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Chapter 723: Screening successful

Cheng Yu, who was moving rapidly in the southeast direction, stopped immediately when he heard the gunshot and looked in the direction of the gunshot.

I saw an armed man in camouflage uniform lying on the ground, trying his best to raise a gun, but it was not pointing in the direction of Cheng Yu, but in the direction where Cheng Yu was going.

 That shot just now was undoubtedly fired by this guy.

Cheng Yu raised his head, and a bullet immediately penetrated the man's head.

The man's body tilted, he completely lost his breath, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground again.

 "Zhuang Yi! Zhuang Yi! Are you okay!" Cheng Yu shouted anxiously, running faster in the direction of Zhuang Yi.

Zhuang Yi's voice sounded, but it was not as strong as before: "Mr. Cheng... I'm fine... I got shot in the arm, it's nothing serious."

Cheng Yu felt relieved and ran a few more steps when he saw Zhuang Yi, half sitting on the ground with his back against the wooden wall.

Standing in front of Zhuang Yi, Cheng Yu knelt down and saw a bullet hole in the front of Zhuang Yi's right arm.

"How is it?" Without saying a word, Cheng Yu immediately tore off a strip of cloth from his body and wanted to help Zhuang Yi bandage it.

“It’s okay, it passed through and no bones were hurt.”

Hearing this, Cheng Yu felt relieved. The most feared thing about this kind of injury is that the bullet got stuck in the bone. In that case, based on the thickness of the arm bone, it would basically be a 100% fracture.

And since it penetrated the past, it means that the bullet did not damage the bones, but only penetrated the muscles. As long as an injury of this degree is treated in time, it cannot be said that it will not have an impact on future life, but this impact will definitely be

Within the controllable range.

"Be patient." Cheng Yu ordered and tied up Zhuang Yi's wound with the cloth in his hand, trying to prevent him from losing more blood. As for treatment and prevention of inflammation, etc., we have to wait until it is completely cleaned up.

Only after the current situation is over.

But thinking about coming to this camp, Maxim and the others should have prepared some emergency medicine, and Cheng Yu also has a medical skill that can be redeemed, which should be enough to cope with the situation at hand.

“I’m going to take care of the remaining people first.” Cheng Yu asked Zhuang Yi to sit against the wall, checked the gun in his hand, replaced a magazine, and walked out with the gun raised.

 “Master Cheng, be careful.” Zhuang Yi warned him worriedly from behind.

Cheng Yu nodded and walked out slowly, his eyes constantly searching around in case the militants who were still alive might suddenly raise their guns and fire arrows.

When he sees a guy wearing a camouflage military uniform, Cheng Yu will pay special attention. If he sees that the shot is in the head or heart, Cheng Yu will just skip it, because he is 100% the one who shot him, and this kind of person is 100% dead.


While advancing slowly, Cheng Yu counted the number of people wearing camouflage uniforms he saw. Maxim and Nikodim said that there were only thirty militants left in this group, and as long as they were all dead,

Then there should be only two people left in the wooden house and the five people who went out to meet this group of armed men.

Cheng Yu can be sure that at least three of the five people are still alive, because he has not received any prompts from the system until now, which means that none of the five culprits have died yet.

As for those five guys, Cheng Yu had already observed them. Although they were some distance apart, he could clearly see that those five guys were the closest to the rocket. The air wave almost directly acted on them. Maybe they were still there.

After being hit by the overturned car, when Cheng Yu was killing the remaining two militants, they were still twisting on the ground, but now, they are completely quiet, and they may have passed out.


Of course, the possibility that they were pretending to be dead could not be ruled out, so while Cheng Yu was moving, he had been keeping an eye on the five people on the ground and basically did not give them any possible shooting angles.

 Seeing a militant whose left arm was broken, Cheng Yu shot the man again without hesitation.

 A shot to the head, but there is no movement in the brain, means that the person has died once.

Cheng Yu thought silently in his heart: Don't blame me, I'm not whipping the corpse, I just want to make sure you are dead.

move on.

Saw another man in camouflage military uniform who was shot neither on his head nor on his heart. Of course, Cheng Yu shot him again.

It was still a headshot, but this time, there was a clear ring in his mind, and he gained one hundred and fifty points.

 Those who pretended to be dead, or were unconscious, were found by Cheng Yu.

 Soon, Cheng Yu cleared the battlefield.

Before clearing the battlefield, Cheng Yu had already received twenty-six point reminders, one of which Cheng Yu still didn't understand where it came from. At that time, he did not fire or take any other actions.

The points were almost delivered to his door. But it also showed that Cheng Yu had killed twenty-five of the thirty militants.

This means that there were only five militants on the battlefield who were not shot in the head or hit in the center.

Cheng Yu quickly found these five "corpses". Except for the second one who was found to be alive and not completely dead, which finally added a hundred and fifty points to Cheng Yu, the other four were indeed

All are dead.

Of course Cheng Yu didn't know that one of the guys, the first one he discovered, the one with a broken arm, actually died under Alexander's gun. He thought that all four of them were killed by Zhuang Yi.

