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Chapter 747 Many Systems

Speaking of the other two doors in the house, Ning Kezhu was dazed again. Now that he thinks about it, there are always many things that are incredible.

At that time, many people in the Cheng Group, as well as the three members of Cheng Guangtian's family, more or less hinted and expressed that Ning Kezhu should not place so much trust in Cheng Fu. But Ning Kezhu felt like eating paste, even

Even Cheng Yu's reminders turned a deaf ear, and he just trusted Cheng Fu wholeheartedly. Occasionally, before returning home at night, he would doubt himself, but every morning when he came back to Cheng's house, he would see him by himself as soon as he opened the door.

After Mr. Cheng was promoted to assistant, all the doubts he had before disappeared.

After repeating it several times, even I felt that I might be overthinking it. Even if one dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of them was different, it was not unusual for Cheng Guangle to give birth to a younger son who knew how to advance and retreat and knew justice. Cheng Qingsong gave birth to a son.

He has three sons and one daughter, aren’t they all different? Cheng Guangnian is domineering and always tries to protect the entire Cheng family by himself. Cheng Guangle has hidden evil intentions and always wants to surpass the big house and become the pillar of the Cheng family but is unable to do so. If not

Cheng Guangnian had made clear arrangements for the second brother before the accident, and he was afraid that he would be the first to raise the banner. The third brother, Cheng Guangtian, was not a kind person either, but he was a bit timid by nature, so he still knew it.

Assessing the situation, she didn't do anything too outrageous, but she secretly took advantage of her own house. Cheng Jie didn't have any scheming intentions, and she didn't covet the huge business created by Cheng Guangnian. She knew how to be grateful, but she was too temperamental.

If you are too weak, you won't dare to speak out about big or small things at home.

It can be said that there are four children with four personalities. Ning Kezhu also thinks that maybe Cheng Fu is different from his father and eldest brother.

Unexpectedly, many thoughts have changed to the ending that Cheng Fu is the most vicious person. Cheng Guangle and Cheng Guangtian are just scheming to exclude each other. They even want to exclude Cheng Yu, the eldest son of the eldest son and the first heir, and fantasize about something they don't want.

Wealth that we both deserve and deserve. But Cheng Fu actually seeks wealth and murder, which is simply shocking.

The more I think about it, the more unbelievable I find it. How could I have so much trust in Master Cheng at that time, and how could I defy everyone's opinions? This is completely inconsistent with Ning Kezhu's cautious character.

After Cheng Fu was taken away by the police, his first reaction was to thoroughly investigate the projects he had entrusted to Cheng Fu. Only then did he discover that Cheng Fu had actually done something in this short period of time.

Handled a very limited number of projects and made over RMB 10 million in assets.

Money is a trivial matter. It would be better for Zhu to cut off his flesh for a mere tens of millions. He can just withdraw it from his personal account and make up for it. But the reason why Cheng Fu was able to seize and embezzle so many assets was because he had three of them.

The project was completely overturned. Ning Kezhu, including Cheng's Group, saw that these three projects were successfully signed and operated, but in fact, Cheng Fu did not sign these three contracts at all. The contract left on file by Cheng's Group,

It was all forged by him.

All three investment funds were directly pocketed by him.

In this regard, Ning Kezhu did not say anything. After all, it was a family scandal that could not be made public. He urgently contacted the partner companies of the three projects, and finally negotiated with two of them to remedy the situation. The remaining one thought that there was no hope of cooperating with Cheng.

Found another partner.

However, when the police found Ning Kezhu to assist in the investigation, Ning Kezhu still told the police. The police thoroughly checked Cheng Fu's account, but found almost nothing. Cheng Fu only had assets of more than one million yuan in his name. Of course the police did not

The meeting ended this investigation and continued to investigate the funds in and out of the account under Cheng Fu's name. It was found that the more than 10 million yuan had been injected into thousands of different overseas banks through an online funding platform.

