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Chapter 719: They are all devils

Maxim and Nikodim had already woken up in the house. Outside there was a hail of gunfire and grenades exploding, plus the pain of all their limbs being broken, it was difficult not to wake up.

However, it was useless to wake up. The two of them were lying on the ground. In addition to clearly feeling the omnipresent pain in their bodies, it was extremely difficult to even move.

Seeing Cheng Yu come in, Maxim struggled and shouted: "Who are you?"

Cheng Yu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I told you a long time ago."

Nikodim seemed calmer than Maxim. He said: "Should we ask you whether you are a human being?"

Cheng Yu laughed and said: "To a certain extent, I am indeed a bit beyond what a human being should be. Otherwise, your more than 140 men would not have been wiped out."

Maxim and Nikodim suddenly fell silent. Their eyes widened and they glared at Cheng Yu, but their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Are they all dead?"

After a long time, Maxim asked.

Cheng Yu curled his lips, found a chair that was still available, and sat on it.

"Listen outside, are there any sounds? It's completely quiet. Otherwise, there would still be constant gunshots right now."

Maxim was stunned. Even though he still couldn't believe it, he still closed his eyes sadly.

Nikodim almost broke his teeth and said, "Are you a human or a devil?"

"It depends on who the target is, doesn't it? To those innocent people who died tragically at your hands, I must be a human being. Even if they knew about today's scene, they would most likely regard me as an angel. But for you

Say, there is no doubt that I am indeed a devil."

"Devil... you are the devil..." Nikodim muttered, he no longer knew what to say.

"No, Nikodim, don't listen to him. It's impossible. How could he kill all of us by himself? He's lying, he's lying!"

Cheng Yu didn't bother to talk to Maxim, who was trying to save his dignity. He said, "Indeed, Mr. Maxim is right. I can't possibly kill all of you. After all, there are still a few of your men who are not in the camp."

Among them, well, they are the people I asked you about just now, Victor, Alexander, and Belinsky."

Maxim was stunned, and his eyes suddenly showed a look of strong hope, but soon, the look dimmed again, maybe because he wanted to hide something, or maybe because he thought of more than 130 people.

Even if they can't stop Cheng Yu from going on a killing spree, it seems that Victor and the others won't have much effect.

"I forgot to tell you that Zhuang Yi came today too. He took away his son and his daughter."

Maxim tried his best to open his eyes, looked at Cheng Yu, and said word by word: "Are you sure?"

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Of course I am sure."

"He came with you?"

"Yes, we sneaked in together, and then he took his children out without disturbing anyone. Then, I can safely deal with you people. What do you think?"

"Okay, great! It'll be great if he comes! Hahahaha..." Maxim didn't know what evil was possessed, and suddenly he laughed crazily.

Cheng Yu frowned. He didn't know why Maxim suddenly went crazy. He looked at Maxim coldly, waiting for his performance to end.

"Have you laughed enough? If you have laughed enough, tell me where Victor and the others left the camp. If you are honest enough, I will try to make you suffer as little torture as possible before you die."

However, Maxim burst into laughter again. He kept coughing while laughing, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth. It seemed that the grenade thrown in had damaged his lungs.

"Hahaha, hahaha, you'd better worry about yourself. I know that I'm going to die anyway today. But, Cheng Yu, Mr. Cheng, you probably wouldn't have thought that you're going to die today.

Hahahaha, hahahaha..."

Cheng Yu asked suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

"Hahahaha, you will know what I mean soon."

Cheng Yu was just about to ask again, but Nikodim said: "Victor and the others are five people in total. They left the camp two days ago. They left here to pick up people. There is a group of armed elements in Ukraine, and they have been working hard to

for resisting the Russian regime. Recently they were exterminated by the Russian military, and there are still thirty people left. Victor and the others went to meet the exiles. Before you came, Maxim and I were still discussing what to do.

Don't let them join our army."

Maxim angrily interrupted Nikodim and said: "Nikodim, what are you doing? Why did you tell him these things? Even if you don't agree with me accepting those people, we are all going to die now.

, only those people can avenge us. You actually told this person all these situations? He is a devil! You said this yourself!"

Nikodim actually smiled, and after coughing twice, he said: "It is precisely because we are all going to die, Maxim, that I feel it is necessary to talk to this Mr. Devil about these things.

Maxim, do you know why I have always been against you accepting those people?

Because those people are essentially the same as this Mr. Devil, they are much more cruel than us. You see, you still have compassion. Back then, I asked you to kill Zhuang Yi's wife and son, but you just

Killed his wife and raised his son.

