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Chapter 707 Talents who can speak Chinese

Of course, he couldn't sleep in such a barren mountain. Cheng Yu lay under the big tree just to recuperate his strength, because he knew what he would face next.

After eating some food he brought and drinking some water, Cheng Yu just leaned on the big tree motionless and closed his eyes to rest. Of course, there are all kinds of insects and ants in the mountains, which is why Cheng Yu wanted to buy

The reason for a set of imitation military combat uniforms. This kind of clothing can at least allow him to tie up the trousers, cuffs, and collar to prevent insects and ants from easily burrowing into the surface of the skin under the clothing.

Fortunately, it is still very cool in the mountains. Otherwise, in such a hot summer, even in high latitudes like Eastern Siberia, the temperature under the sun would still be very hot. Occasionally, of course, insects and ants would still crawl onto the exposed skin above his neck.

Cheng Yu would always crush them patiently with his fingers, not even opening his eyes.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, Cheng Yu heard an unusual sound.

Of course, it is impossible to get an extremely quiet environment in the mountains and forests like in a house in the city by relying on the soundproof glass.

Here, in addition to the almost continuous light mountain breeze, the friction between leaves, and the sound of branches swinging through the air, there are also the low voices of various animals. Because of the barracks at the foot of the mountain, there is certainly no such thing here.

Whenever any large animals appeared, there were occasionally one or two small hares or foxes. When they saw such a giant animal as Cheng Yu, they would only dare to look at it from a distance, and then jump away.

Cheng Yu was already familiar with these sounds after having slept here for several hours, but the sounds coming now made him feel as if he had returned to the city and the mechanical world.

He knew that someone was coming.

Standing up quickly, Cheng Yu listened carefully to the direction of the sound. After determining that it was coming from the direction of the barracks at the foot of the mountain, Cheng Yu quickly hid behind a big tree.

The unusual sound was getting closer and closer, and Cheng Yu finally could clearly distinguish it. It was the sound of someone constantly pulling the bolt of a gun. No wonder he had felt it was like a mechanical sound before.

Hiding behind a towering tree with a diameter of more than one meter, Cheng Yu observed the direction from which the sound came.

")(...&%...&¥%" came a series of words that Cheng Yu couldn't understand at all, and Cheng Yu judged that this should be a man in his prime.

The other person's voice seemed a little lazy, and he muttered in response, and the sound of the gun bolt being pulled continuously stopped.

Cheng Yu guessed that these were two people walking together. One of them kept pulling the bolt of the gun in his hand probably out of boredom or other reasons. This obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of the other person, so he reprimanded him.

The other party also stopped his boring behavior.

The sound of footsteps began to become clearer. The thick soles stepped on the needles that were more than half a foot thick. The sound could be heard far away.

Based on previous experience, Cheng Yu estimated that the two men were still close to twenty meters away from him. He turned his head slightly, revealing his forehead and one eye, and checked the direction of the footsteps.

Sure enough, two tall, bearded Russian men, who looked like twin brothers in Cheng Yu's eyes, were carrying guns on their backs and walking in his direction boredly.

In an instant, several plans flashed through Cheng Yu's mind.

First, it costs five points to exchange for a firearms skill. It will definitely not take more than six seconds to kill these two people. It will consume another two points at most, but you can gain 300 points for it.

The disadvantage is that the gunfire is loud, and Cheng Yu is worried that it will attract the attention of those in the camp down the mountain. Even in such a mercenary camp, gunfire may be a normal thing.

Secondly, in exchange for a martial art, Cheng Yu was absolutely sure to break the necks of these two people before they could react.

The disadvantage is that this will waste the 300 points that are easily available.

The third option is to exchange for a martial art, and then kill these two people as quickly as possible, making them lose the ability to resist.

In this way, he can keep someone alive. If one of the two people can speak some English, he can still ask about the situation in the camp. And after he takes care of Maxim's gang, these two people can still

If you become the target of a firearms attack, you can still earn those 300 points.

The disadvantage is that although the martial arts are strong enough, disarming should not be a problem, but the two opponents are thick-skinned and rough. Cheng Yu is worried that he will not be able to shut them up smoothly. As long as one person calls for help, it will inevitably trigger other people in the camp down the mountain.

of attention.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yu was not sure how he should handle it, but the footsteps of the two people were getting closer and closer.

"&*...%&&¥%...(&*)" was another string of incomprehensible words. It was said by the guy who kept pulling the gun bolt before. The difference was that his voice was very low, as if he was afraid of being alarmed.

Like something.

The other person also lowered his voice and responded with something Cheng Yu couldn't understand either.

At this time, Cheng Yu realized that the two people were not even speaking Russian, but a language that was even more unfamiliar to him.

The footsteps of the two people obviously sped up, and Cheng Yu knew that he had to make a choice immediately.

Direct exchange for firearms skills is obviously not feasible. After all, the sound of gunshots may directly reveal his existence and make the close to 200 people at the foot of the mountain take action.