Among the accounts. And those accounts were all anonymous accounts. The police tried to trace it but failed. They had to tell Ning Kezhu that the money was probably lost to Huang He.

Of course, Ning Kezhu didn't take the money issue to heart. She just wondered how Cheng Fu had so much energy to get so many anonymous accounts. It was only tens of millions. Cheng Guangnian paid dividends to the two companies' shares, which amounted to nearly 10,000 yuan every year.

More than this amount, even if Cheng Guangle and Cheng Yi were sent to the frontier, their family's dividends were never cut off. For this mere tens of millions, and done so blatantly, once someone starts to follow up on those three projects

If things go wrong, he will find out that there is something fishy about it, and he can't escape at all. Ning Kezhu can't figure out why Cheng Fu would do this.

Ning Kezhu told Cheng Yu these things. Of course Cheng Yu knew what the more than ten million was used for. Although he didn't know how the funds were transferred on the dark web, it was all black money and it was impossible to do it openly without laundering it.

are injected into private accounts, so those thousands of anonymous accounts are probably a routine operation. Obviously, in addition to providing such a platform to guarantee transactions and earn commissions from it, the controllers of the dark web are also responsible for

Responsible for making money clean for both parties to the transaction.

Calculated in this way, the commission charged by the dark web is really nothing. The risk of guarantee is already very high, not to mention the function of converting money into money.

And Cheng Fu knew that this little trick was an extremely easy to expose, and it would not take long for these three funds to become the death knell for him to be imprisoned. Ning Kezhu thought it was unreasonable, but Cheng Yu understood that this was probably

This is Cheng Fu's only chance to raise enough funds in a short period of time.

But even Cheng Yu couldn't figure out how Cheng Fu could ascend to power even if Cheng Guangnian was killed? After all, these three funds were an obstacle that he couldn't get around. No matter how much Ning Kezhu trusted him,

It is absolutely impossible to let him go without mentioning anything. He must be responsible to the other shareholders of the group. This is not as simple as misappropriating funds.

Fortunately, Cheng Fu was already behind bars, so Cheng Yu didn't have to worry about him continuing to cause trouble, so he didn't worry about it.

"Second uncle and his family all have a tendency to care about the head rather than the body. Mom, don't think too much about it. Since the loss is not big and the shareholders have been appeased, let this matter pass." Cheng Yu also said

I could only comfort my mother, get up and pour her a glass of water.

After taking a sip of water to moisten his dry lips after talking for a while, Ning Kezhu sighed and said, "I don't know why I was obsessed with it at that time. I even heard that Master Cheng was arrested, and it was because of your father's affairs.

My first reaction was that it was impossible. A child as good as Mr. Cheng would never be able to do such a thing. But the police actions were in front of me, and I couldn’t help but believe it. Afterwards, I checked the projects he handled, and found that the three

I was completely in despair about this project. In fact, I also know that a large part of that money must have been used to design your father's project. After all, it is a big bureau, and it is impossible to have enough funds.

It's impossible. But I just couldn't believe it at the time..."

After taking another sip of water, Ning Kezhu's eyes were slightly moist, as if he regretted his trust in Cheng Fu.

"Actually, now that I have completely calmed down and thought about it carefully, my trust in Cheng Fu was really a bit blind. Not only me, but your dad also seemed to have some blind trust in this child. Otherwise, he would not have trusted Cheng Fu

Use him like a half-assistant. Of course, what’s even more ridiculous is me. He was the chief culprit of your father’s death, but I made him become Dong’s assistant in a legitimate way..."

Seeing his mother sighing continuously, Cheng Yu's heart tightened slightly, and he suddenly had an idea that he had not considered at all.

Could it be possible, Cheng Fu also...

This idea was so absurd, but once it was generated, it was like a seed that sprouted quickly. The roots stretched and meandered very fast. It could be described as crazy growth, grabbing Cheng Yu's heart from all directions until it was completely wrapped in it.

