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Chapter 697 Hidden Mission

This answer made Cheng Yu instantly relieved.

When he was asked many questions just now, Cheng Yu felt that something was wrong with the system's performance today. How could a system that has always been based on rigor be so ambiguous on so many issues at the same time?

Based on his understanding of the system, Cheng Yu knew that there must be a problem here, so he had an idea and thought of the possible hidden tasks here.

There are of course many ways to complete a task, or to achieve the only result required by the task. It is like there are countless line segments that can be used to connect two points. The so-called different paths lead to the same goal, but this is not the reason for the ambiguous statement of the task.


Of course, the system will not interfere with how Cheng Yu completes the task. It is only responsible for proposing restrictions and expressing the results that the task needs to achieve. Because of this, the task results must be unique and confirmed. Now that the task results are unclear,

Qing, there must be something going on here.

Cheng Yu wondered, would there be some hidden missions in the game?

Although Cheng Yu rarely plays online games, he has seen pigs running even if he has never eaten pork. He has often heard classmates and friends talk about topics in the game, not to mention that he has practiced it several times himself.

Cheng Yu knew that in online games, when downloading a dungeon, you need to accept a task. After completing the dungeon, different task scores will appear.

There are many factors related to scoring, such as completion time, casualties of one's own personnel, etc. What actually affects the final mission reward is whether other side missions are triggered during the completion of the main mission, or even

Hidden tasks.

In those online game forums, there are often many copies of perfect clearance strategies. The so-called perfection means to finally reach the highest level during task scoring and rewards. And if you want to do this, you must fully develop all the straight lines and even

Hidden tasks and complete them in a short enough time, etc.

But all in all, side missions and hidden missions must be enabled. Otherwise, even if you complete the main mission as soon as you enter the dungeon and end the dungeon in just one second, you will not be able to get a perfect clearance.

In the game dungeon, completing the main mission is the result of the dungeon. The result is so clear that there will be many unpredictable side missions, hidden tasks, etc. The mission Cheng Yu is encountering now has a vague mission result. If there is no

Extra rewards would be weird.

Especially since the system has repeatedly hinted to Cheng Yu not to kill people or to kill as few people as possible, at least when facing the culprits, not to use murder to solve the problem. Cheng Yu naturally realized this.

Not to mention that during the conversation, the system repeatedly reminded Cheng Yu that Cheng Yu had insufficient permissions. However, when Cheng Yu analyzed that Zhuang Yi might have more than one son, the system said that the permissions were unlocked, which made Cheng Yu realize that

, as long as you touch the key to a certain problem, the permissions for the corresponding problem may be unlocked.

Only in this way can it comply with the basic logic that the system has always emphasized that when a task is released, the system must answer the host's questions about the task.

"The host has finally fully understood the mystery of this mission.

Yes, the task accepted by the host this time will face an unprecedented crisis. Not only does it need to eliminate those stubborn criminals, but it also needs to identify the potential identities of these criminals, so as to impose different punishments on different criminals.

To ensure that they pay the appropriate price for the crimes they committed.

As the difficulty of the task increases, the rewards will naturally increase.

To this end, the system prepared a clue for the host. In the description of the task content, the number of culprits mentioned was five in total.

But the specific five people need to be identified by the host. Each time the host identifies a culprit, the host will receive an additional 500 points as a reward on the basis of completing the task. The maximum score can be 2,500 points.

If the host's method of punishing these culprits can finally get a positive evaluation from the system, it will be able to obtain an additional 20% of the task reward score after completing the task.

In other words, if the host can punish these five culprits in a way that the system expresses affirmation, then the host's final score reward will be doubled again."

Cheng Yu nodded, finally understanding, and thus obtained the key number of people data.

In the primary task stage, when the task duration is finally converted into task reward scores, if it only takes less than half of the task time to complete, you can get twice the remaining task duration as a point reward. If you can add five points this time,

If the culprit is punished in a way that would be worse than life, then Cheng Yu can double the points.

This is okay.

Cheng Yu's reaction was not unpleasant. He had already figured out that the so-called system's way of expressing affirmation must be more cruel than killing those people directly. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to kill them directly? And it is more painful than death.

Yes, it can definitely be summed up as life is worse than death.

Of course, Cheng Yu has yet to continue to discover the specific means to be used.

"Okay, host, you have gotten all the answers you want to know this time. Can this conversation end?" the system asked dryly.

Cheng Yu was about to say it was over, but suddenly he realized a problem.