The latter two options are all about using martial arts anyway. Cheng Yu decided to act according to the situation. If there is a chance to just knock him out rather than kill him, then leave the opponent alive. But if the opponent is not that easy to deal with, Cheng Yu doesn't mind directly

Break their necks...

Well, the neck is indeed a bit thick, almost catching up with Cheng Yu's waist.

Quickly redeeming a martial art in the system mall in his mind, Cheng Yu also chose to use it immediately. The footsteps behind him had almost reached the point where there was only one or two meters left.

Cheng Yu shrank down and kicked the ground, slamming his feet down on the ground. He also flew up, and his right fist had already been raised to the back of his head.

In the air, Cheng Yu had already seen clearly the positions of the two people. He stepped on the tree trunk with his left foot again, changed the direction of his leap, and fiercely hit the temple of the person closer to him with his right fist.

The two strong men were obviously confused. They were walking all the way when they heard a slight noise behind the tree trunk. They thought it was a hare or a fox with blind eyes. The two of them slipped out at this time.

The purpose of the barracks was to see if there were any wild animals nearby and to catch and beat them. They had not eaten fresh meat for a while and had been relying on frozen meat or canned meat to satisfy their needs for meat.


So when they felt that there was a living thing behind the tree, the two of them were very excited, but they never imagined that there was indeed a living thing behind the tree, and this living thing was so big that it even dared to attack them first.

Cheng Yu's punch hit the strong man hard near the temple. The strong man almost felt as if his brain had been hit hard by a sledgehammer, and he felt dizzy.

But his companions have now seen Cheng Yu's appearance clearly, and their vigilance has suddenly dropped a lot. Although Cheng Yu's body is much larger than that of hares and foxes, but compared to the two of them, it is simply not the same size.


Subconsciously, the guy felt that Cheng Yu's punch would at best make his companion feel like he was bitten by a mosquito, and the reason why his companion was hit solidly by this punch was because he was caught off guard and had no time to dodge.

. Otherwise, how could this guy, who barely lost to anyone in a bare-handed fight in the camp at the foot of the mountain, be easily hit by such a thin guy?

"Guyev, kill him!" As a result of his inertial thinking, he stopped and had no intention of stepping forward to support him. Instead, he just watched with gloating. He wanted to see how Guyev could kill this thin man.

The guy tore it into two pieces.

Of course he couldn't see this scene, because Cheng Yu quickly added another kick, hitting the guy named Guyev in the crotch, and then Cheng Yu's left fist hit Guyev's face hard horizontally, and his right fist hit Guyev's face hard.

The punch was another uppercut.

Guev's brain didn't have time to react at all. He only felt that he was being hit by Thor with his hammer one after another. The first hit still hurt. After that, he only felt a kind of shock as if he had been hit.

The sensation and pain seemed to have disappeared.

He stared blankly at the young man in front of him who was less than 1.8 meters tall. His body was upright, but he insisted on not falling down.

However, from his distracted eyes, Cheng Yu had already judged that this guy would soon collapse on his own. He should have completely fallen into a coma and would never wake up in a short time.

The reason for such a judgment is of course due to the help of martial arts. Martial arts brought him not only an increase in strength and speed, but also various knowledge and experience about hitting and being hit. It was as if he had used

After learning firearms skills, he had never touched a gun before, and he was able to gain an expert's familiarity with firearms in the first place.

Let it go if it doesn't fail. Cheng Yu's next target is the guy who is still cheering for Guev.

With a twist of his body, Cheng Yu pounced on the idiot who hadn't stopped mumbling. When Cheng Yu kicked his chest hard, this guy finally understood why Guev couldn't fight back, and why.

It's still standing there motionless.

The kick in the chest was more powerful than Guev's. It was as if a jeep hit him.

He could even barely hear the sound of his chest ribs breaking.

He couldn't continue thinking for long, Cheng Yu had already stepped forward and punched him hard on the nose.

The bridge of his nose was broken, he was bleeding profusely, and even his teeth felt obviously loose.

Cheng Yu took out his pistol and pressed it against the painful guy's face.

"If you don't scream, I won't kill you." Cheng Yu said in English.

The other party had a look of panic on his face, obviously not understanding what Cheng Yu was talking about. However, with years of experience as a mercenary, he probably knew that the weak-looking man in front of him was actually a murderer. Lian Gu

Yev is not his enemy, let alone himself. The other party obviously wants to shut up now.

So, he nodded vigorously and covered his mouth with his hand to show the other party that he understood.

This action is quite funny for a strong man who is over 1.9 meters tall to do it.

Cheng Yu spoke English again and asked him what his name was. This time, the guy didn't understand what Cheng Yu was asking at all, and could only keep shaking his head with fearful eyes.

Cheng Yu sighed slightly. He was a guy who couldn't understand English. He was about to grab the other person's carotid artery and make him faint when he heard the guy stammering in Chinese.

"Are you... Chinese?"

Let me go, can you speak Chinese? What a talent!

This chapter has been completed!
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