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Chapter 772 Consciousness Program

It is the task of the police to find relevant persons for questioning and investigation. Although Cui Yu has heard the name of the thief, he does not remember it well.

So it was Lao Bian who answered: "Qinchuan. Qin in the Qin Dynasty, and Chuan in Sichuan."

Cheng Yu nodded, called up the mind-reading technique on the light screen in his mind, and filled in the word Qinchuan in the last blank.

Under normal circumstances, when using mind reading, Cheng Yu would have to face that person. At least he would have to outline the basic image of that person in his mind. But now Cheng Yu is obviously interested in the little man named Qin Chuan.

The thief knew nothing and had no idea what he looked like. But in order to confirm the vague suspicion in his heart, Cheng Yu didn't mind wasting his last chance to read minds.

Luck seemed to be on Cheng Yu's side this time.

Just when Cheng Yu filled in Qin Chuan's name in the last space and pressed the OK button, he immediately heard the inner thoughts of the "Cheng Fu" in front of him.

"I'm not Cheng Fu, why do you keep calling me Cheng Fu? I seem to have heard the name Cheng Fu somewhere. I am Qin Chuan. I want to make a complaint. I should have been released two days ago. I

It’s just a month’s detention, which expired two days ago. Why haven’t you let me go yet? And what exactly did you do to me? Why do I want to speak but can’t? I don’t want to lie here either.

Ah, what do you mean by sticking so many threads on my body? I want to get out of bed, but why can’t I move my hands and feet? What kind of bad food is this? I don’t want to eat anymore. I want to go out for a snack.

Lobster or pickled fish or something. But why can’t I control my hands? Damn it, don’t eat it, eh..."

Cheng Yu looked at the "Cheng Fu" who thought he was Qin Chuan and stuffed another spoon full of food into his mouth. His mouth began to chew involuntarily, but he was still chattering in his heart.

Got it, totally got it.

At this moment, of course, Cheng Yu completely understood that the person in front of him who looked like Cheng Fu was actually no longer him. It was the little thief Qin who was once locked up in the same cell as him.


This was a very surprising discovery, but Cheng Yu could not tell anyone about his discovery.

With the current technological level of the earth, no one would believe in soul exchange.

Of course, there is no exchange of souls between Cheng Fu and Qin Chuan.

Although Cheng Yu only possesses a large amount of knowledge in his mind that far exceeds the medical level of earth's technological level when he uses "medical skills", just like after using martial arts many times, Cheng Yu will find that he actually has some basic knowledge of martial arts.

Cognition. For example, when he sees someone's shoulders rising and falling, he can predict what action the other person will make next. And when encountering some emergencies, he will also act because of muscle memory.

Some actions that he would never be able to do in the past, etc.

Even though Cheng Yu had only used medical skills twice, once at an intermediate level and once at an advanced level, the knowledge that built a complete medical system that was far ahead of the medical level on earth was still left in his brain.

Some marks. This kind of mark is very vague, and Cheng Yu often knows it but doesn't know why. Seeing some kind of event or state that is beyond the current medical level, Cheng Yu has been able to understand why that state exists without being surprised, but he

But I don't know how to achieve this state.

That's why when he was about to leave, an idea flashed in his mind, and that's why he risked using mind-reading skills.

Therefore, Cheng Yu can accurately understand that what happened to the current "Cheng Fu" is not the so-called soul exchange. At least in that civilization that is ahead of the earth for who knows how many years, there is no such thing as a soul.

kind of statement.

In that civilization system, any living thing was regarded as a combination of two substances.

One is a load-bearing object, placed on humans or various animals, which is called a body or body.

The other type is the consciousness program.

Yes, in that civilization system, they believe that not only humans or other intelligent creatures have consciousness, but also plants, including flowers, trees, and single-celled creatures, all have consciousness.

Like the current civilization on earth, in the beginning, the leading civilization system also explored the emergence of consciousness for many years, and they did not know whether to define consciousness as a substance.

To put it bluntly, these are the three ultimate philosophical questions: who am I, where do I come from, and where am I going?

But as that civilization system becomes more and more civilized, as they can even cover programming in all fields, when genetic technology and cell technology have achieved great breakthroughs, humans can already use programming methods

After changing one's own cell nucleus and even genes, consciousness is also regarded as a product of programming.

Once consciousness is considered to be a program, many problems will be easily solved.

Of course, that first requires civilization to have reached the level where it can program cell nuclei and genes.

