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Chapter 740: Really uselessteleportation technique

There was still some content in the dialog box, so Cheng Yu continued to look down.

"When this consumable is used, it must not be noticed by any human being, otherwise it will also be judged as invalid. When using this consumable, the host is allowed to carry items that do not exceed its own weight, including living things."

The description of the teleportation technique has been completed, but a big question mark once again appeared in Cheng Yu's mind.

It is not difficult to avoid being seen when using the teleportation technique. Cheng Yu only needs to arrange a suitable time and place. It is impossible for anyone to know that he disappeared out of thin air.

But the problem is that Cheng Yu has no way to be completely precise about where he will appear after teleporting.

Although the current accuracy of the earth has reached six decimal places, that is, it has achieved an accuracy of one hundredth of a second in units of degrees, minutes and seconds, it is theoretically possible to locate areas smaller than one square meter.

The area was large, but Cheng Yu couldn't check whether there was anyone at the location marked by the longitude and latitude coordinates before teleporting.

Such a restriction almost destined that Cheng Yu could not teleport anytime and anywhere as he pleased, but could only teleport at a limited time and place. Especially the location of the destination must be set in an absolute no-man's land, or in the distance.

Wherever Yu wants to teleport, he can buy a house there in advance, and then set the longitude and latitude positioning in that house.

But the problem is that Gugou Earth already represents the highest accuracy of civilian products, but it still has an error of about five meters. This error can easily teleport Cheng Yu directly into a wall.

So, this teleportation technique can only set the destination of the teleportation to the wilderness? Then Cheng Yu has to drive the No. 11 bus and walk to the place he really wants to go one by one?

This thing is a bit tasteless!

When he first saw the words teleportation, Cheng Yu's heartfelt excitement almost disappeared. He originally thought that he was about to become a Naruto, then disappeared in a flash, and then appeared in London feeding pigeons.

But now it seems that it is not easy to feed the pigeons. After all, it can only be achieved by arriving at a deserted place around London in the middle of the night, and then walking to London one by one. However,

It's quite easy to feed sharks. You just need to teleport yourself to the Pacific Ocean, then cut your skin and bleed some to attract the sharks to come over and feast.

What a cheating skill!

Cheng Yu thought about it carefully. If you want to use teleportation, first of all, you must have good mathematical calculation skills to ensure the straight-line distance between the departure point and the arrival point. Secondly, you must have strong enough geographical knowledge to choose

Arriving at a destination is a very difficult subject. Thirdly, you must be an expert at surfing the Internet. At the very least, you must be able to play in places where the use of the buttock earth is prohibited. Fourthly, you must have a strong body.

Make sure that after you are teleported to the wilderness or desolate mountains, you have enough physical strength to walk into the area of ​​human activity.

Of course, first of all, you have to be careful enough, otherwise, it is simply impossible for you to think of these in such detail and arrange everything in an orderly manner when you need to use teleportation in the future.

But no matter what, the teleportation skill itself still has a considerable effect.

What's more, when activating the teleportation skill, Cheng Yu can carry various objects up to his own weight, including even living people.

Take this trip to Russia as an example. If Cheng Yu had already possessed the teleportation skill at that time, he would only need to spend twenty points to teleport to the vicinity of Ulan-Ude. This would be comparable to when he went to find Ander.

It was much better for Levitch to arrange for him to leave China by freight. Just reducing the trouble of letting people know about it was already worth the twenty points.

I felt even more comfortable when I came back. Cheng Yu no longer had to make so many trips. Even if the combined weight of Diandian and Yinova exceeded Cheng Yu's weight, Cheng Yu could still easily carry two trips back and forth at least twice.

A child comes back.

In fact, this task can be made extremely simple, and Zhuang Yi naturally does not need to sacrifice his life.

Cheng Yu only needed to teleport once to reach Maxim's camp, and he could hit exactly where to point. The positioning Cheng Yu obtained at that time was military supplies on a helicopter, and it was unknown to Earth.

How accurate is it? Then you only need to take care of the two children, teleport directly to a safe place, and then go back to carry out a massacre that is destined to be smooth and safe. There is no need to be as dangerous as two days ago.

Of course, these are not things that can be regretted, but they also fully illustrate the preciousness of the teleportation skill.

If there is another rescue mission like this in the future, Cheng Yu will complete it effortlessly.

However, in terms of probability, since the Shenhu system has given Cheng Yu the power to redeem teleportation skills, there is a high probability that there will never be such a rescue mission in the future. Even if there is, it will probably be clearly stated in the mission content.

