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Chapter 793 Exposed

Although the system did not answer, Cheng Yu already had an answer in his mind.

It seems that I really think that the system is too kind. The task that the system issued to me is obviously hoping that I can narrow down the secret hidden in the queen crown, and then take away a queen worth at most several million.

Xue Zhenghao handed the crown to Xue Zhenghao, and Xue Zhenghao has not been able to keep the crown for himself, so he is almost destined to donate the crown to a museum...

Speaking of which, Xue Zhenghao is a little unfair.

It is impossible for Cheng Yu to buy this crown in person, and Cheng Fu probably won't compete with Xue Zhenghao at the auction. He doesn't have that much money. With his current status as Qin Chuan, he can scrape together five thousand yuan to enter.

The auction venue is not easy. So Xue Zhenghao basically had no choice but to take the photo of the crown by himself.

Then Mr. Cheng, who refused to rob him in the auction venue, would rob him after he left the auction. If Cheng Yu hadn't been involved in this matter, Xue Zhenghao would have been destined to become a big fat sheep. If

He was not willing to be robbed, and might lose his life and property and end up dead on the streets of Vietnam.

Of course, since Cheng Yu has been involved in this matter, it is impossible for Cheng Fu to succeed. If you are lucky, Cheng Yu will find the opportunity to intervene when Cheng Fu first takes action, and then naturally show off his power.

Cheng Fu and others tried their best to save Xue Zhenghao from fire and water. But more realistically, for Cheng Yu, the way to maximize profits is to watch Cheng Fu succeed, but he must ensure that he will not kill Xue Zhenghao on the spot. Then Cheng Yu

Then take advantage of Cheng Fu's unpreparedness, catch them all, get the crown, decipher the secret, rescue Xue Zhenghao and hand over the useless crown to Xue Zhenghao...

The most terrifying thing is that unless Cheng Yu is sure to kill Cheng Fufu on the spot as soon as he takes action, Cheng Yu can really only wait for Cheng Fu to snatch Xue Zhenghao away before taking action. After all, Cheng Yu still has

He has his own goal, which is to kill Cheng Fu.

But the problem is that even if Cheng Yu is sure to kill Cheng Fu when he first takes action, Cheng Yu cannot kill in front of Xue Zhenghao. This would be too easy to expose his special abilities.

Only now did Cheng Yu see the real difficulty of this mission.

Xue Zhenghao was quite unjust, but how could Cheng Yu not be unjust? In the past, no matter what happened, Cheng Yu would only need to silence the target of the task afterwards.

Speaking of which, this is also the fault of Cheng Yu's predecessor. If the grandson had completed this task, wouldn't he not have so many things to worry about now?

But having said that, if the predecessor had completed his mission and he was still alive and healthy with the Shenhu system, Cheng Yuke would really have died of brain cancer.

For a moment, Cheng Yu didn't know whether to blame his predecessor or thank him.

Let's not think about that for now, let's first learn more about the situation with the old man in front of us.

When Cheng Yu saw the old man holding up a shallow bowl, he also picked it up, saluted the old man, took a big sip, and asked: "Well, since the phoenix crown...that is, the sacred object you mentioned has disappeared, what do you mean?

Why did the three people who came last night enter the village? It’s just that they heard from the outside that there were treasures in your village and came here on their own. But since they were brought by people in your village, they naturally came here.

Knowing that the sacred object has long since disappeared, isn't their effort in vain?"

The old man let out a long sigh and waved to the old lady. The old lady got up and helped the old man get a pipe.

Lighting a pot of cigarettes, the old man took a deep breath, and then said: "Forget it, since we have talked about this, I think you are not on the same path as those people, so I told them all

You got it." As he spoke, blue smoke overflowed from the corners of the old man's wrinkled mouth, gradually covering the old man's face.

"The sacred object has disappeared, but the base of the sacred object is still enshrined in the ancestral hall. The base and the sacred object are from the same era, and they also came from the palace. Although of these two things, the phoenix crown is definitely more valuable, but the base is also

Can it be considered an antique? It’s worth some money. The main body of the base is made of huanghuali, withered by Su Gong, and a fence is made of agarwood around it..."

The old man gestured with his hands about the size of the base, which was about forty centimeters in diameter. Then he roughly gestured and told Cheng Yu what the base looked like.

Cheng Yu actually roughly understood it, but the old lady got up again with a smile, went back to the back room, and soon came out carrying an object that looked more like a deep dish at first glance.

Cheng Yu understood that this should be the base of the crown, but he didn't expect that this thing was not placed in the ancestral hall, but kept in the old man's home.

Seeing that the old lady actually took out the base, the old man seemed a little dissatisfied. He glanced sideways at the old lady and his lips trembled slightly, but in the end he did not say any words of complaint.

The base was placed in front of Cheng Yu. It was indeed about forty centimeters in diameter. The thickness of the base was about four centimeters. There were six short legs underneath, all in the shape of flowing clouds. Although it was hundreds of years ago

Cheng Yu didn't know much about the art of carving, but at a glance, he could still feel that the carving work on the base was extremely delicate and exquisite.

On the base of the disk, around the circular disk, eighteen short columns are set in like a fence, and the exposed part of the disk is about five centimeters. The eighteen short columns have nine shapes in total, respectively.