He and Cheng Guangnian are two extremely special examples, but who can guarantee that there will not be a third equally special example in this world?

In fact, human abilities have their limits after all, especially when a person's miraculous rise to success is always interspersed with many incredible processes.

Cheng Yu himself studied macroeconomics, and this kind of thing can be easily explained from a macro perspective.

For example, the head of state of a country, especially the head of a superpower like China and the United States, can only produce such a unique head of state from a population of hundreds of millions or even billions. Of course, it is undeniable that politicians ultimately assume power.

To a large extent, it relies on the strong support of Zuyin, which is enough to eliminate 99% of the people from the ranks of competitors. But even if only one percent is left, it is hundreds of thousands or even millions.

Crowd, why did that person eventually become the only leader?

From a macro perspective, all those who are qualified to participate in this competition will inevitably make the final and only choice. In other words, there must be one person who will reach the top, and the person who reaches the top may not necessarily have different abilities, etc.

The strongest one, but the most suitable one. In front of God, these people are completely equal. They are all ordinary black or white pieces in the chess basket. And who can make the final move in the end, that piece is the macro

The choice was made.

Politicians may have various constraints and backgrounds that ordinary people cannot meet.

And when every new era comes, there will always be some influential figures. Just like the Internet that swept across the world at the end of the 20th century and quickly became a global lifestyle, countless miracles were born here.

A series of familiar names such as Gugou, Must Die, Microsoft, Apple, etc., as well as Huawei, Ali, Penguin, etc. in China, can not but be called miracles.

It is true that the vast majority of these people come from well-off families, have high IQ and EQ, and have received a good education. However, hundreds of thousands of people with these conditions are born every year. In the past thirty years since the Internet has been booming, few

It is said that there are hundreds of millions of people who have the same or even better starting conditions than them.

But in the end, God chose them to become leaders in the industry, and chose them to be worshiped by many young people. From a macro perspective, it is of course an inevitable result, but from the development trajectory of each of them, it is simply

Mission impossible.

Many people say that Cheng Guangnian has hardly made any major choices in the years since he founded the Cheng Group. There is no doubt that Cheng Guangnian is also one of these people. But Cheng Yu clearly knows that Cheng Guangnian has cheats. Just like himself, even if

Cheng Yu has absolute trust in his own IQ and ability, and indeed relied on Zu Yin to get 20 million in start-up capital. Even his partners were brought in because of his status as the crown prince of the Cheng Group.

But his development over the past year since he returned to China is nothing short of a miracle in the eyes of outsiders.

In one year, he has become one of the top rich second generations in the country and is still an entrepreneurial and pioneering second generation. Is it simply due to Cheng Yu's own conditions?

No doubt not.

Others don't know, maybe even Cheng Guangnian doesn't know (after all, he doesn't dare to guess in that direction), but Cheng Yu himself knows it very well. If the God System hadn't given him so many complex abilities, if he hadn't

The lifeline has reached its end, forcing him to move forward at a flying speed. He cannot use those 20 million to achieve billions of net worth in just one year (this is just the outside world's valuation of Cheng Yu's property).


If he is the one and only, Cheng Yu doesn't dare to think so, but with Cheng Guangnian's pearl before and the miracle of ball lightning on his plane later, who knows how many systems exist in this world?

As a student of economics, Cheng Yu has inevitably studied many high-powered seniors who have created miracles in the business field. The details are unknown, but judging from the relatively simple summary of life experiences in a tabular format, it is clear that none of these people have been pioneers.

He is still running? He never misses important moments. You can see that he is already standing on the edge of a cliff and is in danger, but he can always miraculously turn the tide and survive. This cannot be explained by a simple word of luck.

Cheng Yu had an absurd idea. He felt that there must be many people like him on this planet, otherwise many things that spanned the ages would be unexplainable.

