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Chapter 777: Fangchenggang again

Xiao Nie then sent another message.

"Although the direct distance from the location of the base station to the town is only more than ten kilometers, I checked the map and found that the shortest route to reach the coverage area of ​​the base station is more than forty kilometers, unless you go directly over the mountain. That place is a village where the Yao people gather. It doesn’t have much contact with the outside world. Even the Internet is rarely used. The mobile phone base station was only built two years ago. After it was built, the utilization rate was quite low. It seems that that People in the village rarely use mobile phones. It is precisely for this reason that it was easy to find out that Qin Chuan had made a call there. That is all that has been found so far."

Cheng Yu replied "Thank you" and lowered his head in thought.

A village, or a village with little contact with the outside world. It is so detailed that it can almost be concluded that Cheng Fu's goal is this village. He has taken great pains along the way, first taking the high-speed rail, then driving by himself, and finally taking a detour before finally finally Going to his destination, it was a pity that he met Cheng Yu, a person who had the system earlier than him. Otherwise, he had already changed his appearance and acted so carefully that it would be almost impossible for anyone to discover him. trace.

However, after Cheng Fu finally escaped from prison, what was he doing in a small village in the southwest border that could be called isolated from the world?

Looking at the point on the map on his mobile phone, Cheng Yu couldn't find any new attributes of this place except that it was close to the national border and could easily be smuggled into Vietnam. But if Cheng Fu was trying to smuggle people out of the country, he would be even more worried. You should go to the port area or the Dongxing county-level city connected to Vietnam by land, which is directly adjacent to Mong Cai City in Vietnam. There is even a China-Vietnam Friendship Park and a cross-border economic cooperation zone on the national border. Instead of turning back and running north. Go to a small village in Shangsi County.

Why did he go to this village?

There seems to be only one reason, and that is to find someone.

If this is the case, it further proves that Cheng Fu is completing the system tasks.

The online ride-hailing car seemed to have encountered an emergency. The driver slammed on the brakes and cursed in a low voice, as if an electric car suddenly crossed the road.

Cheng Yu, who was sitting in the back seat, also rushed forward and looked out the window at the delivery rider crossing the road. The rider in yellow was riding the bike while holding up his mobile phone. He was obviously talking to a customer or store owner. I didn't realize that I was crossing the road at an absolutely inappropriate position.

"You have to watch the road even more when you are on the phone!" The driver angrily lowered the window and shouted at the delivery rider.

Yes, on the phone, Cheng Yu seemed to realize something.

Cheng Fu made a call near the only base station that could cover that village, which meant that he had someone he needed to contact. And his route to this village, although it was obvious that he had the intention of deliberately complicating the route, did not reach Wuhan Fortunately, he chose to rent a car almost as soon as he got off the train and continued on. However, he got off the expressway on the way and rested there for one night. At that time, Cheng Yu felt that this rest seemed a bit doubtful, but he didn't think about it deeply. Now I suddenly realized that Master Cheng's choice of resting place was probably not a random choice, but a purposeful choice.

Opening WeChat, Cheng Yu sent another message to Xiao Nie: Xiao Nie, please help me check whether Qin Chuan's phone has any call records at the place where he stopped overnight during his self-driving trip.

Xiao Nie replied: Okay, I’ll check it right now.

The online taxi slowly stopped in front of the hotel. The driver turned around and whispered: "Sir, we have arrived at the place you designated."

Cheng Yu came back from his deep thoughts, thanked him, and after getting off the car, he stood at the door of the hotel and continued to think.

Perhaps the standing time was a bit long, and this hotel was obviously not a particularly lively one. The security guard on duty at the hotel door looked at Cheng Yu a little strange, so he came over and asked kindly: "Hello, sir, do you want to go there?"

Are you checking in or waiting for friends?”

Cheng Yu then gathered his thoughts and thought to let it go for a while. At the moment, it was more important to deal with Mr. Xue's cooperation first.

"Oh, I'm here to meet a friend. I was a little lost in my thoughts just now." As he spoke, Cheng Yu made a call to Mr. Xue.

Mr. Xue had probably been staring at his phone waiting for Cheng Yu's call, and he answered it as soon as the phone rang.

"Mr. Cheng, do you have time to come over now?"

"Oh, I've already arrived at the hotel door. Do you think I should go to your room to talk, or you should come down and we find a place to talk?"

"Are you here already? I'll come down right away, come down right away."

Two minutes later, Mr. Xue appeared in the hotel lobby and welcomed Cheng Yu in.

Following Mr. Xue upstairs, Cheng Yu didn't notice anyone else in the room.

"Mr. Xue came alone this time?" Cheng Yu sat down with a smile, and Mr. Xue brought him a bottle of mineral water.

Mr. Xue rubbed his hands gently, seeming a little excited and a little nervous. After he sat down opposite Cheng Yu, he said, "I'm really sorry. Mr. Cheng is so busy that I have to meet you today. That's it.

Come on, our cooperation with you involves our company's subsequent financing and many other matters. The capital has been in contact with us for a long time. Now that I have new sources of supply, I will definitely have to re-evaluate it, so it is not a matter of delay. Chapter 2

Second, I have to go on a long trip tomorrow. The return time is not yet certain, but it will take at least a week. If we don’t confirm our intention to cooperate with Mr. Cheng today, my company’s accountant will not be able to renegotiate with the employer.