Teleportation cannot be used.

But at least from now on, Cheng Yu no longer has to worry about entering or exiting the country. No matter where the destination of future system missions is, he can arrive near the destination without anyone noticing - well, this neighborhood

, maybe a bit far.

Cheng Yu finally understood that this teleportation technique was essentially a new form of transportation given to him by the system, so that he would not have to spend a lot of time planning his itinerary every time he faced a system task.

Zhou Zhang.

A wave of sleepiness swept over him, Cheng Yu tilted his head and truly fell into sleep.

When I woke up, the house was dark, with only some dim light coming through the windows that had not yet drawn the curtains.

Cheng Yu stood in front of the window and looked outside. It was almost midnight, and there were only a few lights on the street outside the hotel. It would be difficult to go out and find a place to have a late-night snack at this time.

A little more energy.

After all, it's just a fourth- and fifth-tier city. If it weren't for its separate plan, it would be the size of a county-level city. Even though this hotel is located in the city center, there are no lights or people around it after dark.

Suddenly remembering that he had two children, Cheng Yu asked Xue Changyun to take the two children to another room in the suite to rest on the pretext of resting in the afternoon. He didn't expect that he would sleep for nearly ten hours, and he didn't know what happened to the two children.

So done.

Picking up his phone, Cheng Yu noticed that Xue Changyun had sent him three WeChat messages.

The first one is that at around five o'clock in the evening, Xue Changyun asked Cheng Yu if he was awake.

At half past six, he sent another message, telling Cheng Yu that he had taken the two children to dinner, and that there was no need to worry if Cheng Yu woke up.

Then there was one near nine o'clock. Xue Changyun said that the two children were sleepy. After watching them fall asleep, he went back to his room and asked Cheng Yu to find him when he woke up.

Cheng Yu unscrewed the door and walked to the bedroom next door. He opened the door and took a look. The two children were sleeping peacefully, so he gently closed the door again.

Although it was close to the next day, Cheng Yu estimated that Xue Changyun was still awake, so he still made a call.

Xue Changyun answered quickly and said with a smile: "Mr. Cheng, are you awake?"

"Well, I just woke up and saw your WeChat. I thought you were still awake, so I gave you a try. What room number do you live in? I'll go to your place."

Xue Changyun reported the room number, and Cheng Yu simply packed up and went straight over.

"You slept really long this time."

"I was nervous all the way, coupled with the fatigue of traveling and traveling, I haven't had much sleep in the past few days. At this point, can I still find a place to eat? I'm hungry..."

"I can find it. When I sent you the last message, I specifically asked the hotel staff because I was afraid you would be hungry when you woke up."

"It should be fine if the two children sleep in the same room, right?" Cheng Yu was a little worried.

Xue Changyun waved his hand and said: "It will be okay. No other guests can come up to this floor except us. The fire escapes are locked. This was specially arranged by the cadre who received the supplies, saying that our safety is the first guarantee."

"That's alright, let's go out and have something to eat."

After walking for a short distance, the two of them walked into a barbecue restaurant, ordered a lot of mutton and beef, poured wine and drank it with peanuts.

"Tomorrow you have to find me a commercial car, and the driver also has to make arrangements. It's best to arrange for two drivers to drive in shifts. The road is not short. Do you have to stay one night on the way? Why do you have to drive for three or four hours?

What about it?" After a sip of wine, Cheng Yu felt more comfortable.

Xue Changyun laughed and said: "It's not as far as you think. It's the northernmost point, but it's on the back of a rooster and less than two thousand kilometers away from Xixi. The two drivers drove in different shifts, plus they had food and water on the way.

Or whatever, one day and one night is more than enough. It’s almost a twenty-hour drive.”

"Only less than two thousand kilometers?"

"Well, the highway happens to be relatively straight and there are no detours." Xue Changyun picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth, "Don't worry about the car, I have arranged it. The car is for a lifestyle car, but it is a pity that there is no villa version. The driver

We have also contacted you and will be on standby around the clock tomorrow. You can set off at any time you find convenient."

Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment after hearing this, what kind of thing is a life home?

"Life home?"

"Oh, it's a RV made by SAIC Maxus. It can sit and lie down. I originally thought about renting a commercial vehicle so that I could sit more comfortably, but when I got there and talked about the situation, I was told that they had RVs for rent.

.I thought to myself that this was obviously a better fit, so I rented it.”

"How can such a high-end car rental business exist in this small place?"