From steam engines to trains, they are not designed simply by pneumatic energy pushing the piston back and forth. They involve many complex and precise parts, and thousands or even thousands of complex structures cooperate with each other to achieve the final result.

It converts coal combustion into boiling water vapor and then converts it into the forward power of the train.

Not to mention airplanes.

Human beings want to fly in the sky like birds. This is certainly the driving force for the invention of airplanes, but a simple idea can at best lead to the emergence of simple aircraft such as hot air balloons based on the laws of nature, right?

Satellites are even more incredible.

Cheng Yu simply couldn't imagine what kind of brain could think of such a thing as a satellite. Putting a mechanical component in the orbit of the earth outside the atmosphere, let alone where the orbit came from, just putting such a thing on it

What it can do is mind-boggling.

Of course, modern satellites can do too many things, but why were the people who proposed the concept of artificial satellites not regarded as crazy? Even now, Cheng Yu feels that if there was no concept of artificial satellites, someone would

If he proposed such an idea to himself, he would definitely think that the other person was a psychopath.

The key is that this thing is not like other things that can be explained macroscopically.

There will be two final outcomes for starting a business, one is success and the other is failure, and even if it fails, the loss will be the money at the beginning of the business. This is even something that can be repeated, just like the founder of KFC.

Is it also said that he only started a successful business in his sixties?

It can build satellites, but it cannot withstand too many failures, and it cannot pile up numbers to achieve ultimate success.

It was only twelve years after the victory of World War II that the Soviet Union launched the satellite into the sky. This almost means that the time from the establishment of the project to the launch of the satellite will never exceed twelve years. Before the end of World War II, the Soviet Union was barely able to fight a war. How could it be possible?

How much money do you have to spend on this thing?

After the war, the Soviet Union did not want to develop its national power, but instead went to work on things like satellites. If you think about it, it is really a crazy move.

Cheng Yu couldn't help but feel heart palpitations. He was horrified when he thought about it. What kind of lunatic would come up with such an idea? And what kind of lunatic could successfully convince the entire Soviet Union to develop a country with the strength of almost a poor country? I don't know if it is possible.

A satellite in the sky? You know, the Soviet Union at that time had to quickly develop the three atomic bombs that the Americans had already thrown. The landlords didn’t have any food left, so they didn’t want to store a batch of atomic bombs first to prevent the Americans from throwing them.

You can throw back the time, but you are hysterically developing satellites that you have never heard of. This is an incredible thing no matter how you think about it.

But if the person who proposed this idea also had a system, everything would be easily solved.

If the system can provide technology, then it is not just a matter of imagination, but it tells you clearly that this thing can definitely work.

Although the Shenxi system did not provide Cheng Yu with any black technology, and judging from Cheng Guangnian's development trajectory, it seems that there is no supply of black technology. However, the system is also divided into categories. There are systems that make people rich and powerful, and there are systems that make people rich and powerful.

A system that forces people not to spend money will naturally lead to a system that forces people to develop science and technology.

It does not necessarily mean that the system directly provides technology, it only provides a possibility, and provides enough knowledge systems and various auxiliary capabilities, which is enough for a madman to toss out a satellite prototype in his basement.

After all, it’s just a thing that weighs more than ten kilograms to tens of kilograms (the Soviet one weighed 83 kilograms, and the one the United States put into the sky the next year only weighed 10 kilograms).

Of course, just having a prototype is not enough. You also have to convince the Soviet Communist Party. You have to develop a launch vehicle to send satellites into orbit. Getting rid of gravity does not mean flying 81,000 meters high, let alone lighting a fire.

It's as simple as flying up to the sky and then being shattered into pieces with a bang. This is easier for Cheng Yu to understand. After all, he has this thing in his own system, and hypnosis can easily make others completely trust him.


Hypnosis, Cheng Yu thought of Cheng Guangnian and Ning Kezhu's attitude towards Cheng Fu.

Master Cheng doesn’t really have a system, does he?

This chapter has been completed!
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