The reason why Cheng Yu was able to cure Cheng Qingsong's Alzheimer's disease was precisely because the operation was actually a program for some of his brain cells. Cheng Yu reprogrammed it, and the new nuclear program covered the previous ones.

The program, while curing Cheng Qingsong, also made the memory of Cheng Qingsong's illness disappear. It was like a document that originally had a large amount of dense text, and someone modified one of the sections. The original

That text was deleted and replaced with new text.

Cell nuclei can be reprogrammed, and so can genes.

What's more, those people who regard genetic technology as the future of civilization believe that consciousness is also a part of genes. The inheritance of any living thing is essentially the inheritance of genes, and if genes can be changed, inheritance will naturally be

can be changed.

The geneticists began to focus on changing consciousness, and they did it.

Originally, there is no right or wrong in gene modification. It is just a medical method. Although it may cause a big difference in the genetic matching between the son and the father. The genetic similarity that originally exceeds four nines will be different due to

greatly reduced by genetic modification.

They even went so far as to make a father and son genetically completely different.

This was the origin of the rift between genetic technology and cell technology. Over the long years, some people began to question that the development of genetic technology had gone against human nature, and they had moral doubts about genetic technology. Genes are the foundation of biological inheritance.

But when genes can be modified, the genes between the two generations can be different, which violates the meaning of inheritance.

What's more, since genes can be modified, they can be copied. Although this made the human beings of that civilization almost perfect at the genetic level for a period of time, some people began to try to achieve it through genetic technology. Eternal life for individuals.

One person's genes are perfectly copied to another person, and then their consciousness is programmed. From genes to memory to consciousness, a young person becomes a completely different person, a person who is about to The dead old man. The rich old man gained a young body and his life can continue. This is a more serious ethical and moral issue than cloning.

Even in the existence of civilization far higher than the earth, ethics and morality are still the bottom line of human beings.

Therefore, that civilization finally decided to completely ban the continued development of genetic technology.

But how can this prohibit the existence of those who want to obtain eternal life? Although these people are only a very small minority, they possess great wealth and technological strength. Under the surface, genetic technology is still Stealth development.

Initially, gene coverage and consciousness coverage surgeries were associated with great risks, not only during the surgery, but also after the surgery. The risks during the surgery may be addressed through longer experiments and technical improvements. This can be avoided, but the risks after surgery will always exist.

When the young man's genes and consciousness are all covered, he and the old body are actually the same person living at the same time. The only difference between them is that one has a healthy body, while the other is facing final organ failure ( Yes, even if cell technology has developed to that extent, it cannot completely prevent cell failure, it can only delay it. In that civilization, human life spans lasted for hundreds or even thousands of years, but in the end it was impossible to escape complete cell failure. and eventually died).

But the moment the operation is completed, these two bodies, which are supposed to be the same person, will have different thoughts. It is like two people walking on the same road who choose different paths after encountering a fork. The direction, they started to be different from this moment. Even if the old body knew that the new body would live on his behalf, he would still have the human instinct to hope that he would survive, not the young body. There is a conflict between reason and instinct, so I originally decided to find a young man to cover my genes and consciousness, but when everything is finally completed, some people will regret it.

These regretful people kill their younger selves, but after watching the other person die, these people often enter another period of regret.

Although this made them realize that banning genetic technology may be the right decision, human beings' instinct to survive and want immortality and even immortality will never be eliminated.

Of course, this can be circumvented by means, such as requiring the doctor to cover the genes and consciousness before undergoing surgery and then kill the body, but this is not a perfect solution after all.

Of course, they were not willing to give up, but made further improvements. In the end, they did succeed. While covering the genes, they could also cover the opponent's genes onto the body at the same time, while modifying the opponent's consciousness program. At the same time, the consciousness program of the ontology is also modified.

In other words, the gene faction finally achieved a complete exchange from genes to consciousness. The elderly rich people can write their genes and consciousness into the body composed of young cells, and at the same time, the poor young people can also write their genes and consciousness into the body.

Genes and consciousness are written into his body, whose cells have completely aged, thus achieving a complete body replacement.

After such an operation is completed, the body will no longer be in conflict. Even if they try to die with the person whose body has been swapped with them, their old and incompetent bodies will find it difficult to do so. This is different from killing "themselves"

"Self", it is difficult for the young "self" to realize that the old "self" will actually try to kill "self" after the operation is successful. In the past, those young "selves" were often killed because of nothing.

Be prepared.



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