But now, haha, this is your retribution! In order to save his son, Zhuang Yi invited this Mr. Devil, and that’s why our entire army was wiped out. Otherwise, maybe we wouldn’t have ended up like we did today. This

No matter how powerful Mr. Devil is, he is only one person.

And over there, there are thirty devils. In a war between one devil and thirty devils, who do you think will win?"

Maxim fell silent, but Nikodim's voice became louder and louder: "Mr. Devil, it's too late for you to leave now. Just now, I was begging Maxim to lead his troops to set up a camp on the top of the mountain.

I laid an ambush and killed the group of people who brought Victor back on the road. But he didn't listen to me. And now, the group of people should have entered the mountain. If you are lucky, you may meet Zhuang Yi and Zhuang Yi head-on.

His son, and that damn Natalya and the bastard he gave birth to, Inova. Guess what those devils of the same blood as you would do to a father and his pair of

Children? Hahahahaha... Mr. Devil, do you feel a little desperate now?"

Cheng Yu was stunned when he heard this. He never expected that Victor and his gang would pick up such a group of people. Although Nikodim did not clearly say where the thirty people came from,

He only said that they were operating in Ukraine, but he said that they were an armed force dedicated to resisting Russia. Cheng Yu had already guessed who those people were.

And those people were already on the way to the camp. From here to the outside of the Yablonov Mountains, there is only one mountain road that leads to the highway. As long as those people Nikodim mentioned had really entered dozens of minutes ago,

Mountainous area, then the chance of them bumping into Zhuang Yi is almost 100%.

Cheng Yu's heart suddenly sank.

At this time, he also heard the sound of vehicles starting from outside, and there were more than one. Then, there was a sharp braking sound.

Cheng Yu knew that this must be Victor returning with those militants, damn it!

Immediately, Cheng Yu no longer had any doubts, and the battle would begin again.

However, this time, he will face a group of more hysterical, more vicious, and fully armed extremists.

Cheng Yu immediately exchanged a martial art and a firearms technique from the system mall in his mind. He used the martial arts first without hesitation, and the firearms technique also clicked to the point where it only needed the last click to take effect immediately.

Hanging the loaded assault rifle around his neck, Cheng Yu picked up Maxim in one hand and Nikodim in the other, and walked towards the door.

There was already a noise coming from outside. Anyone who saw the corpses everywhere here would not be able to help but scream in surprise, even if those people themselves were the incarnation of the devil.

Cheng Yu blocked the dying Maxim and Nikodim in front of him and pushed them out of the room.

From the gap left by the heads of the two men, Cheng Yu saw three cars parked at the entrance of the camp. Probably because they saw corpses everywhere as soon as they entered the camp, the drivers of the three cars all agreed.

made the same braking action.

Many people had already jumped out of the car, some wearing camouflage military uniforms, and a few scattered among them wearing combat uniforms similar to those of Maxim and others.

Although they were still far away and the lights in the camp were not bright enough, someone still saw the people coming out of Maxim's house through the light from the headlights of the three cars.

"Boss! Boss!" someone shouted.

Maxim tried his best to turn his face and look at Cheng Yu, half-smiling but not smiling, with a bit of teasing in his eyes.

Cheng Yu said in a deep voice: "Who is this?"

"Isn't that the Alexander you miss day and night? Oh, no, what you miss most is Victor."

"Tell them to put down their weapons."

Maxim laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, Mr. Cheng, you are really naive. Do you think that with Victor and Alexander alone, those armed men will still listen to me?"

Cheng Yu kicked Maxim's leg where it was broken, and Maxim let out a scream. Cheng Yu said: "Stop talking nonsense, just say what I ask you to say!"

In order not to continue to be tortured by Cheng Yu, although Maxim's eyes were filled with resentment, he still shouted as loudly as possible: "Alexander, it's me! Mr. Cheng, who is controlling me behind me, asks you to put down your weapons."

Alexander suddenly became furious and shouted: ")(...&*%%...¥&*"

It was obvious that Cheng Yu didn't understand it at all.

Nikodim came again, and he translated for Cheng Yu: "He said that if you dare to touch Maxim, he will definitely blow your balls."

Cheng Yu simply didn't bother talking nonsense to the other party, raised his hand, and without the blessing of firearms skills, casually fired a few shots in the other party's direction.

"Tell them to put down the gun!" Cheng Yu ordered again.

Maxim was too lazy to send a message to Cheng Yu, but Nikodim smiled sinisterly and shouted to the other side: "He said, let you put down the gun, or he will kill us."

"Nikodim, you too..." Another man jumped out from behind Alexander, stopping those in camouflage uniforms from shooting...

This chapter has been completed!
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