Different animal heads were carved on the carvings. Cheng Yu looked carefully and saw that these eighteen short pillars with animal heads corresponded to each other in pairs. They were a pair facing each other. They were horse, unicorn, deer, turtle, elephant, tiger, brave and ox.

The materials and bases of short columns are obviously quite different from those of cranes. They are probably the huanghuali and agarwood that the old man mentioned.

In the center of the disk's surface, a lifelike phoenix was carved using intaglio techniques. Even though hundreds of years had passed, Cheng Yu could still feel the phoenix spreading its wings and ready to fly.

Cheng Yu didn't know what the phoenix crown looked like, but the base itself was considered a work of art. According to the old man, the base was made of huanghuali, and the eighteen short columns were made of agarwood. The material itself

, it is already worth a lot of money. If you add in the carvings, each of the eighteen short columns is a work of art, and the base is even more so. Hundreds of years of sedimentation and patina have made the base even more tarnished.

There was a layer of dull brilliance.

Cheng Yu, who didn't have a deep understanding of antiques and works of art, saw this base and estimated that the base alone would be worth several million.

"I now understand why you were so wary of me when you saw me just now. Indeed, this base alone is enough to make people covet me."

The old man glanced at Cheng Yu and seemed very satisfied with Cheng Yu's gesture of not showing any intention of taking it for himself. A person can make many disguises, but his eyes cannot deceive others. Although the old man has lived almost all his life

In this big mountain, after all, with more than seventy years of life experience, what kind of greedy person has not been seen?

"You do seem to be different from them." The old man sighed and took another puff of cigarette, with a slightly guilty expression on his face. "This thing has been passed down to our tribe for five hundred years, but I didn't expect it.

If it is left in my hands, I, the Barbarian, will be ashamed of my ancestors!"

Seeing two tears welling up from the corners of the eyes of the old man named Ji Manzi, Cheng Yu was also quite moved. He could see that the old man was really sad, and he couldn't help but feel like giving up on this mission.


It's not that he doesn't want to go to Vietnam to get the phoenix crown, but he doesn't want to give the crown to Xue Zhenghao, but wants to return it to the waning old man.

This old man, who has had no regrets in his life and has no complaints about the world, probably his only wish in this life is to see the clan's sacred relics returned to the ancestral hall.

"Old man, do you really hope to find that phoenix crown one day?"

Ji Manzi nodded heavily and said: "It is said that I have found that phoenix crown again. If I can see that phoenix crown again in this life, it will be regarded as my life, Ji Manzi, has been successful. When the phoenix crown disappeared mysteriously, there was no lack of suspicion among the tribesmen.

I guarded theft. But this old woman and I had no children in our lives. After that, we never left this village for twelve years. Only then did those people gradually believe that it was not me. The tribesmen who trusted me all

They say that Empress Ji has a spirit in heaven and wants to take back the phoenix crown. But I never believe in this theory of ghosts and gods. Someone must have stolen the sacred object in some way that I can't see through. I am a sinner of the clan.

,cough cough..."

I don't know whether it was due to emotion or because he was choked by the dry smoke, but the old man coughed heavily.

The old lady quickly brought a glass of water to the old man, and the old man finally stopped coughing after taking two sips.

"Young man, I don't know your name yet."

Cheng Yu hesitated slightly. After all, his current appearance was after using the disguise technique. If he reported his real name, he might not be able to end it later.

"My surname is Zhong, and the bell next to the golden character is called Zhong Hua, which means the Chinese word for vastness." Zhong Hua is actually the name of the grandson of Uncle Wu, the old housekeeper of the Cheng family.

"You're not actually a photographer, are you?" Ji Manzi wiped away the two remaining tears from the corners of his eyes with his index finger and asked suddenly.

Cheng Yu was suddenly shocked, but quickly calmed down. He still underestimated the old man's wisdom. Probably the old man had seen through the lie from the beginning, so he had always been suspicious of him.

The old lady on the side was still looking at Cheng Yu with a smile. Of course she knew what her old man was talking about, but she didn't look panicked at all. Neither her body shape nor her expression had changed at all. It seemed that she had already

It turned out that Cheng Yu was not the photographer he said, but someone else took the picture. However, the old lady seemed to trust Cheng Yu more than the old man Ji Manzi, and she realized early on that Cheng Yu did not have any ill intentions.

Of course, the truth cannot be told. After all, Cheng Yu now looks like another person. If there is another meeting, even if Cheng Yu uses the disguise technique again, he will never look like he does today. And the reason why Cheng Yu uses it The art of disguise was not aimed at these two wise and friendly old people. He was just prepared to guard against the sudden appearance of Fu Cheng who had copied Qin Chuan during his contact with the old people. He could never do it without getting rid of him. Before losing Cheng Fu's confidence, let Cheng Fu confirm his identity.

"Now that you have seen it, I will tell you the truth. But please believe that I have no ill intentions towards you two, nor do I have any thoughts of taking advantage of you. I am indeed not a photographer, and I am indeed here for From this base. I heard that there will be an auction in Vietnam the day after tomorrow, at which your phoenix crown, which was lost twelve years ago, will be publicly auctioned. I came here just to know more about the phoenix crown. .It would be best if you can buy it. If I can’t buy it, I won’t force anyone to do so. As for the other three people you mentioned, I don’t know them. If you hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t even know that there were others first. I entered this village in one step."

This chapter has been completed!
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