"It's really high-end compared to ours, but where is this? The Mongolian prairie. If you don't plan to go to the city and stay in a hotel on vacation, it would be best to rent an RV and hit the road."

"The key point is that ordinary people can't drive this car, right? Renting a car and having a driver will make living in the wilderness quite miserable, right?" Cheng Yu smiled and took a sip of wine.

"This car's standard jamming is perfect. It's just less than six meters long. It can be driven by the C1 when it's stuck."

Cheng Yu nodded. Although he hadn't seen the car yet, it was obvious that the RV was definitely more comfortable than the commercial vehicle. After all, the journey was close to two thousand kilometers.

"You are really thoughtful."

"The main reason is that the car rental point here was beyond my expectation, so I just went to inquire about it while I had nothing to do. The driver was found by a director of the Education Bureau. They are all local people and have driven for the government department for more than ten years.

Yes, I can trust it.”

At this time, the roasted beef and mutton were served, and Cheng Yu and Xue Changyun stopped talking and began to feast.

After eating and drinking until almost two o'clock, the two of them strolled back to the hotel. Cheng Yu was in good spirits after sleeping all day. Xue Changyun had a flight tomorrow morning, so it didn't matter whether he slept or not, so they simply let the hotel's staff

The waiter got a bottle of wine in the lobby bar, and we drank and chatted slowly, and soon it was dawn.

It's summer, and we're in a place like Erenhot with an altitude of nearly a thousand meters. It's already dawn before five o'clock in the morning.

Cheng Yu stood up and said, "Let's take a rest each. When the two children wake up, I will take them directly to contact the two drivers and get on the road. You can also take a rest and go take a plane."

Xue Changyun also had this intention and sent Cheng Yu to the door of the room.

Back in his suite, Cheng Yu stood in front of the two children's bedroom door and listened. There was no movement. Then he quietly walked into his bedroom and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After he came out, he heard the two children

There was movement in his bedroom. He looked up and walked out of the room, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Are you awake?" Cheng Yu asked softly with a smile.

Although he didn't understand it, Diandian roughly understood what Cheng Yu meant. He walked up to him and made a small square shape with his hand.

Cheng Yu knew that the child had something to say to him and asked him to use his mobile phone to translate.

So he found his phone, called up the translation app, and asked Diandian to speak.

"My sister woke up first. She was hungry and wanted to eat." When Diandian said this, there was a shy expression on his face.

Cheng Yu laughed, rubbed his slightly rough hair, and said: "Go and wake up Yinova, I will take you to have breakfast. After that, we will leave, and we will go to the place where you will live in the future.


Nodding obediently, Diandian returned to the bedroom and soon stood in front of Cheng Yu with Yinova.

I took my two children to the hotel restaurant. This kind of self-service restaurant is best for children, especially those they are unfamiliar with. Let them choose what they like to eat, and it will save Cheng Yu and them some trouble.

I am troubled by the inconvenience of communication.

During breakfast, Cheng Yu contacted one of the two drivers according to the phone number Xue Changyun gave him. The driver said he would notify the other driver immediately and then go to the car rental point to wait for Cheng Yu.

After breakfast, Cheng Yu went back to his room, picked up his things, checked out and left, not bothering to say hello to Xue Changyun again.

When they arrived at the car rental point, the two drivers had been waiting for a long time. They had already completed the car rental procedures and were waiting for Cheng Yu to sign with his ID card to pick up the car. Xue Changyun had already paid the fee yesterday.

Seeing all this, Cheng Yu couldn't help but nodded slightly, thinking that Xue Changyun is so sensible!

After getting in the car, Cheng Yu had a completely new sensory experience with the car.

The car is not too big. There is an induction cooktop and a sink at the entrance. There are four chairs facing each other inside, and a small dining table in the middle. The rear of the car is a bedroom space, and there is a small bathroom in the middle. The driver and the passenger at the front of the car are

There is actually a bed above the driving position. Although the space is a bit short, it doesn't feel too cramped when lying there.

This is okay...

Cheng Yu was very satisfied.

The two children were simply stunned.

As children who had lived in an almost isolated environment since childhood, they had never seen cars before, but a RV like this was absolutely unheard of.

After the car started moving, Diandian asked Cheng Yu in a low voice: "Did you drag the house behind the car?" which made Cheng Yu laugh.

Since there was room for hot meals, Cheng Yu simply bought a lot of food and packed it up. When he was hungry, he only needed to reheat it before eating. At about nine o'clock, the group began to set off in the direction of Xixi.

This chapter has been completed!
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