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Chapter 775 Global Manhunt (Part 2)

Xiao Nie seemed completely unaware of Cheng Yu's melancholy.

He unscrewed the drink bottle and took a big sip, then clicked on a new web page and started searching item by item.

Cheng Yu sat next to him, feeling very embarrassed, but he didn't know what Xiao Nie was looking for and didn't dare to disturb him.

After a while, Xiao Nie seemed to realize that Cheng Yu was still sitting here, and asked a little strangely: "Mr. Cheng, why are you still sitting here? You should take a rest. I will notify you as soon as there is any news.


Cheng Yu was stunned and pointed at the computer screen: "Aren't you checking now?"

Xiao Nie was also stunned for a moment, then laughed. He turned the laptop around, with the front screen facing Cheng Yu, and said, "I'm not checking anything, I'm just reading posts on the technology forum."

"Ah?" Cheng Yu really couldn't connect with Xiao Nie's brain circuit, and he thought, "I'm very anxious here, can't you see? Or maybe you think you have found out that Qin Chuan left Wu Dong, so you have no intention of investigating anymore."

? But that’s not right. If Xiao Nie felt that there was no need to investigate further, he would probably say goodbye and leave instead of staying here and continuing to participate in the forum. What’s more, he himself said that he would notify you if there is any news...

Xiao Nie seemed to realize Cheng Yu's train of thought and explained: "To find someone, unless the range of that person's haunts has been determined, whether it is Wu Dong or Wuhan, which is more than twice as big as Wu Dong,

It’s impossible for me to call all the city’s surveillance cameras to find that person.”

"That's true, even if you can call on the city's surveillance cameras, we don't have that many pairs of eyes to watch."

Xiao Nie nodded, simply pushed the laptop away, and said: "Actually, Mr. Cheng, please explain this to me. I don't need to follow you back to do it. But this is different from invading a certain network. Looking for someone to do this

Planting things requires luck and time. It involves casting a wide net and then waiting for the harvest."

Next, Xiao Nie gave Cheng Yu a good introduction to why he said he could locate a person faster than the police and how he did it.

Only then did Cheng Yu realize that he had been making mistakes all along. Cheng Yu thought that asking Xiao Nie to help find someone would be like in movies and TV shows, where hackers bang on the computer and then call a lot of messy files, the entire screen

Different pictures keep appearing on the screen like running water, and finally the trace of a certain person is locked.

But in fact, what Xiao Nie relies on to find people is not network technology, but people who have similar network skills to him.

These people often work for various large companies or certain functional departments. Whether they work for large companies or functional departments, they are in charge of the most technically core data in the unit. Those outside people cannot ask for.

When the data does not involve the confidentiality of the company or functional departments, it is just a matter of private exchange. These people can play an extremely short-term and quick role. Once they work together to assist, they are often faster than the police investigation.

Because all these data that require complicated procedures to view are readily available to them.

Of course, there is a lack of legal procedures in this process, but since the information disclosed in every step will not harm the company or department they work for, no one will care about it, and no one will hold anyone accountable afterwards.

So in fact, Xiao Nie helping Cheng Yu search for Qin Chuan was not as intense as Cheng Yu imagined. On the contrary, it was a very relaxed matter. He only needed to find friends in the police to confirm the basic information of the person, and then find friends related to traffic.

Find the person's route of action, finally confirm the person's city and destination, narrow down the area bit by bit, and finally locate the person's location.

Each link is very simple, but each link can only be continued after the feedback from the previous link is given. At the same time, the details become more and more detailed and more luck is needed. Time is actually the entire process of finding people.

the most indispensable condition.

"If that's the case, then why are you still staying here with me? You can do it when you go back to the company, right? Anyway, after you find the person, just send me the news."

Xiao Nie scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a playful smile: "I just happened to be lazy. Mr. Cheng, you don't know that Lao Gao is really crazy. In the past six months, our company has more work than one

Times, but he only added three people to my technical department. Moreover, our company is engaged in research and development. To put it bluntly, the most important output department is my department. Let me not mention the serious shortage of manpower.

Even if I recruit a group of people, the running-in with the old team will only take at least half a year. He is very happy that the business volume has increased, and the profits are rolling in. Of course, he is not stingy, and gives us

The bonus is indeed very enjoyable. But the problem is that our energy is limited. He is also a technical person with so many jobs, doesn’t he know that he is simply too busy to do it? "

Cheng Yu frowned slightly and said: "This is really a boss thing, and I can't treat you like donkeys just to make money. But you actually still have time to fish with me, so aren't you afraid that the final task will not be completed?"

Xiao Nie sighed and said bitterly: "You are engaged in finance, and you are Party A when it comes to investment. How do you know the suffering of Party B? Actually, let me be honest, although the current business volume has increased

It's very fast, but if Party A can be a little normal, we can still eat it.

Many products look like completely different things, but the core programs are the same.