"Don't worry, there is another question. Identifying the culprits will bring 500 points for each person. What if I don't identify them? I will just kill them as ordinary criminals. How does this count? Is there any additional punishment?"

The system sighed quietly.

"The host is wise."

Compared with the sentence "Host is wise" just now, although it has the same four words this time, the tone is completely different.

Cheng Yu could tell that the system was actually happy to see the success of the previous host Ying Ming. In other words, the system actually hoped that Cheng Yu would be aware of the existence of this hidden mission. This also meant that the system wanted those five people to

A punishment more painful than death can be obtained.

After all, Cheng Yu can now get 150 points for every person he kills with gun skills. Even if the loss of points caused by the continued effect of gun skills is deducted, this part of the reward points must be at least 130 points.

. Letting the culprit go, it seems that he got 500 points, but the difficulty of the task has obviously increased a lot, and Cheng Yu's actual points gain is only more than 300 points.

Not to mention that Cheng Yu will later design a punishment for these culprits. In today's society, unlike hundreds of years ago, people could be locked up in their own private cells and find a group of people to show off.

to torture them.

If it weren't for the fact that the points awarded for the entire mission might double, Cheng Yu might not be willing to bother himself so much.

But since the system wants Cheng Yu to complete the task in another way, it is impossible not to impose certain restrictions on Cheng Yu's behavior.

When the system's tone when it said the words "Host is wise" completely changed this time, Cheng Yu knew that what should come would eventually come.

"Speaking of which, what will be the punishment for failing to identify those people?"

"If the culprit cannot be identified, there will be no punishment. But when the host finally lets these people get their due end, there will be three corresponding states. These three states correspond to the affirmative state of the system and the positive state of the system respectively.

The default state and the negative state of the system.

In the affirmative state, I have informed the host that the host will receive an additional reward of 20% of the final score reward.

By default, the host's final score reward will not be affected in any way.

In the negative state, unfortunately, 30% of the host's final score reward will be deducted as a penalty.

Once the four culprits are in a negative state, the host should be able to think that the host's mission will be judged as a failure."

"No need to ask, killing them directly must be a negative state of the system!" Cheng Yu raised his eyebrows and asked.

The system sighed again and said: "Originally, there was no need to explain this to the host. But since the host has confirmed this, well, I can tell the host that if you kill him directly, you must be in a negative state of the system.


Although the reward is only 20%, and the punishment reaches 30%, there is actually quite a lot to complain about.

But Cheng Yu thought about it and was too lazy to vomit. The reason is very simple. This is just a complaint at most. It is impossible to change the way of the task, because the reason why the system has formulated this method of unequal rewards and punishments is to get rid of it.

From the basic point of view of completing the mission, Cheng Yu was forced to identify the five culprits and adopt at least a "default state" punishment method.

This was the obvious tendency of the system in this mission, so Cheng Yu understood that no matter how hard he argued, the system could not change this rule.

Instead of doing this, Cheng Yu might as well honestly find at least two culprits and punish them in an extremely inhumane and violent way. In this way, at most, he will lose half of the mission reward score (then

So it is half, because if you find two people, you will get 40% of the extra reward. If three people are let go, 90% of the task reward will be deducted. After addition and subtraction, you get the remaining 50%.

Reward. Didn’t you expect it? You can also learn mathematics by reading my book, which is a lot of knowledge, brothers!).

Of course, on the premise that it is not that difficult to do, you should find as many as possible. If you find three, the reward and punishment will be equal. If you find four, you can at least increase the reward by 50%.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu has already made some judgments about the candidates for these five people. No matter what, Maxim must be one of the five. This means that Cheng Yu only needs to find at least one more culprit.

That’s it.

And the difficulty of finding this second culprit will not be too difficult. Maxim's most capable subordinate, or the leader of the "kidnapping case" eight years ago, can almost be confirmed in this position.

And in this mission description, it only mentions rescuing Zhuang Yi's heirs, and talks about the loss of his wife. This means that Zhuang Yi's wife must have passed away.

Of course Cheng Yu would not think that Zhuang Yi's wife died of natural causes. So, if the person who killed Zhuang Yi's wife was not Maxim himself, he would definitely be one. Even when Zhuang Yi's wife and children were kidnapped

Those who tortured Zhuang Yi's wife by some means until her death will also be included in this list.

The only regret is that this person may be the same as the first two people.

This chapter has been completed!
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