu, Cheng Yu doesn't think it's a good idea to ask him for money. It seems that only Lao Dapeng is left.

But Lao Dapeng definitely has no money. Cheng Yu already knew this when he was in Russia and Mongolia, so he had to find Cheng Cuihua, and Cheng Cuihua still owed Cheng Yu six million U.S. dollars. It is estimated that she still has

I don’t have the six million, so I went to talk to her alone about the one thousand yuan medical expenses...

What's going on? I originally thought that the most difficult part of this additional mission was to find the criminal who caused the car accident and bring him to justice. But now I didn't expect that the difficulty would be to compensate for all the medical expenses caused by the car accident.


Who the hell are you talking to?

If I had known this, I would have discussed it with Sergey and asked him to agree to compensate for the medical expenses.

Although Cheng Yu will definitely not receive the money, as long as he promises to compensate, the system will directly transfer a thousand yuan from Sergey's account as compensation for medical expenses. What will happen to the remaining part?

Help Cheng Yu increase his points or whatever, it won't be less at all.

But now, Sergey has no money, and naturally he cannot afford the medical expenses.

Of course, Cheng Yu can rest assured and wait until the verdict is over. When the three are convicted, the court will naturally award civil compensation. At that time, whether Lao Dapeng's family or Cheng Fu's family just give some money, it will be considered as compensation.

Completely completed this task.

But that takes a lot of time.

For Cheng Yu, time is much more valuable than money. Not only will the completion time of the task be delayed, which will waste a lot of his life. Moreover, the later the completion time, the less the task reward he will get.

This is something Cheng Yu absolutely cannot tolerate.

No matter, even if people think that he is a lunatic, Cheng Yu must take this trip.

Rushing to the pipeline office in a hurry, Cheng Yu said: "There is a construction period description document sent by Qin Manyuan in my company mailbox. Take a look at it. If there is no problem, let the finance department pay her the last payment.


Guan Lu nodded and said, "Okay. Are you going out again?"

"Well, let's go deal with something very important."

Cheng Yu left angrily, went downstairs, got into the car, and told Sun Jiancheng that he had to go to the detention center again.

Although Sun Jiancheng was puzzled, he still followed Cheng Yu's instructions and drove the car to the detention center.

After arriving at the place, Cheng Yu knocked on the glass window of the guard box outside the detention center door again. The policeman inside was stunned when he saw that it was Cheng Yu.

"Uh, Mr. Cheng, why are you back again?"

By now, the policeman also knew Cheng Yu's identity, so he was naturally much more polite.

Cheng Yu said: "I still have to go in and see Master Cheng."

The policeman nodded and said, "Okay, I'll notify the police inside." After saying that, he picked up the phone and called the police officer inside the detention center directly.

The door of the detention center soon opened, and a police officer whom Cheng Yu didn't recognize came out.

The policeman outside the door explained Cheng Yu's identity, and the policeman led Cheng Yu into the detention center. As he walked, he notified Shen Station on his mobile phone that Cheng Yu was back.

When Shen Suo received the call, he was also confused. He thought to himself, "How long have you been gone? Why are you back again?"

But he ran out quickly and saw Cheng Yu still smiling and extending his hand.

Cheng Yu shook hands with him and said, "Sorry, Shen Suo, I forgot something just now. I have to see Master Cheng again."

Hearing that he wanted to see Master Cheng, Shen Suo felt more relieved. He nodded and said, "Okay, it's okay. I'll make arrangements right away."

This chapter has been completed!
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