.So please forgive me for being so anxious."

Cheng Yu smiled and thought that was the case. No wonder Mr. Xue was so anxious.

"Mr. Xue said on the phone before that the cooperation method will definitely satisfy me, so Mr. Xue might as well get straight to the point."

Mr. Xue adjusted his glasses, took a sip of the tea he had brewed on the table, and said: "Actually Mr. Xue also revealed a little to me. He said that Mr. Cheng, you are not short of cash flow, so you can just buy and sell to make money."

You may not be interested in the price difference. Especially since the owner of the goods over there is your classmate, and you don't want to lower his price, so if you buy and sell one at a time, you may not make much of the price difference.

This is what I think. This batch of diamonds in your classmate's hands, especially the high-end products, I can't wait to eat them all immediately.

But firstly, I can’t let you work in vain. Secondly, almost all of our company’s next plans are to serve the expansion of the market. Although we are about to raise funds, it is very likely that the valuation of this batch of goods provided by you, Mr. Cheng, will be different.

We have moved up a level, but funds are still a little tight.

Vice President Rao briefly described the batch of goods to me. He and Xiao Wei roughly estimated the price of the diamonds. According to the current market conditions, the total value must be more than 300 million. If you really ask me to come up with 300 million yuan,

100 million to pay for the goods, follow-up design, etc. If I can't guarantee the payment, I will have to spend 1 billion. To be honest, it is really difficult.

So I thought, Mr. Cheng, if you can take advantage of this batch of diamonds first, we will provide a strict market valuation to first protect the interests of both you and your classmates. Then, you will hand over this batch of diamonds to our company to commission the design.

And sales, we will share according to the final sales.

Let me first declare that apart from the necessary design and production, sales channels, etc. costs, our company can give up all profits on this batch of diamonds to ensure that you, Mr. Cheng, maximize your profits on this batch of diamonds."

Cheng Yu was stunned when he heard this, and thought to himself, isn't this the best plan that Xue Changyun and I have discussed? I originally thought that even if Mr.

, it can't be so smooth, it will always need to go through a period of tug-of-war. But I didn't expect that he would actually propose such a plan.

"Oh? In this case, doesn't your company let me make all the gains?" Cheng Yu remained calm and did not immediately agree with joy.

Mr. Xue made a slightly bitter face and said: "Mr. Cheng, if we don't talk secretly, please don't belittle me. I can indeed give away all the profits from this batch of diamonds. After all, with that batch of high-end goods

The market prospects brought by this are at least enough for our company to support the high-end market for several years, so that we have enough time to find new sources of goods.

And I just said that with this batch of diamonds, our company's valuation will definitely be higher, and the final financing funds will be more. Our company is the one that takes advantage of the increase in financing.

One side.

To be honest, if it were anyone else, in the face of our company's current urgent need for expansion, they would definitely ask to become an investor, but this is something I can never agree to, Mr. Cheng. As you know, I have already

I have been in contact with many employers. If we add another shareholder temporarily, they will certainly not dare to challenge Mr. Cheng, but they will definitely be very dissatisfied with our company.

Therefore, this plan is a win-win strategy in my opinion. You maximize profits, and I take away the market valuation.”

Cheng Yu thought to himself that Mr. Xue was a candid gentleman, without any pretense, and the cooperation method that Cheng Yu and Xue Changyun hoped to achieve was nothing more than this. In this case, there was no need to delay it, and it was a quick decision.

, both parties are satisfied.

"Then let's do it according to Mr. Xue's wishes. The details of the cooperation will be determined by Mr. Xue. We can basically finalize this matter today. Mr. Xue will not worry about any problems with my verbal intention.


Mr. Xue hurriedly shook his hands and said: "No, no, as long as Mr. Cheng agrees, I absolutely believe that you will not change your mind. Ouch, great, let me be honest, although I don't think you have any reason for this cooperation plan, Mr. Cheng."

I'm not satisfied, but I gave it a sigh of relief before I got your approval. Now I'm finally at ease. Please wait a moment. I'll call the company back and tell them that we have reached a cooperation intention.

Let them proceed step by step to the next step.”

Cheng Yu nodded slightly. Mr. Xue went into the back room to make a phone call. Cheng Yu picked up the bottle of mineral water and unscrewed the cap and took a sip.

There was a tablet on the coffee table. When Cheng Yu finished drinking the water and put the bottle back, he accidentally spilled some water on it, so he picked up a napkin and wiped it gently.

The tablet screen lit up, and Cheng Yu unlocked it directly as soon as he wiped it. It seemed that the tablet did not have a lock screen password set.

It was purely an accidental glance. Cheng Yu saw a map APP on the tablet. It was enlarged to a very detailed part. The left side of the map showed the words Sino-Vietnam Friendship Park, and the right side showed the words Cross-Border Economic Cooperation Zone.

Oh? FCG City?

Is it such a coincidence? This is where Mr. Xue will go on a business trip tomorrow?

Cheng Yu heard a ding in his head. Of course, no golden number appeared, because this obviously triggered a mission.

This chapter has been completed!
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