The heavy machine gun killed it.

But this is not important. What is important is that Cheng Yu feels that he can relax.

Taking two steps towards the overturned car, Cheng Yu made sure that none of the five people had firearms in their hands, and then walked out with confidence.

As he walked, Cheng Yu shot at the forearms of the five people.

After two consecutive shots were fired, the five people obviously made some movement, which also made Cheng Yu confirm that at least four of these five guys were pretending to be dead.

The reason why it is said to be four is because Cheng Yu shot Alexander both times, one on his left arm and one on his right arm. Even if he really passed out and died, he was still injured.

These two shots must have woken me up too.

However, Cheng Yu estimated that there was a high probability that all five of them were pretending to be dead. After they were blown away by Zhuang Yi's rocket, their bodies had been seriously injured and all the weapons in their hands were dropped. They were basically

The stage of being unable to resist.

So the only possibility left for them to survive was to make Cheng Yu mistakenly think that they were dead. So even if Cheng Yu was "whipping corpses" along the way, they were still very calm. After all, those gunshots

There is still some distance between them.

But when Cheng Yu's bullet finally fell on Alexander, the group knew that they could not escape. Cheng Yu obviously preferred to whip the corpse to confirm his life or death.

It's just that they couldn't figure out what the basis was for Cheng Yu to judge whether a person was dead or not. They certainly didn't expect that Cheng Yu had a natural counter in his mind.

They started to move, Cheng Yu pulled the trigger much faster, and soon all five of them realized that there was no possibility of their arms picking up weapons.

  Everyone was screaming on the ground, and each one was still wondering why Cheng Yu didn't kill them.

 “Who is Belinsky?”

Although Cheng Yu knew that none of these five people could understand English, he still wanted to give it a try. After all, when talking about names, the pronunciations in English and Russian are always relatively similar. Moreover, what he said,

These are also the simplest three words. These people should be able to barely understand them, right?

 No one answered.

 Cheng Yu asked again: "Who is Belinsky?"

 But this time, Cheng Yu fired another shot, hitting Victor's other leg.

Victor twitched for a while and yelled a few words, but his hand still pointed at a very thin guy.

Cheng Yu walked over, kicked the man on the body, and said, "Are you Belinsky?"

In any case, Belinsky understood this sentence. He knew that if he didn't answer, Cheng Yu would definitely shoot without hesitation, so he snorted and said an English word: "Yes!"

Cheng Yu did not hesitate anymore and immediately pointed his gun at the two guys who could never be the culprits. He shot each one in the head.

 Then, Cheng Yu dispelled the effect of gun skills, and the remaining guys should have no ability to resist. And under Cheng Yu's god-like marksmanship just now, these people should not have the courage to get up and run away.

This time, Cheng Yu's gun skill lasted for eleven minutes and thirty-two seconds, and the system deducted a total of two hundred and thirty-one points from Cheng Yu.

This time, firearms skills helped Cheng Yu kill a total of twenty-eight people, earning a total of 4,200 points.

Coupled with the 150 points that Cheng Yu still can't figure out until now, Cheng Yu's points have increased by a total of 4119 points.

Cheng Yu simply glanced at the points on the light green screen in his head, and the number became 5434355419.

  So far, Cheng Yu has earned a total of 25,050 points in this mission due to his killing spree in firearms skills.

Of course, Cheng Yu also spent hundreds of points for this, but compared with more than 25,000 points, it is obviously not worth mentioning.

"Zhuang Yi, come out, it's okay." Cheng Yu shouted loudly, and then he strode towards the place where Vasily was lying.

 Looking closer, Vasily was motionless.

Cheng Yu squatted down and touched Vasily's neck artery, but found that there was no pulse at all.

 He touched Vasily's heart again, and there was indeed no heartbeat.

Breathing can be disguised, but the heartbeat, Cheng Yu has never heard of anyone who can actively stop it. Even though yoga seems to be able to do this in the legend, science shows that when the heartbeat disappears, the blood flow will stop. In medicine,

A few minutes of cardiac arrest is enough to cause death. Actively stopping the heartbeat is obviously a false proposition.

Cheng Yu's doubts seemed to have been answered. The one hundred and fifty points probably came from Vasily.

Although Cheng Yu did not directly kill Vasily with the firearms technique, he also shot his hands and feet with a gun while the firearms technique continued. All the injuries on Vasily's body came from his hands and feet.

The foot whose ankle was broken by Cheng Yu actually had no chance of killing him, so Vasily eventually died from excessive blood loss.

The system is fair at this point. Even if Vasily died of excessive blood loss, the cause of his blood loss was Cheng Yu's three shots. In other words, Cheng Yu shot him three times, leaving him for a period of time.

He finally died after a while, and the system also attributed Vasily's death to the firearms technique.

 This is how I got the one hundred and fifty points.

Vasily's death also completely confirmed that the five people still alive are the five culprits.

Cheng Yu shouted in his head easily: "Now, I should have identified these five culprits, right?"

 The system did not answer, but the answer is obvious.

This chapter has been completed!
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