For example, someone wants a smart speaker. This speaker must have playback functions, radio functions, and intelligent voice dialogue functions. It also needs this speaker to be able to control other household appliances, infrared, Bluetooth, etc. It seems that this is a brand new product.

It's a gadget, but in fact, it's nothing more than adding a radio module to an ordinary Bluetooth speaker, getting a speech recognition hardware, and adding infrared learning. After integrating all of this, you'll get the final product.

Whether it's a Bluetooth speaker or a radio or a speech recognition or infrared learning, all these programs are ready-made. All we have to do is to write collaboration programs so that these functions can complement each other. Today's programmers are also

It's modular, and not all functions need to be written now.

But the problem is that Party A is a master. They don’t tell you how to achieve the functions they need. Instead, they talk to you about their concepts and the current market, and then they don’t care what the product you make looks like.

They will all feel that there are problems everywhere. Then they will call you back and tell you about the concept market all over again.

Believe it or not? I have encountered the most unscrupulous customer. We have made a dozen versions of the plan for him. Of course, they are essentially just a different way of stacking various programs. In the end, this grandson

After rejecting more than a dozen versions, we settled on the roughest version of our first version.

Of course, the most unscrupulous person is Lao Gao. I have told him a long time ago, Party A, if you stand up from the front, we will come up with a plan, and then you recruit two people who are only responsible for getting scolded to communicate with Party A. They

They were scolded, and then the plan was rejected. We changed the shell and continued to give it to the customer, but they continued to be dismissed. After they were scolded a few times, the customer was satisfied and naturally recognized our solution.

As for the two people who were scolded, they have no other requirements. They only need to be young and beautiful and be able to act coquettishly. It doesn’t matter if they are illiterate. Anyway, the salary they receive is the money they get scolded..."

"Isn't that customer service?" Cheng Yu couldn't help but laugh.

"Absolutely, but the customer service staff don't need to be good-looking. It's better for us who are responsible for being scolded to be good-looking, so that customers will feel pity for you and won't be able to stop scolding you."

Cheng Yu suppressed his laughter and asked, "Lao Gao doesn't agree?"

"He thought I was talking too much and didn't take it seriously. He said it was a talk show joke and not serious work advice. Damn it, at that time I almost quit my job and started talking about talk shows, you know? Now I talk about it.

How popular the show is."

Cheng Yu continued to hold back his smile and asked, "Then why didn't you go?"

"Later I found out that although talk shows are quite popular now, most people who talk shows only get a few thousand or ten thousand yuan a month. For example, the most popular talk shows in China only earn about

That Mongolian bald man really made money, others can earn hundreds of thousands a year, just like Amitabha. Talk shows don’t make money, only variety shows make money. I think it’s more stable here with Lao Gao.

I gave up that idea.”

While they were chatting, a dialog box flashed on the computer screen. Xiao Nie clicked on the dialog box without any delay while chatting.

"I found out. After the kid arrived in Wuhan, he found a car rental company and rented a car. I asked why there was no information about his hotel check-in or transfer. It turned out that he drove himself."

Xiao Nie let Cheng Yu take a look at the computer screen, then clicked on a new WeChat avatar, and then quickly added a few people to form a new small group, and put Qin Chuan, who is also Cheng Fu, in

I sent the Wuhan car rental information and asked people in the group to help check the car’s driving route.

The group was quiet, and no one paid any attention to Xiao Nie, which made Cheng Yu a little confused.

"These people don't reply to you either? Besides, they just told you the car rental information, and you didn't thank them either."

"If we don't do that with each other, we are all very busy, and we don't have time to say those polite words. If we have this time, we might as well type two more lines of code. Don't worry, they have definitely seen my message.

They will tell me when they find out."

Cheng Yu nodded silently, thinking that the communication between these technical nerds is probably the most trouble-free way in the world. The cost of communication is almost zero. If you don't speak, speaking will definitely be effective information. This is somewhat like programmers writing programs.

Similar, written in the most concise language, without any nonsense.

The dialog box suddenly flashed. After Xiao Nie clicked on it and looked at it, he said: "I rented the car yesterday afternoon. Then I went directly to the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, and then got off the HY City exit of the Xu-Guang Expressway. I got on again this morning.

high speed……"

While talking, Cheng Yu saw someone posted a map in the dialog box. Xiao Nie clicked on it and said, "He entered Fangcheng Port at three o'clock in the afternoon. I will go to the bulletin board and ask if there is Fangcheng Port.

Someone can help..."

Cheng Yu saw the dialog box that previously informed him of the car rental information flashing again, and reminded Xiao Nie to check it.

After reading it, Xiao Nie said: "This guy just submitted an application to return the car. The address is in a county below Fangchenggang. It seems that he is nearby now."

Cheng Yu frowned, why did Cheng Fu go to Fangchenggang?

This chapter has been completed!
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